Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lifestyles ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nuttin.
Warning: (later) 3x4, 1xR, 2xH, 5xMeiran, angst, drama, voilence
Note: Um... I've been computerless for the past 2 weeks and since my C drive needed to be replaced i lost everything..... I eman everything... website html codes... ALL OF MY FANFICS AND PICTURES.... i have to resave everything so if it seems like a long time before i update well this explains all....

Quatre sighed as he got out of the car. He hoisted the school bag over his shoulder and shut the car door. He said good bye to his sister and she drove off. Quatre watched her leave with a nervous look deep within his blue eyes.

He then began to walk towards the school, making sure to keep his head down. He didn't want to make eye contact with anyone. He knew where he was suppose to go... yet, he just didn't want to be there.

He walked into a classroom, looking around to see the teacher at his desk, he decided to walk over to him. Quatre cleared his throat to get the teachers attention."Excuse me...?" Quatre asked in a small voice.

The teacher looked up from his work and eyed the blonde boy. Quatre hated it when people stared."Who might you be?" He asked the nervous boy.

"Quatre Winner." He quickly replied in a small voice. He then bit his lower lip feeling discomfort just being there.

"Winner? Oh, yes. That's right. You were not here yesterday. You know it's not good to miss your first day of school, sort of gives you a bad first impression." First impression? Quatre frowned to himself. He didn't care. He'd be a out cast anyway. His own thoughts bothered him deeply and he just dispised everything around him when that happened. He felt a sense of fear, anger, and jealousy.

Quatre looked downwards to the floor. He took alot of comments seriously also and would tend to get depressed. He felt alot of negative feelings that he couldn't explain to ANYONE, not even to his sister which he was closest to."... I'm sorry." He felt he should contain his feelings and act his usual proper self.

"That's alright. Now, you know your classes? You have your schedule? I can get a student to show you around if you like."

Anything but that! Quatre had thought."... N-no th--" Quatre began to say but was inturupted when a student walked over to the desk. Quatre looked up at this boy and instantly he felt his cheeks go warm. He hoped to hell that he wasn't blushing. The boy was gorgeous. Utterly beautiful. To Quatre... he was perfect. More perfect then he thought he could NEVER get.

The boy had the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen. So, incredible, he couldn't help but stare. Wait, what was he saying he couldn't just stare he's probably think he's some freak! Or some physco stalker. God how embarrising. He tried to tear his eyes away from the boy but God... he was.... just so......Quatre soon snapped back to reality when he heard what the boy said, which made him even more shocked.

"I'll show him around if you want." He offered. Quatre went numb... totally numb... he froze.... well sort of he just couldn't believe this was happening ... he weas so nervous he felt sick... very sick... he just tried not to think about it but he just couldn't.

"Trowa?Hm, that's different. Well go ahead." The teacher nodded for permission.

Trowa walked towards the doorway with Quatre, which had been mutely silent the whole time. Once they were out into the hall Trowa turned to Quatre."So, what's your name?"

"Q-Quatre." Was Quatre's nervous reply.

"Oh yeah? Well, anything in particular you want to know about with this school?" Trowa asked leaning against the lockers.

" is important...or well whatever you think is important."Quatre couldn't even dare looking him in the eyes.

"'s not really that difficult to find your way around. But to be sure just stick with me and you should have no problem."

Quatre nodded and kept his head lowered as he held his books to his chest tightly."Thank you."

"You said your name was Quatre right? I'm you just move here or something?"Trowa asked with a shrug of his shoulders.

Quatre was silent. Why was he so intrested? He didn't want to tell some stranger about his life. He never wanted to tell anyone.Like it was even any of their business anyways. Quatre clutched the books even tighter and began to feel a little queezy. He felt sick. He began to breath heavily and nervouly. He bit his lip and closed his eyes.

Trowa eyed the boy addly. He rose an eyebrow."...Uh..hey? Are you ok, Quatre?"Just then a group of students approached them and nodded a hello to Trowa.

"Hey! Trowa, man, who's this?" The one with the braid asked which had a blue haired girl with a red barret hat on, hanging off his arms asked.

"Oh... This is Quatre... new here I guess, thought I'd show his around." Trowa shrugged.

"Cool!" Duo shook Quatre's shoulder slightly."I'm Duo and this here's my girl, Hilde."He turned to the rest that were there."This is Heero and his girl, Relena,"Duo stepped aside to where a boy with brown, messy hair stood and beside him was a girl, she had shoulder length blonde hair and light blue eyes."and this here is Wufei and his girl, Meiran." The last two were similar, they both had shining black hair and eyes they both looked to be chinese.

Quatre was feeling worse. He didn't want to talk to anyone, he didn't want to be near ANYONE. He was getting so he couldn't breath. His nerves were not very good at all. He was going tothrow up any minute."E-excuse me..." muttered Quatre pushing past them and down the hall in a hurry.

Students bumed into the small boy as the school's bell rang and the students were piling into their respective classes. Quatre was pushed into the wall roughly since he wasn't watching where he was going. His books fell to the floor but he kept walking and then started to run until he got to a washroom where he began to rid himself of his queezy stomach pain by throwing up. He was totally nervous.. scared... and felt utterly stupid.

He walked over to the sink and whipped his mouth. He glanced up in the mirror then walked over to the corner and slid down to the floor where he hid his face in his knees.

What was he doing...? What was he thinking...? (They probably hate me already...) Quatre was thinking to himself. "They must think I'm a loser..." Quatre muttered in a quiet sob."Why.... why am I so stupid...? So... so... pathetic..." He whipped his tearing eyes with his sweater sleeves and leaned his head against the wall closing his eyes and sighing heavily.

Suddenly a hand touched his shoulder gently which made Quatre jump a bit startled. He looked up into those same green lovely.

Quatre was speachless. Trowa was He just stared wide eyed at him.

"You dropped these," Trowa handed Quatre his books which he dropped in the hall."...and are you alright?"

Quatre nodded. He held the books on his lap and looked down at them."Thank you and yes I'm fine."

Trowa rubbed the back of his head as he stood up."Are... you sick or something?"Quatre never answered."... you can answer you know... I mean if you're not feeling well I can take you to the sick room to rest..." Trowa slid his hands in his jean pockets.

"No.. I'm fine..." Quatre replied."...Thank you anway." Quatre kept staring at the books. He pulled himself to his feet.

"So... what class you got? I can show you where your room would be. If you want to."

Quatre blinked and bit his lip. Why was he being so nice. Nobody would be this nice unless it was leading to a embarrising joke or some cheap trick to make him feel unwanted."...No... you go on ahead... I wouldn't want you to be late. I can find my own way, thank you."

Trowa shrugged."Your choice. Well... see ya." Trowa turned away and went to the door.

Quatre couldn't believe what he was about to do but he couldn't stop himself."Hey! Wait... please..." Quatre took his schedule from his binder."I got English"

Trowa turned back and looked at Quatre."Me also. Come on." Trowa slipped out of the washroom, followed quickly by Quatre.

Quatre snuck in a smile as he followed the most beautiful guy he had ever seen in his entire life. Maybe this wasn't so bad as long.... wait... nevermind... if anyone found out he was gay he would die and probably be tormented for the rest of his teen years at school. Anyways he didn't need friends. He couldn't stand being around too many people. What was he doing?

er... sorry would of been done sooner but I have been totalllllllly busy, I'm trying ym best to catch up!