Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier, ne? Written for pleasure not profit.
Warnings: Yaoi, sap, angst, fluff, perverseness, humor attempts, Lemon, Heero POV.
Pairing: eventual 2x1
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Heero and Duo have worked as partners for Preventer for several years, completing many successful missions. What happens on this latest mission though will change them both forever.
Notes: Written for Sharon's Moment's of Rapture 2005/2006 fic comp.
Many thanks to Artemis & Yami_tai for the beta!
"Mission Impossible"
Dec 2005 ShenLong
Chapter 7
I sat for a while longer, thoughts tumbling through my head as I tried to make sense of them all.
The one link in the chain of thoughts was Duo. I rubbed my temples. I needed to try and sort these thoughts out, look at them logically and try to determine exactly why I was thinking these things. I already knew why I felt comfortable in Duo's presence, he was my best friend. We had been through so much together, shared pain and triumph, despair and elation. I trusted him implicitly, he'd never let me down in all the missions and assignments we'd shared over the years.
Right, that was the comfort issue explained. It also made sense to tag the reassured issue with that one as well.
Next issue: Why had I felt that ache in my chest when he'd looked hurt at my words? I knew Duo enjoyed collecting various items, some of those items I found to be totally unexplainable and had commented to that effect in the past. He'd often argued with me in defense of his 'squirreling' habits, and I'd argued back, rather sarcastically at times I might add, but never had I felt an ache like this at his reaction to my words. I didn't like to think I'd hurt him, intentionally or not.
I shook my head. I wasn't getting anywhere on that issue. All I'd managed to come up with was I'd hurt him and that made me hurt. This pain I felt knowing I'd hurt Duo was an emotion that I wasn't familiar with, despite Duo's attempts to counter the effects of J's training all those years ago.
Shoving that issue aside for the moment I confronted the last and most disturbing of them. Why had I pictured Duo's face and body in the doujinshi?
I frowned. This was a real shock to me, and yet if I was totally honest with myself it gave me a warm feeling to imagine Duo in that doujinshi. Sighing loudly, I resisted the urge to tug on my hair in exasperation. Why was I having these thoughts? I'd always managed to find explanations for things that had happened to me in the past, every issue had a logical answer. So why the hell couldn't I find this answer?
I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, but failing. I had to find the answer, it would eat away at me until I did and with my mind preoccupied in this way I wouldn't be able to give my full attention to the mission. Now that was a scary thought. I'd always given everything I had for missions and this time would be no exception.
I glanced at my watch. Shit! More time had elapsed than I'd thought and I will have to move fast to meet back up with Relena and Duo at the agreed time. I grunted as I stood up. Already this distraction was interfering with my mission of protecting Relena. I turned and headed back into the hotel to find my partner and the reason for being here - Relena.
I found them in the place Duo had said they would be. Both were carrying plastic bags, Duo's looked heavier and I couldn't help my curiosity. Had he made some purchases of his own?
"Ah, Heero."
Relena's greeting tore me from my thoughts of what Duo could have bought and I turned to face her.
"I'm going to pop back up to my room and put this stuff away. We can grab some lunch in the restaurant or break out some of the snacks we bought while we're up in the rooms. There's a couple of panels I want to attend after lunch."
"Snacks sound fine to me," I replied.
"Good. Let's go then." Relena led the way out of the dealers room and back to the elevators.
We had a quick snack of sodas, health food bars and fruit before making our way back down to the floor of the hotel where the panels were being held in different rooms. People were milling around everywhere and it was becoming harder to stay right beside Relena. In the end, I grabbed her hand and Duo's so that none of us would be separated. While grabbing Relena's hand made sense to stop us from being separated, It felt natural to have Duo's hand in mine and I savored the feeling of his roughened palm against mine.
Soon we were seated in a smaller room along with a lot of other people, and the guest speaker arrived. The discussion got underway, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Relena seemed to be happy and focused on what was being said. I also noticed Duo concentrating, a small smile playing over his mouth, and that led me back to my thoughts from earlier.
Why was Duo suddenly having such a profound effect on me? I'd spent a lot of time with him, hanging out, sharing a drink or dinner and movies, yet he'd never been so constant in my thoughts. I didn't have a lot of time to ponder though as the panel drew to a close and we were once again outside in a hall way.
"That was interesting," Duo said as we made our way through the crowds. He took my hand in his, and Relena's in his other hand, and led us back to the larger foyer area where we weren't in such close proximity to everyone.
"I've got a few more ideas and things to work on now after that little lecture," Relena commented.
"I didn't realize there was so much involved in writing smut," Duo chuckled.
"There is if you want to do it properly. There's a difference between writing a good smutty piece and straight out porn."
"I'll agree with that," Duo returned.
I could feel the color rising to my cheeks again. I'm not a prude, but I don't exactly go around discussing things of such intimate standing in public. And it's hard to connect Relena the politician with this gay porn writer before me now.
We found a place to stand that was slightly away from the rest of the group, and Relena took her hand back to fish in her pocket and pull out her con guide. Duo continued to hold my hand and I saw no reason to break the contact, so I didn't. It felt reassuring in a way.
"What's next, princess?" Duo asked, seemingly at ease with us holding hands.
"There's one more panel I'd like to go to before going back to the room to get ready for the auction."
I shivered. I'd temporarily forgotten about the auction.
"It's a discussion on Bondage and submission play."
I felt Duo tense slightly beside me and glanced out the corner of my eye at my partner. He'd gone a little pale and there was a slight tinge of pink to his cheeks. Why would the words 'bondage and submission' cause this reaction to my partner? A thought hit me hard.
During the war, all of us had been captured by OZ at some stage and forced to endure torture to get us to 'talk'. I knew Duo had suffered at the hands of those sadistic bastards on a few occasions so it was logical that bondage would drag up unpleasant memories for him. I squeezed his hand in an attempt to reassure him that I wouldn't let anything happen to him.
His head tilted and he looked at me quizzically, returning the squeeze.
"If you don't want to go to the discussion, I'll go with Relena by myself," I told him quietly.
"Uh. It's okay, Heero. I'll go."
"Are you sure? If it's going to bring back unpleasant memories I understand and I won't think any less of you if you want to skip out on it." I did my best to try and let him know I was giving him a way out without him having to appear as if he couldn't cope. His cheeks tinged a little more, something I found confusing.
"Really, it's fine, Heero."
I didn't get a chance to press the issue, Relena grabbed us both and headed off to the next panel. Before I knew it, we were sitting in another room, Relena on my left and Duo on my right, still holding my hand. The person giving the talk arrived and we all sat back to listen.
As the person became more enthusiastic in their lecture we were graced with actual examples of what they were talking about. I found myself introduced to all sorts of different items that could be used in the play of bondage. Cock rings, paddles and floggers, handcuffs, ropes, collars, clamps, plugs and vibrators, all were shown with loving attention. Was it me or was the temperature in the room beginning to rise?
Despite my urge to sink down in my seat with embarrassment, especially as there were only a couple of other males in the room, my curiosity was getting the better of me. I listened to how the different 'toys' were used and the effects they had. An unfamiliar warmth began to spread through my lower abdomen and much to my horror I found my lower regions tingling. Duo's hand, still tightly closed in mine, began to feel clammy and he was shifting in his seat. Without being obvious, I snuck glances at him.
Duo's skin was flushed and his breathing slightly elevated. The discussion had to be bringing back unpleasant memories for him and I silently cursed myself for not insisting that he didn't attend this panel. The lecturer began to drone on about the use of vibrators in the anal passage, but I tuned him out and focused on Duo. My partner had squirmed a little in his seat, his features looking a little uncomfortable. My concern began to rise a notch when I spotted his other hand, the one that wasn't holding mine, drift up to rest in his lap.
Still watching from the corner of my eye it was all I could do to keep my mouth shut and the shock from my face. Duo's hand moved slightly in his lap, granting me a clear view of his crotch, a crotch that had a distinctive bulge. The hand drifted back and gave an almost unseen squeeze to the erection inside those tight jeans. A soft moan escaped Duo's lips with an exhalation of air.
Anyone else would have missed it. Trained as I was, I picked it up and immediately my brain began to analyze the situation. Could I have been wrong? That Duo wasn't suffering from terrifying memories sparked by this talk of torture, but was, in fact, getting turned on?
The erection in his pants certainly said he was enjoying something. Now I was even more confused. I'd experienced tingling and excitement in my own nether regions as the lecturer had explained the use of some of the toys. Was it possible that Duo was feeling the same?
I needed to confirm my theory, so I leaned a little closer to my partner and lowered my voice to a whisper that only he would hear. "Are you all right?"
Duo jumped as if burned and gave me a guilty look. "I'm fine," he whispered back.
"If all of this is bringing back bad memories, you can leave."
He gave a sort of choked swallow. "I'm okay. No need to leave."
Duo didn't lie. If he said he was okay then I had to accept that. I let my mind return to its attempts at making sense out of everything that was going on around me, with me and also with Duo. The talk about bondage and submission continued. I kept half an ear on that, one eye on my partner, one eye on Relena and the rest of my attention on problem solving.
By the time the lecture ended, I was a lot more informed on bondage, but even more confused regarding my own reactions. I was also pretty sure that Duo wasn't going to be walking out of the room for a couple of minutes.
Relena turned to us, her eyes sparkling. "Now that was what I call a very informative discussion."
I declined to answer, nodding my head instead.
"What did you think, Duo?" Relena asked.
Beside me, Duo shifted again and pulled his hand free from mine. He managed to scoot forwards in his chair, hiding the evidence in his jeans from prying eyes, mine included. "Very interesting. I didn't know that they had all that sort of stuff, or how some of it can be used. What did you think, Heero?"
"Better to be well informed,” I said. “At least should you come to use any of it you will have a thorough understanding of exactly how to utilize the items to their full potential and avoid any possible mishaps. Wide eyes gazed back at me. "What?"
"I didn't know you were into the bondage thing, Heero," Duo teased.
"I'm not, but you can never have enough information. And you seemed to be listening intently."
Duo turned a little pink. "Ah, well. Umm, like you said, Heero. It always pays to keep informed."
"Come on, you two. I need a shower and some rest to gather my energy before the auction and the ball starts. I recommend you two do the same," Relena said as she stood up. "Coming?"
As I stood, I could have sworn I heard Duo mutter something that sounded like "I wouldn't mind,“ but I couldn't be sure, so I dismissed it and followed Relena from the room. Discreetly watching Duo get up, I noticed his jeans were still a little strained. I made a mental note to ask him later about these unusual reactions I'd felt, and it appeared he'd felt, too.
* * *
Stepping out of the shower and drying off, I wondered what to expect this evening at the auction. I slipped the towel back onto the rack and pulled my briefs over my legs and thighs. When I walked back into the shared room, I had to blink.
"How do I look?" Duo asked as he 'posed' for me to appreciate his form.
My eyes raked over his clothed body, starting at his bare feet, traveling the length of his long, slender legs, pausing briefly at those hips before continuing up past the narrow waist, muscular chest, and alighting on his heart shaped face. He was wearing a pair of faded denim, cut off jean shorts, frayed a little around the edges at his thighs and riding low on his hips. His top was cropped red mesh, leaving a good deal of midriff skin revealed to the eye. His hair was out of its customary braid, secured in a pony tail with a black ribbon. I stepped a little closer, my eyes squinting a little. His eyes were lined with kohl, enhancing their expressiveness.
"Well?" he asked, a little impatiently.
My brain suddenly supplied me with the two words I needed to describe Duo's appearance - completely fuckable.
Unfortunately, they were from one of Relena's fics we'd read and I only just managed to stop myself from saying them out loud. I swallowed and said, "Very nice."
"Nice? What sort of an answer is that?" he growled.
"What do you want me to say?" I asked, slightly confused.
"Nice is for girls, Heero. Can't you think of anything else?"
Okay. He asked for it. "Sexy, alluring, sensual, and as the fangirls would say, drool-worthy. Happy? Now, can I please get dressed?" I pushed past him, my cheeks burning as I ferreted around for my clothes.
"You think I look sexy?" I heard him say softly.
I turned my head a little while bending over to pull my slacks on, and caught an unusual look in his eyes. If I didn't know better I'd say that look was predatory. "Yes, sexy," I repeated.
His face broke into a wide grin. "Well, screw me senseless. Heero Yuy has expanded his vocabulary."
I chose to ignore his antics and concentrated on getting dressed. Once I was finished I sat on the bed to put on my shoes and noticed Duo frowning at me. "What?"
"Are you seriously going to the auction dressed like that?"
I glanced down at my dark blue slacks and light blue button down shirt. "What's wrong with it?"
"Heero, Heero, Heero. There's nothing wrong with that outfit if you're going out to dinner or the movies. However, you're not, you're going to a bishounen auction, an auction where you are one of the items to be bid upon. Seeing as how the money raised from this auction is to benefit charities, don't you want to get the highest price for yourself as possible?"
"I can't see that what I wear is going to make any difference."
Duo rolled his eyes. "Sheesh! Let me tell you a little secret, Heero. You need to sell yourself. Make yourself as appealing as possible to all those drooling women out there."
"I don't want to be bought by any drooling women. I have to protect Relena, and so do you, in case you'd forgotten," I really wasn't looking forward to this auction.
"No, I hadn't forgotten," Duo snapped, obviously irritated at me that I would have thought that. "We both don't need to be with her all the time, so long as one of us is then she's more than safe. Besides, I don't think anything is going to happen to her at a convention of this sort."
"Never underestimate the enemy," I growled back.
For some inexplicable reason, the thought of Duo being with one of those fan girls sent a surge of pain through me. I had to admit, he really did look good and I couldn't stop my eyes from appreciating his body. I guess that's why I was being short tempered with him. Then it hit me.
I was jealous.
Not of the fact that he looked so good in his outfit, but that he would have pretty much every person attending this convention ogling him. The realization stung. I didn't want all those other people looking at Duo, trying to paw him. He was my partner. Mine!
Shit! When in the seven hells had I started to think of Duo as mine?
"Try this."
I looked up to see Duo holding out a pair of jeans and muscle shirt. "What? Why?"
"Heero? Do you trust me?"
"Then put these clothes on instead. Believe me, you will look fantastic and the bids for your bod will go through the roof." He gave me a manic grin and followed it up with a wink.
Sighing softly, I knew it would do no good to argue with him. I'd tried arguments with him in the past and usually lost. I removed my shirt and slacks, replacing them with the muscle shirt and ripped jeans. I also noticed Duo discreetly watching me and judging by his features, he liked what he saw. I knew Duo was bisexual, he'd told me that himself. Could those looks mean he was interested in me? Interested as in 'more than a friend' way? And more to the point, was I interested in him in the 'more than a friend' way?
Duo gave a low whistle. "Man, do you scrub up all right!"
My heart warmed a little and I moved slightly to show off my form. The tight shirt hugged my torso, outlining my musculature and leaving my arms bare. The jeans were tight and rode low on my hips. The tears in the fabric were discreetly placed, showing enough flesh of my legs to entice but still keep the majority hidden.
"Those women are going to be throwing the cash at your feet," Duo said. He ran an approving eye over me, an eye that I fancied lingered a little longer than necessary on certain parts of my anatomy.
"I don't need to be bought by any rabid fan girl," I muttered. "I have to make sure that Relena buys me. If she doesn't then we're screwed as far as the mission goes and I don't think Une would be too happy to know that we neglected our duties for the sake of cash for charity."
"Heero, lighten up. You already know Relena will bid for you, that much is a given after your rather persuasive talk with her yesterday. She won't go back on her word. It will be good though to have some decent cash raised for charity. Play it up a little, loosen those hips of yours and stop frowning. You're quite attractive when you smile."
I couldn't help but feel a little smug when I saw the pink hue to Duo's cheeks as he said those last words. "I'm attractive?"
"Uh, yeah." Duo gave me one of his wide grins. "Hang on a sec, I think I have the one thing that will really set your outfit off." Duo disappeared into the closet and reappeared moments later. "Try this on." He held an object out to me.
"Duo. That's a collar," I said as I looked at the thin, black leather.
"Actually, it's a choker. They used to be all the rage once and they're making a comeback. Try it on and see if it fits."
"I'm not wearing a collar. I'm not a dog." I folded my arms across my chest in clear defiance.
"Please?" Duo wheedled.
"Just try it on and see what it looks like."
"Won't you try it on for me? Please, Heero? For me?" Duo sidled up to me and used that soft, persuasive tone he's perfected over the years, the one that usually has the women groveling at his feet. It won't work on me though.
Damn! Was that my voice? Before I knew it, Duo was face to face with me, his hands slipped around my neck, taking the collar with them to secure at the nape. His forehead was almost touching mine and I could smell the heady scent of his cologne. I had to suppress the urge to shiver as his fingers brushed lightly over the back of my neck.
"Looks good," Duo said as he stepped back and studied the collar.
I brought my fingers up and drew them across the leather. Turning, I went to the mirror and took a look at myself. I had to admit, Duo was right. The collar did suit me and added a touch of something dark and mysterious to my outfit.
A knock on the connecting door made us both turn.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure," Duo replied and Relena stepped into the room.
"Wow!" she gasped as her eyes widened. "You two are going to cause a major riot at the auction."
Duo smirked and gave me a look that said, “told you so!”
I just scowled.
"Heero?" Relena said.
"I think you'd better give me the Preventer Credit card after all. I may not have enough on mine to bid for you looking like that."
~ * ~