Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ How Do I Get Myself Into These Things? ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

How Do I Get Myself Into These Things?

You sigh, glance at Heero out of the corner of your eye, and decide to keep following him. It won't hurt to at least see what he's up to, and if worse comes to worse, you can take him on… or at least, you hope you can. Maybe you should've let him take care of the OZ soldiers back there. At least then you'd know how well he could fight.

Half an hour later, you're still walking in silence. You look at Heero, who has his eyes straight ahead and is apparently doing his best to try and ignore you. "Wherever we're going, would you mind hurrying it up a bit? I have places I need to be in, you know. I can't spend the whole night wandering around after you."

Heero gives you a look out of the corner of his eye and doesn't answer. You sigh in frustration. "Do you mind giving me an answer? I want to know if I can leave already! Can I take a raincheck for this and meet you later?"

Heero stops and turns to you. You also stop, glaring at him. "Well, it's about time! Though, considering we're in the middle of nowhere, this isn't exactly where I thought I'd end up…" You turn around in a full circle, surveying your surroundings. There is nothing to be seen anywhere but miles and miles of forest. You turn back to Heero, annoyed. "Hey, what are you playing at? I thought we were going somewhere!"

His eyes narrow. "Hn." Before you have the chance to respond, his right hand curls up into a fist and swings at the side of your head. Caught off guard, you have no chance to dodge or try and stop it. The blow catches you at full force and you crumple. You feel Heero catch you right before you hit the ground, and then you black out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

You wake up to the sound of voices. Some random little part of your mind asks, 'How typical is that? Doesn't everyone usually wake up to the sound of voices?' You tell that part of your mind to shut up. You let out a soft moan at the pounding in your head before your training takes over. After the initial surprise, you quickly regulate your breathing, heart rate, and whatever else they may be measuring so as not to let them know that you're awake. When you've got that under control, you slowly crack one eye open to see your surroundings.

You're not in a bed, as you half-expected. That same part of your mind wonders why you still thought that, even when you were fully aware of the rocks digging into your back. Once again, you tell it to shut up. You're facing towards a steel door, which at the moment is slightly ajar, letting you see what's going on outside. There's no light in the cell where you're in, and the light outside is pretty dim, so you take a chance and fully open both your eyes, squinting to try and see what's going on. You can barely make out five figures, standing outside the door. One of them you recognize as Heero, and you resist the urge to jump up and hit him. Not only would it not be a very smart move, but your headache would probably triple if you did that. Instead, you focus in on the conversation that they're having.

"So you're saying that you found her outside the base, wearing an OZ uniform, but that she was holding a switch?"

"Hn." The other four apparently took that as a yes. You supposed you would, too, if you'd spent as much time around him to be able to decode his "Hn's".

"Well, the most obvious reason would be that she was the one who blew that place up…"

"That's the obvious reason, yes. All evidence points to that… unless it was pure coincidence that she hit the switch at the exact moment that the base blew up?"

"It probably is. There's no way that a baka onna like that could sneak into a place as heavily guarded as that base was and blow it up!" 'Baka onna? HOW DARE HE?!?' Once again, you resist the irrational urge to jump up and hit the guy. Too bad, he probably deserves it.

One of the boys laughs. "Wu-man, just 'cause you're prejudiced against women doesn't mean that she couldn't do it. For all we know, she could be the equal of Heero here." He nudges said Heero in the ribs.

"Supposing that she was the one who destroyed it, what do you think her motives were for doing it?" someone else asks. "And who is she working for? I doubt she's in this alone."

"You could ask her yourself," Heero states calmly. "She's been awake and listening to us for the past five minutes."

You groan. So he'd known. But how the heck had he figured it out? You were sure your acting was flawless… Well, never mind that now. Trying to ignore your headache, you sit up, noticing for the first time that your hands are manacled together, and you glare at the five in the doorway. "So, if it was a coincidence, what do you think the chances are of it happening? One in a trillion, maybe?" you ask sarcastically, not in a cooperative mood.

The boy with the long brown braid stares at you. "Hey now, calm down. We're not exactly sure yet if we're enemies."

You roll your eyes and hold up your arms, still handcuffed together. "Oh yeah? Then would you mind telling me what these are for?"

"A precaution," Heero tells you. "Maybe now you'll be willing to tell us more, now that you don't really have a choice."

You stick your tongue out at him. "As if. How do I know you won't go off and kill the rest of us if I tell you why I did it and who I work for?"

"We won't do anything to them unless you're truly our enemy," the blond boy says.

"Oh, yeah right… how do I know that you're not my enemy? How do I know that you won't go back on your word? HOW DO I KNOW THAT YOU'RE EVEN GOING TO LET ME OUT OF HERE?!?"

"So our word's not good enough for you?" the Chinese boy asks. "Figures. Of course a weakling onna like you would make excuses to cover up the fact that she's actually our enemy."

Your eyes narrow dangerously and you give him a death glare that would've made Heero proud. "Say something like that again and I might just be forced to throttle you."

The look on his face is priceless. If you weren't in such a bad mood, you would've laughed. "What was that, onna?" he snarls.

"You heard me!" you shoot back, jumping up, your pounding head suddenly forgotten. "And DON'T call me onna!" Already, you were resisting the urge to pick up the nearest object and bash him over the head with it.

"Might I remind you that you're our prisoner?"

You stalk over to the boy, glaring daggers at him. In some far corner of your mind, you register the fact that he's a few inches taller than you, and you resent it greatly. "Your point? I bet I could still beat you, even with my hands cuffed!"

Heero clears his throat, and the two of you turn toward him, still angry. Was that a faint smile you see on his face? "You two seem to have forgotten the whole reason I brought her here. Are you more willing to answer my questions, now that you're on our territory and don't have much of a choice?"

You hesitate slightly, then open your mouth to give an answer…

"Well, you've got a point there… I guess I could tell you some things…" - go to page seventeen

"What?!? No way am I telling you anything!" - go to page eighteen