Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Distraction ❯ Mission Complete ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Mission: Distraction Part 3 of 3

Author: dkAdeena < >

Archive: (my site) - eventually

Category: Yaoi/Shounen ai

Pairing: 1x2

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: slight Duo bondage

Spoilers: None

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. I'm just playing around with the characters. This disclaimer applies to all parts of this story.

Notes: To all of you who have reviewed: Thank you. No Duo is not unaware of what is going on, he is just trying to get Heero to tell him why he's involved and what exactly he's supposed to be doing.

Not betaed as I don't have a steady beta for any of my fics. Please, someone, anyone?!

Summary: Heero has a mission and needs Duo's help for part of it.

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"Aaah! … Heero! … wha … " Duo tried to ask a question, but just then Heero started to stimulate him both inside and out, causing Duo's higher mental faculties to abruptly shut down.

After a few minutes Heero added a second finger to the inside stimulation, and stopped stroking Duo's stiffened member. As he continued stretching Duo for later penetration, he reached down to his lap and picked up the other item he'd hidden from Duo. Looking up at Duo's face, he noticed the closed eyes amidst the expression of confused passion and pleasure. Heero smirked as he lifted his hand to Duo's member once more and slipped the item over the tip, gently pushing it down until it rested comfortably at the base of Duo's cock. Having kept his eyes on Duo's face while placing the cock ring, Heero saw Duo's reaction when its presence was noticed. He quickly added a third finger to the pair stretching Duo's entrance and went searching for that sweet spot inside before Duo could say anything about the ring.

Duo had just noticed the cock ring when Heero pressed against his prostrate; sending a pulse of pure pleasure throughout his body, making him completely forget what he wanted to say.

Heero continued stretching and pleasuring his partner until the proximity alarms started sounding. He pulled his fingers out, then grabbed Duo's hips and lifted him as far as his restraints would allow; barely high enough for Heero's own hardened member to be carefully positioned so that when Duo was lowered he would impale himself upon it. Heero let go of Duo with one hand and quickly positioned himself. When he was ready, he said, "Lower yourself slowly."

Duo looked down to see a smirking Heero. The alarms had startled him so much that he was nowhere near as aroused as he'd been right before they started. He grinned a little sheepishly and said, "You planned that, didn't you?"

Heero responded with a bigger smirk and a gentle tug downwards on Duo's hip.

"Alright. You win," Duo smiled as he started lowering himself onto Heero. "Besides, I wouldn't be able to hold myself up much longer. Just remember, you'll pay for this later." He finished lowering himself just as a second set of alarms started up.

Heero's hands, both at Duo's hips again, tightened to hold Duo steady. Chuckling, he stated "Five minute warning. Time to prepare for battle, now that you are ready for your part."

"Bound hand and foot over a chair, wearing a cock ring and having your dick in my ass makes me prepared for my part in this exercise?!? You have got to be kidding me!" Duo exclaimed. Before Duo could say anything else Heero moved his hips in a circular motion, which allowed his member to press against Duo's sweet spot, which in turn caused Duo to moan with pleasure, completely forgetting what he was going to say next.

"I'm not kidding. Your wrists and ankles are restrained to keep you from bouncing around the cockpit during the battle. The cock ring is to keep you from making a mess in the cockpit should you become, shall we say, over stimulated," Heero replied with an evil chuckle.

"And your cock inside me?" Duo queried, still slightly angered at the whole thing.

"To keep me from making a mess in the cockpit. Now please be quiet until I tell you otherwise," Heero answered quickly. "Although moans, groans and other cries of pleasure are allowed. And I won't be paying for this at all, since you will be unable to pay me back when this mission is complete and we finally return to the safe house."

With those final words Heero turned to his screens and controls and started destroying the base, barely hearing Duo's whispered "You basta aaaaa!" as the first bit of movement on the part of Wing made Heero's cock move inside Duo once again.

Throughout the battle, any movement on the part of Wing made Heero move within Duo; sometimes unconsciously, sometimes very deliberately. Every time Heero fired his ray gun he thrust in, aiming for Duo's sweet spot and hitting it every other time. Alternating use of his beam saber with his gun allowed him to instigate a rhythm that had Duo continuously moaning in pleasure.

The warmth and tightness surrounding his hardened member, mixed with the adrenaline from the fight, caused Heero to climax as he destroyed the last mobile suit. He still had the structures located on the base to destroy so he had to fight his natural inclination to enjoy the feeling.

Letting the adrenaline and Duo's pleading for release stimulate him, he quickly moved to destroy the buildings. His hardening member thrusting in and out in a leisurely fashion as he moved Wing around the base shooting the buildings; thrusting harder each time an explosion sounded and faster each time Duo pleaded for release until all the buildings were gone and his second climax was upon him.

Heero's enjoyment of his second release was interrupted by Duo's voice calling him many not very nice names in between pleading for release. He opened his eyes to a site that sent the blood rushing south once again, a bound and very aroused Shinigami. Raising his eyes to meet Duo's passion hazed ones just made the ache in his groin worse.

Heero raised one hand and gently caressed Duo's cheek until Duo was able to focus on his face once more. Before Duo could say anything Heero smirked "We still have to get to a safe lay over spot. I have one picked out already. You'll get your release when we get there."

"Did you complete both parts of the mission?" Duo panted, trying to regain some control but lost it all once again as Heero moved his hand from Duo's cheek to Duo's chest and started playing with a nipple.

"I'll let you know once we are out of sight," Heero said as he trailed his hand across Duo's chest to tease the other nipple then let it drift south to glide over one bare hip before returning to Wing's controls.

The only response Duo could make for the next fifteen minutes was a groan, moan, or cry of pleasure as Heero slowly rocked in and out, occasionally brushing an arm against a thigh or side.

After what seemed hours to Duo, but was actually only a couple of minutes, the constant sound of Wing's engines stopped. He opened his eyes to see Heero releasing the pilot's restraints. He watched as Heero raised one hand to a button on a side panel. He heard a click and felt Heero's hands slide up his back. Just as Duo felt his hands start pulling to the side he felt Heero's hands slide up his arms, keeping them right above his head. Seconds later Duo felt the restraints holding his arms up give way and Heero's hands gently pulling his numb arms down until his hands rested on Heero's shoulders.

As soon as Duo's hands were securely resting on Heero's shoulders, Heero restarted his rhythmic pounding of Duo's ass, slowly building to a frantic pace, driven by Duo's pleas for release. Feeling his own imminent climax, Heero reached between their straining bodies and released the cock ring, finally allowing Duo to climax.

"Now Duo," Heero cried as he grabbed Duo's hips with both hands, holding him still as he continued to thrust into Duo's warm, wet passage. "Come NOW!"

Duo couldn't have resisted that command if his life had depended on it. He came, hard, crying out Heero's name and feeling Heero climax inside him just before passing out and collapsing against Heero's chest.

When Heero recovered from his latest climax and looked down at his comatose companion, a smirk slowly grew on his face as the words "Mission accomplished," whispered past his lips. He reached down and unlatched the ankle restraints, then opened the hatch and made his way to the already prepared bed in the cave where he intended to spend the next seventy-two hours. He placed Duo on the bed and connected the wrist restrains to the headboard before heading back to make sure the entrance to the cave was sufficiently hidden and the security monitors were operating correctly.

When Duo woke a couple hours later, he found himself handcuffed to a bed, still naked, with an evilly grinning Heero watching him.

"I completed both parts of the mission with no errors," Heero said as he lightly glided one hand up the inside of one of Duo's thighs. "The next seventy hours are mine to do whatever I want."

"And that is?" Duo asked, squirming a little to try and get Heero to touch him just a tad bit higher than he was.

"Making sure you understand how much you mean to me," Heero replied, then leaned over and kissed Duo senseless, continuing what he had started at the beginning of the mission.

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AN: This next section is not necessary to the story but it is kinda fun, just to pick on everybody's favorite blond bombshell. ^_^

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When the hatch to Wing's cockpit opened inside the hanger three days after it had closed, the occupants were greeted by a very irate and worried Quatre. Their situation was only made worse when Heero emerged carrying Duo, who looked totally exhausted.

"Is Duo okay? Where have you two been? Why was Duo in your gundam instead of his?" came the rapid-fire, worried questions from a very worried Quatre as the trio made their way to the house.

Heero smirked, giving Duo a "keep quiet" glare, and kept walking as he answered the blond pilot "He's uninjured. Mission. Mission parameters."

Duo started laughing at the stunned look on Quatre's face, while Heero's smirk grew into a grin as they left the stunned blond standing at the door to the safe house.

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It's over! What did you think? It was my first attempt at any kind of lemon so please let me know how I did. Please, please, please!