Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Minor Heaven ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I have no idea how many times I have rewritten the beginning of this chapter. It just didn't seem right, but now I'm certain I got it kinda sorta right.

To think when I first started writing fanfics, oh man, lets just say writing fan fics has improved my grammer and spelling 70 percent hands down. It's the reason why I do not write under my original name anymore.

Thanks to you who have reviewed you make me smile.

:-P almost forgot todays music insperation my fav is the last song on the list. amp;friendID=20288331

Usual disclaimers, so if you want to say something about it,-censor- off. REMEMBER REVIEW!

Closing his computer slowly Heero looked down at Trio. At some time she had fallen asleep while drawing. A red crayon remained her tiny hand. Rising from the chair , the ex 01 pilot eyed the drawings under the child's head. Careful not to wake her he slid the papers from off under her head. The crayon in her hand moved causing her to twitch, but other then that she remained asleep.

NumNums scampered away from Heero to hide in his owners PJ's. More intent on the drawings he ignored the rodent. Flipping throw the pages, most scribbled out in red, Heero relived the night through her eyes. Frowning he set them up on the coffee table.

Trio Maxwell was the only witness and she refused to speak.

The colonies had been a big help in the search for Duo Maxwell. When they could they gave answers to all the questions that were asked. They tried to never say I do know. In the end even their leads led to a dead end. The search of all the ships would take months, and by then most of the crew would be gone. Fighting back despair Heero scooped up little Trio, the rat tumbling out of her PJ's.

Where could Duo be?

As the tall human carried his owner back into the room NumNums hopped behind. Squabbling his complaints as he went.

"Shut up or we're having roast rodent for breakfast," Heero hissed as he tucked Trio into bed.

The Siamese rat gave a snort as it climbed up it's latter and into the cage. Heero moved to latch the cage but a tiny hand caught his arm. Looking through the darkness he could see the fear and sadness of a innocent child. Though she still was asleep Trio reached out for him. She didn't want to be alone. A distant emotion of sympathy throbbed in Heero's chest.

Afraid of the strange emotion he rarely felt; the ex 01 pilot suppressed the emotion.

Heero Yui was the perfect soldier made for war. He did not have emotions to hinder him. As such Heero wasn't given anything necessary that would make him a good father. Fatherhood, what a joke, he could never be a parent. It was decided he would give Trio to anyone who could better care for her. No guilt, no sadness, and Heero would do it in a heart beat.

But she was a part of Duo, and Duo he-

"Ah shit," Heero uncharacteristically cursed shattering it current frame of thought.

Reluctantly Heero curled up next to Trio. Holding her tight to him, feeling the warmth of the tiny body Heero wished himself to sleep. When sleep wouldn't come he forced himself to go over the past reports and not what his current train of thought was.

"Sleep my child sleep."

Trowa Barton, one week, two days, ten hours, and fifty five minutes located the ship Parmithius. One of the top ships leaving the colonies. Upon discovery Trowa discovered the only thing illegal going on was the illigal transport of humans to and from the colony to earth. Having cowaperated with Trowa, their actions were ignored.

Wufei Chang, two days later, found the ship 9304875. It was classified as a small time cargo ship. It had crashed into debris heading towards a colony. No survivors.

Quatre Rebarbra Winner, one month ago, one day. The ship Serenity was reported stolen. It took awhile to discover it's wear abouts. Instead of arrests there was a dispute over owner ship. Neither side seemed to know anything about the missing ex 02 pilot. Both parties have since vanished.

Then himself, Heero Yui. two ships all found promptly after assigning them to himself. Ship number 346536546 and ship 00004358743. Both had been small, but legit transports, and shuttles to and from earth or other colonies. Back ground check of everyone turned up clean.

A total of three hundred seventy ships where futily tracked down. It came to the point they were ask to stop, claiming it was unjustified to search every ship. Everyone was near exhaustion, but no one near the level of Heero. To be honest in these last few weeks he pushed human endurance on sleeping. Barely getting ten hours in one week. By all means he should be dead.

Tonight Heero didn't fight the sleep, nor did he ignore the need of a child.

**The blond Arabian watched as his best friend shifted in his chair. He had the best of worlds, a loving relationship, and a child. Ever since the young Maxwell entered the house, peace seemed to ascend. However, about the same time Duo had cut himself off from his fellow Gundam pilots. Refusing to have any contact beyond short messages via vid phone. Another thing that rubbed Quatre the wrong way.

That is why he surprised Duo at his junkyard home, and as expected only Hilde gave him a warm welcome.

Forcing a smile Quatre set some tea beside Duo. "Come how Duo, it's been a long time since anyone saw you. I didn't even get to see Trio born."

"So?" The usually cheerful ex 02 pilot looked up. His eyes intensifying the anger he felt. "You come here uninvited and try to get Hilde to say what was my reasoning."

"It's Hilde's choice that you have no contact with us." It was a statement not a question.

"Sure, what ever." Duo mumbled as he reached for the tea. "Thank you for the tea."



"What happened to the happy you. The one we had to nearly sedate in order to get to bed?" Quatre asked choosing his words carefully.

"I did what you guys asked; I grew up." Duo took a sip of tea though he despised it.

"Don't worry Duo, I'll make things better." Quatre said his voice sounding off.

Suddenly Duo's eyes opened wide his body frozen in place as he tried to breath. His body jerking with every attempt. As if he didn't see what was going on Quatre rose from his chair. Smiling as sweet as he did back in the day he bid Duo good bye before walking out the door. The cup crashed to the floor only seconds before Duo collapsed. His body slipping from the chair to the floor as he made one ditch effort to move.

That night Heero had received the worst call of his life. Still struggling for breath Duo asked for help and mentioned Quatre's name. Having come up with Quatre he was in the right city. Hanging up he looked for the blond Arabian but he was gone.

Where could be be?

The scene at the Maxwell house was appalling. All three were discovered in the kitchen. Duo was still alive definly from how much effort his body was putting into breathing. Beside him lay Hilde who was covered in blood. It covered the floor in a sea of live giving fluid. Studying the patterns in the blood Heero could tell Duo staggered to his wifes side before calling beside her. There were also signs of a struggle.

Two struggles when on tonight.

A baby began to cry.

Heero strode over to the living room were he found a baby sitting on the couch, her arms reaching out for him. There was no way she could have got there herself. Maxwell's little baby was covered from head to foot in blood. At one time who ever attacked the Maxwell family tried to wipe the babies face clean.

Everything what went quiet in the background, to quiet. Turning away from the crying baby Heero made his way back to Duo. The braided haired man lay still in teh blood. Rushing over to him Heero tilted his head back and checked for any signs of breathing.

There was none.

Opening the bruised mouth of Duo, Heero firmly pressed his lips against the ex 02 pilot's. Several minutes passed as Heero preformed CPR. It all seemed hopeless then suddenly Duo gave a tiny breath. He was still alive, flipping open the phone Heero called for back up.

As he hung up the phone, Heero herd someone behind him. Whipping out he gun he turned and faced the intruder.

A young blond man raised his hands, "I just came to apologize to Duo."

Heero recalled Duo's voice on the phone, "Move and your dead, I know you did this Winner. I just want to know why?"


Along with Quatre's finger prints on the tea cup. There was the bloodied foot steps around the bodies matched shoes that where found in Quatre's house. Same with bloody closed stored in a hidden trunk. Despertly Quatre fought for his innocence. Condemning is he admitted to being there shortly before the murder, and attempted homicide.

Duo had survived but just barely.

However, the police did a crappy job and some evidence was unmissable in court. That it there was another set of DNA at the crime scene. Quatre was released, but so much shrouded his innocence; no one would trust him.**

Heero slept until late, Trio lay still sound asleep pressed against him. A little thumb rested in her mouth. My all means Trio looked content, and happy. Brushing the hair out of child's face Heero studied her face. She was indeed much like her mouther. But her nose, he gangly form, even down to her purplish eyes where her father.

'When Trio grows up she'll be a heart breaker.' Heero thought.

The ex 01 pilot couldn't procrastinate anymore. Getting up he hardly disturbed Trio. Sleepily he headed towards the kitchen. He was hungry, and when Trio awoke she would be hungry too.

The inside of the fridge told of someone unprepared to take care of a child. A few bottles of beer, old pizza, a few eggs god knows how old. The milk obviously curdled and well beyond age. There was other things unidentifiable. Having to leave on missions on quick notice left food to be forgotten and rot. The only thing that looked remotely eatable was the butter.

Sighing Heero closed the fridge.

There was no cereal either, only oatmeal and some freshly produced fruit. Trio wouldn't touch oatmeal, and fruit wasn't a complete breakfast.

Walking to the vid phone he turned it on and dialed up Wufei's number.

"What?" The Chinese man's face was blank.

"I forgot again to get food." Heero stated flatly.

"... What have you been doing for food lately?" Wufei asked not hiding his disgust. "I mean, it's been over a month."

"Take out."

"You are a disgrace," Wufei hissed. "I'll send Sally over since you need some some advice on parenting."

Heero stopped short mentioning on what Wufei would know about rasing a kid. Even though Sally and Wufei were not married they had one son. He should be just over a year now. A test tube baby no doubt he had never seen Sally pregnant and she was just to old.

Abruptly Heero hung up the vid phone.

Walking back into the living room Heero sat on the couch. Grabbing the crumpled up peice of paper left there form the night before. By the chew marks it was something NumNums had stashed. Absent-minded the ex 01 pilot crumpled the piece of paper.

On it was the biggest clue of all.

Grabbing his lap top Heero used it's programing to summon Duo's colony. Impatiently he waited till someone picked up.

"Is Hcaep there?" Heero asked before the hello.

"Hm, no, my grandfather is not here." A young man said over the vid screen. "Can I leave a message for him?"

"..." Heero's lips drew tight. Was this person trust worthy?

"I know about Mr. Maxwell, he supplies us parts cheaper then if we bought them new." The young man shook his head. "He makes sure there not faulty, so we owe Mr. Maxwell a lot. I know who you are Heero, so please, if you need anything..."

Giving him the once over on the vid screen Heero finally responded. "Ask your Hcaep if he knows anyone associated actively with OZ."