Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken ❯ Mistaken 6: Taking Me Over ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mistaken 6: Taking Over By Shadow_Kat

Disclaimer: I don't own this shit...if I did you'd know my real name and I wouldn't have to get a real job...oh and I would buy a better computer!

Warning...go read chapter1 that should be enough to keep you away...JK. YAOI

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Taking Over Me

Every muscle in my body clenched and released involuntarily as I mentally made my it or not, Duo belongs to me. And come hell or high water, I'd be damned if I was gonna let that fucker take him. "Ninmu ryokai", the whisper left my lips with a promise of death. It was unbelievable, the power I felt surging through my body at that moment, the rush from fighting is one thing that I was pretty much used to but fighting for something so personal, so precious was something entirely different.

My mind was reeling... 'Duo, Duo, Duo...' it was my life line, the last of my sanity. I'd give up everything just to find him, I just didn't care. Looking up I realized too late that I had been trapped in my head, *FUCK He's gone*... 'The Palm' I had to find it...I had to find Duo.

My head swiveled to the left and then the right, I had no clue where the fuck the palm was...I didn't even know where I was. The club...the bartender or someone should know where he went and how to get there. Walking to the door I tried to open it, I hadn't noticed that I had gone to the emergency exit, mission steel plated door costs about $2,000 to be replaced, I'll have to file that for future reference. Walking into the musty interior of the decrepit bar, everyone around the door just sat there and stared at me like I was some kinda lunatic...maybe I was, but I needed information at the moment and these idiots were all in some kind of shock. Picking up one guy by the collar and shaking him didn't help but it did bring more people that were more responsive than those around me at the moment.

Two burly bouncers came running in my direction...I have to remind myself to ask Duo why Americans equate a bulky body with physical power...they each had what looked like muscles on top of muscles. Even though they probably had to take steroids to get all that mass from what I could see below the belt. The large black one grabbed me by the shirt and yanked me away from the crowd, his large hand dug into my chest and I was beginning to get pissed. All I wanted was god damn directions! "Excuse me but do you know where the Palm hotel is?" I managed to say calmly.

The second bouncer came up "Fucken foreigners...what the fuck do you think your doing you little piece of shit", he looked like a like someone named 'Bubba' with a head full of dirty blonde hair and a fake tan. "I think you need to take it outside dickhead..." the first bruiser barked.

"Well what if I want to keep it right where it is, I'm not in any mood for these stupid games. Now I'll only ask nicely once more...where the hell is the Palm hotel?" I fumed, I had never been one for patience and this was no exception.

"Look you little piece of shit, I don't know where the Palm hotel is and I don't fucken care...and looks like ya should be more worried about your scrawny little ass and not some stupid hotel pipsqueak..." That was the last thing the hulking blonde said as I delivered a crushing blow to the man's larynx and picking him up like he weighed nothing, and sending him flying to the ground like some wounded blonde elephant.

Pivoting to the left I came face to face with the other bouncer glaring. "Should I take it that you have the same answer as your friend? Or do you know where the Palm hotel is?"

With my trademark ice cold eyes riveted on the burly man I stepped forward threateningly. The man stammered and drew back like a frightened schoolgirl. "...I...I...I think's over in the...the blue light district by...near the damn airport, just please don't hurt me's just my fuck'n job ya know..."

Before the man could even register that he wasn't about to get his butt kicked...I was gone. My thoughts were jumbled, and I could barely recall the map that I had memorized of the entire area. The blue light district...the equivalent of a tourist trap except they specialized in sex. Mind you it wasn't just any was kink sex with children and minors. But in the Blue light district they didn't ask any questions, nor did they remember any faces...even when the children prostitutes came up dead, but that wasn't the reason why I was there tonight.

And fucken Duo was going right into the middle of it...sure he hadn't been a child for a long time but shit, he still didn't look old enough to shave, not to fucken mention that he was MINE. With renewed vigor I began running down the darkened streets of the run down tenements, I could feel every pair of eyes on me but I didn't care I had to talk some sense into that baka.

As I ran, the stale musty air of the run down colony burned my lungs and that didn't help my condition any. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't kept picturing Duo strapped to the wall while that perverted fuck tortured him. I know that I was overreacting, I know that Duo had gone willingly with that fucker...but I couldn't get over the sour taste the whole scenario left in my mouth. Something wasn't right, and it wasn't just the fact that I hated to see Duo with anyone other than me.

I saw the giant neon pink sign and took the entrance steps in one bound. The lobby was deserted except for a couple of little girls in school uniforms...there was no way that they could be older than 12 or 13, but they looked like they had been hooking for a while.

"Focus Yuy...think" I berated myself because I knew that none of that shit mattered right now, I could get angry about it later. I had to find the room they had gone to. The front desk would know. I did a quick once over of the lobby, this time passing over the girls, and found the window with the bars...that had to be it since there was no other place that could be seen.

I strode up to the window and saw the fattest, sweatiest man I had ever laid eyes on...he was a veritable cesspool which match his job. "It's 170 credits for a room and 390 credits if you didn't bring your own 'company'." The large man grunted without looking up.

"What room did you give to the two males that just came here? One was small, young looking with a foot long braid the other was tall with dark messy hair." I couldn't believe that I had kept my voice steady, I was going out of my mind and I didn't think that I could maintain that cold detachment much longer. This was far beyond my soldier mode, it was personal and I was damn well going to make it known in about 1 min.

The greasy man peered at me with beady little eyes that looked liked they should have been in the head of a rat and not a man. "What da f'ck d'ya care fo' ? What d'ya boyfriend decide dat ya' wasn' good 'nough for 'im, or d'ya go and fall fo' a hook'r?" He let out a gruff laugh as if he had seen it all before showing off his broken smile of yellow teeth.

"Damn it what room did you give them you stinking piece of shit" Now I was getting angry.

"I a'nt telling ya n'thin ya lil' punk ass bitch, now take ya pan'sy ass outa my hotel before I have to get ruff on ya ass." The man leaned forward till he was close enough where I could smell his rancid breath, only the bars separating us. Well my restraint dissolved at that point and I'm sure that you would have guessed as much...I reached through the bars and took his stained shirt in my hand and proceeded to ram his face into the bars twice to jog his memory.

"What room did they go to" my voice held nothing but contempt and a guarantee of a slow painful death. The man began to stammer, and I threw him back into the chair as he frantically tried to search the log book for the room number.

"Room 229, the 'rack', I a'nt got no spare's special made, that room so nob'dy can get in. Up the stairs an' to da r'ght." I think the man had shit his pants from the distinct new odor that wafted up to my face...I knew for sure he had pissed himself since I could hear the steady water droplets sounding off the floor.

With that I turned and ran, but not without reaching in and disabling the phone line. I didn't know for sure if what he said about the room was right, but I also didn't need the local crooked cops in my way as I pounded down the door.