Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mind's Eye ❯ Rituals ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer:I don't own them and I don't make any money off of this.
Warning:Male/male sex, graphic, language, violence, S&M, NCS,bondage

Mind's Eye


"Touch me, here," the master told him and he took Duo's hand and made rubbing motions over his bare shoulders. "I was riding and wrenched my arm. If you apply pressure and rub hard, you will help me feel better."

Duo hesitantly did as he was told. Sitting before him on a stool, bare to the waist, the master moved his long, bound hair over one shoulder to get it out of Duo's way, and made a pleased sound.

"Your fingers are very strong," the master observed.

Duo stopped and looked at them, curious, his mind trying to make a coherent thought about that and almost succeeding.

"Don't stop rubbing," the master urged and Duo began rubbing his shoulder again.

Time had passed without meaning. Staring over his master's head at the rolling green land, the evergreens, old , spreading elms, and the grazing horses, it didn't seem that Duo had ever known anything else. Once in awhile, something would prick at his mind, but his servant, or the master, would quickly take it away before he could make sense out of what that something was trying to tell him. In all things he was treated gently and respectfully. He was expected to obey, but he wasn't forced if he balked. The master was patient with him, using a light hand to bring him back to what had been fearful or unwelcome, and easing him through it.

A breeze tickled Duo's nakedness. He shivered. The master, as always, noticed. "Soon, we'll have you in warm clothes," he promised, "but I want to appreciate your beauty as long as possible."

Duo finished his back rub and the master rose. His height and breath of shoulders always made Duo feel very small, but the man never used that advantage. He put on his shirt, tucked it into his pants, and then told Duo's servant, "Bring Kari. We'll be on the south lawn."

Duo trembled with anticipation. Kari was one of his 'playmates'. It was a sign of extra favor to allow him to meet with the master's other pets. Duo had been jealous of them at first, but the master had told him that they were clones and that Duo was the more treasured pet. The clones were all beautiful and willing to please, but they were insipid, the master had said, genetically engineered to be mindless, spiritless, and boring. They weren't the challenge that Duo represented.

Kari had straight, golden hair that was soft and silky. His large, blue eyes were perfect and liquid. His skin was smooth and hairless. He was slim, poised, eager to please, and graceful. When the servant brought him, he kneeled at the master's feet and kissed his riding boots.

The master sighed as if displeased and moved past Kari onto a flat lawn bordered by high hedges. A small, heated wading pool sparkled in the sunlight and let out small wisps of steam in the cool air. The master settled on a marble bench and then motioned Duo towards the servant with a smile. "Go to Jim," he ordered.

Duo knew what that meant. He trembled again, but now for a different reason. He didn't really like this part of their play time, though he couldn't say why. Kari was never rough and he rarely hurt him, but it still felt wrong, and being out in the open, under the watchful eye of the master and his servant, compounded that feeling.

The master always appeared to enjoy Duo's momentary rebellions, but he never allowed Duo to succeed in them. When Duo didn't immediately obey, he lifted Duo's chin so that their eyes met and then he said softly, "It pleases me to see you two together. For me, Duo, all right?"

The man was always so kind. Those words were magic to Duo and he couldn't resist them. He wanted to give back some of the master's kindness, and he only knew one way to do that, by obeying.

The master saw his eagerness to please him and smiled. "Say it," he ordered. "Speak, Duo. Say it."

It was hard to speak through the haze in his mind, but Duo struggled and said the words, "Yes... master."

"Good," the master said and kissed his forehead. "Now, go to Jim, Duo."

Duo went on all fours to the servant, turned, and lowered his upper body down so that the grass tickled his nose. Jim prepared him carefully. Duo closed his eyes and bore with it. When it was done and the man was backing away to clean his hands on a towel, Duo was wearing a silver cock ring and he was ready for whatever Kari pleased.

Kari was very simple. He wanted hugs and kisses and to rub together in the grass. He smiled, giggled, and was as endearing as a puppy. His blue eyes were bright when he finally tired of that play and wanted something more. He sat up, brought Duo forward, and then pushed Duo's head down into his lap. As Duo suckled him, he sighed, draped himself over Duo's back, and smiled at the master.

"Kari," the master prompted after some time of that.

Kari grinned as he rose up and turned Duo so that he was facing away. He crouched and entered Duo from behind, pushing in all the way and then humping him gleefully. Kari was not large, though he was older than Duo, so it wasn't a painful experience, but it did feel... Duo couldn't put a name to what that feeling was. He only knew that he had the urge to shove Kari off and not endure it any longer.

"Duo," the master's voice soothed and a hand caressed his cheek.

Duo was gritting his teeth as Kari continued to thrust, both of them unable to come because of their rings. It would go on, not until either of them tired, but until the master decided the play was over. Duo almost hoped that the master had tired of it early, but he could see, from the master's frown, as he crouched in front of him, that he had failed to look as if he were eager to please.

The master kissed Duo on the lips, sensuous and teasing. It was the first time that he had been that intimate. The master never slept with Duo, not as Sheldon had, and he never touched him beyond caresses and preparing him to carry out an order. Duo found himself opening his mouth and the master smiled against his lips and then dipped a tongue inside of Duo's mouth.

Kari was wasn't intelligent enough to be jealous. He was mildly curious, but he never missed a thrust. The master reached out and ruffled his hair and Kari smiled happily. When the master reached underneath Duo and released the ring, Duo made an eager sound. The master's tongue played with his as the master's large hand found his erection and stroked it. One, twice, three times, and then he put the ring back on.

Duo groaned. He had almost come. The master's lips pulled away. He smiled into Duo's eyes and then said, "Kari. Stop."

Kari pulled out and the servant came forward to clean them both up. Kari seemed indifferent to not being allowed to come. When the master ordered him to swim, his erection bobbed as he moved on all fours to the steaming water. He slipped into it like a playful otter and laughed as he glided about.

Duo sat after the servant finished with him. He wasn't happy or content. He wanted to come. He stared down at his painful erection, throttled by the ring, and almost dared to defy his training. The tug on his collar was sharp. Duo started and looked up at the master. The master wagged a finger at him in warning and Duo couldn't help a sound of dissatisfaction.

"You're bold today," the master told him. "Willful. I think I've spoiled you."

Duo didn't like that word, 'spoiled'. When he heard it, he knew he was going to be corrected. He huddled in on himself and waited, eyes downcast and lips set in a tight line.

"That face," the master sighed. "Don't you want to please me, Duo?"

"Yes," Duo replied and he did. The master was kind. He deserved it.

"Then what is wrong?" The master asked.

"Kari," Duo replied and hunched inward even more.

"Just Kari?"

"No," Duo dared.

"Ah," the master sighed. He straightened. Duo was left looking at the shine on his riding boots. "But that pleases me," he told Duo. "Watching beauty and youth together. Seeing your passion and strength. Knowing that you are submissive to my will. I want you to love me enough to obey me in all things." He paused and then asked, "What do you think would please me now?"

Duo knew.

"What would please you, Duo?" the master wondered and he sounded so kind and concerned. Duo felt bad for not pleasing him, for letting thoughts and feelings he didn't really understand make him less than what the master wanted.

Duo reached out and smoothed a hand along the master's leather boot, the scent of the leather filling his senses. He turned and lowered his nose into the grass. The master placed his booted foot on Duo's neck, holding him there without pushing down.

"What do you want?" the master asked again, voice heavy with anticipation.

Duo raised his hips into the air and knew what he was asking for, knew what the master liked best, but had never asked it of him. "Please you," he replied and forced himself to be still as the riding crop smacked down over his hips. After six very sharp blows, it stopped.

The master's gloved hand smoothed over the welts on Duo's ass. He said gently, "You have pleased me, Duo. Thank you." Lips kissed Duo by his ear and Duo sighed. It didn't make him feel good or bad, he simply felt as if he was evening a scale of some sort. That gloved hand pinched and Duo flinched. The hand smoothed again.

"One day, you obey me with love instead of respect, Duo," the master promised. The hand left him and the master said, "Jim, I'm done for the day. Take them back to their rooms."

Relief. The ordeal was over. Duo was allowed to rise. Kari nuzzled him along his collar bone and smiled into his eyes, before he fell into line behind Jim. Duo looked back at the master, but he was already walking away, riding crop smacking lightly against his thigh. Duo winced at the pain of his welts and then followed Kari and Jim.

Kari wasn't given rooms like Duo. He was very simple and required more security to keep him safe. His living quarters more resembled a kennel, but with all the appointments of a bedroom with an attached bath. Jim pushed him through a barred gate and then locked the gate behind him. There was a line of like living quarters and Duo saw the faces of some of his other playmates pressed against the bars of their gates.

"Your food will be along soon, "Jim called to them as he turned and motioned Duo to follow him.

When they reached Duo's living quarters and went inside, Jim's hand fell on Duo's sore ass. He bent and examined the damage. His clear anger made Duo nervous, though he wasn't sure why. Jim had never hurt him or even raised his voice in his presence. He was simply the master's servant, the man who saw that he was fed, washed, and taken to where he was supposed to go.

"He shouldn't have done that," Jim seethed. He went to a cabinet and took out lotion and a soft rag. "On the bed, face down," he ordered and Duo did as he was told. He sighed in relief when Jim began to rub the lotion into the welts. The lotion was cool and it soothed the sting."Don't ask for him to hurt you. He has clones for that, when he wants it," Jim told him tightly. "You're too special to be whipped, too beautiful. He doesn't appreciate you, only sees you as something to break to his will. Jim knows how to treat you. It's Jim you love, right?"

Duo was confused, not sure how to reply, his mind a jumble.

The hands smoothed up his sides, over his back, and along Duo's shoulders.

"I... I know he'll fire me if he finds out... about this," Jim whispered. "But I don't care."

Jim was suddenly a weight on Duo's back. He started and tried to look at him, but Jim was kissing his face and pressing even his head down into the mattress. The cock pushing into Duo was strange. It didn't follow the pattern Duo had learned to expect. He shifted his hips as best he could to accommodate the man and Jim pushed in deeply, groaning in his ear.

"Just like I imagined," Jim whispered hoarsely. "Like silk, hot silk... tight... so tight... I'm glad that bastard only likes watching you. If he did this... I think I'd kill him. You deserve more than him pawing you... you deserve me... because I'll love you, really take care of you, and never hit you. Love me back, Duo... love me..." the man groaned as he began thrusting.

It didn't take long. The clones had staying power and the master's appetite took some time to satisfy. This was a minor discomfort and then Jim was pulling out and suddenly frantic.

"If he sees that... Shit!"

Bath water began running. Duo was then pulled off the bed and taken into the toilet. Jim sat him down and then began trying to get him cleaned up inside and out. It hurt and it was strange and awkward. Fingers delved, orders were given that Duo didn't understand, and then he was plunged into the tub where Jim cleaned him again.

Finally taken out and toweled off, Duo felt strained and uncertain. He trembled and he wanted Jim to stop touching him. When a servant knocked, bringing Duo his food, Jim dropped what he had been holding in his hands and then hurriedly threw things into a bin as if to hide them. Trembling almost as much as Duo, Jim answered the door and let the servant in.

The woman looked bored as she pushed a cart into the room. She eyed Jim. "Still here?" She put out a tray of food and a pitcher of drink on a table.

"He was dirty and his hair was tangled," Jim lied. "Took awhile to clean up."

The woman narrowed eyes at him. "You feeling okay, Jim? You're making pretty boy upset over there."

Jim threw a nervous glance at Duo, but he didn't say anything as the woman finished and then pushed her cart back out.

Jim told Duo to sit and eat. He seemed to gain control of himself and the welcome return to routine relaxed Duo. He finished eating and then was allowed to do as he pleased while Jim finished cleaning the room. Duo played with some colored blocks, fiddled with a pad that let him make colorful scribbles, and then laughed outright at the bell like tones a ball made as he rolled it across the floor.

"I'm sorry," Jim said as he finally came to stand beside Duo. "I... It's just that you're so beautiful. I couldn't control myself any longer. I... I love you, Duo. I want you to know that. I think... I think if you weren't drugged, you could see that and... maybe... no, I know you'd love me too."

Duo blinked at him vacantly. He didn't hear an order, praise, or displeasure. He waited for Jim to give him some signal as to what he wanted.

"Those damned drugs," Jim sighed, but regained control again and said, "Duo, position."

Duo was happy to get a clear order. He put his forehead on the floor and put his wrists at the small of his back. Metal bands locked them in place there. Then, Jim began to insert a tub into the delivery system imbedded in Duo's arm. Jim paused, stared at the full vial, and then, licking lips nervously, he emptied out some of it.

"A little," Jim said hopefully. "Enough so that you can think... so that you can realize how much you care for me."

"I'm going to snap every vertebrae in your spine, one at a time," Heero warned as he held the man down on the floor. The man was staring at him with terrified, round eyes, his balding head catching the light from a street lamp. The warehouse district was empty. No one was going to come to his rescue.

"Fuck!" The man spluttered. "What do you want?! Wallet's in my back pocket. Charge anything you want, take anything you want. I-I gotta porsche. The keys are in my jacket! It's fucking yours!"

Heero stared at the man from behind his dark sunglasses, leaning in close and looking like death himself in his black clothes. He said in a deadly tone, "Maybe I don't want anything. Maybe this is justice delivered."

"Y-You a c-cop?" the man demanded. "I want a lawyer! I want someone in charge! Y-You can't treat me like this!"

"We're on the rim," Heero said with a smirk. "Outside the law, just like you are."

"What the hell did I do to you?!" the man demanded.

Heero held out a computerized manifest under the man's nose.

"One slave, 38 inch chestnut hair, purple eyes, slim build, marked," Heero read without looking. "Auctioned at your warehouse."

"They ain't mine!" The man wailed. "I just gave them the space to hold them. Clones, all of them! They ain't got no minds! Who cares who owns or sells 'em? "

Heero said through gritted teeth, "I do. Tell me the name of the auctioner."

"Only if I want to be a dead man!" the man wailed.

Heero leaned and there was the creak of bone about to break. The man shrieked and blubbered, writhing under him. "If I break this, you won't be able to walk," Heero warned.

"Shit, no!" the man shrieked. "I'll talk! Warren... Franz Warren... he traffics clones, used my ware house a couple of times. That number... that's his contact.. You won't get anywhere, though, they change everything after the auction."

Heero twisted the man, dislocating his back, but not breaking it. As the man shrieked, Heero said, as he pulled out his cell phone to call Preventers, "Everyone leaves a trail. Everyone."

see Kracken's original, published yaoi fiction, The Angel Within, at under Kracken
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