Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Nah, Later ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nah, Later

You glance at Duo. "Your friends?"

He nods. "Yeah. It was our mission to blow up the base tonight, but you kinda took care of that for us…"

"So you were supposed to do it with someone else."

"There're five of us, total," he says. "Do you want to go meet them? Maybe we can work together. You know, in the fight to keep OZ from returning and declaring war again…"

"Who are your friends?"

"They're the other-" Duo starts to say, but catches himself just in time. "They're just the other people I was assigned to do this mission with. We met in the war two years ago."

You regard him thoughtfully for a moment, then shake your head. "No, sorry. I have somewhere I need to be. Maybe we can talk about this some other time, when I'm not wearing an OZ uniform. I'll see you later, Duo." Smirking, you wave at him and then walk off, leaving him staring after you. He shrugs and walks away, going to tell his friends about what you and what he just learned.


You skip back into base, humming your favorite song, and Doctor Y glances up as you enter. "I take it the mission went well?"

You nod, grinning. "Of course. Since when have I ever not been able to complete a mission?"

"Well, let's see… there was that one time with the terrorists in L4…"

You sweatdrop. "Once, okay? ONCE! That doesn't mean you have to rub it in my face all the time!"

Doctor Y studies you for a moment. "What took you so long to get back, then?"

You walk over to him and sit on the table, swinging your legs as you try to decide what to tell him. "Well, let's just say I met some… interesting… people during the mission… or actually, just one. He wanted me to meet his friends, but I told him I had to get back."

Doctor Y glances sharply at you. "Who was it?"

"Oh, just some kid… he said he was going to blow up the base, but I beat him to it." You say nonchalantly. You hop down from the table and cross your arms. "So, what next? Can I go blow up another base now or do you want me to train some more?"

"No, actually, there was something interesting I wanted to show you… come, follow me." He leads you over to the next room, where a computer waits. "We hacked into the new OZ mainframe and came up with something rather interesting…" He moves aside so you can see the screen, and you bend forward and quickly skim through the information.

You read it through once, and then glance at Doctor Y. "It's about the Gundam pilots. So?"

"Scroll down," he instructs you. You do as he say and gasp at what you see.

"Profiles of the pilots…" you mutter. "Heero Yuy… Trowa Barton… Quatre Winner? Well, there's a surprise. Chang Wufei…" you gasp at the last name. "Duo Maxwell?!?" You glance at the picture, confirming what you see: it's a match. The boy you met today who called himself Duo is none other than the pilot of Gundam Deathscythe-Hell.

"Is there a problem?" Doctor Y asks mildly from behind you. You shake it off and glance behind you.

"Duo," you say. "I met him today… he was the one who said he was going to blow up the base."

"Oh, really? So that's what my old friends have been up to…" he mutters. You raise an eyebrow at the statement. "Never mind. So, do you want to have a talk with them or are you just going to ignore it? OZ isn't too happy with the attack on their base, so you might actually have sped up the war. It might be a good idea to check what they're up to."

Go meet the Gundam pilots - go to page thirteen

Hack into the OZ system and see what they're up to - go to page fourteen