Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Look, I'm NOT With OZ! ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Look, I'm NOT With OZ!

You're torn between glaring and pouting at the five of them. "I didn't even know that there was supposed to be an attack today!" You turn to Duo. "Don't tell me you didn't know about the attack and didn't tell me!"

He sweatdrops. "Um…"

"You did, didn't you? You said you didn't lie!"

"It's not a lie! I just kinda forgot…"

"Why do I get the feeling that you have a selective memory?" you mutter. Duo pouts slightly, and Quatre seems to be stifling a giggle. Well, at least you seem to have convinced two of them that you're not an OZ soldier…

"Do you have any proof?" one of them demands. You think about that for a moment.

"Well, yes, I do… but I'm not in the mood to show it to you!" You stick out your tongue at the boys, not even you understanding why exactly you just did that. They stare at you, and Duo and Quatre facepalm. You sigh. "Fine, I'll tell you since I'm pretty sure you'll kill me if I don't… but would you mind telling me what to call you first? Otherwise, I'll have to label you off as Guy-With-The-Messy-Hair, Woman-Hater, Mr. Silent, The-Only-One-Who-Seems-To-Be-Nice-In-This-Whole-Group, and Braided-Baka…"


The other four choose to ignore Duo's indignant outburst. "I'm Quatre," the one with blond hair tells you. You'd guessed right on that count. "That's Heero, he's Trowa, and he's Wufei…"

"Oh, so THAT's what the anti-feminist kid is called!"

"Shut up, onna!"

"Can I call you Ms. Wufei?"


Before you can retort, Quatre wisely chooses to cut into the argument. "Weren't you going to tell us who you are, why you were at the base, and your proof that you're not an OZ soldier?"

You blink. "Oh yeah, huh…"

Wufei snorts. "Of course Maxwell would bring you to meet us. You're just like him, down to the last idiotic brain cell."

You cock your head. "Hey, that's mean! I'm pretty sure I'M smarter than Duo!"

"Hey! Whose side are you on, anyway?" Duo demands. "After I helped you?"

You sweatdrop. "Duo, if you'll remember, you're the one that got me into this mess…"

"She's got a point, you know," Quatre mutters. Duo was silent.

"What about your explanation?" Heero asks. You sweatdrop.

"I was going to do that, wasn't I? Why do we keep getting off topic?" you mutter. "Okay, before I spiral off into another side conversation…" You reach into your pocket and grab something, pulling it out so the boys can see. "Okay, do you see this?"

Duo takes the card and blinks as he reads it. "Darkness Fighters? The heck?"

"We're people who have something or another against OZ, or that were soldiers in the last war that don't feel that they're fully satisfied with the peace we have now," you explain. "The leader of our organization had kept tabs on a certain person who he thought might cause trouble in the future… and he was right. We think that he's one of the leaders of OZ, but he probably isn't the only the one. This seems like something that was planned out carefully and by many people. Anyway, we caught wind of their return a while back, and the attack on this base was the first step in our fight against OZ."

"So your mission is to fight OZ?" Wufei asks skeptically.

You nod, perfectly aware that they weren't convinced. "And to get rid of them once and for all." You grin. "And I have a bit of a score to settle with them, myself…" At Duo's questioning look, you shake your head. "Sorry, it's a bit personal. I don't really want to explain it… and besides, it's not really related to what I'm telling you now."

"And who is this leader of your organization?" Quatre asks. "And this person that you said might be one of the OZ leaders."

You wince slightly. "Actually, I don't know the guy's name, which is kind of pathetic, considering that I'm like the best soldier in our base… sorry 'bout that. I'd tell you if I knew. And as for our leader…" you hesitate.

"Remember that we have you surrounded and can and will kill you," Trowa says calmly, speaking for the first time.

You twitch. "You talk?" No answer. You shrug. "Sure, don't answer me. But as for who our leader is… aw, man, not sure I'm supposed to be doing this…"

"If we're really on the same side, then it won't hurt if we know," Heero points out.

You roll your eyes. "That's if we're on the same side. How do I know you guys are against OZ?" you ask.

Duo laughs. "Check the OZ database as soon as you can. I'm betting you we're on their top ten most wanted list."

You raise an eyebrow, a sneaking suspicion entering your mind. "Oh, really…"

"Your leader?" Quatre prods.

"Oh yeah… his name's Doctor Y," you tell them, hoping desperately that you're not making a serious mistake. "I met him a few years ago, during the war, but never really got a chance to fight against OZ the last time around… pity. I would've liked to show them a thing or two."

"Doctor Y?" Heero frowns. "I think I've heard of him…"

You glance at him, interested. "Oh, really? He makes it a habit to keep his operations as secret as is humanly possible."

"Doctor J mentioned him once," Heero continues, glaring at you for interrupting him. "He said that Doctor Y was another one of the scientists who had worked on the Tallgeese. Like them, he never really liked OZ, but he wasn't part of the pact to build the Gundams to fight against them. Doctor J did say that he disappeared shortly after they left, though."

"Ha!" you yell, jumping up into the air. "I TOLD you I'm against OZ!"

"How do we know that Doctor Y's actually who you're taking orders from? How do we know that you haven't just heard of him and decided that you'd use him as a coverup? After all, I doubt that an onna would actually be able to help out in any fight…"

You glare at Wufei. "Oh, that's it!" Before you can jump on him and throttle him, however, Quatre and Duo luckily intervene. Probably a good idea, too, since you'd be dead as soon as you got your hands around his throat.

Duo looks at you. "He does have a point, you know…"

You shrug. It's all or nothing now. And besides, if your theory is right… "All right then, I'll prove it to you! We're going to the main base of the Darkness Fighters. I'll give you the grand tour… just one thing. No one knows you're there, and if I can help it, I haven't returned to base yet either. Well? Is that okay with you?"

The five boys hesitate slightly, glancing at each other before nodding in unison. "Okay…" Duo says slowly, then grins. "Remember, if I die, it's your fault!"

You give him a mock glare. "Fine, then. Let's go."

Time for the trip to the super-secret base - go to page twenty-one