Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Jusenkyo ❯ School Daze, Highschool Craze ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authors Notes: Umm, still have nothing to say. Let's see. Suggestions
for chapter 5 would be nice. Umm, still thinking, let's see can't ask
you for money. Reviews would be nice too.

Zel: Get to the story already Yaten

Yaten: But I have to type an Authors Note

Zel: Augh, Language and animal torture ahead, see, simple

Yaten: For the simple minded, Aisha get her out of here.

Aisha: I'm not your maid

Yaten: Please?

Aisha: Since you asked nicely

Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma or Gundam Wing. If I did, I'd get
Deathscythe Hell to crush Hee-chan and her crony Zel.

Mission Jusenkyo

Chapter 4: School Daze, High-School Craze

By: Yaten, Aisha, Zel, and Hee-chan

Hee-chan: Why am I always last?

Yaten: Cause you're the least important.

Hee-chan: I have violent plans for you Yaten

Duo looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit, she did look
good. Looking good wasn't the point though. The point was she was a
guy, dressed in a red and green checkered miniskirt, and a red shirt
that buttoned down in front. Her long chestnut braid had been tied
with a green ribbon, and she was wearing black boots that had a heel
to them. Not to mention the knee highs.

"Injustice, you can't make me do this!!" Wufei's voice

"But Wufei, it's the latest craze" Hilde's voice

"You'll have to put it on my dead body!!"

"That can be arranged" Heero's voice, followed by a click which Duo
assumed was the safety of a gun.

Duo sweatdropped. Heero always did have that lovely persuasive manner
that could make anyone do anything they didn't want to do.

Moments later, a sulking Wufei, followed by Hilde and an armed Heero
emerged from the room.

Wufei was wearing a sleeveless midnight blue dress. It wasn't low-cut,
and it came down to her knees. Her hair was down and a midnight blue
headband helped to hold it back. She was also wearing black boots.

As she looked at her reflection, all she could mutter was a weak

Hilde turned to the bewildered saleslady. "We'll take it."

After they'd emerged from the boutique, Hilde pointed to the jewelry
store. "We have to go there next!!"

Entering the jewelry store, Duo began to ponder committing suicide.
Was it really all it was cracked up to be? Anything would be better
than dressing up as a girl and going to infiltrate that high school.
Almost as if Heero was reading her thoughts, he smiled evilly at Duo
and gestured to his gun. He still hadn't forgiven Duo for teasing him
when he had been a duck.

Duo mumbled obscenities under her breath. Hilde grabbed Duo so she
could try on some jewelry.

*The Next Day*

"Ohayo minna, I'd like everyone to meet our new students"

"Ohayo, my name's Ayako" (While I could write that in Japanese, I
don't feel like doing it.)

"Ohayo, my name is Misako"

The male population of the class perked up upon sizing up the two
girls in front. The one named Ayako had nice legs and a nice chest.
(You have no idea how much it pains me to type this.) The other one
had black hair that went a bit pass her shoulders and a sour
expression on her face. Some of the boys were confident that once she
met them, that frown would vanish. (I couldn't write turn that frown
upside down, it would've sounded so gay.)

"Well Ayako, you should go sit there by Keiji." Keiji gave a perverted
grin. Duo made a private not to be careful of him. "Misako, you should
go sit by Hitomi." The red-headed girl gave Wufei a cheerful wave.
Wufei couldn't help it as the phrase, "Injustice" ran through her
mind. Class begun.


"Aya-chan, sit over here!" Duo turned at the sound of her phony name.
A girl with blonde hair was waving energetically to her. She couldn't
recall her name. The girl saw the confusion on Duo's face. "Minako,

Duo couldn't honestly say she did. "Let's go eat outside, it's nice
and warm out there!" With this said, the energetic girl proceeded to
drag Duo outside. Doing a quick scan of the area with a trained eye,
the first thing he noticed was a duck watching him intently. Duo
smiled evilly, the time for revenge had come.

Heero watched as Duo and that blonde girl walked out into the
courtyard. He knew the second Duo spotted him; Duo gave him an evil
grin. She said something to the girl, and the girl complied. Duo was
walking towards him. It was then that Heero saw the evil gleam in her

"Ohayo Mr. Duckie!" Duo said cheerfully watching Heero's expression

"Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack" Translation: Now is not the time for
stupid games.

Duo noticed her friend had disappeared. "Stupid, I think not Mr.
Duckie." She then proceeded to strangle the duck.

Keiji and his pals watched as the long-legged chestnut haired girl
strangled the duck.

"Damn, she's a violent one."

"Only makes it sweeter when they finally come to you" Keiji said with

Duo threw Heero into the water, and then released his neck.

"Quack Quack Quack Quack" Translation: Omae O Koruso

"Whatever Mr. Duckie," The bell rang in the distance. "Oh well, guess
it's time for me to go Mr. Duckie. Have a good day." Duo ran off.

"Quack Quack Quack Quack, Quack Quack Quack Quack" The duck chanted
this as if it were a religious phrase.

In the shadows Wufei snickered. Maxwell had exacted revenge for both
of them.

Yaten: The End

Hee-chan: Poor Heero, why do you continue to torture him?

Yaten: You're helping write this, you can put an end to it.

Hee-chan: You could grow a brain too but that's not working for you is

Yaten: Ikeike

Hee-chan: What does that mean?

Yaten: Look it up.

C&C Appreciated

Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask your favorite anime
character? Well now, we industrious authors are starting a talk show
in which you ask the questions. Just e-mail your questions to
[1], and we'll get back to you as soon as possible

Aisha: Talk show?

Zel: From what Yaten says

Aisha: Oh

Well, Buh bye,

The Authors (My life is wasting away as I type all of those names)


Minna: Everyone

Ohayo: Good Morning

Omae O Koruso: I will kill you

(For all those women wishing a violent end to Keiji, I promise, it'll
come soon.)

