Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lifestyles ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nuttin.
Warning: (later) 3x4, 1xR, 2xH, 5xMeiran, angst, drama, voilence
Note: this chapter contains 2 original characters so..... they're mine. I added them just to make some points as I went along. Plus it made the story a bit.... um.... interesting maybe.......?

It was quiet. He was still alive. Quatre opened his eyes, his vision somewhat blurred as he looked at plain white walls of a hospital room. He looked down at an IV tube which was attached to his arm and then glanced down to his wrists which were bandaged tightly. He went to move but his body was too weak. He gazed around the room. Damn, he thought to himself. He felt like crying but never. Why couldn't they just of left him alone...

He then looked to the door as a nurse walked in. Quatre stared at her with a expressionless face."Your finally awake. How are you feeling?" She checked the IV bag that was attached to the tube and then brought her attention back at the young boy."do you need anything?"

Quatre continued to stare at her without a word.

She sighed and walked out of the room and Quatre then heard her talking with other people. Then his sister walked in and sat down on the chair beside him. Quatre stared at her plainly. Iria frowned."I don't know what you're thinking butyou had better have a very good explanation for this." She crossed her arms.

Quatre shrugged.

"You could of died Quatre!! Don't you understand that!" She almost screamed.


"Than why?! I don't understand! Your smarter than this! Why would you want to do such a thing?"

"I.... wanted to. I had nothing left to live for. Life was like a meaningless circle in which full of alot of rap which I'd rather not deal with. Besides everything I lived for was pointless."

"Meaningless? Your life is not meaningless! Why would you ever think that!?"

"Because... I.... -- wait, you don't know how I feel! How can you tell me that what I did was wrong? Huh?!"

There was a long pause between the two siblings. Neither of them looked at each other. But suddenly Iria placed a notebook- Quatre's personal notebook- on the bed and looked at him with worry.

"You could of came and talked to me about these things... dammit.... I just wanted to hear what you wrote here from you. But you never tell me anythin anymore... you know yo can trust me Quatre.. I would be more than willing to help you with any situation that you have. I care about you... as does the rest of the family... How could you do this to us... and to yourself... You could of died! .... But I figure you wanted that.. but before you go and do something as stupid as that why don't you think about it clearly! use your head!"

Quatre stared at her."You read my note book.... Iria... I..... I.... never ment to hurt anyone else... I just couldn't live with myself.... " Quatre bit his lower lip slightly."...I.... I'm sorry for what I did to myself. I'm sorry for scaring and hurting you."

"Promise me......... Promise me you will never do anything like this again. Even if the thought crosses your mind, talk to me first about it! I will be more than willing to listen!" Quatre nodded and Iria leaned over him and hugged him.


The day passed slowly that day. It seemed almost endless. Iria had left to work, even though she worked in the same hospital she was assigned to different rooms and duties. Quatre watched the dull grey clouds pass by as he could only listen to the noisey area of the hospitals then the sweet sense of the outdoors. He stared at the notebook. He held it in his hands and sighed. Slowly he opened the notebook and began to tear the pages out, crumpleing them in tiny balls and tossing them in the waste basket beside the bed.

There was a small knock at the opened doorway. Quatre looked up at a nurse who walked over to him and handed him some water. She sat at the edge of the bed and looked at the boy."You're Iria's little brother, aren't you?" Quatre blinked at her and she smiled.

"Huh? Yes, I am. Who are you? How do you know me?" Quatre slipped what was left of the notebook under the pillow.

The girl had dark, pretty brown eyes and dark brown curly hair which was pinned back in a pony tail. She didn't really look familiar to him. "I'm Andrea, I met you once before when your sister invited me over for dinner awhile ago. You don't rememeber me?" She giggled.

Quatre thought for a moment." Oh! Yes! I remember now! How are you?"

"I'm doing great! .... But... you sure seem to be a little hurt here. What happened?" She observed his wrists and then eyed Quatre.

"...I'd...... rather not talk about it."Quatre muttered looking downwards.

She smiled."That's ok! But you know, I've heard alot of stories and sometimes it's better to get it off your chest!"

"No No... I'd rather not talk about it. Really."

She sighed."Ok! But If you ever want to I'm all ears for ya!" She then placed a hand to her chin."Hey, you seem pretty bored here.Why don't you come with me!"

"Huh?" Quatre blinked as she pulled him slowly out of bed."Where?"

She wouldn't answer him as she pulled him along out of the room. Quatre merely walked, a bit fumbled trying to keep the IV carrier along with him. She led him into a room down the hall and into a patients room. He looked to see a young teenage girl in a wheelchair. She looked to be about the same age, but probably afew years older. But Quatre never really reconzied or knew her.

Andrea walked over to the girl and smiled."How are you doing today Calli, feeling better I hope!" The girl smiled a little and nodded.

"A little, I still feel quite bad..." Calli replied, then stared back out the window.

"Calli, I want you to meet someone!"Andrea waved a hand for Quatre to come closer. He did."This is Quatre, he's about your age I think and you two could probably have some things to talk about. Anyways, I must get back to work." Andrea left and the two looked at each other.

"Hi, I'm Quatre." Quatre held out a hand.

She went to shake his hand but stopped."Oh gosh! What happened to your wrists?"

"Oh.... uh.... nothing really."Quatre muttered.

She tilted her head. Her blonde hair swayed slightly over her face as she did."Hm... you want to hear what happened to me?"

Quatre nodded slowly. He noticed the girl had some deep cut's and brushes on her body, her legs battered and looked almost useless.

"I hope you don't get scared or freak out or something. I always get stupid reactions."She sighed."People can be so unfair and cruel to others who are different... Anyways! Well I live in a little town not far from here. It's pretty small but we have our own school and stuff, you know. Well being a confused teenager as I am... I told my best friend a secret, thought I could trust her and all. Well.... I told her I liked girls..... and she told me that it was fine and she didn't mind, but I guess she lied and told almost everyone at school! I couldn't believe it! So by the end of the day I had no friends left. They all thought I was some sick freak and needed help! I was so mad........ But later when walking home I was ambushed by acouple of kids from school and.... well.... they did this to me...I don't know what they did because they knocked me unconsious, then... I woke up in here and in alot of pain... they tried to correct my spinal cord so that I could walk since I guess that I got hit there with something.. and the surgury failed.... so I guess I'll be in this wheelchair for the rest of my life. Not to mention these cuts will leave scars and always remind me of that day.... Hope I never scared or freaked you out completely."

Quatre blinked. He stared wide eyed."That.... What kind of people would do something like that......? How..... cruel..."

Calli shrugged."I'm a stong person. I can beat anything that gets thrown at me! As for those kids that did this.... pppftt, they're nothing to me! Don't feel pity for me at all! I'm fine! Just glad you actually stuck around to listen and didn't freak or something!" She sighed."Heeey, now that I shared my story you should share yours! You know I might even be able to help!"

"Well.... I... I guess I could..... " Quatre sat down at a chair and sighed deeply."I tried to kill myself."

She blinked."Why?"

"....I.... you see.... I'm gay, and..well.. I never had much of a social life throughout my entire childhood and pre-teen years. Then it left me quite confused. i used to talk to my sister about everything, but things just kept getting more confusing and difficult so I gave up,Itfelt like this whole world was coming apart, it seemed there was no sense to go on. Nobody cared. Nobody noticed. I just felt I would be better off dead. But I guess it was the wrong thing to do.... huh? I wish I could change things... When I started school my lack of social skills showed and I got so nerved up over what people would think of me that I drove myself insane....or close to it... That's more less it....I guess."

"Why can't certain people in this world be more understanding.... Thery should see what it affects other human beings in a negative way... You should learn to stand up for yourself you know! When my friends all abandoned me, I told them what I had to say! Even though they got angry... But you see we have justas much of a right as anyone else in this world! Don't let some snoty kids tell you wrong! Stand up for who you are! I think we were born for a special reason and nothing else can change that!"She sighed."I'm sorry, I tend to talk alot."

Quatre shook his head."No, No! What you say is right! I just never met someone that belived so strongly... thank you... from now on I think I'll do just what you said!"

"Just don't get yourself hurt in the process... like me!"

Quatre smiled at her."I won't..." He continued having a chat with the girl. She was so happy and polite he couldn't believe that someone as nice as this was hated...

