Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Her ❯ You and I ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own and did not create Gundam Wing. I do not own any of characters mentioned in this fic. I wish I did. Heck, probably all of us wish we did… sigh, how depressing…
YAY! I FORGOT HOW MUCH I LOVED REVIEWERS!! ^___^ I got better responses here than I have on GW500 (I actually haven't gotten any on GW500)… anyway, umm… I wasn't quite sure how to continue this, because most of the stuff I've written for GW500 are one-shot (since they're always under a thousand words, but over five hundred), so hopefully this came out the way it was supposed to. It's also weird because I'm used to Relena-bashing, and GW500 has a no-character-bashing rule… Remember to R&R. Please, no flames. Criticism's welcome.
There once was an alarm clock in Wufei's room. This morning, however, when Wufei woke to the sounds of electric guitars running rampant through out the small apartment, he was sure that he had missed breakfast and that he'd probably missed leaving catching a ride to work with Trowa and Heero, as he usually did. Not to mention that, judging by the noises, Duo probably hadn't left yet. Wufei wasn't entirely sure, because Duo was known for leaving his music on as loud as possible to make sure that when the loudest came on; Wufei would hear it and be awakened from his slumber.
He slowly opened his eyes and recognized the spot on his bedside table where his black alarm clock was, before Duo played a practical joke on him and set it to wake him up at four am, and Wufei threw it at all. It instantly fell to very small pieces all over the floor. Wufei hadn't gotten around to buying a new alarm clock just yet.
He stood and pulled his hair back into the usual very short, tight ponytail. He made his bed, put in his contacts, got dressed, and headed towards the kitchen for his daily dose of caffeine. His bare feet made small thumps across the floor as they landed on the cold tiles.
He wasn't surprised when he walked in and found that the coffee Quatre made every morning had already been emptied. It was just another sign that he should really buy a new clock. As he got out the necessary items to make more, his thoughts drifted back to what Quatre kept saying about Duo and helping him kick his `caffeine addiction' down the drain. Not that Duo listened.
As a matter of fact, when Wufei thought about it, he was surprised at how messy Duo's bed had been the previous day. After all, Duo never slept. He was an insomniac who spent most of his time doing God knows what.
It was, perhaps, not the best thing to think about. Yesterday had brought back some memories he had managed to suppress for a long while now. For three whole years, he had managed to not think about the painful memories in his past. For a while it even seemed like he had begun to move on.
He had dated Sally Po for a few months, but that was it. He broke it off, and she moved on. She was still on earth, last time Wufei checked. She was dating someone else, and was probably engaged by now. In the end, what Wufei found to be important was that she was happy.
Well, that and that he was happy. Happy with the decision to break it off, happy for her, happy with his own life. Most of which, he wasn't. He would never say it out loud, though.
Brushing away tears that he could feel coming, he went about distracting himself and making coffee. Ah, the caffeine goodness that the entire human race thrived on. What would the world do without it?
“Good morning Wufei.” Quatre greeted him as he walked in, already dressed in his uniform. His blond hair was neatly combed, his uniform pressed and without wrinkle, and the signs of just waking up from sleep clinging to his face. Not that many could tell. You had to have seen Quatre every day after just waking up for at least a year before you could tell when he was tired or not. That was Quatre. He always seemed to be in perfect condition and ready for anything. Most of the time, anyway. You one thing you never wanted to do was wake him up. He didn't take it well.
“Coffee?” Wufei offered, pouring some scolding hot coffee in a mug the size of New Zealand - he had feeling he might need it to get through the day.
“Please. Just, not that much.” Quatre replied, frowning at the size of Wufei's mug. “Planning on staying up for the Thanksgiving parade ten years from now?” he asked. Wufei scowled, and seemed as though he was about to reply. We would have too, had Duo not walked in.
“COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” he screeched, rushing over and grabbing his mug out of the cupboard. As soon as Wufei was done with it, he grabbed it and filled the mug up to the very top.
“Duo, don't you think you should pace yourself?” Quatre asked, looking concerned at the amount. Duo just made an innocent face and downed over half the cup in one gulp, not even noticing that it was so hot, and his throat should have melted away.
“Baka.” Wufei muttered, taking small sips of his own.
“Hey, Wuffie, why'd ya sleep so late today, anyway?” Duo asked before finishing his cup of Joe. Wufei exchanged glances with Quatre, and then Duo.
“My alarm clock is dead.” he answered simply. Duo burst out laughing.
“You didn't buy a new one yet?” Quatre asked. Wufei shrugged.
“Ugh, my spider sense is tingling. I see…” Duo began. He put his hands to the side of his head, as if he were a psychic, and closed his eyes, pondering about what the future had in store. “I see….. Shopping.” Duo cringed. “I take my leave.”
Missing Her
By Riley
Chapter 2
You and I
In the summer grass and trees have grown. Over my roof the branches meet. Birds settle in the leaves. I enjoy my humble place. Ploughing's done, the ground is sown, time to sit and read my book. The narrow deeply-rutted lane means my friends forget to call. Content, I pour the new Spring wine, go out and gather food I've grown. A light rain from the East, blows in on a pleasant breeze. I read the story of King Mu, see pictures of the Hills and Seas. One glance finds all of heaven and earth. What pleasures can compare with these?”
“I can think of one…” Wufei mentioned, smiling.
“Wufei!” Meiran scolded, laughing. Wufei leaned down and kissed her, pulling her into his arms.
“I love you.”
“I love you too…”
“Wufei?” a voice asked. He was vaguely aware of a kind of tap, tap, tap against his arm. No, it wasn't a tap, tap, tap. It was more of a poke, poke, poke. Then it became what seemed to be a desperate attempt to get some kind of response. “Wufei?!” the voice asked. It came out more like a shout this time.
He grunted a short noise that sounded suspiciously like `what?' and opened his eyes, rubbing away the sleep. Sleep was probably the last thing he needed. He had work to do.
“Are you okay, man?”
“I'm fine.” Wufei answered. He looked up to see Duo, his braid messy, what was supposed to be his uniform a mass of something indescribable, and a worried look on his face. “What?”
“Man, you were talking in your sleep.” Duo told him. “For a minute there I thought you were confessing your undying love to your paperwork.”
Wufei glared at him. Him? Confess undying love to paperwork? Not likely. That had had nothing to do with it. He was dreaming.
Wufei's mind was blank. What had he been dreaming about? For a few moments, he couldn't remember. Then it came to him. I was dreaming about her…
“Are you sure you're okay?” Quatre asked from his desk, to the right.
“I'm fine.” Wufei lied. He sighed heavily and looked to his desk, stacks of paper lying here and there. Duo went back to his desk. He couldn't help but look back at Wufei every now and then, just to check. He managed to cover it up, however, with some light conversation.
“So, Wufei, you're coming with us after work, aren't you?” Quatre asked. Wufei looked at the clock on the wall. It was 3:30. That meant he would be leaving soon. Wufei could feel where this conversation was going.
“Where?” he asked, sighing.
“'Lena wants us fitted for the wedding.” Duo grimaced. Damnit! There was just no way he would be getting out of going shopping. And he had a fun filled day planned too. One full of games. Comic books. Arcades. Women!
“You're coming, aren't you?” Quatre asked. Wufei scowled. He did not like… shopping. He nodded his head in horror, knowing he had to do it anyway. It was for the wedding after all.
“Good. We can get you an alarm clock while we're out.” Quatre offered. Duo groaned.
“And we can get Maxwell a muzzle.” Wufei agreed, his voice eerily cheerful. Duo grinned, picking up on the opportunity for a friendly banter and another chance to annoy Wufei.
“Are you sure I'm the one that needs the muzzle, Wuffie?” Duo taunted. Wufei's eye twitched. Wufei pulled the Chinese broad sword out from behind his back. Duo made a mocking scared face, just before Wufei jumped up and chased him down the hall to the cafeteria, muttering curses and threats. Quatre smiled and shook his head. Wufei seemed to be feeling better.
“Well, Mr. Yuy, let's see what we can do.” the tailor said. Heero tried to maintain his cool, calm, perfect soldier composure. The tailor, a man known as Mr. Rhys, took his measurements. He wandered off for a moment, leaving the others watching Heero glare at the mirror, and came back with a tuxedo. Heero walked off, but Duo couldn't help but notice the little twitch that seemed to appear, but was carefully hidden, tugging at the very edge of his eye. He didn't like this at all. A few moments later, Heero came out, dressed in his new penguin suit.
“Why, Mr. Yuy! It's wonderful!” Mr. Rhys complimented, only to have Heero pull his gun on him, no longer containing that `perfect soldier' composure. This was too much to take.
“I… was strong, wasn't I? You weren't ashamed of me being your wife, were you?”
“Yeah… You're stronger than anyone.”
“No.. You are… stronger.”
A new day. Wufei groaned. A new alarm clock. Damn Quatre. He was beginning to get used to sleeping in. No, no he wasn't. He just didn't ever feel like doing anything. Or getting out of bed. Or eating. Or working. Or living for that matter.
He rubbed his eyes, slowly beginning to process of waking himself up for another day. Another day of wedding arrangements. Another day of paperwork. Another day of chopping Duo to very little pieces. Well, at least that last part had possibilities.
A/N: Sigh…. I know… not very long… I move faster with the story than I should…. I also can't seem to break this horrible 2,000 words/five page chapter habit. It's driving me insane. Anyway, uh… Please post comments. PLEASE keep reading! *hopes reviewers stay* I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! More to come! Keep an eye out for chapter 3!
(Yeah, I know. I just reread episode zero, and there didn't really seem to be any kinda tender moments between Wufei and Meiran. But come on! Every husband and wife deserves them!)