Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier, ne? Written for pleasure not profit.
Warnings: Yaoi, sap, angst, fluff, perverseness, humor attempts, Lemon, Heero POV.
Pairing: eventual 2x1
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Heero and Duo have worked as partners for Preventer for several years, completing many successful missions. What happens on this latest mission though will change them both forever.
Notes: Written for Sharon's Moment's of Rapture 2005/2006 fic comp.
Many thanks to Artemis & Yami_tai for the beta!
"Mission Impossible"
Dec 2005 ShenLong
Chapter 6
"Much more of this line stuff and I'm gonna go nuts."
I turned to face Duo who was complaining loudly about having to stand in yet another line. We were waiting to go into the room allocated for the opening ceremony. I was just as tired, my own feet and legs aching from standing for so long.
"Why is it that I can be on my feet for over eight hours, moving around and my legs feel fine? But standing in a line for only an hour and my feet and legs are killing me, not to mention my back."
"It has something to do with motion and physics," I replied, unwilling to get into a full on discussion with him.
"Would you care for a mint?"
I turned around slowly to see where the voice had come from. Before me stood, what I presumed to be a female, wearing a purple coat. Her hair was gold and black, spiked upwards and she wore what looked like pyramid on a chain around her neck. A candy tin was waved under my face and the question repeated.
"Would you like a mint? They're only mild." The person offered again, taking one out for herself and popping it in her mouth.
Duo's hand snaked past me as did Relena's, each taking a mint and voicing their thanks. I raised my own hand and reached for one. Picking it up I paused, my eyes widening in shock.
Relena giggled. "It won't bite, Heero."
"Just suck it, Hee-chan," Duo added with a smirk as he proceeded to suck his own mint.
I raised the mint to my mouth and stared at it again. It was in the shape of a penis.
"Kinda fun and fitting, don't you think?" The girl said with a wink.
I opted to stay quiet and suck on the mint, leaving Duo and Relena to chat with the girl. The line started to move again and I found Duo beside me.
"Not a bad tasting cock to have in your mouth," Duo said quietly so only I could hear.
I turned my head slowly, pushed the mint to the front of my mouth and opened up just enough for Duo to see what I was about to do. The head of the penis mint rested against my lower teeth, the shaft of it against my tongue. I pushed it forwards just a little more and then bit down, severing the mint in two.
"Ouch!" Duo shuddered and moved a subtle hand over his groin.
I smirked.
Relena grabbed us both by the hands and dragged us to seats just slightly off center and about half way back. Around us people were scrambling madly for good seats, ones relatively close to the stage. Finally the stampede slowed and people found somewhere to sit or stand. The doors were closed and a cheer went up as the emcee took the stage.
I was too busy staying alert and focusing on the crowd around us for potential threats to be concerned with the opening ceremony. Despite Relena's confidence that no one would be trying to harm her at the convention, my training was something I couldn't just turn off. While Duo appeared to be paying attention to what was happening on the stage, I knew he was just as observant of his surroundings as I was. He had that knack of being able to blend in while I seemed to stick out like a sore thumb.
I envied him that.
I knew I had changed from how I'd been during the wars, but my soldier instincts hadn't dulled at all. Duo may have managed to smooth out a few of my sharp angles, but the soldier in me remained the same.
I finally managed to relax a little and catch some of the words that were spoken during the ceremony. The thanking of the sponsors and organizers along with the introduction of the special guests was followed by a video clip that had been put together by the organizers. The video comprised of clips taken from previous conventions, strung together and set to music to highlight the past and promote the future.
Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of it.
Once the opening ceremony was concluded and the applause died down, we were ushered out of the room and back into the hall way. I glanced at my watch, it was eight thirty. Relena stifled a yawn and turned to face us.
"I think I'll skip the Bishounen Bingo and head to bed early," she began. "I want to be up and awake early in the morning to get to the fan market and dealers room before all the good stuff goes."
"Fan market?" I inquired.
"It's where all the fans can congregate and sell stuff they don't want any longer or sell stuff they make. It's a lot of fun browsing around the stalls."
Great. Just what I needed, another morning shopping with Relena.
"What sort of stuff do they have in the dealers room?" Duo asked as we began to walk back to the hotel lobby.
Relena's eyes twinkled. "All sorts of merchandise. You'll find items ranging from clothing to posters, manga and doujinshi to models, videos and DVDs. There's quite an extensive collection on display and if you're looking for something specific and they haven't got it, chances are they can get it for you."
"Might be worth checking out," Duo replied with a smile and then pushed the button to the elevator.
Wonderful. Now I had to contend with two shopaholics.
Duo checked Relena's room while I went over the laptop's surveillance. Nothing had been detected in our absence so I relaxed a little. Duo joined me once he'd bid the princess good night and promptly collapsed on his bed. I decided to do a little weight training before taking a shower and calling it a night.
I moved over to the apparatus and selected some weights, setting up the bar and making the necessary adjustments. Before I attempted any lifting though, I did a few warm up exercises. Once my muscles had loosened up I lay down on the bench press and prepared to lift.
"You want a hand?" I heard Duo ask.
I raised my head a fraction. "If you don't mind that would be good."
"No problem, happy to be spotter for you."
I grunted and settled into position. I could see Duo's shadow as he also settled into position and then I focused on the bar, weights and exercise at hand. After lifting several times, I decided to increase the weight. Duo assisted in guiding the bar back to the rest poles and then fetched more lead. I was starting to sweat so I removed my shirt and wiped it over my back and chest, then lay down again to continue lifting.
It didn't register until I was almost finished that Duo had been unusually quiet throughout the exercise session. Normally he would be chatting away about different things, encouraging me to lift higher or increase the weights. This time though, he was silent.
Continuing to lift the bar, I managed to take a look out the corner of my eye to try and see why he was so quiet. He had a funny look on his face and his eyes seemed to be very distant. They were also half lidded giving him an expression I didn't understand. As I began to take my eyes off him they drifted over his body causing me to lose concentration and I nearly dropped the bar.
"Shit! You okay? What happened?" Duo grabbed the bar and raised it back up to the stand.
"I - I - I got a cramp in my arm," I closed my eyes so Duo wouldn't be able to read the lie in them.
"You nearly had more than a cramp, buddy. You could have crushed your chest." Duo continued to chastise me as I lay on the bench. "Why didn't you say something? Surely you felt it coming on."
I sat up, still avoiding his eyes. "I didn't feel it, okay? It just happened." I couldn't tell him the real reason for my sudden loss of strength; I wasn't sure I understood it myself. "I'm going to take a shower." I didn't give him the chance to say anything more, I got up and marched off to the bathroom, grabbing a pair of boxers on the way.
With the shower on full blast, I let the water course over my body, washing away the sweat and trying to figure out why the glimpse of Duo's body had turned my arms to jelly. I'd seen him many times, hell; I worked out with him regularly. We'd shared a room together on numerous occasions before and I'd always been fine with it. So why the change? Duo's body was lean and wiry, the way his shirt clung to him showed his strength off and I'd never had a problem with that before.
His jeans were tight fitting, but then Duo always wore tight jeans. No, it wasn't anything along those lines that had caused me to almost drop the bar. I had to be honest here, I'd lied to Duo but I couldn't lie to myself. When my eyes had drifted over his body it had been the rather large bulge in the front of those tight jeans that had caused me to lose concentration.
I frowned and shook my head, scattering water everywhere. Duo was obviously aroused, but why? I couldn't think of anything remotely arousing about spotting for another person doing weights. Besides, he'd spotted for me before and nothing like this had ever happened. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel, I began to dry off. Maybe it was due to the goings on at this convention, or maybe it was just simple libido. I knew enough about that, I had discovered for myself that the human body had needs and wants besides the basic food, water, sleep and waste disposal.
I could feel a headache tugging at the fringes of my mind so I tried to shove the thoughts away. It would be perfectly natural for Duo to get aroused from time to time. It stood to reason that a young male would need release for sexual tension. I'd jerked off enough times to realize that the tension didn't go away, you needed to take care of it. Yes, that's what it had to be.
Feeling a little better now I'd logically explained Duo's excitement, I slipped my boxers on and hung up the towel. Stepping back out into the room, I found Duo at my laptop. He looked up as I approached.
"You sure you're okay, Heero?"
"I'm fine. Just a little over stress to the muscles I think. I haven't done weights in a while so I shouldn't have pushed it."
Duo looked as if he would like to take the conversation further, clearly my explanation didn't convince him, but he dropped it. "You don't mind if I do a little more scouting around the Internet, do you?"
"Be my guest." I stuffed my dirty clothes into my duffle and turned down the bed. I grabbed the goodie bag from registration and climbed into the bed. I thought I'd have a look through the bag's contents before going to sleep. Ten minutes later, reading so much about yaoi had my cheeks feeling hot and I wondered if I would ever sleep again. I'd certainly learned more about yaoi and the reason for the convention in the program guide than I had from researching on the Internet. I decided that now would probably be a good time to put the stuff away and try get some rest, preferably before Duo could see how red my cheeks were and start to ask questions.
"Good night," I called out as I burrowed into the mattress after turning the side lamp off.
"Night. I'll only be a few more minutes then I'll switch this back over to surveillance mode only."
"Thanks." I turned over and shot a quick glance at my partner. Duo's back was towards me, his attention caught by whatever it was on the screen. Idly he played with the end of his braid. As I drifted off to sleep I wondered what he would look like with his hair down.
* * *
The next morning saw us refreshed from a good night's sleep and enjoying breakfast in the hotel restaurant. I hadn't given any further thought to what had happened last night and Duo hadn't said anymore about it either. He was talking animatedly with Relena about the fan market and dealers room while I watched and listened, my eyes darting around the room from time to time and keeping a close eye on the other people there. I had to admit that whilst some of the costumes people dressed in appeared to be outlandish, I couldn't deny the time and effort that had obviously gone into making them.
"Come on, Heero. The market opens in five minutes and I want to get in before all the good stuff goes."
I returned my attention to Relena who was standing, obviously waiting for me. I stood up and followed Relena and Duo out of the restaurant and along another hall.
"Fan market is down here and should be opening any minute. You'll need to show your ID badge and wrist band to get in," Relena informed us.
We walked along the hall and came to a large group of people, all similarly waiting for the market to open.
"Hey cutie,” one woman said.
I spun around to see a woman dressed in a blue and white track suit holding a tennis racquet and making funny looking eyes at me.
"You're a sweetie. Mmmm... I bet you'd be delicious. Just look at those muscles."
She reached a finger out to trace down my biceps but came up short. I blinked to see Duo standing right beside me, so close he was almost joined to me. His hand grasped the woman's by the wrist, effectively stopping her hand from coming any closer. I felt his other arm wrap around my waist.
"He's already taken," Duo growled.
The woman gave a lustful smile. "Shame. Although I bet you two look great together in bed."
Behind me I heard Relena snort; or was it choke? Either way I was too much in shock myself to really notice.
"That's something you're not going to find out," Duo said with an evil grin of his own. "Neither one of us will kiss and tell." Duo added a wink to his words and the woman blushed.
Further interaction was interrupted then as the doors to the fan market opened and people began to surge forwards. Duo kept his arm around my waist as he grabbed Relena's hand, keeping the three of us together and not swept away by the crowd. Moments later we were inside the fan market, Relena tugging Duo along who in turn pulled me with him.
I didn't pay a lot of attention to the fan market at first, I was too busy trying to keep an eye out for potential threats and wondering why Duo still had his arm around my waist. Not that I really minded, we were supposed to be acting like boyfriends and I supposed this was part of the act. It was only when we reached the third stall that I started to take notice of the items available for purchase. Duo's arm left my waist as he picked up an action figure and studied it. I missed the contact and subconsciously moved a little closer to him, peering over his shoulder to see what held his interest.
"Super Saiyajin Goku," Duo explained as he showed me the figurine of a man dressed in an orange outfit with yellow hair and a look of concentration on his face. "Ohhh... Super Saiyajin Vegeta too!"
This figurine had similar yellow hair but wore a blue outfit and had a scowl on its face to rival one of mine. Personally, I couldn't see the attraction to the figurines, but Duo was pretty excited. Before I knew it, the two figurines were in a plastic bag and clutched in Duo's hand. He turned his lively eyes to me.
"I've been hunting everywhere for these figurines, they're out of production and quite hard to come by."
"I'm happy for you," I replied. He looked a little hurt at my obvious lack of enthusiasm and I felt a strange twist inside my chest. "What the hell is Relena buying now?" I tried to change the topic, confused at my reaction to Duo's look of hurt. It worked as my partner's attention was diverted to Relena and the deal she was negotiating with a vendor over a couple of dolls.
"Plushies!" Duo all but yelled in my ear.
"Yeah. Soft, doll like toys of anime characters. Ohh, she's got Roy and Edward." Duo fairly bounced as he grabbed my hand and hauled me over to Relena.
"Who are Roy and Edward?" I growled.
"Full Metal Alchemist," Duo replied in a tone that said 'everybody knows that!'
I had told him that I had watched some anime, I just hadn't said how much. It was now painfully obvious to me that what I had seen was only the tiniest tip of the anime ice berg.
"You got Roy and Edward!" Duo crowed to an obviously happy Relena.
She beamed back at him. "I've wanted a plushie pair of these for ages."
Personally, I couldn't see the attraction to these floppy dolls. Given the choice between Relena's purchase and Duo's I'd have to say I preferred Duo's, at least they were more solid. I stood in the background while the pair of them discussed their purchases, my eyes constantly on the move for threats. After a few minutes discussion, Relena decided she'd had enough of the fan market and wanted to visit the dealers room.
As they began to move off I quickly grabbed Duo's hand. He turned for a second and then relaxed, smiling as he gave my hand a squeeze. I gave a small smile in return. I didn't want to get lost in the crush of female bodies; at least I guessed they were female, with the costumes on it was a little hard to tell at times. Holding Duo's hand I felt warm and comfortable. I wasn't completely sure why, but I wasn't about to question it.
The dealers room was noisier than the fan market. People milled about everywhere, stopping to peruse various items displayed on stalls and then moving on again. I found myself once more being dragged along behind my partner and the person I was protecting. I lost count of how many stalls we passed, Relena and Duo seemed to know exactly where they wanted to go.
"Manga!" Relena said happily and stopped at a stall that had a large collection of the books. Immediately she began to look through them.
Duo moved to the other side where several open ended boxes stood and began to rifle through them. Relena joined him a moment later, the pair conversing from time to time with each other. I began to feel a little left out. My lack of anime knowledge appeared to isolate me, and while I knew it wasn't intentional, I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. Sensing no immediate danger to any of us, I let my curiosity get the better of me and moved closer. My height allowed me to peer over Relena's shoulder and see what had her so enraptured.
I nearly had a heart attack.
"Relena! Put that back now!" I demanded.
Relena whirled around to face me. "No!"
"Relena," I warned.
"No, Heero. I like doujinshi."
"That's not doujinshi, that's obscene!" I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.
"Actually, I thought it was Naruto topping Sasuke," Duo offered with a grin.
Surely if I got any hotter I would self combust.
"It is Naruto topping Sasuke," Relena replied to Duo, completely ignoring me. "I think I'll buy this one."
"You can't!" I wasn't easily shocked as a rule but this...
"I can and I will," Relena snapped. "In fact there's a couple more I wouldn't mind buying too. Ohhh, Roy and Edward, I have to have that one to complete my collection." Relena pounced on another of the doujinshi.
"You mean you have more of these - these disgusting things?" I stated in a voice slightly higher than normal. It seemed that shock didn't go too well with my vocal chords.
"They're not disgusting, Heero. Those Playboy type magazines that you read are by far more crude and disgusting than doujinshi. The artwork is breathtaking, the stories intriguing and they don't show the full on nudity that your 'girly' magazines do."
"I don't read Playboy!" It sounded like my voice had returned to normal.
"Really?" Relena cocked an eyebrow at me and gave a wicked smile. "What do you read, Heero? Hmmm? Maybe you're into something like 'Hee-Man'? Or maybe 'Just us Boys'?"
With those words, I did a pretty good impression of a stranded fish. It would appear my voice had deserted me for good this time.
"Do not tell me what I can and cannot buy, Heero. I'm not a girl any more, I'm over the age of eighteen, I'm a woman now and I'll damn well do as I please!" Putting her nose in the air, Relena turned away from me and resumed her searching through the doujinshi.
I turned to Duo, only to find him looking innocently away. I glared. He turned slowly and met my glare. His expression went from innocent to sheepish and he stepped a little closer.
"Why don't you go take a walk around by yourself for a bit, Heero? I'll keep an eye on Relena. I think you need to get away from her for a little while."
I gave a soft sigh. Duo was right. I was wound up, tense and it was showing in the way I was treating Relena. Duo was more than capable of protecting her so I decided to take him up on the offer. "Okay."
"See that stall over there?" Duo pointed to a stall that had a variety of T-shirts on display. "I'll meet you over there with Relena in say, half an hour?"
"Fine." I turned and left them, intending to head for the coffee shop and a bit of peace and quiet. As I made my way through the crowds I found my curiosity getting the better of me. Just what exactly was it about this doujinshi that had Relena so captivated? I glanced around. Duo and Relena had been swallowed up in the crowd. I spotted another stall to my left and made a beeline for it. With a self conscious glance around me, I reached out and with trembling fingers, picked up a doujinshi. I began to flip through it.
The art work was, as Relena had said, quite breathtaking. I picked up another and then another. I became intrigued as I read more. I reached for yet another doujinshi, completely missing the 'adult only' warning and proceeded to read. Three pages in and I could feel my cheeks reddening. Five pages in and I swear the blush was traveling the length of my body. Nervously, I stole a look at the people around me. No one was taking any notice of me, which was just as well, they were all similarly occupied. I returned to my perusal, flipping over the page and then turning it sideways for a better look.
The pair in the picture were obviously having sex and I wondered if such a position was even physically possible. I turned the page again and was confronted with the two characters obviously in the throes of orgasm. Would Duo's face look like that? I almost dropped the doujinshi.
Where the hell had that thought come from?
I swallowed nervously, took another quick look around me and opened the page again. This time I didn't see the characters on the page, but saw Duo's face and body. Shit! I quickly put the doujinshi back and stepped away from the stall. I made my way outside the dealers room and kept going to the hotel lobby and then outside into the gardens. The air was fresh and warm, helping to clear my head a little.
I found a bench to sit on and cradled my head in my hands. It was time to stop pushing thoughts away, time to look at all those things and find answers for them. Why did I picture Duo on the page of a doujinshi? Why had I felt an ache in my chest when his eyes looked hurt at my lack of enthusiasm? Why did having Duo's hand in mine, his arm around my shoulders or waist feel comforting and reassuring? We had been friends for so long that I was completely relaxed and secure in his presence. He was like a brother to me, a close friend and someone I enjoyed spending time with. I shouldn't be getting turned on, but that seemed to be exactly what was happening.
This was all so confusing.
~ * ~