Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Raven ❯ Chapter 16

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gomen nasai about being so late with this. I promise I'll keep up with it better from now on.

Disclaimer: I didn't find any ownership papers under the tree this year. I think I'm gonna have to have a chat with this Santa guy.

~Midnight Raven~

Chapter 16

There's nothing quite like drifting awake on a lazy morning with sunshine and birdsong streaming through the window, and your lover spooned up beside you, breathing softly on your face.

Unfortunately, this wasn't one of those mornings.

Duo woke with a start, unsure of what woke him-the sharp feeling that something was wrong, or Heero shifting against his rather sore posterior. "Duo, do you smell smoke?" Heero's voice held a note of urgency.

The two were up in a flash, pulling on pajama pants or boxers and making for the stairs. The trail of smoke led the to the kitchen door. Duo felt it; it wasn't hot. When he opened it, smoke plumbed out. Over at the stove, Trowa was extinguishing the eggs. . . or sausage. . . or maybe it was potatoes.

"Uh, Tro'?" Duo caught his attention. "Is it done yet?"

Trowa's cheeks colored slightly. "Sorry. I was gonna make Quatre breakfast in bed. I think the French toast is a bit overcooked."

`Well, that solves that mystery.' "Just a bit," Duo agreed. He opened the window to clear the air a bit and stalked over to the stove to see if anything could be salvaged. As if. Well, at least his ingredients had survived the blaze. "You, sit." He pointed Trowa towards the table. "Hee-"

`Hee- what? Hee-man? Hee-chan? Hee-koi? What should I call him? Does one night of bad sex merit a pet name? If I call him Heero like I normally do, will he think that means nothing has changed? Something has changed-wait, does he want things to have changed? What if he thinks it was just a one-time thing? I mean, he only slept with me because I kept blue-balling him. So was he just horny? Well of course he was horny, but is that all? How does he feel about me? I-I bug the hell out of him. . . often. Aw man, and I thought getting him into bed was hard-now I've got to figure out what next.' At that point Duo realized that he hadn't finished his word. . . and had been silent for nearly a minute. The others were staring at him.

"Duo?" the Japanese pilot finally prodded.

"Um, coffee. Make coffee. I'll make the French toast. Trowa--" Duo searched his head for something for the pyro-prone pilot to do. "Make something that doesn't require cooking. Orange juice! Squeeze some orange juice."

"Thanks Duo, but Quatre doesn't drink coffee," the green-eyed boy pointed out.

"I know, but I do. And I need it," Duo piped as he did a slow feline stretch. `Okay, the skillet should be cooled off a bit now-on with the cooking!' A few pieces of toast in, Heero handed him a cup: black, triple sweet-just how he liked it. The two quiet pilots went about setting up two breakfast trays and making everything look pretty while Duo cooked and contemplated his new problem. Finally finished, he looked at the two plates. It just wasn't quite right. So he rummaged around in the fridge for inspiration. "Aha!"

He sliced up some strawberries and bananas and arranged them on the plates so that everything looked perfect. The blue-eyed pilot helped Trowa carry everything upstairs while Duo continued cooking, making some for Wufei, Heero and himself. The Japanese boy wandered back into the kitchen and sat down. Duo could feel his eyes watching him, but he didn't look over. Breakfast finally finished, he sat down, uncomfortably on his hindside, next to his lover.

Duo was famished, but he didn't feel like eating. His stomach was doing backflips with each new "what if" that his mind conjured. Heero looked at him curiously when he didn't immediately dig in. He tried to smile back. Tried being the operative word. "Uh Heero, we need to talk about-Wufei, good morning."

The Shenlong pilot padded into the room, looking extremely tired and pale. He gave Duo a glare that rivaled some of Heero's best.

"What the hell happened to you?" he asked of the Chinese boy.

"As if you didn't know. I wake up after one `testing' session and try to go up to bed, and instead I get to go through another. And you two weren't even realistic!"

Duo just blinked at him in confusion. "Huh?"

"You knew that I shared a wall with you, so you made those ridiculously fake hentai noises to test me. But did you have to be so loud, soooooo late? I couldn't sleep over the noise. It was such an injustice."

Duo blushed three shades of red. The Wing pilot, on the other hand, smirked wickedly. "That's okay, koibito," he murmured to the braided boy, subtly nodding at Wufei. "I love it when you're vocal like that."

`Another test? Right now? But-but-but we need to talk!'

Heero fed him a piece of toast. Some of the syrup dripped onto his bare chest, so, as Wufei expected, Heero licked it off. But instead of moaning or encouraging him, Duo sat there with a pained, confused, near-tears expression on his face. Then he ran from the room.