Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lifestyles ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nuttin.
Warning: (later) 3x4, 1xR, 2xH, 5xMeiran, angst, drama, voilence
Note: *cheers* another hope it's not too dark... I was in a bad mood today and needed to write something like this... please don't kill me.......

It was dark. The only thing that lite the room was a small lamp that sat on the desk. Everythign was screwed. Quatre lay down on his bed stareing blankly at the ceiling. The whole world was screwed, full of social mishaps. What was the point of it all? Was there even a point at all...? Why did life have to be so difficult? He was just trying to live his life... was that so wrong? Many of these thoughts filled Quatres head. Most were negative. Angry. It was getting bad.

It was also getting late. The moon hung high in the sky, it's greish light poured in through the window and the slight breeze made the curtains flow inwards to the room. The whole house was quiet. He knew his siter and father must have went to sleep. They could be oh so clueless. Quatre laughed slightly to himself, but didn't know why. He was more miserable then he ever had been in his entire life. He took Trowa's 'so called kiss' as a joke. What else could it of been....

He touched the white rose that hung from his vase on his desk, that was in reach from the bed. It was like everything in this world. He touched the torns , pricking his finger. He pulled it away and stared at the small amount of blood that oozed out of his finger. He could do much more...

Who cared anyway? He wanted to kill himself. Yeah, so. Like it didn't run through any young, confused, teenagers mind. He didn't care. His life was meaningless. What else was there to enjoy? Sarcism from others, those who didn't care, those to tease, point and laugh. There was no way he could make any friends. He knew nobody could accept this. Noone would like the way he was. A dark, lonely, depresing, pointless, and stupid. This was all he could think of.

He remembered when he had gotten back, his sister asked how it was. He replied plainly by sayin fine. He then had to spend time with his sister and father. Being tortured to hell by his small talk of business and travel which Quatre dispissed listening too. it was all MONEY MONEY MONEY! God, any civilized person could think of something better to talk about... He didn't want to grow up and be like that. His father was pushing him for it. So, it made more things worse.

This was nonsense... what was he waiting for.... He wasn't afraid.... scared.... nothing.

He got up off the bed, went to the kitchen, grabed a knife from the drawer, and headed back upstairs sat down at the foot of the bed and stared at his bare wrists and the knife which was in one hand. He sighed shakily and held the knife tightly in one hand. He was shaking. He felt it's cold metal surface against his wrist, and soon felt it sink into his wrist. He grit his teeth as tears developed in the corners of his eyes. He looked down at his cut wrist, unable to see much since the tears blurred his vision. He then went for the other wrist, it was more difficult since his wrist was cut, but he did.

The knife fell to the floor and Quatre lay down on the bed. His arms lifeless to his sides as he stared back at that ceiling. He smiled slightly as he knew he would never have to worry again...


"Hey! Trowa! What happened to you last night? You weren't at the party long! What happened?"Duo asked at the lunch room table as he sat down with his tray.

"Oh... I had to get back early. My sister told me not to be long..."Trowa replied his arms crossed on the table as he spoke.

"You coulda told me! Geez, and Quatre left too! Did he have to be home early to or something?" Duo looked at him rather oddly.

"It's not really any of your business you know."Trowa said plainly as he got up taking his empty tray over to the counter and walked out of the cafeteria and outside, where he leaned against the wall and sighed craking his neck slightly with fustration. He hadn't seen Quatre all day. God, he must of really upset him. He never ment to. He really liked Quatre. He knew Quatre was gay just by looking at him. He himself was also gay. He just didn't know how to say things liek that to someone. He hid it most of the time. He knew how people in this school were. Stupid scared homophopic losers. But it was life.

In his mind Quatre was like a rose... He always seemed so gentle and quiet. Yet he had this spark about him that was rather different. Those bright blue eyes, seemed full of unhappyness... He was so different from other poeple.

Suddenly Trowa was taken out of his daze as he felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned hios head to see Duo looking at him strangely."Are you ok, man? What the hell is with you?"

"Hey, Duo... have you seen Quatre today?"

Duo shrugged."No. And he better have a better explanation for leaving my party! Geez! Unlike you with you 'none of your business' crap!" He looked at Trowa with a glare.

"Well it's not Duo. You know you don't need to know everything. Even if you did know you would say it was a stupid reason. No matter what it would of been it would of been a stupid reason. So why bother asking." Trowa said with not a hint of expression.

"Geez, your damn well grumpy today. Who pissed in your coffee this morning?" Duo crossed his arms."It was simply a question."

"Yeah. It was a 'none of your business' question. Understand?"Trowa turned to walk back in the school but Duo stood in the way.

"Look, there's something funny going on and I want to know."

"And if I told you you'd tell everyone, wouldn't you? Isn't that what you always do? Now but out!"

"Ah! So there is something going on! You know I'll find out there Barton! So why don't you just give up and tell me."Duo rose an eyebrow.

Trowa pushed Duo back."Duo, leave me the fuck alone."

Duo pushed back."You must be looking for a fight then, huh?"

"Not really, but if it comes to it. Now move."

"No." Trowa then with a swing of his arm punched Duo in the face.

Duo staggered back and held his nose where blood was now running down."You fuckin..." Duo plowed into Trowa as they both fell to the ground in a immature brawl as each punched and faught against each other in anger. But it was soon stopped as the noise of the fight was heard and was soon broken up by two teachers.

Trowa and Duo found themselves in the principal office waiting outside the office door where they were being watched by two teachers and their school secretary. Trowa sat with his arms crossed in front of his chest and Duo held ice over his nose in which was now broken.

As they waited Trowa over heard the two teachers and secretary talking...

"He was one of our students....?"the first teacher said.

"Yes... there was a call in this morning... it was so horrible."the second commented.

"And so young too...."the first added.

There was a long pause as they all went quiet, until one spoke.

"What was the students name...?"

"....Winner... I think... Quatre. He was quite new here..."

"That's so awful...."

Trowa blinked and stared over at them."Quatre...."Trowa muttered lowly as he sat in shock, he froze. He had to find this out for sure. What was going on? Why were they talking about him!? He had to find out NOW!

The principal office door opened and he called the two boys in.

Damn... Trowa thought. Wait he could find out from the principal. This didn't seem right....

I'm very much against the subject of suicide. DON'T EVER DO IT. I so do not like it. I will make points later in next chapters to forward my thought against it. So keep reading! Pleeeease!