Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lifestyles ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer : Don't own nothing.
Warnings: (later) 3x4, 1xR, 2xH, 5xMeiran, angst, drama, voilence
Notes: This is a fic idea that came to mind one day, just thought I would share it.Hope you enjoy.

It was morning. Quite early actually. It was 7 am. Quatre lie awake in his bed. He hadn't slept much. He turned on his side and looked out the window at the light blue sky and the thin clouds that passed by.

He heard the front door shut, which was Iria leaving for work. Hm, maybe he'd stay home. Iria wouldn't know. He'd bullshit his way if she asked what happened at school. But Iria would probably find out. He didn't care though actually.

He didn't want to walk either. He layed on his stomach and closed his eyes. Nobody could make him go. It's his choice. Yeah, he liked learning at times but with tutors. He just didn't want to go at all.

He grimiced at the thought of happy perky school students gathering together at lunch time, laughing and showing off. Maybe he was jealous...yeah, he guessed he was. He didn't care. He liked to be alone. Yeah...

He waited til it was about 9:30 am, and decided to get up. Going to the washroom and having a shower he came out. He didn't feel like having breakfast so he went back to his room.

Feeling rather bored he looked through his video games. Trying to decide which to play. Video games would help keep his mind off random problems he was thinking about and right now he had plenty. Hell, he was selfish... who cares... everyone has problems to deal with and he was dealing with his own.

Chooseing a video game, he put it in his system and began to play the game. But still he couldn't get things out of his head. All he could think of was the thought that eventually he would have to attend that school. He just, well, he just wasn't ready. He didn't understand really himself...

Withen a half hour Quatre was getting more fustrated. He couldn't concentrate. Thinking to himself, that id he couldn't concentrate on this, then how was he suppose to concentrate at school? He turned the game off and sighed.

Laying down, he bagan to pull his thoughts together."Why can't things be easy...?"he muttered to himself. He knew things weren't easy. Nothing was. He was afraid. Afraid of what other people would say if they found out he was gay.

He could imagine a perfect would in his mind. Everyone accepting, everyone happy...nobody saying anything bad. But it was, well, not to be.

Quatre peered over at the picture that sat on his desk of his family. He looked at his mother in the picture. He looked alot like her. He really missed her alot. Learning that his mom died in a fatal car accident, when he was four. When he asked what happened his father gave him a simple answer saying "she's dead". He never even got to know his mom..

He sighed again."I need to stop thinking so much." he muttered. He always seemed to put himself down. he always felt a sense of worthlessness. In front of his family he was always happy and content but inside he was feeling horrible, unhappy and he didn't even know what to do with himself.

But he couldn't help but think. He never liked talking about lots of things. Well of course there were exceptions. Nor did he have many people to talk to anyways. Except Iria.

He rubbed his eyes feeling a bit tired. Curling up on his side he soon drifted off to sleep. Letting dreams take over his mind. He rarely had dreams, rather nightmares.

The time passed quickly and late afternoon came along. Quatre was startled from his sleep when he heard a door slam from downstairs. He froze. He heard footsteps climbing the stairs and then down the hall towards his room."Quatre!" a voice called out from in the hall. Quatre didn't move."I know you're in there."

The door opened and Iria walked in, he expression seemed rather angry yet she had a calm tone in her voice."Quatre...why didn't you go to school this morning?"Quatre didn't move or speak."Tell me...please. I want to help and I can't help unless you tell me what's wrong." She sat down on the edge of the bed.

Quatre stayed on his side not planning on facing her."Go away." He said, his voice a bit muffled from the pillow. He knew she wouldn't leave unless he told her. So he sat up slowly and looked at her."I...didn't want to go."

"But why?"

Quatre looked away. Why he never went? Hm, he didn't really have a clear, exact answer. Rather to even say it."...I was afraid." He said barely in a whisper. He just wanted to disappear.

"Afraid, oh come now. There's nothing to be afraid of! I'm sure everything would of been fine. Why don't you give it a try? Look, tommorow I'll drive you to school. Alright? Please won't you go?" She had a even more worried look on her face.

Quatre sighed. Maybe she was right it couldn't be that bad. Even if anyone said anything to him, why would he care. People won't even know, right? He had to stop being like this."I'm sorry I did this Iria. I'll go tommorow. You're right. Thanks sis!" He gave her a hug and smiled.

"I'm glad you changed your mind. You're a very smart person Quatre and incredibly nice. There's no reason why you should be afraid to go to school. I'm sure everyone will be equally nice as everyone else."

Iria always had that charm in cheering him up. She was his favourite sister. he knew she was right, even if she wasn't, she still would, most likely, have a way of making everything turn out fine.


The next day came quickly. Quatre was awoken by his sister. It wasn't that he didn't want to go again, it was because Iria kept him up to watch a movie with her. She kept telling his she was sorry but Quatre laughed at her and said everything was fine.

"Quatre! My gosh! I'm sorry about that, you must be still tired!"She was in a mess going around the house, having slept in herself. She was in a hurry to get ready for work.

Quatre blinked and then laughed slightly at his sister."Iria! Calm down!" Quatre said to her as she rushed by."We're not late or anything."

Iria came back down the stairs running her hand through her wavey, tan hair. Quatre was ready and waiting for her there."We don't have time for breakfast. Here." She handed him some money from her purse.

Quatre tilted his head and didn't argue. he followed her out to the car, getting in. He saw his sister sigh and start the car.

She then drove off towards Quatre's school. She glanced at her brother."How you feeling?"

"Nervous..."muttred Quatre. He had a right to be nervous. He never really interacted with kids his own age. he didn't know really what to expect.

"Don't be. Just be yourself. You're a great person. Alright?"

great person... Quatre laughed at the thought. he didn't think of himself as a great person. He felt incredibly uneasy. he would only go for his sister. She just wanted to see him happy.

Withen a few minutes they arrived at the school. Quatre looked up and sighed. He watched all the students walk inside, some conversing amonst others outside. Well, this was it.


um.... any good?