Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Minor Heaven ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay this Story is called Minor Heaven. Of course it is an AMAZING song by Tarja Turunen just found it suiting for this fic. Yes, it will be yaoi, so yeah tuff luck.

Oh and flamers... BITE-ME!

Music listened to for inspiration:

Of course DUH I don't own GW or anything else but the this FANFIC story I wrote.

Duo sighed as he balanced the phone on his shoulder. It was ten years after the war, five terrible years after the murder of Hilde. Duo was no longer the skinny short child he once was. His face more defined and masculine. Finely tuned muscled rippled when he moved years of junk yard work left him buffed. And the biggest change was he stood six foot four. The only thing that didn't change was the braid.

He'd be twenty-six tommarow

"No, I do not want to discuss the case any further with you, call me back when you for sure have a suspect." Duo growled cutting crust off of a sandwich and popping the crusts into his mouth. "Yeah, I'll do that, good bye."

"TRIO!" Duo yelled hanging up the phone. "Lunch is served, I have to work pretty soon, so hurry up come and eat."

After a moment of silence Duo looked around. Nothing responded to his calls. Sighing he picked up the plate his eyes closing as he held back his fustration. It was no good to take it out on someone not involved. Especially someone as sweet as Trio.

"Fine I'll feed it to the dog."

"We don't have a dog," Came a tiny voice by the fridge.

"There you are Trio... Then I'll feed it to the cat."

"We don't have a cat."

"Oui! I thought you had a pet?" Duo asked looking at the little girl that finially peeked around the corner. She was a mirror image of Hilde, but it was always his own eyes looking back at him. "Could have sworn we did."

"We a rat named NumNums silly." Trio giggled.

Smiling Duo watched as the small little girl entered the kitchen. She looked like a bean pole walking in. Her limbs were skinny along with her torso, also she was short for her age. That was alright, Duo was short for his age for awhile before hormones kicked in. Trio would be turning six soon, and never in her life had Duo cut her hair.

And god forbid she keep shoes on her feet.

"Right, NumNums."

As he watched his daughter climb up on to the stool, Duo herd something. The braided haired man's body tensed as he listened. Oblivious to her fathers action she began eating her sandwhich. Slowly Duo moved away from the kitchen and towards the sliding doors that made up the dining room. Glancing out the doors, and careful not to be seen the ex-pilot scanned his surrounds.

There was no one, but something was amiss.

Calmly and stealthily the braided pilot strode over to the phone. Grabbing in he punched in numbers to a close friend. Pressing the phone to ear he listened to the ring. Growling lowly he prayed for the person on the other side to pick up. At the sound of the answering machine he cussed and punched in another number.

To late.

Putting down the phone, Duo grabbed his daughter. She squealed as he sandwich fell to the floor. Opening up the door under the sink he shoved her in. His deep purplish eyes filled with worry and sincerity as he petted her hair.

"Trio stay in here, and DO NOT say a word no matter what happens." Duo ordered.


"I love you Trio, and if you love me you will not say a thing." Duo said cutting her off.

Trio watched as her father closed the doors and used a child proof lock to hold her in. Moving aside the bottles of soap and the spare sponges she peeked through a crack in the wood that was made by her fathers foot years ago. It was a violent argument between husband and wife thankfully Trio was to young to remember.

Duo moved to clean up the sandwich as the door banged open. Trio jumped but didn't say anything as she watched some old fashioned military suited figures approach Duo. Almost cheerfully her father smiled at them. Even offering one of the partly eaten sandwich that had previously fallen on the floor. With out showing any emotions the invaders slapped the plate out of Duo's hand. It rattled quite loudly on the floor.

"Hey take it easy," Duo said a fake smile on his face.

"Search the house find and kill anyone you find." The one with sunglasses ordered.

"Hey, hey, theres no need for that," Duo said his back muscles rippling under the tention. "It's just me here."

The one with the sunglasses turned the gun to the side and used the butt of the gun to smack Duo in the face. The tall man took a few steps back but didn't fall. Trio watched as her father held the side of his face. The silence seemed to go on forever before the other suited men came back.

"Theres evidence of a child living here but no sign of her."

The leader seemed to look directly at the little girl hiding under the sink. Bravely she didn't say a word or move. Turning back to Duo he raised his gun at Duo moving into a position that Trio couldn't see anything past him. Slowly her father raised his hands and began to speak. Suggesting desperately that there was no need for violence.

What happened next shattered the child hiding under the sink.


The six foot four fame jerked violently. Grabbing his chest Duo staggered back, finally falling against the sink doors with a loud bang. Darkness enveloped Trio. During this time she managed to find her self pressed into the corner. Dish soap now leaked around her small frame. Each breath caught in her chest; Still to innocent to grasp what was going on.

Foot steps approached, "He's not dead yet."

Another shot rang out, having to be at close rant it went through Duo, through the door, and sinking into the wall. Right where Trio used to be. Blood trickled through the holes in the wood mingling in around the soap.

She didn't know when the light started to come back. Only that when Trio looked up they were already dragging away her fathers body. His arms dragging limply on behind them.

'Hello, hello... Duo is this you, hello Duo, what was that noise just now.' A voice came from the phone. "Duo is everything alright, I'm tracing this call and I'm coming over right away.'


It was clear something was amiss when Heero arrived. The door to Duo's junkyard home was busted open. That wasn't the worse, there was a trail of blood that went down the stairs and cut off a few feet later. More then likely the owner of the blood was moved into a vehicle. Quatre was right to call him and convince him to go over to Duo's house.

Emotions like steel he entered the house, careful not to step in the blood, or the bloody foot prints. Entering the kitchen off the front hall he noticed the pool of blood by the sink. Staining the surrounding counter with gore. Looking around he took in the rest of his surroundings. Nothing was taken, meaning this was not a robbery.

Something caught his senses, a smell soap. Looking at the cabinet he noticed the crimson stained child lock. Walking over to the door he broke off the lock and opened the door. There he found a child huddled fearfully in the corner. Grabbing her he pulled her tightly against his chest, she didn't need to see this.

The child was covered with soap, her fathers blood, and at sometime she had wet herself. Comfort came as a weird emotion to the perfect solider, but something wanted to protect and console this child. Trio had been nothing but a baby when he last saw her, god he didn't want to see her again like this.

A silent form entered the kitchen, the blonde had a hand over his mouth as he looked at all the blood.

"Heero, is Duo d-"

"Don't say it," Heero said his voice clipping off at the end.

Quatre looked up as Heero turned reavealing the tiny form in his arms. "Heero."

"Don't worry, she's out. I thought it best to sedate her. How far away is Sally?"

"... She's on Earth."


Trio was just waking up when Quatre walked into the Hospital room. She had been taken to a hospital in the Sanc Kingdom. Having been sedated the whole trip she didn't remember day long trip. Turning her head away from Quatre she looked at the bars of the giant crib they placed her in. Behind him walked Trowa who held a small carrior. Lightly he placed it on the night stand. Even the emotionless Trowa deep inside felt pain for the small child. However he left all the crying for his lover to do. The latch squeaked in complaint as he opened the door.

Something light moved on the bed. Turning she looked at a rat that crawled along the bed. A familiar russian blue point Siamese nose sniffed her check. A deep frown crossed her face as Trio grabbed her rat and hugged him tight. Silent tears fell as she sought comfort in the furry rodent. Still she chose to speak no words, not even in thanks. The braided haired child just sought comfort in her rat. The only thing left of her happy memories.

"How are you doing Trio?" Quatre asked.

Trio just petted her rat.

"Are you feeling better?"

Still no response.

Trowa took Quatre's arm before he spoke again. "His cage is in your reach, call if you need us."

The blond haired man objected Trowa pulled him from the room.

The years had brought changes to the Arabian ex-pilot. His hair now hung to his shoulders, bringing out brighter blue eyes. Standing at a Six foot he stood only a two inches below Trowa, and an inch taller then Heero. His frame was lean, with soft out lines of muscles. His chin and his face were still as innocent as a child, yet his eyes held the wisdom of his years.Where as Trowa and Heero hadn't changed a bit, just in size.

"Trowa how could this happen!" Quatre hissed as they were out of range of Trio's room. "Hilde was murdered no-"

"Don't assume." Trowa said simply.

"Could this be related to Hilde's murder." Quatre said delicately afraid to hear what his lover had to say.

The brown haired man didn't say a thing as he stared cross armed at Quatre. Back when Hilde was murdered, Quatre was the main suspect. There was still doubts that arose, and Quatre got off on a mere technicality. Until the true murderer was caught, there was nothing that would change that. Even though Trowa had been his lover for years, he could still feel the suspicion. The mere thought of it nearly brought the young man to tears. Anger and frustrated Quatre turned away from Trowa.

"I swear Trowa, it wasn't me, I do not know how many more times I need to explain that."

"Fact remains there is more evidence against you, then for you." Trowa's words cut deep.

The blond Arabian opened his mouth to speak, but closed it when Heero entered the room.

"There is no evidence left, only thing we got is that they wore military style boots." Heero said simply. "The only witness we have is Duo's daughter."

"She isn't talking."


"It is not surprising given the trauma of what happened." The now grey haired Sally chimed in. "Often times under great traumatic stress some children shut up and never speak a word again. Children can't be all tough."

"Your calling her weak?" Quatre asked with a hint of annoyance.

"No, but compared to you Gundam pilots..." Sally shrugged. "Only thing we can do is give Trio her space."

"So what do we do about Duo?" Quatre asked turning the conversation.

"Assume he's dead until further notice."


Days passed with out a single clue to Duo's wear abouts. Or much better stated, the wear abouts of his body. Once released from the hospital Trio went to live with Heero. In case anything happened to Duo and Hilde, Heero was the prime choice of custody. It was honestly the toughest mission the perfect soldier had. To have a child was challenging, to have a broken child was demanding. Tucking her in Heero walked down stairs and noticed another face had joined the group. It was Wufei, a scar marred his one shoulder, Heero remembered that Preventors mission with cold fondness.

"This came in from Preventors today." Wufei stated holding up a disk. "I was ordered to wait till we were all together to view it."

"Not now Wufei," Quatre said turning up the volume to the TV, one of the rare luxuries.

'Contains disturbing images. Anyone with young children should remove them from the room. We were advised to play this tape or they would kill the hostage. Anyone who knows this person please contact us.' The woman on the news channel babbled before it switched to a tape.