Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier, ne? Written for pleasure not profit.
Warnings: Yaoi, sap, angst, fluff, perverseness, humor attempts, Lemon, Heero POV.
Pairing: eventual 2x1
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Heero and Duo have worked as partners for Preventer for several years, completing many successful missions. What happens on this latest mission though will change them both forever.
Notes: Written for Sharon's Moment's of Rapture 2005/2006 fic comp.
Many thanks to Artemis & Yami_tai for the beta!
"Mission Impossible"
Dec 2005 ShenLong
Chapter 9
Duo's lips were soft, sensual and moved with practiced ease. The cheering and chanting faded away into the background as my mind focused completely on Duo and his mouth. Gently he moved against my lips, his tongue running softly over my bottom lip and I opened my mouth a little in invitation. His tongue swept inside and began to explore, roaming over teeth, along the inside of my cheeks and tangling with my own tongue. He coaxed my tongue into his mouth, inviting me to explore his own inner recesses.
I did.
Tentatively, I ran my tongue over his teeth and gums, exploring the soft palate and then back to duel with his tongue. He pushed his tongue back into my mouth and before I knew it I was as hard as a rock and moaning softly into his mouth.
I'd experienced kissing before, and even thought myself not bad at it. But Duo... Shit could he kiss! The feeling of Duo's lips against mine was something I could never forget. He tasted of orange juice, sweat and danger. I became an instant addict.
Oxygen became a vital necessity, and reluctantly Duo broke the kiss. As we surfaced, I became aware of the cheering and whistles going on around us, but they didn't register completely. I was still lost in that kiss, my senses on red alert and my nerves fried. I was aware of Duo gazing deeply into my eyes, a soft smile playing over his lips as he took in my bedazzled state. His tongue darted out, just the tip of it to run over his own lips and I heard him murmur quietly.
That one word was my complete undoing. I knew then I needed more. One kiss would never be enough. Somehow I had to convince Duo that I desired and wanted him.
Still captivated by his eyes and the swirl of emotion going through them, I wasn't completely aware of my surroundings. Fortunately, my soldier instincts were still on alert. I caught the movement from the corner of my eye and reacted purely on instinct.
I broke from Duo's embrace, leaving him shocked and confused as I threw myself at Relena. We crashed to the floor as I felt the sting of a dart lodge in my left shoulder blade. With Relena safely beneath me, I looked over my right shoulder and saw that Duo had sprung into action. He tackled the assailant to the ground, pinning him with finesse.
Around us the convention goers seemed unsure if this was real or acted. The crowd had gone a little quieter, most trying to make sense out of what was happening.
I heaved myself off Relena, and tried to reach with my hand to pull the dart from my shoulder, but couldn't.
"Heero? What's happening?” Relena asked. “Are you okay? Why the hell did you knock me down?"
"Assassination attempt… dart… shoulder." My mind started to swim. I didn't know what was in the dart, but it was beginning to affect me - and fast.
Relena caught on quick. She can be a smart woman sometimes, thankfully now was one of those times. She shoved me to the side and quickly spotted the dart in my shoulder. Grabbing it, she pulled it out and then pulled me into her arms.
My vision was beginning to blur and consciousness trying to fade, but I hung on, needing to know that Duo had everything under control before I let this drug take me. My partner appeared beside us and I took a look at his worried face.
"Heero?" he said softly and ran his fingers along my cheek.
"Situation?" I asked weakly. It was getting harder to fight off the drug.
"Secure. Perpetrator 'cuffed, acting alone, back up on its way. Your status?"
I could hear the concern in his voice and somehow that comforted me. "About to pass out."
"He took a dart to the shoulder that I'm sure was meant for me," Relena said. "I've pulled it out but I don't know what was in it." Relena's voice sounded worried and distant.
I managed to reach out and clasp Duo's hand. Forcing my eyes to look into his, I dragged up the last of my strength. "Keep her safe."
"Heero! Don't you dare give up on me!"
Duo's words hit my ears as the fringes of my mind began to turn black. I couldn't reply, I had no strength left. All my limbs seemed paralyzed and then mercifully, darkness claimed me.
* * *
Images flitted through my mind, Duo shooting pool, Duo in his shorts smiling, Duo dancing with me, Duo kissing me. I could hear voices, but they sounded far away and there was a dull ache in the back of my head. Slowly, I began to feel my senses coming back on line and the images that had kept me company began to fade.
My hearing cleared and I struggled to open my eyes. My eyelids felt heavy, but I managed to blink them open, only to close them again as bright light flooded my vision and made my headache worsen.
"I think he's coming round," I heard someone say.
"Heero? Heero? Can you hear me, buddy?"
It was Duo. I tried to open my eyes again, blinking rapidly at the light. He must have realized that the light was hurting my eyes. The next time I opened them the light level was much lower.
"Thanks," I rasped out. My throat felt as dry as Quatre's desert and my tongue like the sand that filled it.
Through slitted eyes I saw a straw and then felt it against my mouth. I parted my lips and sucked eagerly on the straw. Cool water flowed into my mouth and I swallowed greedily. The cold liquid flowed through my mouth and down my throat, easing the dryness. Although I wanted more of the water I knew it probably wasn't a good thing to drink too much of it right now and reluctantly I let the straw slip from my lips. "Thank you." The words flowed a little easier now that my throat didn't feel like sandpaper.
"How are you feeling, Heero?"
I turned my head to see Relena standing there, a worried look on her face. I tried to smile to reassure her, but it must have come out as a grimace as her worried look intensified. "I'm okay," I ground out.
"You gave us one heck of a scare," she continued. "I'm so relieved you're awake."
"How long?" I asked.
"Six hours," Duo replied as he gently took my hand in his.
If Relena noticed, she didn't say anything. I didn't either, it felt - comforting.
"The drug?" I asked. I knew I had a strong resistance to drugs. J had made sure of that during my training. However, given the length of time since the wars, it had been years since I'd had any further strengthening of my body's systems to resist drugs. Consequently my resilience had lowered considerably.
"Some type of tranquilizer combined with a muscle paralyzer. Labs are still analyzing it."
I nodded and shifted slightly. "Could you...?"
"You need help to sit up?" Duo asked with a smile.
"Please," I replied. "My arms don't seem to want to work properly yet." I was still feeling a little groggy, effects of the tranquilizer no doubt, and my arms and legs felt like lumps of lead. I guessed I still had some of that drug in my system, too.
Relena stepped closer to the side of the bed and reached for a lever. As she pushed on it so the upper part of the bed began to rise. Duo lifted my shoulders, fluffed the pillows and then pulled me up the bed slightly before laying me back against the pillows. It felt better to be sitting up.
"What happened?" I asked. "I can't remember much." Was it my imagination or did Duo's face look a little disappointed at my words? Whatever it was the look lasted but a second before his usual persona was back in place and he sat upon the bed at my side and began to fill me in on what had occurred.
"The dart was meant for Relena," Duo began. "There was only one perpetrator, acting alone. He is in custody and has been interrogated."
I gave a low chuckle. I could imagine the interrogation the person had gone through with Duo at the helm.
"It wasn't so much an attempt on Relena's life as a kidnapping. The person thought that the convention dance would be the perfect place to grab Relena and hold her for ransom. Their plan was to dart her and when she passed out they would carry her off on the pretense of her having drunk too much and take her back to her room to sleep it off. Instead she was to be spirited away and held for ransom. The dart contained a strong tranquilizer as well as another drug to paralyze the muscles."
"Thanks to you, it didn't happen," Relena said softly as she moved closer to my bed. "I'm sorry, Heero."
"For what?" I asked.
"I honestly didn't think that there would be an attempt of any sort against me at a Yaoi convention," she replied, her eyes downcast.
I laughed, and both Relena and Duo stared at me as if I'd lost my marbles. I decided to let them in on the joke. "You know, at first I thought it was another fan fiction writer who was jealous of your writing."
Duo snorted.
Relena looked stunned and then quickly replied. "I've heard of writers being stalked by fans, I've heard of writers getting hate mail, flames and the like from jealous writers; but I've never heard of another writer or fan being physically attacked by someone over fan fiction."
"There's a first time for everything," Duo smirked.
"How did you know I wrote fan fiction anyway, Heero?" Relena's eyes narrowed and she homed in on me.
Shit! I remembered, she'd told Duo, but not me. "Uh, I think I need to lie down again, I'm not feeling too good," I moaned and attempted to look ill.
Relena gave me a look that clearly said she didn't believe me, but there wasn't much she could do.
Duo caught on pretty quick and began to lower the bed a little. As he did so he leaned in close and whispered. "Don't give up your day job, Heero."
I really didn't need him to tell me I was seriously lacking in the acting department. I decided to change the subject. "Any idea when I can get out of this hospital and go back to the hotel?" I could sense there was more that Duo hadn't told me, but I wanted to get out of this place, hospitals gave me the willies.
"I think they want to keep you in for observation," Relena said.
"They've kept me long enough," I growled. "What time is it anyway?"
Duo glanced at his watch. "A little after four."
It was then that I noticed the dark circles underneath his eyes and the tiredness etched into the lines of his face. He must have been up all night. Come to think of it, Relena didn't look all that crash hot either. "I want to go back to the hotel," I demanded. "It's safer there than here."
Giving a weary sigh, Duo ran his fingers through his disheveled bangs. "I'll go get the doc and see what he says. Personally I'd rather be back at the hotel as well." He got up and left the room, searching for the doctor.
"If they don't let me go I'll sign myself out," I snapped and folded my arms across my chest. The drug must be leaving my system fairly quickly now as I've regained a fair amount of control over my limbs. I still felt tired though and knew I would need to sleep some more before the tranquilizer was completely expelled. Back at the hotel my security system was in place and I would feel a whole lot safer there than here.
Duo returned a few minutes later. "Doc's on his way now," he said and slumped into a chair.
The white coated form of a doctor entered a moment later, accompanied by a pretty looking nurse. The nurse began to take my vitals while the doc grabbed my chart and went over it. "How are you feeling now?"
"Fine," I replied.
"Any dizziness, nausea, vomiting?"
"I feel a little tired, but my limbs are all working fine." I added a scowl for good measure.
"Blood pressure is normal, heart and breathing rate normal and his temperature is back to normal," the nurse said as she finished off her observations.
"Good." The doc scribbled a few things on the chart and then fixed me with his eye. "Your body has had a major shock to its nervous system. Not just the tranquilizer, but the paralysis as well. You need to rest and take things easy for twenty four hours, no strenuous activity at all. Do I make myself clear?"
I nodded. I was ready to agree to anything if it meant I could get out of here.
"Fine. I will release you on that understanding. I will need someone here to sign and be responsible for you over that time period."
"I'll sign, doc," Duo said with a look in my direction to see if that was acceptable. I nodded and he smiled.
"Right. I'll get you to come back to the nurses' station in a moment, sign the necessary forms and I'll give you the discharge information." The doctor turned to me. "Rest, and I mean it. We still don't have a full breakdown on the drugs that entered your system so there could still be side effects we are not aware of. Should you experience anything at all out of the ordinary you are to come straight back here. Got that?"
"Yes, doc."
"Good. Mr Maxwell, if you will kindly follow me." The doctor exited with Duo behind leaving the nurse with Relena and myself.
"Um, can I have my clothes please?" I asked. I didn't think leaving the hospital in the papery gown would be a good idea, besides, the draft was a little chilly.
"I'll fetch them for you," the nurse said and disappeared to do just that, returning a minute later. "Here you are, Mr Yuy."
"Thank you."
The nurse left and Duo entered, a sheaf of papers in his hand.
"Geeze, and I thought Preventers paperwork was bad, this isn't just in triplicate, I think it's in octacate!" he muttered as he looked at the papers he held.
I shook my head and began to lever myself from the bed to get dressed.
"I'll wait outside," Relena said as she noticed my movements, her face taking on a pink tinge.
That's when I realized I'd been moving to the side of the bed she had been standing at. Shit, I hoped I hadn't flashed the poor woman.
With Relena's departure, I reached for my clothes as I struggled to stand. My legs didn't want to cooperate and I felt myself beginning to fall. Strong arms wrapped around my waist and held me up. "I've got you, buddy," Duo murmured as he righted me once more.
"Thanks. I guess I'm not as over it as I thought."
"Need a hand?"
"If you don't mind." I managed to quell the butterflies in my stomach as Duo reached for my briefs. Crouching down, he held the briefs for me and with one hand on his shoulder for support, I managed to lift a foot and step into one leg of them, the process repeated with the other foot and then Duo was pulling my briefs up underneath the gown, keeping my modesty in tact while he blushed a little. Gown removed, he quickly helped me with the jeans and shirt, socks and boots last of all.
I nodded and with great effort began to walk towards the door. As Duo opened the door he cast a worried glance in my direction, wanting to assist me but knowing my pride. The matter was taken out of our hands though as the nurse appeared with a wheelchair.
"It's hospital policy that all patients discharged may only leave the hospital in a wheelchair. It's for your own safety and well being as well as the hospital's."
I didn't bother to argue and sat uncomplaining in the chair. I noted Duo's relieved look as the nurse wheeled me to freedom.
By the time we made it back to the hotel I was feeling a little stronger and able to walk through the foyer and ride the elevator to our floor. Once we made it down the hall to our respective rooms, Duo insisted on checking Relena's room, scouring it thoroughly before letting the woman enter. Our room was similarly checked and then Duo assisted me inside and to my bed where I sat down, grateful to be off my feet. After checking that I was going to be all right, Relena thanked me again and then passed through the connecting door to her own room to get some sleep. It was now six in the morning and all thoughts of the convention and the previously planned activities for the day shot to pieces. We agreed to get some sleep and then meet in the afternoon to decide what to do from there.
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I was still feeling groggy and wanted nothing more than to close my eyes and sleep. Duo came over to me after checking the laptop and security. "How are you really doing, Heero?" he asked.
"Tired. Duo?" He looked at me. "The debriefing. What didn't you say?"
He gave a soft smile. "It was one person acting on their own as I said. However, he does belong to a small, organized crime group. I passed the information on to headquarters. Commander Une has dispatched agents to the locations the perpetrator gave us. They should have the group rounded up and in custody within twelve hours. If they didn't get their ransom demands, they were planning on sending bits of Relena back until their demand was met."
I shivered at that thought.
"You need to rest, Heero. Want me to undress you?"
My head spun around so sharply I swear I could hear the vertebrae crack.
"Errr... That didn't quite come out the right way." Duo blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "What I meant was..."
"Duo, it's okay. I know what you meant and yes, if you don't mind, assistance would be appreciated." I tried to give him a reassuring smile as I rested a hand on his arm.
Without further words he removed my boots and socks before slipping the jeans from my hips and shirt over my head. I stood up and allowed him to fold the blanket and sheet back, and then sank into the cool cotton sheets as my legs threatened to give out on me. Duo drew the covers over me and paused, staring at my face for a second. It was then that I could clearly see the concern and worry in his eyes before he quickly turned away and went to his own bed.
I decided to go for broke.
He turned and looked at me. "Yes?"
"This is probably going to sound ridiculous and I quite understand if you say no, but..." I glanced at him and saw him frowning at my hesitant words. "I really don't feel comfortable sleeping by myself. I know you're just in the bed over there, but with my status compromised, I would feel a lot safer if you would sleep with me, watch my back so to speak."
"Ah. Like we did sometimes in the war?"
"Y -yes."
He smiled and moved back to my bed, stripping down to his boxers and sliding in behind me. I appreciated him not saying anything more, I was feeling vulnerable and confused enough as it was. His presence though was reassuring and I found myself drifting off. I wasn't fully asleep, sort of in that place where sleep is on the fringes but you're still slightly awake. I felt Duo shift behind me and then snuggle a little closer. I gathered he was propped up a bit as his breath washed over my cheek. I kept my breathing regular and deep, letting him think I was asleep. I was curious as to his intentions.
Moments passed, and then gentle fingers brushed the bangs from my forehead and he spoke in a whisper. "Oh, Heero. I was scared I'd lost you. I don't know what I would do if that happened." His lips grazed across my cheek as his fingers continued to thread gently through my hair. "I wish I had the courage to tell you how I feel, but I don't. At least I'll have the memory of this weekend and the kiss we shared." Another soft brush of his lips against my cheek and then he settled behind me. I remained where I was, wakefulness now my companion as my mind churned with Duo's soft words.
My suspicions had been correct then, Duo did care for me and with that whispered confession it seemed he cared for me more than just a friend. After that kiss at the dance all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle had fallen into place and I knew then without a doubt I was attracted to Duo. His kiss had been sensuous, sweet and promised more if I wished to explore the enigma that was Duo.
Move over Doctor Livingston, Heero Yuy, new age explorer was about to hit town.
Having Duo spooned up behind me suddenly made me aware of all sorts of feelings and emotions stirring inside. Only problem was, I didn't have a clue how to act on them. Feeling too tired to really do much more thinking right then, I let my exhaustion take over and slip into a deep sleep, safe in the knowledge that Duo was right there with me, covering my back.
~ * ~