Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mind's Eye ❯ Lodestone ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer:I don't own this and I don't make any money off of this
Warnings:Male/male sex, graphic, language, violence, NCS, bondage, S&M, abuse

Mind's Eye


"Twitch and I'll redecorate this place with your brains," Heero hissed to Simple. "Get them moving..."

Simple ordered his female clones to proceed them as they entered the hall. Heero stood very close to Simple's elbow in dark clothes and dark sunglasses. His hair was slicked down and swept back and he hunched into a dark coat. Eyes swept over them in the glittering crowd, but no one saw anything other than a man with his pets and his body guard.

"In position Yuy," a voice said in Heero's ear transmitter.

"Not yet," Heero whispered. "I don't see Maxwell yet."

"Might not be here," Simple grumbled. "What's going to happen to me if he isn't? Our deal was, I help you get him and I walk on all charges."

"I lied," Heero said shortly. "Now it's, if you don't want to be in the 'crossfire', you do exactly as planned."

Simple swallowed hard.

"Don't see him," the voice complained. "We need to move, agent."

The large hall was boiling with glittering aristocrats. The circles were breaking up. Everyone was admiring pets again and talking about awards that were to be handed out later. Heero felt his blood boiling and his fear rising for Duo. The event was a very important one to 'pet' owners. It had seemed like a sure bet that Duo's handler would bring him to such an event.

"Where is he?" Milliardo Peacecraft demanded of an underling.

"As I said, Prince Peacecraft," the man replied, "Mr. Sheldon is dead."

"Not Sheldon!" Milliardo snapped. "Duo! Why wasn't he there in the room?"

"I don't know, sir," the man replied anxiously. "Some of the things were gone as well. He's unshackled sir and wearing Mr. Sheldon's clothes, I believe."

"But..." Milliardo frowned. "The drugs must not be working. He'll be confused and wandering. He must be found before he is injured, before someone takes advantage of him."

"I've men searching, sir," the man assured him.

"Duo's not here," Heero said into his transmitter as he shoved Simple away from him. He didn't need the ruse any longer. "Arrest as many as you can. I'm searching for Duo."

"All agents move out!" the voice shouted.

"Freeze!" A voice on a loud speaker ordered. "You are all under arrest! Lay down on your stomachs and place your hands over your heads. Anyone who resist will be shot!"

Women screamed and men shouted in alarm. The entire floor of the room was suddenly a surging mass of people heading for every exit. Pets were left behind, confused, while others were knocked down or dragged after their owners. Heero looked for his own exit as he pulled out his service revolver.

Milliardo was surveying the room coolly. He began to turn and leave, but Peyo and his master caught his eye. Shots were being fired by desperate people and Peyo's owner was a coward and desperate man. He pulled out a gun.

Heero stopped in his own retreat and aimed his revolver at Peyo's owner. "Freeze or die!" he shouted.

Peyo was too simple to understand his danger. He was docile and wide eyed as his master grabbed him by his collar and pulled his slight body in front of him to use as a shield. Peyo's master aimed his gun over his pet's shoulder and fired off one shot.

Heero wasn't the only one to know what would come next. Milliardo was suddenly there, arms outstretched and standing in front of Peyo. He took two bullets in his back before he fell. Peyo's owner was shocked and then very dead as Heero's bullet took him between the eyes.

"Hanson!" Heero shouted as an agent ran up to the dead bodies and the stunned pet. "What the hell were you doing?"

Hanson shoved Peyo out of his way as he bent to check his master's body. "He's just a damned fuck clone," Hanson growled. "What's it matter if he gets it?"

"Matters to me," Noin said as she motioned two agents to approach Hanson. "Disarm him and take him out of here. Get these children rounded up and under the supervision of social service. Anyone steps out of line and I'll forget the war is over and serve out discipline my way." She looked at Heero and then bent by Milliardo. "He's alive. You could have moved faster, agent Yuy."

"I didn't realize that he was that self sacrificing," Heero replied angrily.

"Honorable," Noin corrected. "A man who uses people in this way, isn't self sacrificing."

"Duo's gone," Heero reported, "I need to go." He didn't say, 'before I kill your lover', but the tone of his voice did that for him. Revenge had to wait until Duo was safe, then he would make certain that Milliardo Peacecraft paid.

"Go," Noin said without looking at him, her eyes riveting to Peacecraft's bleeding body. She wasn't calling for a medic. Maybe she hoped that he wouldn't survive. "I'll inform Une."

Heero nodded and then was gone, slipping through the chaos of arresting agents.

Once away from danger, his heart beat calming, Duo slowed. The crowded city sidewalk was like a river and he was the stone blocking it. People walked around him, glaring, curious, or indifferent. No one told him what to do. Directionless, he struggled to form thoughts. Memories swirled at the edges of consciousness and Duo had a feeling that if he could make at least one of them clear, he would know what to do.

There was a shadowed alley off to one side. Duo was drawn towards it, eager to escape the crowd. There was a dumpster, a few delivery trucks, the smell of restaurants and garbage, and several dark places that appealed to something deep down within him. Hide, that part said, don't let them find you.

Who? Why not? His white haired master? The man who had tried to hurt him? Oz? Oz.... that name meant something. Fear, anger, caution. Duo kneeled on cement in a tucked back alcove of darkness. He placed his hands at his back and bowed over, wanting something familiar, but, after a time, he sat up again. Without someone to direct him, the position didn't comfort him, it only brought home the feeling of being alone and confused. He huddled in on himself instead, experiencing the pain of his own empty mind.

Duo didn't stir again until late afternoon. The emptiness wasn't so painful now. While memories of his master were growing faint, they were being replaced by other things, jumbled half formed and frightening memories. They drove him from his hiding place and back onto the street. He welcomed the crowds then and let the flow of foot traffic take him along with them.

"What are you looking at?" A youth growled. There was a gang of them, wearing ragged clothes, bandanas, and a dangerous attitude.

He was the first person to speak to Duo. He stopped and stared at the young man, hoping that he was finally going to be told what to do.

"You hear what I said?" The young man demanded. "You want us to kick your ass or something?"

Duo shivered. He didn't want pain. Run. Hide. Find another dark place, the voice deep down urged him. Danger... Danger... His hand reached for a weapon he didn't have while a part of his mind told him to obey, to bend gracefully and present this commanding person his ass.

The gang circled him, calling insults and threats. They pushed Duo hard. One of them reached out to grab his shirt front and it pulled open to reveal his gold collar. The gang formed up tight around him then, as that one fingered the cold and said, "Shit!"

"That real, Raul?" one man with a crew cut asked their leader.

"Yeah, Pax," Raul replied, fingering it, and then he glared into Duo's eyes. "You're going to come with us, real nice, or we'll slice you up. Got that?"

Duo didn't calm with the order. His agitation and his darker thoughts grew even more. He allowed them to shuffle him behind a building and then he held still while they opened up his shirt all the way and found the harness.

"Mother fuck!" One of them swore. "What the hell you wearing, boy?"

"A fortune!" another crowed. "Come on, get it off."

"Not here, dumb shit," Raul snarled. He buttoned Duo's shirt back up and then patted it into place as he looked around them. "In private, boys, in private. Let's get pretty fuck back to our place and get busy. He's going to be our payday and our full freakin' entertainment for the night."

Two of the gang looked disgusted. The others were measuring Duo with their eyes. Raul snickered at their discomfort. "He don't have to be no woman." He squeezed Duo's ass hard with a broad hand. "With a bit o' persuasion he can do for us real nice."

Forming up tight around Duo, they forced him to go with them.

"Long hair, past his waist, loose or in a braid" Heero described to an old man sitting on a cement bench by a bus stop. He raked a hand through his hair, so that it wasn't slicked back anymore, and he looked over the top of his dark glasses at the old man. The old man was open mouthed and nervous. "Purple eyes," Heero continued. "About my height, but slighter."

"Yeah," the old man grunted as if suddenly coming alive. "Saw a guy like that with the Pitt Bull gang not a half hour ago. Thought he was one of their bitches. You a cop?"

Heero pushed his sunglasses up on his face. "He's my bitch," Heero replied bluntly. "I'm taking him back. Tell me where they hang out or you won't be telling anyone anything ever again."

The old man snorted. "I was special ops for twenty five years, boy. I could kill you with my pinkie, even at my age,"

Heero tensed and put a hand on his gun.

"But I rather you rescued your friend and make that gang an ugly red smear," the old man continued with a glint in his eye.

Heero gave him a steely smile. "Start talking."

They took off Duo's clothes once they went up to their third floor apartment in an abandoned building. They had broken furniture, a hot plate, and a small refrigerator. Along one wall was an elaborate drug making set up. Duo frowned, again feeling a strong sense of wrong. What was he supposed to do? The memory was hazy, too much that was new coming into sharper focus. Obey? Why obey? Who were they that he should do as they said?

"Shit!" Raul bent over and looked at Duo's cock ring in awe. "Solid gold and full of diamonds! Luger! Take it off him!"

"Fuck you!" a young man with dred locks swore. "I ain't touchin' nobody's dick!"

"That thing is worth about fifty grand," Raul retorted.

Luger came forward instantly and looked down at it, exclaiming, "Holy shit!"

"I'll get it," Pax said impatiently and shouldered Luger aside. He reached out and Duo watched him fumble. When the cock ring came off it was a relief, but the touching and his long abstinence were enough to make Duo hard. It earned him a violent punch in the face by Pax.

Duo stumbled and put hands to his face, his head spinning, as the men argued and shouted around him.

"Not in the fuckin' face!" Raul shouted, furious.

"What's it matter?" Pax demanded and he spat aside.

"'Cuz I think I know what we got here," Raul drawled self importantly. "I know people who scout for the meat markets. I think this bitch is a clone. They use 'em instead of prostitutes."

"And that means...," a short, stocky, dark haired young man came forward and looked Duo up and down. He grinned. "That means we can do what we want. Clones don't count."

"Nope, don't count at all, Manny." Raul grinned. "And a lot of them are 'trained'. Just don't mess him up. We can sell him and his gear for a lot of credits, got that?"

"Yeah," Luger grumbled and then, "So, what now?"

Raul took out his knife. "Get the gear off first."

They cut it from Duo to bypass the locks and Duo sat still through the tugging and nicks from their knife blades as his head continued to spin from the blow.

"Okay..." Manny rubbed sweaty palms on his pants. "Who's first?"

Raul unzipped his pants, grinning. "Everybody." He approached Duo and grabbed him by his hair. "Blow me, fucking clone."

"No, no, no!" Pax snarled. "I ain't doin' it in front of you guys!"

Raul glanced at the one bedroom with its flop cots and scowled. "I'm first then."

"Fuck that!" Luger snarled. "We draw for it."

"What are you, fuckin' two years old?" One of the other gang members, a shocking red head, exclaimed and rubbed the bulge in his pants. "Let's get this on!" The others agreed, but Pax wouldn't back down.

"I want more than a blow job. I want some of that ass," Manny said, voice heavy with lust. "Gotta know who's going in when, though."

"Yeah," Raul suddenly agreed. "Can't fuck him all together."

They continued to argue and then, having had enough, and seeing it was about to come to blows, Raul yanked out a long knife and shouted, "He's mine first. You guys figure out the leftovers while I fuck him. Anybody wanna argue?"

Silence greeted his question.

Raul looked arrogant as he nodded, grabbed Duo by the wrist, and pulled him along after him. "See ya in a few."

Raul kicked the door to the bedroom closed after he pulled Duo into the bedroom. Then he shoved down his pants and stroked his dripping erection while he looked Duo up and down. "Let's have some fun, clone bitch. Get on your knees and put that fine ass in the air."

An image flashed through Duo's mind as he kneeled; a seedy house, a group of violent looking people firing guns, and uniformed men rushing in and firing in return. He was one of the uniformed men, he felt, and with the memory, came a thrill, a feeling of being in control and doing something good.

"Idiot!" A familiar voice shouted at him in the memory. "Stop trying to go in first! I can't protect your flank if I'm not there!"

"How sweet!" His own mocking voice shouted back. "You care!"

The smell of blood and gunfire, the sound of men screaming, dying, and cursing, the sense that death was on his right shoulder and a death dealer was on his left, over shadowed the room. A thick, bobbing, cock was in Duo's face. He was supposed to... supposed to.... but there was the feel of a gun in his hand, too, and a sense that he was in a very bad dream.

"What the.... hell...?" Duo blinked. Everything came into sharp focus suddenly, but none of it made any sense.

Duo stood, grabbed the swollen member in front of him, and twisted as his other hand sucker punched the strange young man in front of him. Raul went down with a strangled scream.

"Who the fuck are you?"!" Duo demanded.

He remembered... remembered... Duo shook his head sharply. It ached and throbbed. It came to him suddenly and he pounced on the man in a fury. "You fuckin rolled me when I was drunk, and then you thought you were going to have some fun with me at your place afterward, right?"

The door slammed open and angry men poured in, one shouting, "We want our turn and we don't want him messed up!"

"I wasn't the one screaming," Duo sneered as he left his victim and turned to them, acutely aware that he was naked and unarmed. He took up a fighting stance. It made them pause in surprise and Duo took that moment to throw himself through the nearest window.

Duo caught the sill on the way out and cut the palm of his hand to ribbons on glass as he swung and took stock of his options. In the space of heartbeats, he decided on his course of action. Ignoring the lancing pain of his hand, he scrabbled for a handhold on a projecting rusted piece of rebar sticking from the cracked side of the building. He used it to swing to another window lower down, one that was already broken, and the glass ripped violently out of his hand.

Escape was going to depend on an incredible amount of luck, Duo thought, and he didn't trust the odds as he frantically grabbed for any handhold to get through the broken window. He almost fell twice before getting a good grip. Pulling himself through into an empty second floor room, he didn't hesitate. Dripping blood everywhere, he ran for the door of the room and sprinted down a hallway full of broken masonry and graffiti filled walls.

They would expect him to run for it. Duo hid instead, opening several windows and then ducking into one room with a collapsed wall. He crouched in shadows and waited. It wasn't long before the gang came rushing into the hallway shouting and shoving.

"Monkey bitch went out another window!" Pax snarled.

"No!" Raul snapped back and Duo imagined him leaning out of one of the windows. There was a pause and then he snapped, "No way he could have made that next window down. He's here. Search!"

"Blood!" Someone else yelled. "Goes to another window."

Another pause and then Raul said, "No way out here either. Keep looking."

Duo had made sure not to bleed to his hiding place, but it was seeping past his fingers now. They hadn't fallen for his ruse and it was only a matter of time before they found him. He had purposefully hidden near the stairs. Now he listened and tried to guess the positions of the enemy.

They were making a lot of noise, trying to scare him out of hiding. Duo had a chance, a slim one, but it was the only one he was going to get, he thought. He slipped from hiding and went to the doorway, intending to try and make another run for it without being seen. Unfortunately, he came face to face with Luger.

Luger grabbed for him, shouting for his friends, but Duo took hold of one of his grasping hands, twisted hard, and then sent the young man flying. He heard the sound of a body hitting a wall, but Duo didn't take the time to look back. He sprinted from the room and down the hallway towards the stairs.

Duo was spotted almost at once and voices shouted behind him. He was naked, but he was fast, he thought, he just had to keep his lead and not run into any of the gang.

A figure appeared at the end of the hallway. A nightmare figure in a black coat that flowed behind him as he walked steadily towards Duo. The man's dark sunglasses, and the gunmetal of his two glocks, caught the light of a bare, over head bulb as he raised them and began firing both at the same time.

Duo ducked down as bullets whizzed past him . Screams sounded down the hallway. The man kept firing as he continued towards Duo. Duo grinned at him fiercely, recognizing him, and yelled, "Where the hell have you been, Heero? I was about to be the main course!"

Heero's smirk was fierce in return, but he didn't stop firing as he walked past Duo and took down every member of the gang. They pulled out weapons as well, but none of them managed a clean shot and Heero ignored the bullets peppering the plaster all around him as if he were invincible. Raul was the last, screaming curses and charging Heero with his knife, but Heero calmly filled him full of bullets until he fell, sprawling in his own blood.

Heero listened, eyes scanning the open doorways, and then he decided that they were safe and he holstered one weapon and turned to Duo, asking, "Secure?"

"Yeah, that's all of them, as far as I know," Duo replied as he straightened.

Heero took off his sunglasses and his blue eyes appraised Duo. The look was intense and full of emotion. Duo had moments to remember his hot words to Heero, his admission that he had wanted more than a roommate, and his incredible drunk afterward when Heero had not responded. Now he was naked and vulnerable and Heero had saved him.

"I could have handled it myself," Duo stated, an instinctive defense against complete humiliation. "I was about to get away."

"Yes, I know," Heero replied, as if he fully believed it. He came very close to Duo, slid an arm around his waist, and then pulled him close in an almost bone crushing embrace.. Wide eyed and confused, Duo was given a brief kiss that was as hard edged as Heero was himself. "Even the best soldier shouldn't... do things all alone," Heero told him haltingly." Help... a good... partner... It's... acceptable."

Duo felt hot and then cold and then hot again."This is just some sort of weird assed nightmare isn't it?" he wondered. "One of those ones where you end up being naked and having people do things... say things... they wouldn't usually?"

Heero smiled and shook his head.

Duo frowned, glanced at the blood stained hallway and the dead bodies, and then begged, "Can we get back to this... later?"

Heero's arm tightened on Duo, almost cutting off Duo's air. "Duo," he began, but then licked dry lips and decided against what he had been about to say. Instead, he nodded and took off his coat. Helping Duo put it on, he said, "When you were gone... I felt empty."

Duo found a smile, but he was confused. "Empty?" he echoed. "You mean, all this time, all I had to do was run away, get drunk, and get rolled by a gang to get you to notice me?"

Heero didn't laugh, he remained serious.

Duo suddenly felt dizzy. He looked down at his bloody hand and saw a pool of blood on the floor. "Later," he said. "Can you call a doctor, Heero?" Heero began pulling out his cell phone, but Duo caught his arm. "Can you," he stammered in embarrassment. "Can you not tell anyone about... you know... me being... naked?"

"I won't tell anyone," Heero promised and made his call to Preventers. There would be time enough to tell Duo about everything, he thought, once he had Duo safe and taken care of.