Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Angel ❯ chapter five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Midnight Angel

Part five

Wufei and Heero were standing in front of a huge thorny hedge, the
latter staring angrily at the offending thing.

"What is it, Yui?"

"That hedge isn't supposed to be here!"

"You're wrong. When I picked you up at exactly this place last night, it had
been there too." Wufei spoke, not really thinking about his words. Heero's glare
was now fixed on the Chinese man.

"Are you saying... that I _did_ faint last night? That it all was not just a
very odd dream...?"

Wufei considered his next words carefully:
"Well... Last night... Duo got up and into the forest. You followed him. I...
followed you both and... lost you. I went searching but found nothing... when I
decided to get back to the safehouse... you were lying right here,
unconscious... covered in soil and leaves. I picked you up and brought you
home... But when I came downstairs this morning, you and Maxwell were sleeping
on that couch exactly like when you settled down last evening... and your
clothes and hair were clean. So I thought this was nothing but a weird dream...
Is your question answered, Yui?"

They gazed deeply into each others eyes, reaching the same conclusion.

"It did happen, then..."

"Yeah, and that braided idiot covered all traces..."

The loud honking of a car's horn snapped their attention to their surroundings.

"Hey guys! Need a ride?"

Zechs' asked them. The jeep was standing right next to them, they had never
heard it's approach, so lost had they been in their thoughts.

"Or do you want to stay here and make out while _I_ make some pancakes?" Quatre joked.

"Kisama! We're _not_ making out!" Wufei all but screamed.

"Hn. Besides, we are not you and Trowa", Heero added, deadpan, causing Quatre to
flush slightly.

"Well, do you want to come and have breakfast or do you want to _walk_ home. But
please consider that a rainstorm is rising, and I doubt you have any clean spare
clothes with you..." Zechs rushed them, not wanting this quarrel to escalate.

The others followed his finger with their gazes and really, big dark stormclouds
were gathering at the horizon behind their momentary hideout. Without any further
comments Wufei and Heero climbed into the jeep. They wanted to have a word with Duo
as soon as possible anyway.

They arrived at the safehouse just in the nick of time. The last one of them had
just passed the main door, when the heavens opened their gates and the rain
began to fall, rapidly soaking the garden's earth. One minute later Duo, soaking
wet and covered with mud, intended to enter the same way he had left the house,
via the window. Quatres words, however, stopped him dead in his tracks; head,
shoulders and one foot already through the window's frame, the rest still
outside on the veranda.

"Don't you dare come in with _that_. Get undressed first, I certainly _won't_
clean up after you!"

He pulled out again, muttering something about Quatre being cruel. Clad in nothing
but his black silken boxers and a still wet and dirty braid, he came back in.

"Happy now?" he asked acidly.

"More or less" was Quatres sunny answer.

Wufei's stomach growled once again, even louder this time. Duo, who stood right
in front of him, but facing away, jumped in surprise.

"Gee, Wu, are we hungry or what?"he grinned widely.

"Shut up, Maxwell, or I'll eat _you_!" Wufei snapped in a sour tone.

Duo, however, blushed crimson for some unknown reason. Unknown for the others
at least. But they couldn't see the image, Wufei's dry statement had formed in
Duo's mind. A picture of Wufei, naked skin glistening with sweat, hair loose,
giving Duo one hell of a blowjob....

"I ... err.....*hrmpfh* I'm in the bathroom.... I need a shower..." Duo fled
the scene, embarrassed.

"What's wrong with him?" Quatre mused, more talking to himself than anyone else.

"I have no clue..." Trowa said, though he knew that his lover had not been
expecting an answer.

Zechs meanwhile had taken their supplies and had started to prepare a rich breakfast.

"Food is ready" his voice rung through the house. The G-boys minus Duo settled
around the table and started inhaling the food.

In the shower, Duo's hand beat a frantic rhythm, his mind running a mile the

//What the heck brought _that_ picture up...? And why _Wu_ of all people... I
have been fantasizing about Heero, hell even about Zechs... but WU?... I'm going
mad... If he knew my thoughts right now.... I guess he'd behead me....Uhhhnngh,
but that picture sure was breathtaking.... I have never seen him without that
silly pigtail before... But I sure as hell can't go to him saying
'hey wu, I've had some wild fantasies involving you, naked, with your hair loose,
and now I was wondering if you'd let me see you with your hair down...'
sure, go ahead Azrael, maybe he'll be able to end your miserable existence....
did I just think miserable...? I should just stop thinking at all...//

And he did just that. Shooting all thought into the wind he let himself just
revel in fantasy. In his mind's eye, his own pale hands turned into a lovely
bronze shade, looking into the mirror at the opposite wall, above the sink,
(He hadn't bothered to close the shower-curtain, since he knew his friends
were all downstairs and eating at this moment) he imagined Wufei standing right
behind him, placing butterfly kisses onto the juncture between his neck and
shoulder, raven-coloured silk brushing over his collar-bone.

//What a nice contrast in skin-colours...// he thought idly.

Something about wonderfully different colours of skin stirred in the back of
his mind, and a picture of his parents suddenly flashed from his memory.


It was a few days before his father left to live among his kind again.
Little Azrael - he was barely five years old at that time - was sitting
on his father's lap, holding his mother's hand. They were sitting at a small
lake, all three of them naked, their skin and hair slowly drying from the
sun's warm rays.

He remembered going back into the water, intending to splash his parents
with some of that crystal-clear water. But when he was in the water, all
thoughts of splashing his parents were gone, as he saw a large trout swimming
right next to his leg.

"Look mommy, the fish here is as silver as your hair!" he exclaimed
excitedly. His father softly chuckled.

"You are right, Azrael, the trout really looks silver. But I think your mommy
is much more pretty than that fish, don't you agree?"

"Of, course! Nothing is as beautiful as mommy... Well, you are, but you are
her negative, after all..." India looked at her son, puzzled.

"What are you talking about, honey, I think I don't quite understand..." Little
Azrael pouted.

"Well, just look at you two. Together you look like this human, whatsitcalled...
Ying and Yang, I think. You dark skin he light skin. He midnight hair, you moonlit
hair... He always wearing black, you always wearing white..." the boy uncertainly
trailed off, not sure if he had made himself clear.

Lucifer and India stared at their son in amazement.

"I can't believe he's only five..." she whispered to her husband.

"Well, he sure got the best of both of us, I guess..." Lucifer replied, very
proud of his bright son.

"You know what, Kiddo?"

"What, daddy?"

"Your mommy and I have the cleverest and most beautiful kid that anyone could
imagine." The boy stared at him.

"You're nuts, dad. I have neither your pearl skin nor mommys wood skin. And my
hair keeps changing colours. You two are really beautiful, but I'm only ugly...
everybody says that..."

A red gleam of anger started to glow in the fallen angel's eyes.

"Who said that?" he demanded to know.

"Umm... the other kids..."

~End Flashback~

After he had gotten himself down, the image of his parents deep into the back of
his memories and something resembling sanity into his mind, he redressed in his
boxers, put his fake ears back on and joned the others at the breakfast table,
the hair unbound, so it could dry easier.

Meeting Heero's and Wufei's gazes, he got the feeling that he was in trouble,
but decided to shrug that feeling off. A mistake.


"Yeah, what is it Wu-wu?"

"Wu-FEI!!! Yui and I want to talk to you in private. Meet us after breakfast
in the attic."

"*gulp* umm, ... sure... Is there something special you'd like to talk about?"

"Yes." Nothing more. Just this unnerving 'Yes'.

Zechs exchanged worried glances with Quatre and Trowa. Had something happened
while they had been away?