Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ I'll Be Going Now ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'll Be Going Now

You and Heero walk in silence for a while. You occasionally shoot glances at him, but every time, he glares coldly back at you, one hand resting on his gun. It's no use trying to get him to trust you now; the little show you put on for him has put him on his guard. You sigh slightly and run a hand through your hair, aggravated. 'Why, oh why does this kid have to make me go with him to the middle of nowhere? If he thinks I'm an OZ soldier or worse, why doesn't he just shoot me now? Oh wait… on second thought, that might not be such a good idea.'

You groan and mumble something incomprehensible under your breath, trying to think of ways to get out of this mess. The only one that immediately comes to mind is running out of there as fast as you can, but that's not really an option, unless you want to commit suicide, that is. Hmm… you could try to knock Heero out for long enough for you to get out of there, but trying that isn't such a good idea. You have no idea how good he is at hand-to-hand combat, so he might just end up killing you before you get away, or he could simply shoot you in the back. What to do, what to do…

You catch Heero watching you out of the corner of your eye and you round on him, slightly irritated. "What is it? I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't STARE at me like that when I'm trying to think!"

He looks slightly surprised for a moment before his face becomes emotionless again. "Hn."

'…doesn't this guy know how to talk? I just asked you a freakin' QUESTION, you know! You should at least have the language skills to answer it!' You resist the overwhelming urge to hit him. Not a good idea, to hit someone you don't know when his hand's on his gun… Now thoroughly annoyed, you decide to do what he's doing and not talk at all. Well, except for "Hn," that is.

You manage to keep it up for about five minutes, before your resolve breaks down and you quickly become bored. Unfortunately for you, your personality doesn't let you go that long without talking, so you glance behind you at Heero and grin cheerily, obviously having forgiven him for not answering you. "Hey, whatcha thinking about?"


There it is, the urge to slap him again. You ignore it, though. "You've been staring at my back this whole time. What're you thinking about?" You spin around and poke him in the chest, trying not to grin at the look on his face. It disappears a moment afterward, though, and he regards you silently. You pout. "I just asked you a question, you know. Could you at least answer it for me?"

"Who taught you how to fight like that?" he asks. You sweatdrop slightly.

"Haven't we gone over this already?"

"No. What I'm asking is why you need to know how to fight, with weapons or just your bare hands, in the peaceful society that Relena Peacecraft's been trying to create," he states.

"Um… I don't suppose you would accept the explanation that I learned all this before the war ended?" you ask hopefully. Heero glares at you. "No, guess not… Alright then. Basically, what happened is that I wanted to fight against OZ in the first war, but I wasn't allowed to… 'too young' or something like that. After the war was over, about the time of the Mariemaia incident, I met up with… someone… who believed that the whole thing with her was just a cover for what was really going on. That's about the time that I started training, just in case. A little more information showed that he was right, and what was really happening was that OZ was trying to come back… and that's how I ended up here." You wait for him to say something, but you receive no answer. Heero seems to accept the explanation for now, but you have a sneaking suspicion that you'll have to tell him more later - maybe more than you would want to reveal. But for now, there's an uneasy truce between you, and that's good enough for the moment.

A branch snaps behind you. You roll your eyes and move closer to Heero. "Here we go again…"

"No. It's different this time," he answers tensely. "There's more of them this time. A lot more."

"Oh, goody…" you say sarcastically. Feeling brave, reckless, and like you don't care what happens next, you raise your voice so that it projects around you. "Look, you know that we know that you're following us, you're surrounding us, and you're probably going to attack us, so why don't you just come out now and get it over with?"

No answer. You roll your eyes again. "Fine then, don't come out. Let's just see what happens if I do this!" Before anyone can stop you, you pull out your gun and fire a round of shots behind you, in the general direction of the branch you heard breaking. A cry of pain answers you, and you grin, only to have it replaced a second later by a scowl as about forty OZ soldiers immediately come out of hiding. You back up against Heero, who also pulls out his gun.

"Great move. Who taught you tactics?" he mutters into your ear, slightly annoyed. You grimace.

"Hey, it seemed like a good idea at the time…" You glance around, seeing no escape route. "Okay, just how many of you people managed to escape the explosion? Whatever the number is, it's a lot more than I'd like…" Or maybe… You grin inwardly. The perfect escape route just presented itself.

The leader of the little band sneers at you. "Girlie, you're lucky you're now on OZ's top ten most wanted. Otherwise, you'd be dead right about now."

"That's interesting, since I highly doubt that OZ knows my name or have pictures of me," you ponder. "Now, how exactly does that work?"

The guy growls. "Just come with us."

You glance at Heero. The look in his eyes tell you that he's thinking the exact same thing you are, and you smirk. "How about no."

At the exact same moment, the both of you begin firing randomly at the soldiers. Aiming really wasn't too necessary, since at this point you'd hit someone practically every time you fired. Luckily for the two of you, you had the element of surprise and were able to bring down about five soldiers each before you met some retaliation.

The OZ soldiers start firing at you and Heero, and the two of you break apart to avoid the bullets and continue firing. "Geez, you guys have a pretty slow reaction time!" you complain, jumping to the side at the last moment to avoid a bullet shooting past your head. You kill the guy who fired it, and this continues on until there are only about ten soldiers left and you're out of bullets. You glance at Heero; apparently, he's in the same situation, judging by the fact that he's tossed his gun aside and is simply knocking the guys out with his fists. You grin; now would be the perfect chance to leave, while he was distracted. You turn to the two soldiers you're fighting. "Sorry, guys, I'd love to stay and chat, but I've gotta run!" A quick slash of your sword and the two fall. You scamper past them and into the safety of the woods, hoping to get far away before Heero realizes you made your escape.

A couple miles from where you had fled the battle, you stop and pause, listening for any sound of pursuit. Hearing nothing, you grin slightly and put your gun away, slowing down your pace to a walk. "Well, that was easy," you remark to yourself. "Guess I should head back to base now."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

A few days later, you're rested, relaxed, and feeling ready to take on anything that comes your way - even if that something is a certain Heero Yuy. You walk into the security room of the base, yawning and stretching your arms as you do so. Doctor Y is waiting for you there.

"I've got a new mission for you," he says. You roll your eyes.

"Why am I not surprised?" you ask sarcastically, then come up to stand behind him, peering over his shoulder at the information on the computer. The screen shows the information for an OZ base, located in what was called Alaska in the days before the colonies. "Aw, great, make me freeze up there… so do I have to sneak in again or can I just attack with my Gundam?"

He shrugs. "Whichever you want, though I would suggest you use the Gundam. Though there's been no sign of any mobile suits in the area, the base is big enough to hold about twenty of them."

"Just twenty?" you pout. "That's no fun."

"Don't underestimate them," Doctor Y warns. "Remember, this'll be your first time actually using your Gundam in a fight. Be careful."

At this point, you're no longer really listening. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," you say, heading off to check your Gundam for the coming fight.

Doctor Y's voice floats towards you. "What about that boy you met after your last mission?"

You blink and turn to face him. "What about him?"

"There must be a reason that he was there, even if it wasn't to destroy the OZ base like he said," Doctor Y tells you. "You have a few hours before you'd want to attack the base. You could do some research on this 'Heero Yuy' and see who he really is, and what his motives are."

You sigh. "Is it really that important?"

Doctor Y glares at you. "He shares the same name as the peace-loving colony leader. There must be a reason for that. So are you going to do a background check on him or what? I've already checked the school records, and there's no information on him. Either that, or it's all been deleted. What do you think? Are you willing to do some further research?"

Shrug and say no, you're going to prepare for the mission - go to page fifteen

Research Heero Yuy - go to page sixteen