Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Raven ❯ Chapter 11

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Eep! I forgot about that. . . Frankie is not part of the name scheme, but Takei is. Frankie is just some really scary chick that's creeping the heck out of a friend of mine. Sorry. But ReySolo gets kudos for figuring it out!

Kadril's being really slow with this chapter **sticks her tongue out at him** Instead of Kadril, I relied heavily on my other muse, my best friend Chrislea.

I've yet to purchase these bishies. Anyone who doesn't understand the shounen-ai-ness of this fic. . . well, there's not much I can do for them.

~Midnight Raven~

Chapter 12

Duo sat gazing starry-eyed at Heero from the passenger seat on the way to the safe house. Neither boy had spoken a word since their kiss. And it was driving Duo insane. The silence gave him time to think, which at this point-his brain being absent-, was turning into him just replaying the kiss in his head over and over again. If he didn't break the silence, he was going to explode. "Hey, Heero, what'cha thinkin' about?"

"He pushed you."

Duo blinked. He had been hoping for "how great it felt to kiss you." He'd been expecting "the mission." Nothing could have prepared him for the outrage in his voice at his mistreatment.

"I'm fine. Although if I land on my ass very many more times this week, I'm gonna have a permanent bruise," he smirked while his thoughts reeled. Heero was concerned about him. The mere thought brought a starry-eyed smile to his face.

Affecting his sexiest voice, the braided boy cooed, "I think the `mission' went well, don't you?" Of course, he was referring to his own Operation: Get in Heero's Pants.

Heero either didn't notice or ignored the pure sex dripping from Duo's vocal cords and simply "hn"ed in reply.

"Although, I must say that last tactic was quite a surprise." He let the statement sit there, daring a response.

And one was forthcoming. "Perhaps now he'll leave you alone. When the target date is reached, he can be disposed of properly."

"I love it when you talk dirty like that," Duo grinned.

Heero visibly jumped. `Geez, I'm not that bad, am I? He looks so flustered.' "It was just a joke Heero." Suddenly an image of Heero and Relena filled his head. `Poor little straight boy, he probably misses her.' He wouldn't admit to himself that he was jealous of the Queen of the World; he just rued his decision to save her in his and Heero's first encounter. `That'll teach me to pull that Good Samaritan act. God this is a depressing train of thought. That's it, not more of this thinking stuff.'

Knowing that he was being a bit petty, Duo couldn't resist throwing a bit of a barb Heero's way. After all, he had flinched at him. "Too bad that Peacecraft bimbo isn't around, you could practice your tactics a bit before next time."

The car fell silent for the rest of the drive as the chatterbox brooded over his injured ego. When they reached the safe house, Trowa and Quatre were waiting up for them.

"How'd it-" Quatre paused as Duo huffed away, up the stairs, "-go? What happened?" he turned to Heero almost accusingly.

Heero shrugged, but, to his credit, hurried after the violet-eyed pilot. He caught up with him in their room. "Duo, why are you upset?"

`Great, he's managed to get me this riled up without even knowing how.' "Upset? What do you mean?" he asked with noticeably forced sweetness.

"Don't BS me. What did I do?"

"Nevermind. You wouldn't understand," he said wryly, then grumbled under his breath, "That stupid Relena."

Heero, reading his lips, asked, "Relena? What's she got to do with this?" Duo stubbornly refused to answer. "Well, whatever it is, don't let her upset you. She's too…" he searched for an adjective, finally deciding on "pink. She's of no consequence."

Duo blinked and giggled. `She's too pink.' It just struck him as funny. As hard as it is to stay angry at someone you're obsessed over, it's twice as hard when he's making you laugh.

The Japanese boy looked at him, confused as to the sudden change in his partner's expression, but quite relieved that he was smiling again.

"Do you really think she's inconsequential?" Duo asked thoughtfully.

"Relena?" Heero asked in a don't-you-know-already voice. "She's important to peace. But she has nothing to do with the mission and, with any luck, will stay away."

"You don't miss her?" he prodded hopefully.

"Miss her? The girl who squeals my name like nails on a chalkboard? I missed her. . .but that's just because you shot me."

Duo laughed, not quite sure if the humor was intentional, but not really caring either. "I thought you liked her. You know, in a boy-girl way." The delicate Japanese features of his face twisted into a sour expression. Smirking one last time, Duo piped, "Let's just go to bed. It's been a long day."

Duo was rudely shaken out of a very pleasant dream. Heero was leaning over him, much like in the dream. "You were dreaming." Blank stare. "It must have been a nightmare; you kept calling for me and moaning and calling for God."

Duo blushed. `Nightmare, no. It was just a near-death experience[1],' he punned to himself. "Sorry for waking you."

Doesn't matter, it's morning anyway," Heero replied.

The braided boy waited until he heard Heero go down the stairs before he scrambled to the bathroom to take care of a certain `situation.'

Quatre found Duo curled up on the couch, reading, when he woke up.

"Morning Quat. Breakfast's on the table," Duo greeted without looking up. He was really getting into psychoanalysis. `This Freud guy's quite a character.'

"Who are you, and what have you done with Duo `I'm not a morning person' Maxwell?" Quatre asked.

"Huh? Oh, I woke up from a dream. Don't worry, no alien invader here."

"So I guess all that means you're over whatever it was that Heero did to upset you?" the Arabian asked, plopping down next to him.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Quat," Duo smiled. "But I guess it can't hurt this once. . . . He kissed me."

"Really?" the blonde squealed. "Wait, why were you upset then?"

`Why was I upset?' Duo thought for a minute. `Because he flinched. But that wouldn't have set me off so much. Hmmmm.' Duo thought for a moment. "I guess it was mostly because I liked it so much. Even thought it was stupid to get all hopeful and stuff, I did. So I was upset with myself for thinking it was a kiss and not part of the mission."

"That sounds really familiar," Quatre said with a gleam in his eye. "Oh so very familiar."

"Yeah, but the difference between you and Tro, and me and Heero is that you're happy together, and we'll never end up together."

"What happened to the optimistic Duo that we all know and love?"

"He fell for a soldier." Duo was downright depressed all over again. This had to be rectified. "Hey Quat, do you know where Wu-man is?"

"I think I heard him in his room, earlier. Why?" he asked, raising a suspicious brow.

Duo grinned evilly. Taking a deep breath, he shouted, "EVERYBODY TO THE LIVING ROOM!!!" He turned to the smaller boy and said sweetly, "Poor Wufei is getting left out. We wouldn't want him to feel unneeded."

The other pilots shuffled into the room. "What do you want, Maxwell?"

"Aw, Wu-man, you sound grumpy." Wufei glared. "Today is Wednesday. That means that Tro and Quat are going to the club tonight, as are Heero and I. Which we need to make sure they'll be comfortable with it. And, we only have a week and we haven't even started to get Wufei's nose comfy with the situation.

[1] Death-take your pick, either the Shakespearean idea of "death" or the French "la petit mort". Both mean sex/orgasm. Okay, the next chapter should be coming soon.