Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love Will Prevail ❯ Glass Heart ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Love will prevail

`Chapter Two - Glass Heart`

He smiled up to the artificial blue sky; he had just the evening planned for his hard working roommate. Determined eyes scanned over the many shops in the heart of the city. The first stop, the candle shop. Walking into the small room, the many scents clouding his nostrils. "Hello, can I help you?" The woman behind the counter asked as he stepped foot into the building.

"I need two white candles. The long big ones." He said simply, grin crossing his features, as she seemed to know what he meant.

"Yes, right here." She smiled, setting the two down upon the counter. He eyed them, with a nod of approval she set them in a bag. He paid the small price for the small treasures, and set out the door. "Have a nice day."

"You too." He called back as the door slammed shut. 'Hopefully, I will, as long as Hilde will like my surprise.' He thought, heading to the second shop on his mental list. He now was in a large building, the shelves filled with assortments of foods. Going against his will to find something to eat for himself he went straight to the deli. Picking up two sandwiches, he knew he couldn't cook and he didn't want to spoil the evening. Already cooked food was the best idea in his opinion. He headed out quickly now, back onto the streets. "I should be getting back…She'll be home in a few hours now." He mumbled eyeing his watch.

Just as he was heading back, something caught his eye. He hadn't seen this shop before; he had to stop in! The walls inside were sparkling with the assortment of glass items. It was inviting, so he took the invitation. "Ah, sir, what can I do for you?" The elderly man asked, crystal eyes watching him from behind rounded spectacles.

"Just lookin'." He replied simply. Indigo eyes full of curiosity as they looked onto the many shelves. However, something sparkled well above all else. Getting closer he examined the small fragile object. It was a glass heart. The glass shimmered, inside were clear bubbles the outside made in sky blue hint.

You deserve the world…

But, I can't give it…

I wish I could let you have myself, my true heart…

But courage I do not have when it comes to you…

"That's a very special piece indeed…" He said gently, walking over to the braided young man.

"Oh?" Duo replied skeptically, however he hoped 'special' didn't mean a high price.

"Yes…It's said that if you give it to the one you love…If she accepts it you will be together forever. However, if she destroys it, or doesn't take it, it's like killing your heart. Destroying a love that once was there." He finished watching his confused expression in joy.

'…Welp, this is as close to my real heart as it comes, Hilde. I just hope you take it…Then I'll be able o tell you everything I want to…' He thought, taking a breath before he dare ask the price of the object he held. "How much?"

"I ask nothing, you may have it." He said softly, taking the object to wrap it. He set the white plastic bag inside the many bags Duo already held. "Take care, and I hope it works out."

"Y-Yeah…Thanks, you too." He mumbled, getting from the store home. He had wasted too much time; he barely had enough time to get everything ready. Bursting through the door, throwing the bags upon the couch as he ran into the kitchen to get the best tablecloth and table. Quickly he ran back to the living room, setting it up. Lighting the candles and extinguishing the electric lights. He smiled; he set the last thing, the sandwiches and glasses. "Perfect." He grinned, glancing to his clock. If she were on time, she'd be home in a few minutes.

I put my heart on the line for you…

Just hope you pick up, and not let me fail…

"Duo!" The gentle voice form outside called. He smirked, getting a seat to wait for her to come in. "Why's it so dark, are you home?" She called again, the keys fiddling with the lock. Soon the soft click and the door set open and shut when she entered. "W-What's all this?"

"I thought to do somethin' nice for you…You work to hard already, so I hope you don't mind joining me." He smiled to her as she took a seat.

"Wow, you went through all this trouble?" She mumbled, soft blue eyes looking over to him.

"No trouble, so, how was work?" He asked digging into his sandwich.

She simply stared down at hers now, a blank expression. "Work? Oh…it went great." He could tell she was lying.

"It doesn't sound like it…" He pressed a bit further trying to see her eyes, her expression but he got nothing now.

Then she broke; a few tears fell down her face now. He tried to calm her to no avail. "I was fired, Duo. Now how are we going to get money? There's not many jobs left…" She burst out, looking to him, she tried her best to hold tears at bay. After all she was a soldier at one point, she shouldn't wear her emotions so loosely.

"Fired…?" He blinked in disbelief. 'Was it my fault…I should've gotten her up.' He thought, he tried to think of any other way she could've gotten fired but he thought of none. It all set around him.

I swear baby, if I could do this over…

If I could take back everything…I would never hurt you again…

"I-I'm sorry, Duo, thanks for this but I'm gonna go upstairs." She choked; at least she could wait until she was in her room. He didn't have to see her like this.

He watched as she sprinted up the stairs, his work, his effort wasted to his own stupidity. How couldn't he have done that small task to get her up on time. "Hilde…" He mumbled. He looked down to the small object he held in his hands. The glass heart he had gotten earlier. He thought twice now, she didn't need him. At least not like this, the fluke he always turned out to be. Look what he did, he made her cry. How many times has he hurt her? How many times did he send her away, crying no doubt? No, she deserved better, but he couldn't live without her…


Hey! 'nother chapter finished! Next chapter: Shattered. R&R! At least one review for the third chapter, mmkay? Welp, not much else to say so, bye!