Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mind's Eye ❯ Show ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own them and I don't make any money off of this.
Warning: Male/male sex, graphic, language, violence, NCS, bondage, S&M, abuse

Mind's Eye


"Look at you, like a goddamn block of gundanium!" Duo downed his beer and tossed the can at the startled Heero. "Work. Work. Work! Everything for the Preventers, every ounce of flesh and blood. A year of living with you, working with you, and waiting... waiting for you to... Shit, but you didn't even notice, did you? Or, maybe you did and you just didn't want to deal? Well, you gave up Relena because you said you were gay. You asked to move in and I thought... but that was stupid! Doesn't matter what you are, you're not interested in anyone! You married your work. Well, go fuck and live with the Preventers too. I'm quitting them and you. I have better things to do... people who give a damn who I am, what I want, how I feel. Don't bother packing your shit. I'm the one that's going. There's nothing here anyway, you made sure of that!"

Duo whimpered and woke to morning sunlight. He sat up slowly, confused and disoriented by the dream. Hands bound behind his back and in his bed, his chain rattled as he looked for reassurance. The drugs usually made him forget most of the previous day. He could keep memories if he was given a consistent routine, but there were gaps and a haziness that made him feel lost. He needed an anchor and someone to give him direction.

Jim didn't come. Instead, the door was unlocked and the master himself came in with two men. He was wearing good clothes, as if he were going riding, but with a more military flair. His whip was longer, dark, and tipped at the end with several small lashes. He took a handful of Duo's bed sheets and saw a darker stain there. He tossed them aside angrily.

"Fool!" The master growled. "The maid was right. No one touches what is mine." He turned to Duo, pushed him face down on the bed, and then searched him over with a leather gloved hand. He hissed in displeasure when he saw Duo's raw entrance.

"Jim will be disposed of?" The master asked.

"Yes, Prince Peacecraft," one of the men replied deferentially.

"He has ruined this day for me,"the master said angrily. "Duo will not do well in the ring if he is in pain. I won't ask that of him. Treat him, bathe him, and put on the show harness. At least he will look his quality today, even if he doesn't show."

The master's hand smoothed along Duo's spine and he shivered at the touch of leather.

"I'm sorry that you had to endure that man," The master told Duo gently. "First that fool Sheldon and now a servant who forgets his place. You are too much of a temptation. After this, I will keep you in my own apartments. You will serve me personally."

The master moved aside and the men came forward. They took off Duo's chain and led him into the bath. There they unlocked his wrists and began bathing him..This wasn't the routine. Duo wasn't reassured. The dream was still hanging on to the edge of consciousness. It meant something, he felt, and it made him sad, but he couldn't understand it.

After he was taken out of the bath, Duo sat still while they combed out his hair, painted his nails with a clear laquer, and then treated him with a cream. The way they touched him and smiled, Duo almost thought that he was meant to play with them, but they weren't clones and the master had never asked him to play with anyone else.

They placed a gold collar around his neck and removed his leather one. It was smooth and cold as they attached a thin, golden chain to it. His arms were adorned with intricately designed golden cuffs and bracelets twinkling with jewels. A low slung, golden belt was placed about his slim hips and it twinkled with diamonds. The master himself stroked Duo until he began to be swell, and then he placed a golden cock ring onto him and locked it into place.

The master cupped Duo's chin and smiled at him. "Beautiful. They will envy me."

Duo's arms were pulled back and locked at the small of his back. The master's gloved hand brushed Duo's nipples until they were erect and then he clamped them with tiny clips hung with small golden weights centered with delicate, sparkling diamonds.

"Is the transport ready?" the master asked.

"On the pad, Prince Peacecraft," one of the men replied as he finished packing some items into a satchel.

"A dark crate is in order, I think," the master said, "We wouldn't want Duo to be alarmed by all the excitement."

"Yes, sir."

Duo was led across the grounds to an area he had never seen before. It was an open area with a marble floor near the clone rooms. Men disappeared into a storage room while the master attached Duo to a line of rings along the wall of a low building. Duo strained to look into the storage room, not knowing what to expect. He caught a glimpse of chains, manacles, whips, and leather restraints.

"You'll talk, we can be very persuasive," a voice in Duo's memory said. The image of a fat man in a uniform, pouring an armload of torture devices, manacles, and restraints onto a table formed in his mind. "Now," the memory said, "I want to know who sent you, who made your Gundam, and most importantly, what is the code to gain access to the piloting system?"

"The code is F-U-C-K Y-O-U," Duo heard his own voice reply sarcastically.

"Very funny," the man said without a hint of humor. "Let's see if you know how to spell out the code now. I think we'll start with some needles and.... screws... I always love screws."

"Duo?" the master called and Duo blinked out of his 'daydream' as his wrists were unlocked. "In the box."

Duo was unchained from the wall and the master was pointing to a small box sitting on the floor between his men.

"In there? You gotta be kidding? The box is four feet square!" Duo heard his own voice say in another stray memory.

An old, acidic voice replied, "You will be subjected to very cramped spaces inside your cockpit for long periods of time. If you can't pass this test, then I have to find another pilot."

"I hate you."

The man snickered. "I would be surprised if you didn't. Get inside."

The memory let him go and Duo found himself facing a similar, four by four, box. Duo balked. He stood, stiff legged, staring at the darkness inside.

"Do as I say," the master urged and gave a tug on his chain."It's all right, Duo. You will be by my side at all times. I will care for you." The master stressed, "It would please me for you to get in the box, Duo."

The master's gloved hand smoothed along Duo's back. It distracted Duo and quieted the odd images playing in his mind. He couldn't think why he shouldn't want to go in the box, especially when it would please his master to do so. Making a decision, Duo sank to all fours and then slowly crawled inside. The door closed almost at once and locked. He was left in complete darkness and it was calming. Duo could hear small sounds, but they weren't alarming or loud. The box tipped and rocked as he was picked up and carried and Duo tried to get comfortable in the very small space. Finally, curled up around himself, the dark, the quiet, and the lack of direction lulled him into sleep.

The rocking and the thump on the ground brought Duo awake sometime later. The door opened and he crawled out into warm sunlight. The master was there with a smile and words of praise. His gloved hands were sure as they helped Duo stand and the closeness of his larger body kept Duo from nervousness when he realized that they were in a small room he wasn't familiar with.

Handlers combed out Duo's hair, dabbed a light scent along his neck that hinted at flowers, and straightened out his sparkling harness of gold and jewels. After locking his wrists at the small of his back, the master leaned down and kissed Duo softly on the cheek.

"Stand by my side and be obedient," the master told him as he took up Duo's golden chain.

A slight tug, and Duo followed his master into a very large room. The floor was covered in rich, red oriental carpets, leather chairs were arranged in a way that sectioned off the large floor into smaller spaces, as if something was going to be viewed in those areas, and a high stage over looked everything. Official looking men stood on that stage and gazed out over a large crowd of men and women in fine clothing. Each person had one or two slaves on leads, standing obediently beside them, while they talked and drank from champagne glasses.

Duo felt uncertain. There had only been the master, the handlers, and a few clones in his life for as long as he could remember. The loud talking, the laughter, and the crowd in constant motion around him caused him to balk. The master soothed him at once, a hand stroking up and down Duo's arm and back.

"You are safe with me," the master told him. "You are here to be seen, but I won't show you. All you are required to do is walk beside me."

Duo only understood 'safe'. He didn't calm, but he responded to the tug on the chain. When the master stopped to speak with a very fat man in a dress coat, he was immediately distracted by the man's clone. As naked as he was, the boy had black hair pulled up in a ponytail. Diamond earrings shimmered along the curve of his ears and his eyelids were dusted with gold. His pointy face had very large blue eyes. He smiled at Duo and then was suddenly on him, nuzzling, rubbing and trying to make contact despite his arms being bound behind his back. He turned around with a tangle of leads and rubbed his small, rounded ass against Duo's half hard erection.

"Peyo!" The clone's master barked and jerked him away. The clone cowered as the man made his apologies to Duo's master. "He hasn't had a playmate in far too long," he explained in a flustered fashion. Peyo was recovering already and smiling hopefully at Duo again. "Foolish, clone!" His master admonished. "Can't you see he's submissive, too? You'll get your dominant if you behave and show your quality."

Duo's master said something polite, but it was frosty too. As he walked Duo away, Duo heard him mutter, "So ill trained. That man will not get a dominant."

Duo walked beside his master for nearly an hour while men and women complimented him on his pet, admiring Duo's beauty. His master seemed pleased and Duo relaxed under the man's soothing touches. The clones were varied in their looks, all very handsome or beautiful, but they all seemed to lack intelligence. They were extremely eager to please, childlike, and...

"Boring," the master said finally as they left an older woman and her female pet behind in the crowd. "Do you see why I prize you so much, Duo? They will never balk, never question, never do anything except 'please'. You question, you fight me on occasion, and you don't do everything to please me. Now that I've considered it, I don't think I would ever like you to 'show' here. I don't think I would find it satisfying."

People began to form groups, settling in the chairs in their areas with their pets standing at their backs. Finally, there was quiet and the men on the stage began to call out pairs of names. There were pleased murmurs and some growls of disappointment. When the announcements stopped, the strains of soft, classical music began to play.

The master had settled into a chair. Duo stood at his back, held there tightly by the chain in his master's gloved hand. A blonde clone stepped out into the center of the cleared area, hands bound behind his back. His master held his chain, asked him to kneel and bow his head to the floor, and then waited. Another man entered the area with a darker, larger clone. This one's hand were unbound and he was unadorned. He wasn't wearing a cock ring and his body was erect and eager as his master led him up to the kneeling clone.

Duo shivered. It was like watching two animals mate, two animals that were both excited, smiling, insatiable, and unfettered by any inhibitions. The masters were making pleased noises, but the game seemed to be for them to stay in perfect control of themselves. Some of them looked almost bored and only their glittering eyes betrayed their real excitement. The scene was playing out with different sets of clones in every sectioned off area.

Duo felt disturbed. He shifted from foot to foot. Something was wrong with this. The thought was very faint, but it was there. He didn't want to watch. He wanted... to be away from there, as if there was some punishment, some danger to this play... no, he thought, this wasn't play, it was....

Duo jerked on his chain as he stepped back. The master frowned and turned in his chair to look at him. His master always said that he knew men very well. Whatever he saw on Duo's face convinced him that soft words weren't going to bring Duo back to order. He excused himself from the group and began to lead Duo away.

"Prince Peacecraft," a tall man called and approached them. "Didn't you hear your pet named on the list? He's next."

"I am not showing today," the master replied irritably.

The man raised eyebrows. "Having trouble with him?"

The master tensed as if he had been delivered a terrible insult. "Of course not."

"He seems unruly, Prince Peacecraft," the man continued. "But he's new, yes? I'm certain everyone will understand if you withdraw." The tone was clearly insulting this time.

"He is trained perfectly," the master seethed.

"Then why not show him?" The man persisted. "Surely you will not flaunt such beauty and deprive us? The judges may take offense. There might be sanctions..."

Duo felt the master's hand tighten on his chain. Finally he said, "I wouldn't show a horse that was lame, I will not be less responsible for a pet. Duo was wounded by a careless handler."

"Poorly chosen help," the man sniffed as if that were as bad as poor training. "Pity."

"Yes," the master bit out and then Duo was led away.

Duo was taken back to the room where his handlers were waiting.

"Make him comfortable," his master said, but Duo could still hear his anger.

Duo suddenly bowed, head to the floor, and lifted his ass up. His chains clinked together as he trembled. Out of the corner of one eye, he could see the master's hand tighten on the riding whip hanging from his belt, as if he longed to use it. He wanted the master to do it. He needed the man, his world, to be calm and reassuring again. Allowing the master to do as he liked, was fit punishment if he had done something wrong.

A hand smoothed along Duo's ass and then the master was pulling him up to his feet.

"I won't beat you for what isn't your fault," the master said. He cupped Duo's chin and kissed him on the lips. "You are... magnificent," he sighed and his voice held a trembling quality. Then he was letting go and stepping back as if getting command of himself. "I have to return to the show. Make him comfortable until I return," the master ordered the handlers and then was gone.

There was barely enough time for the two men to unlock Duo's wrists and lead Duo to a small bed, before Sheldon was coming in, looking nervous but determined. "You two," he ordered the men, "Out."

The two men looked at each other in confusion.

"Out!" Sheldon ordered and flashed an official's badge at them. "I have the authority and you know the 'Prince' has to abide by my wishes."

The men were still looking reluctant, but they both made small bows and left. Sheldon grinned and turned to Duo. "Well," he said, "Looks like it's time for a little revenge. Get up."

Duo stood, a very faint memory of Sheldon's voice surfacing. The memory was coupled with pain.

Sheldon locked the door and then tossed a bag onto the bed. He opened it up and began pulling out items with undisguised glee. He surveyed them as if he couldn't decide, and then he picked out a black, hard, rubber rod. He tested his grip and the turned to Duo.

"Bend over," Sheldon ordered. "First I'm going to screw you just like I've wanted to and then I'm going to mess you up so badly, my dear 'Prince' won't even know you."

Duo hesitated. Sheldon shoved him over double, let his pants drop to his knees, and dangled the baton from his wrist by a strap as he grabbed Duo's hips. He didn't prepare Duo, he simply began to force his way in by pulling Duo onto his erection.

Pain, it flashed through Duo and cut through the haze of the drugs like a bolt of lightning. He felt something inside of him tear. He cried out and Sheldon laughed and didn't relent. The baton slapped Duo's thigh. In his bent over position he could see it, dark and ugly and its purpose clear. It triggered a memory.

Attack. Mission compromised. Escape. Kill. Duo straightened and Sheldon was forced to straighten with him. Before the man could snarl a command, Duo's elbow shot backward with the full force of Duo's weight behind it. There was a crack and a gurgle. Sheldon slipped out of Duo and sprawled on the floor, bawling and clutching at his shattered nose. Duo's bare foot came down on his windpipe, silencing him. As Duo bent and began yanking the man's clothes off of him before they could get bloodied, Sheldon died.

Undercover. Slip out unseen. Duo dressed in Sheldon's clothing, tucked the chain around his neck down into the collar, and hid his golden manacles under the long sleeves. His hair went down inside the man's dress coat. It was all done very quickly, efficiently. and on complete auto pilot. A quick search of the room, turned up a bag full of personal effects. Duo ripped off any identifying tags or marks and then carried it as he slipped out of the room and through the large crowd, head down and official's badge displayed prominently.


see Kracken's original, published yaoi fiction, The Angel Within, at under Kracken
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