Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Minor Heaven ❯ If there was a chance ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
SORRY about the spelling errors that are left. Yahoo like totally wigged out on me. So if someone can tell me how to spell fusterated and pashient right so I can put them on a postey to use later that would be great. And any other spelling errors would be dandy. ::shakes her head:: I swear I'm 26 I should know these things.

I don't even know if anyone checks out these songs I leave LOL


The video jerked, it was from a security camera. On the screen sat a hunched over man sitting in a closet like cell. There was no way for the man to lay in the cell it had to be no more then 4X4. His torso was wrapped up in dirty bandages that were caked in blood and dirt. The miserable looking braided haired man needed medical attention. Each breath was struggle to breathe. As the taped played the man did not move. Finally after a minute a voice broke the silence.

//This is what the earth sphere alliance has let free.// A old picture back when he was captured popped up on screen. //This is the the pilot of Gundam 02. The picture was taken when he was captured by OZ. Instead of disposing of these MURDERS the earth sphere alliance has gathered them together in a group called Preventors. Preventors of what? The so called pacifists gather them for yet another war to take away our freedoms.//

Again silence and the image of the old Duo vanished and back into the cell. //We caught this man committing treason against humanity, I urge you brothers and sisters help me find the other pilots and lets give our fallen soldiers peace. IT IS TIME TO TAKE UP ARMS MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS! DEATH TO THE GUNDAM PILOTS! DESTRUCTION TO THE PREVENTORS! DOWN WITH THE EARTH SPHERE ALLIANCE!//

With that the video cut off. 'The group has yet to identify themselves.' The lady news caster finished.

"Duo's, he's." Quatre's voice cracked.

"There's no way to tell how old the video is," Wufei snarled. "He could be dead by now."

"What is it you wanted us to see Wufei." Heero asked ignoring the news program.

Wufei crushed the disk in his hand. "What are you talking about?"

** It was very tense between the married couple. There happy years seemed so far in the distant past now. Silently Duo played with the rice on the plate. Across the table Hilde sat with her hands folded on her lap fiddling with a napkin. The silence played on Duo's nerves, finally he slammed his hands down on the table and got up to find something to take his mind off Hilde. Neatly Hilde folded her napkin and placed it on the table.

"Duo did you ever want children?" Hilde tentatively asked out of the blue.

Duo laughed as he pulled a pie out of the fridge. "Sorry Hil' I may love you and all, but kids." Duo smirked at her. "Death don't bring life into this world."

Hilde caste down her eyes sadness over whelming her.

"Drop it Hilde," Duo said his voice sounding much like Heero. "WHAT can we offer a child with our marriage in the state it's in. You want it turn out like-" Duo clutched the pie as he cut off. "Besides Hilde you KNOW the other reason why I don't want to have a kid... FUCK Hilde!"

"DUO YOUR SO!" Hilde abruptly got up from the table. "SELFISH!"

In a flash Duo was across the room, and before he could stop himself he back handed Hilde. Her small form crumpling on the floor. Before the 02 ex-pilot could respond Hilde ran out of the kitchen. A short bit later he heard the door slamming. Duo fought the demons with him as he entered the kitchen. Screaming out his frustration he flung the forgotten pie across the room. It exploded against the wall like gore from a battle.

"DAMMIT!" Duo punched the counter spitting his knuckle open.

The next day Duo woke to no Hilde, but Quatre was knocking on his door. Sleepily Duo pulled himself out of bed and stumbled to the door. It seemed more and more with his passing months it was harder to walk in the morning. It wouldn't surprise him if one morning he woke up and he couldn't move his legs anymore.

Seeing it was his old buddy Duo opened the door with a grin. However, the Arabian pilot held no cheer in his expression. In fact he was madder then half the roaches around Duo's house.

"How could you Duo?" Quatre snapped forcing the anger to resound in his voice. "How can you do that to Hilde?"

"I did nothing to Hilde." Duo slurred flinching when remembered hitting her, "we had a small argument last night that is all. We have them all the time... By the way it's nice to see you to."

"Your so stupid Duo," Quatre said calming down a bit. "My sister called from the clinic she works at. Hilde called, and she's getting an abortion."

The braided mans brain snapped quickly from sleep, to cold dread. "What?"

"Hilde is aborting her and yours baby."

"What?!" Duo clasped Quatre's shoulders, probably bruising the frail skin under the clothes. "Where is this clinic."

Quatre shook his head, "By the time you get there it will be to late."

"Bull shit, spill or I'll torture it out of you."

Once the blond Arabian spilled Duo dashed back in the house and got dressed. He hardly payed Quatre any heed as he ran out of the house. Quatre cringed as he herd the roar then the squealing tires of the motorcycle. Looking at the open front door Quatre walked in deciding to lock up the place for him..

On the way to the abortion clinic Duo broke each and every driving law. Once there he parked the bike into the street light. Barely leaping free before it crashed.

Duo hit the cement feet first, and no matter how trained he was it turned out to be a bad jump. He felt his leg break upon impact. Still he didn't flinch as he got up and made his way through the doors. Ignoring the startled looks of the woman who sat in the waiting room he strode towards a blank faced receptionist. Long powerful legs covered the distance in only a few strides. Once Duo asked were Hilde Maxwell was she quickly pointed the way soundlessly.

Every movement, every muscle twitch, and eye movement oozed out a raw finely toned preditor.

Hilde Maxwell sat on doctors bed her head buried in thin hands as she wept. Her body wracked with sobs as her emotions let loose. Standing in the door way Duo felt all the love and respect he had for this woman come back. She was his only connection to reality. After the war the dark blue haired girl that once was his capture, freed him from his depression. Though yes she did capture his heart. Then suddenly sorrow over came him as he realized where he was. Silently he went over to his wife and held her in his embrace.

"He said it was to late, I was to far along." She choked out. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Gently Duo rocked her trying not to disturb the hospital gown to much. "Shh, don't be sorry."

"But-" Hilde sniffled. "You didn't want kids."

"Hilde, Hilde, Hilde." Duo forced her to look into his eyes. "Remember your the brains in this relationship. I was just being stupid... Hil' I am not mad, I'm happy it was to late for you to abort... And Hilde I am more sorry I hit you. Please next time I do that, call one of the guys to beat my ass love."

Hilde nodded in acknowledgment. "I want to get out of here."

Sobs still occasionally shook Hilde's body as her husband wrapped his warm jacket around her. Thankful for the warm comfort she pulled it tighter around her as he picked her up. In his arms she felt so safe, and care free. With out grabbing her clothes he carried her form the clinc. It was not full of his usual grace, softly Hilde placed her hand on his chest. Resting her head on his shoulder she listened to his beating heart. It was tempting to say something to Duo. To make him stop in fear of hurting himself more. However, both needed this moment.

Today, he was her shining hero.**

"Hilde." Duo croaked through chapped lips.

Breath rattled in Duo's lungs as he struggled to take another breath. How long had he been here? It had already felt like an eternity. Closing his eyes the ex 02 pilot felt death's fingers touching him. Stroking his skin much like a lover. Cold chills ran down Duo's spin. Weakly he lifted his head and leaned it against the wall. Just a little while longer, Hopefully little Trio would understand, what he did was for her.

Closing his eyes he recalled the happenings of his capturing. He could have fought, but he couldn't risk Trio in the cross fire. That and it was a loosing fight. That morning the braided man wasn't feeling to well. Each movement was sluggish. By the time they entered his usually quick actions failed to get him his gun in time.

The first shot pierced his lung, he didn't even remember the second shot. Once they got him here they decided to let him live. Duo shuttered violently has he recalled waking up as they were cracking open his ribs. All they did was hold him down as they operated on him. Thankfully the loss of blood had brought Duo back to unfeeling unconsciousness. When he woke again he was in a tiny cell. Denied the simple comfort of curling up and dying.

Warm fingers touched his skin. Lifting his heavy eye lids he first thought it was Hilde, but the hallucination changed. It was one of his captors. The one that claimed to be a doctor. The fingers probed Duo's neck for a pulse. The braided haired man was to weak for a quick come back. Duo already failed to notice the opening of his small cell.

"I told you this would happen." The doctor snapped. "We need to go in again, I think his lung is collapsing again."

Duo groaned at the thought of being cut open.

"We did to much already to save his life." Another.

"You forget, in his mind he has the names of the pilots, lay outs of the Preventors. He KNOWS how to make Gundams." The warm hands moved from Duo's flesh. "He's got fifteen more minutes at most, and that's because he proved inhuman already."

There was a deep growl and Duo felt himself being lifted off the floor. 'Funny' Duo had thought, as his eyes were open and he wasn't seeing a thing.

The insurgent doctor stared at the pashient slung over his fellow insurgents shoulder. It fusterated him to no ends that no matter how much he tried to save people for their uses they ended up killing them before their time. He could be only be thankful that the braided hiared man was carefully laid on the metal table not slammed. Grabbing a knife from a tray and a tube he walked over to his pashient. Carefully he cut the skin between the ribs.

Oh yes, his pashient was unfortunately awake.

Carefully he slid in the tube between two ribs and into his chest. Whimpers came from the braided haired man. Fluid flowed out from his chest. Grabbing the restraints he tied down Duo. His fellow insurgent left, the doctor looked at him coldly. What he wouldn't give right now to change his career.

"Hello, if you can hear me, I'm doctor Rjia. I'm going to put in some IV's, they finally okayed me to give you antibiotics, and blood. I'm surprised most of all you haven't died of blood loss. But Duo, that's your name right?"

Weakly Duo nodded, he didn't know why he responded.

"I am going to have to put a IV line in to your chest, I need you to not to move."

Listening to Rjia Duo didn't move. The IV's didn't hurt as much as the other stuff. Now that his comrade was gone Rjia was more careful with Duo. As if Rjia cared, he rested a hand on Duo's face. The warmth was almost comforting. In his diluted mind he could almost feel Hilde touching him. Even though, obviously he died years earlier.

"Since no one is watching, I'm going to give you something. It's going to leave you comatose for awhile. They'd shoot me if they discovered I gave it to you. Is that alright?"

"Not like you care." Duo's whispered. "Do it," he mouthed.

Pain radiated through Duo's body, then almost instantly a serene calm came over him.Closing his eyes Duo let unconsciousness take him.


"This came in from the colonies, they apologized for it being so late." Quatre handed a disk to Heero who sat tapping on his computer.

The typing stopped and Heero looked up at Quatre. Taking the disk he gave the Arabian pilot the what look.

"It's a list of ships that departed that was new to the colony, and suspicious. It's better then going through the flight plan of each and every ship that departed the colony."

"How many ships?" Heero asked.

"I have not looked."

"Hmf," Heero popped the disk into his computer.

Peering over Quatre's shoulder he added more to the one sided conversation. "Duo is really loved by the colonists."

"For now." Heero put bluntly. "You forget how easily they turn."

Quatre cringed, it was so true. Unlike his friends who always backed him up, the colonists where often quick to turn against any pilot. Times change people change. It might be a weak spot for the blond Arabian but he still had hope in the people. Sitting down on the desk beside Heero's computer he began to sulk.

"The colonists shortened the list by a lot." Heero stated. "There are five I really want to look at. I'll take two, Trowa, Wufei, and you will take one."


"One more thing Quatre." Heero looked Quatre in the eye. "Our objective is to stop the terrorists. If we can save Duo then so be it. If you can't complete the-"

"I know Heero." Quatre cut him off. "I am not Duo, you do not need to lecture me."
