Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8
Leaving the safety of the hotel room, we headed for the elevator and the auction. As we arrived in the foyer, I was once again made aware of how many people were attending this convention. People were everywhere, some dressed as their favorite characters and others in 'normal' clothes. As we started to make our way through the crowd, I couldn't help but notice the hungry looks that were sent in our direction, not to mention the whistles and various comments.
We approached the room where the auction and following dance were to be held and I saw a few people sending looks of envy in Relena's direction. I silently thanked my inner training that had refused to let Duo have his way with wanting me to go barefoot. I'd put on a pair of boots and slipped a small handgun in the side. I couldn't wear my usual shoulder holster given the outfit I was in, and I wasn't about to go unarmed. I knew Duo would have a knife or two hidden on him somewhere, although where that would be, given what he was wearing, I didn't even want to try and guess.
Passing through another door and finding ourselves surrounded by more women, I immediately pressed closer to Relena. Focused on keeping close to her, the pinch to my rear end took me completely by surprise and I whirled around. Before I could react, Duo had the perpetrator by the wrist.
"No touching my partner," I heard him growl softly, although there was a smile on his face at the same time to soften the admonishment. He released the girl's wrist and then proceeded to wrap his arm around my waist in a protective gesture. "Mine," he stated. "You can look, but not touch."
The girl gave a grin. "You two in the auction?"
"Yup," Duo replied.
"Then if I buy either one of you I can touch all I like," she said with a smirk, and then flounced off before either one of us could formulate a reply.
I turned to Relena and narrowed my eyes. I didn't get the chance to say anything, she beat me to it.
"I promised I would buy you, Heero and I won't go back on that promise."
I felt a sense of relief sweep over me, seconds later it became a sense of panic. Duo was also going up for auction. What if that woman bought him? I felt the chill of fear go down my spine. I didn't want to think of Duo being touched or fawned over by that woman or any other for that matter. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything I could do about it right now. The organizers called for those people in the auction to come forwards. Relena took us both by the arms and we had no choice but to follow along as she led us into the small room off the main one.
We didn't spend much time in the room, only enough to be briefed on the auction and what the rules were regarding those that purchased us. I was relieved to hear that certain 'things' were off limits, such as clothing removal and other, more intimate dealings were a definite no, no, also the bidding wasn't just confined to women. We were herded out into the main room and lined up. Now I knew how cattle felt. The crowd of women were going wild. Relena was just a few feet away from me, having persuaded one of the organizers to let her stay close to us.
I was to be auctioned before Duo. Out in the anti chamber we had all dipped into a hat and drawn a number out. I'd drawn three, Duo was five. Besides myself and Duo, there were eight other males in the auction. I didn't pay them a lot of attention, except for a quick look to ensure they weren't a threat of any sort. They were all dressed in various outfits, similar to what Duo and I wore. While they were all handsome in their own way, I didn't think any of them compared to Duo. Again, I began to wonder. When I looked at Duo I felt something warm in my chest, along with an ache. When I looked at the others I felt nothing. Does this mean I am attracted to my partner? And I am also bisexual?
I'd been with a couple of women, fooled around a little and yet I'd never experienced the kind of warmth that I now feel being close to Duo. Having only ever been with the female sex I really had no knowledge or understanding of how a male with male relationship would work. Were the feelings the same for a same sex partnership as an opposite sex partnership?
I was giving myself another headache.
Duo suddenly nudged me in the ribs. "You're next, Heero. Don't frown, don't glare, try to smile and loosen up a little. You don't want to scare everyone off."
So lost in my mind's wanderings, I'd failed to notice that the second guy was currently being auctioned. He was duly 'sold' for the sum of six hundred dollars and then it was my turn.
I'd like to say I felt calm, but that would be a lie. My heart was racing, my soldier instincts were screaming at me and my eyes wouldn't stop looking for danger. I spotted Relena right at the front as the emcee began their spiel, encouraging people to bid. I tried not to frown, glare or scowl, instead keeping my face emotionless. I sought Duo's face as a means of anchorage. He rolled his eyes at me and then stuck his fingers in the corner of his mouth, pulling his lips up into a weird smile. I gathered he wanted me to smile.
I didn't.
My ears pricked up, listening to the auctioneer as my eyes swept over the crowd to see who was bidding. Relena was, of course, and a large woman to my left, the one I recognized as having pinched me earlier and now seemed equally determined to have me. I shuddered and tried to give Relena a silent message; 'Save me!'
"Five hundred and fifty," the auctioneer said and then looked to Relena. "Do I have six hundred?"
Relena caught my look and gave an evil smirk. For a moment I thought she wasn't going to increase the bid. Then she nodded her head.
"Six hundred. I have six hundred bid. Do I hear six fifty?"
The large woman raised her hand.
"Six fifty, I have six hundred and fifty dollars against you, ma'am. Make it seven?"
Relena nodded again.
The auctioneer seemed pleased. I tried to glare at the opposing bidder.
"I have seven hundred bid. Make it seven fifty?"
The other woman shook her head.
"Seven hundred, I have seven hundred bid. Any advance on seven hundred? Going once." The auctioneer looked around. "Going twice... Going three times - Sold for seven hundred dollars."
As I stepped down form the stage I released the breath I hadn't been aware I'd been holding. I felt hot and clammy, sweat ran down my back, and my skin must have been a little on the pale side since Relena grabbed my hand and asked me if I was okay. I replied in the affirmative and then waited patiently by her side as she attended to the paperwork for my purchase with one of the con assistants.
Once the paperwork was dealt with, we moved back to the stage area where the fourth man was in the last stages of auction. The bids were currently on six hundred and eighty dollars, rising in twenty dollar amounts. When I thought about it, I was quite pleased that I'd fetched seven hundred. The fourth bishounen was sold for seven hundred and twenty dollars and then it was Duo's turn.
He sauntered onto the stage, wide grin on his face, hair swishing about his frame as he put on a little 'show' for the audience. Needless to say, the women all went wild. He cocked his head to the side and ran a teasing finger down his chest and over his abdomen, toying at the top of his shorts.
The crowd went crazy.
I prepared to jump on the stage to protect him from the rabid mob.
"He sure knows how to work the crowd," Relena chuckled.
With my tongue refusing to work, I didn't reply. The moves that Duo was making had left me stunned. I couldn't deny he had a raw appeal. And it appeared that all the fan girls liked the display as well.
The emcee brought the crowd back under control and began the auction. The bids were flying thick and fast; one hundred, two, three, five, seven, eight fifty...
I watched in amazement as the women practically beat each other up to get a bid in. I couldn't believe the hysteria. The bidding settled between three women, each as determined as the other to score Duo for themselves. While they weren't bad looking, I didn't think they were Duo's type either. Since when had I become an authority on what Duo's type was? I had to admit, I didn't really know what Duo's taste in women was, but I did know it wasn't any of these three.
"Relena?" I turned quickly to the woman beside me who was watching the bidding with keen interest.
"Do you still have the Preventer credit card?"
"Yes. Did you want it?"
I nodded.
Relena began to fish inside her purse and handed me the card. "There you go. I didn't need it after all."
"Thank you." I turned back to face the stage and the emcee who was also playing auctioneer. The bidding had settled between two of the women.
"One thousand two hundred, do I hear one thousand two fifty? Yes? Thank you madam. I have one thousand two hundred and fifty. Any advance on one thousand two hundred and fifty?"
"Two thousand!" I called out.
The room went deathly silent for a moment as every one turned to see who had put in such a large bid, including Duo. Beside me, Relena gave me a dig in the ribs.
"Heero!" she whispered. "What the hell are you doing?"
Shit! That had been my voice.
The emcee regained his composure rather quickly and a beaming smile lit up his face. "Two thousand dollars I'm bid. Any advance on two thousand?" He looked around the room, hopeful, but both the women who had been bidding shook their heads and shot me a hateful glare. "At two thousand dollars, going once. Going twice..." The emcee looked at me, a smile still on his face. "He must be one hell of a bishie for another bishie to bid for him. Something you're not telling us?"
Ever wish the floor would open up and swallow you? I did right then. I felt the heat start at my toes and pass quickly up my body until I thought my cheeks would catch fire.
"Sold for two thousand dollars to the cute guy over here." The thud of the hammer brought me out of my embarrassed state and I shifted my gaze, looking anywhere but at Duo or Relena.
"Come on, we'd better grab Duo and go pay for him," Relena said.
I followed along behind wondering if I would still have a job after this mission once Commander Une found out I'd blown two thousand dollars of Preventer money on buying my partner.
Having paid for Duo, Relena marched us all out of the auction and into the nearest coffee shop. She sat us down and ordered coffee then fixed me with her gaze. "Heero, answer me one question. What the hell did you think you were doing back there?"
I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really have a proper answer for her, but I tried to give her one, one she would accept. "Duo is needed to protect you. He couldn't do that if he was purchased by one of those other women." It was pretty much the truth, I'd opted not to add the fact that I couldn't stand the thought of Duo being with anyone else but me. I caught Duo's gaze from the corner of my eye. He had a thoughtful look on his face and I could tell he didn't believe me. Fortunately, Relena did.
"Fine. At least charity will get a big boost to their funding thanks to you." Relena returned to sipping at her coffee and I was off the hook. Or so I thought.
I felt the weight of Duo's eyes upon me and avoided looking at him. I already knew what I would find. His expression would be asking the real reason for my purchase of him and I wasn't ready to face up to that confession yet. I was still trying to figure it out myself.
Coffees finished, Relena got up and announced it was time to be heading back to the ball room for the dance that would be starting soon. As I stood, Duo moved close to me. While Relena paid for the coffees he turned towards me and grazed the back of his knuckles along my cheek. His eyes were soft and full of something I didn't recognize. His mouth opened and he whispered quietly, "Thanks, Heero. In all honesty I'm glad it was you that bought me."
With those words said, he dropped his hand and walked over to the counter and Relena. I raised my hand to my cheek. The skin still tingled where his knuckles had touched, the smell of his cologne was deep in my nostrils and the soft words lodged in my heart. Could the attraction I thought I was feeling for Duo be mutual? I didn't dare allow myself to hope, I wasn't completely sure myself if what I was feeling equated into attraction.
I followed the other two out of the coffee shop and back to the ballroom.
* * *
The auction had just finished and the organizers were busy setting up the ballroom for the dance. We waited outside the double doors in the foyer area along with many others who were also waiting for the dance. The crowd was growing by the minute, people dressed in various attire and the noise of chatter was almost deafening at times.
I did my usual trick of perusing the crowd, searching for any possible threat to Relena, Duo also scanned the crowds. I subtly watched him as his eyes roved the people there. His gaze paused for a moment and a soft smile played on his face, his eyes danced with merriment and I thought I heard a low chuckle escape his lips. Curious as to the source of his mirth, I followed the line of his sight and my own eyes widened.
Across the room there was a group of people all dressed as their favorite anime characters. They were teasing and goading at each other, daring one particular couple to try something. I watched, intrigued as their play continued. I recognized the two characters currently being teased as Yuki and Shuichi from the anime Gravitation. Yuki had his arm around the waist of Shuichi and was nuzzling at the boy's neck. Judging by the way the rest of the group was carrying on it seemed as if they were encouraging the pair to do more.
The nuzzling soon turned into embracing and then what looked like groping. My eyes blinked rapidly as Shuichi was spun around and bent over, Yuki grabbing his hips and appearing to hump the other person. I quickly averted my eyes, the flush of embarrassment spreading over my cheeks and stared right into Duo's amused violet. I felt the blush deepen as I realized I'd been caught watching.
"Cute couple aren't they?" Duo grinned at me, obviously enjoying my discomfort.
I couldn't formulate a reply at that point in time, I was still too stunned at the display.
"Don't be embarrassed, Heero. This sort of thing is bound to go on at a convention such as this." To add emphasis, Duo waved his hand around.
I stared around me. Duo was right. Everywhere you looked there was at least one couple holding hands, embracing or generally playing it up for the crowd that egged them on for more. No one appeared to be upset or embarrassed about what was happening. I began to relax a little and observe. Was this how couples of the same sex showed their attraction to each other? I looked to my left, a couple there were holding hands and talking to another pair. To my right I spotted another couple with their arms comfortably around each other's waists. Another person was gently rubbing the back of their partner, while over to the far right, another couple shared tender caresses to the skin of face and arms.
It would appear that touch was the biggest way to show affection and attraction to someone. Slowly it began to infiltrate my mind that what these people were demonstrating around me was what I wanted to share with Duo. The little light bulb inside my head suddenly went off with a blinding flash. All these thoughts, all these feelings I'd been mulling over these past hours were what I'd thought them to be - Attraction.
I could no longer deny it. I was attracted to my partner and wanted to share these things with him. The warm feelings in my chest, the pain I'd felt with Duo's hurt look, the other pain I'd felt at the thought of him being with someone else all added up to one thing. I wanted Duo and I wanted him as more than a friend.
Okay. Now I had the answers to my questions. Problem was those answers raised a whole new set of questions. Did Duo feel the same? Could Duo possibly want me in the same way I wanted him? He was bisexual and that obviously meant he liked men, but would he like me?
Crap! The image of Duo's body in the doujinshi returned. It was obvious to me now that I wanted Duo in all the ways of a relationship. My heart began to race and my groin tingled as I pondered that thought. If everything going on around me was any indication of same sex relationships and acting upon them, then I thought it was a pretty safe bet that I did, in fact, desire Duo as a sexual partner as well.
That brought me back once more to the question of Duo and his feelings for me. Could there be any possibility that he would consider a relationship with me? The soft words he'd spoken earlier, the touch of his knuckles against my skin, the way he'd placed a possessive arm around my waist and said 'mine', all seemed to point in that direction. But how to be sure?
Why the hell hadn't J included relationships in my training?
The doors to the ballroom were opened then and the crowd surged forward. I grabbed Duo's hand and he smiled at me, I smiled back and took Relena's hand as well. We entered the ballroom and found ourselves a table to sit at. The large dance floor had been cleared of the chairs from earlier, said chairs having been placed around tables that were scattered all around the outside of the room. On the small stage a DJ had taken up residence and a bar had been opened on one side of the room. Duo went off to the bar and came back with drinks for us all, Relena enjoying a white wine while Duo and I both had orange juice.
We sat and gazed around, I was checking for threats, Relena seemed amused by all the various costumes, while Duo appeared to be watching a couple of fan girls with the two bishounen they had bought. I felt my jaw drop a little as I observed the two men, one sitting in the other's lap and hands wandering freely over bodies. "I thought the organizers said no touching?"
"I think the organizers meant that the purchaser was to be restrained in their touching of the merchandise," Duo said with a wink. "Nothing in the rule book that says the bishies can't get it on with each other, providing they keep it discreet. Although something tells me this mob wouldn't object if two bishies lost all control and went at it like rabbits."
"They wouldn't?" I managed to say in a slightly choked voice.
"They'd probably all cheer them on and offer advice," Relena chuckled from my other side.
"Really?" I guess my eyes must have been as wide as saucers by now.
"Don't worry, Heero. It won't happen," Relena laughed. "Oh my, if you could see your face."
I gave the woman a glare. I didn't like to be teased.
"What's a matter, Heero? Afraid you might learn something?" Duo snickered from my left and then he leaned in close to whisper to me. "Or are you afraid it might turn you on?"
I'm pretty sure I was doing a rather good imitation of a stranded fish by this stage, but luckily for me my mind can scramble and retaliate quite admirably. "Why? You worried that if it turns me on I might start to look for someone to jump?"
Now there was a sight to behold. Duo Maxwell, lost for words.
"Touché," he replied eventually and then went back to watching the bishies in action.
I gave a satisfied smirk and switched my own attention back to the people around us. From time to time, I couldn't help but sneak a look at my partner and noticed he was casting subtle glances in my direction as well. His eyes were hiding something, but his expression was one of curiosity. Again I fancied that maybe there was a chance he was just a little interested in me.
The dance got underway, the emcee welcoming us all to the ballroom and then handing over to the DJ. The music began to play, a strong, heavy beat pulsed out of the speakers making normal conversation impossible. We sat and watched the various people dance, the styles amusing me to no end. Some people could really dance, others simply swayed to the music; and then there were those that seemed to literally throw themselves all over the floor as if in their death throes.
Duo's foot tapped in time to the rhythm as we watched a couple of fan girls dancing with their bishies and putting on a little 'show' for everyone. Eventually Duo's clubbing instinct got the better of him and he asked Relena if she would like to dance. She accepted and the pair made their way to the floor where they began to dance.
My eyes were riveted. And not on Relena.
Duo danced with a natural grace and rhythm, somehow managing to blend with the music. His movements were like liquid silk, flowing and sensual. His hips moved and gyrated to the beat, his arms and upper body following the lead of his pelvis and legs. It was like watching poetry in motion. There was only one thing wrong with the scene.
He wasn't dancing with me.
I chewed my bottom lip, wondering if I dared to raise enough courage and ask Duo to dance with me. Would he accept? Or would I be subjected to the humility of being rejected? There was only one way to find out.
Ask him.
After sharing a few dances, Relena and Duo came back to the table and sat down. I'd managed to catch the attention of one of the waitresses and had our drinks replenished while they'd been dancing and Duo downed his orange juice in two swallows. Relena continued to sip at her wine, switching to water from time to time to quench her thirst.
I decided to give Duo about fifteen minutes to recover from his exertions before asking him to dance. When the time was up I tried desperately to call up my courage that seemed to have deserted me. The DJ changed tracks, putting on a song with a slow, sultry beat and I decided it was now or never. I took a deep breath and composed myself.
"Duo? Would you care to dance with me?"
Violet eyes turned in my direction, as did a pair of shocked blue, but I ignored Relena's gaze, focusing only on Duo.
Those eyes held a look of shock, confusion and then pleasure. Duo's face broke into a warm smile.
"I'd love to dance with you, Heero."
Giving a soft sigh of relief, I quickly wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and stood up, taking Duo's hand and leading us both out onto the dance floor. Relena should be safe for a few minutes I reasoned. Nothing or no one had tried anything yet and I didn't think they would. As Duo had said, it was highly unlikely someone would try to get to Relena at a Yaoi convention.
Underneath the colored lights, Duo took on an ethereal appearance, his hair swung around his lithe body as he started to move in sync with the music. For a moment I was dumbstruck, overwhelmed by his sheer beauty before my brain kick started and I thought I'd better start to move myself instead of standing there looking like a love struck teenager.
I found the beat and began to sway, letting my natural sense of rhythm take over. I didn't think I danced too badly, although nothing as sensuous as Duo. The song finished and another came on, this one was slightly faster and Duo surprised me by starting to dance dirty.
He gyrated his hips, thrusting them provocatively in my direction. His hands weren't still either. They danced along his torso, touching himself as his body swayed to the beat. I did my best to keep up with him and then as my eyes met with his, he gave me a positively wicked smirk and danced right up to me. His hands found their way to my hips as he pulled me flush against him. Hips thrust against my own and then Duo shimmied down my torso and back up again. His look turned feral as he danced behind me and pulled my back flush against his chest.
With his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, Duo moved us both to the beat, then he began to grind against my ass as his hands wandered the full length of my chest and abdomen. He rested his chin momentarily on my shoulder and whispered. "Enjoying yourself?" The words were accompanied by a lazy lick to my ear and I moaned.
Duo's hands wandered up my chest and brushed lightly over one of my nipples, eliciting another moan from my throat. I felt on fire, heat pooling in my groin and I knew without a doubt that I was getting turned on. I could only hope that the evidence of my arousal couldn't be seen under the colored lights. My breath was coming in rapid pants, my heart was racing and I could feel the sweat running freely down my back.
Duo shifted again, his hand brushing lightly over the front of my jeans. Shit! Now he would know for sure that I was getting aroused. His chin came back to my shoulder and there was another lick to my ear before soft words were spoken.
"I think you are enjoying yourself, Heero."
Without another word, Duo shifted again and began to rub against my backside. I could clearly feel the evidence of his own arousal as he ground against me. God help me, I wanted it. I wanted him.
The music began to wind down and along with it, Duo's seductive dance. He faced me once more, a triumphant smirk on his face as we came to a shuddering halt. The music ceased before another, softer track began to play. That was when I became aware of the dance floor and the lack of occupants.
Cheers began to ring out around us, people had moved aside to watch and I'd been totally oblivious to it all. I could feel the blush rising as the crowd closed in slightly. Relena was not far from my side and cheering just as enthusiastically as the rest of the people. Then their cheers changed into a chant.
"Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him, kiss him, kiss him, kiss him..." they chanted, then clapping joined in until the noise drowned out the music.
Duo cocked his head and grinned at me. "They want us to kiss."
I cocked my head in return and raised an eyebrow. "Then let us not disappoint them."
I saw the fleeting look of shock pass through Duo's eyes and then it was gone, replaced with a hunger I'd never seen before. Slowly, Duo closed the distance between us, his hands came up to rest upon my hips as his eyes looked from my mouth to my eyes and back again.
I brought my arms up and wrapped them around Duo's shoulders, gently pulling him closer. I licked my lips in anticipation and tilted my head to the side.
The crowd continued their chant as we drew closer and closer.
Then, Duo's lips were on mine and he was kissing me.
~ * ~