Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Kombat: Annihilation ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The day had come. It was time for the 5 Gundam Pilots to arrive. Everyone decided that splitting up the pilots wouldn't be a good thing, and since the Capsule Corp. compound was larger, they would do their training there. Bulma and Chichi zoomed around the house trying to make everything nice for the boys. Since they'd be training most of the time, Vejiita demanded only the bare necessities, but more often than not, as usual, nobody listened to him. When Bulma finally sat down to take a breather, she noticed something. The vase on the table wasn't there before, Trunks had broke it yesterday by accident. She cocked an eyebrow, and shrugged. 'I guess he put it back together, I was pretty angry at him' She thought and rested her head on the back of the couch. How come the strange things like time travel happens to her?


"It is time for your departure. Step inside." Dr. J said, motioning towards the huge crab-looking machine. Duo looked stunned. "Unbelievable.." He managed to say, looking in awe at the five-seater machine. Wufei stepped in first, everyone else following suit. The hatch closed after everyone was inside the capsule. It was a little hard to breathe, but that feeling would probably be over in a minute or two. Everyone snapped their seatbelts. And now it was time to go.


Meanwhile.. Chichi was setting the table, today was the day, and she wanted everyone to eat before training. Of course, this meal was even bigger than what she normally cooked. 5 normal human boys, 5 saiya-jin, and whoever else decided they would help train. 'Sometimes I wonder how I got myself married to the most powerful being in the universe.. then again, I wonder how I FEED him..' Chichi laughed to herself.

Just then, a rumble shook the house, knocking a few glasses off the table and cracking them. Chichi grimaced. "What was that!? It broke 3 of my glasses!" Chichi yelled to whoever happened to be listening.
"Hey, Chichi, they're here!" Goku yelled. Chichi then ran out the kitchen, through the living room and out the front door. And then she saw it. The big crab-like-looking capsule the Gundam pilots had arrived in.

Everyone stood crowded in the Capsule Corps. front door as the 5 boys stepped out. One with wild, unruly brown hair, one with long, braided brown hair, one with a spiky bang, that also was brown, one with normal-looking blonde hair, and one with black hair in a tight ponytail. They all stood side by side. Goku pushed everyone aside and came to stand in front of the Gundam pilots. Since Goku was always the friendly one, he started:

"Hi, I'm Son Goku. And you are?"

Duo and Quatre shifted uncomfortably in the presence of this seemingly harmless man. He looked so, intimidating... His posture, height, and bulky muscles made him look incredibly powerful. But his charming smile made up for that. Goku visibly sweatdropped when neither of the Gundam pilots replied. Bulma then decided she should take Goku's place on the forefront.

"Hello, I'm Bulma Briefs. Are you the boys, Dr. J told me about?" Bulma said, looking directly in each of the pilots eyes. Quatre decided that if they wouldn't speak, he would have to. "Yes we are those boys. I am Quatre Raberba Winner, pleased to make your acquaintance." Quatre said, smiling ever-so-politely.


Elsewhere.. Zechs, Noin and Une stood in front of a videoscreen displaying the face of Treize. Treize looked perturbed and very annoyed. So far, between the inactivity of the Gundams and the aliens, his life was becoming increasingly miserable.

"Mr. Treize?" Lady Une said, concerned that Treize had abruptly ceased communication. Trieze looked up, and his eyes widened for a moment as he realized what he was doing, but then he slid his calm and cool mask back into place.

"Yes, Lady Une?" Treize replied, storing his train of thought elsewhere at the moment. "Do you have any new orders for us to execute at this time?" Lady Une replied, adjusting her glasses so that they didn't slide down her nose. "No. You are in charge as of now. Do as you see fit." Treize said and cut off the videolink.

Zechs visibly relaxed. This kind of battle he was unused to. Battles between humans, easy. Battles between aliens that you have no knowledge of, not-so-easy. Zechs looked down at Noin, who was biting her lip, thinking about all the recent events. Every battle with the aliens so far had uncountable casualities, no survivors. At that time, Lady Une decided to issue some new orders.

"Zechs, Noin, we are going to Mars. Pack only what you need, because this isn't a pleasure trip." Lady Une said and promptly turned her back and walking away. Zechs and Noin looked a bit bewildered at Lady Une's split-second decision. Nevertheless, they were going to Mars.


Bulma sighed inwardly. Getting to know those other boys would be like banging her head against a brick wall. She knew this from when trying to get to know Vegeta, and then again, she still hadn't fully suceeded with that! "Well, come in, no use in standing outside!" Bulma said cheerily, beckoning the boys with her hand.

Heero silently sighed and began walking towards the door of the Capsule home. Everyone else followed suit, Goku bringing up the rear. Once inside, Bulma proceeded to issue a few things she had made especially for the boys arrival.

Bulma took out 5 capsules. She hadn't remembered the pilots names so she just numbered them 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. She gave one to each of the boys and showed them how they worked. "You press the button on the top and throw it, thats it. Simple, really." Bulma said, throwing a test capsule that had a magazine inside. And that was the wrong magazine. Everyone stared at Bulma when the magazine came out. At the top it read "PLAYGIRL! World HOTTEST Men!" Bulma's eyes opened to the size of dinner plates, then she went to scoop the magazine up. "I'll be back.." Bulma said and ran off to her room.


Noin laid back in her chair looking at the debris of the last battle in this area. This was the C4 section, Mars was only 1 day, and 5 more hours away. Noin wasn't exactly looking forward to being back on the red planet. She had a near death experience trying to escape from there the first time.

Just then, Zechs walked into the room in the middle of her reverie. "Noin, seems as if our war between Alliance and the Gundams has been postponed." Zechs mentioned, sitting in a chair beside Noin. "Yes, I know. But right now, the integrity of humankind is at stake. A measly war between governments pales in comparison to this."

"That's true Noin, a battle for life itself is in progress, but that doesn't mean that our previous war was measly. Before this, it was going to be a historical event of biblical proportions. Now, we have something new to talk about." Lady Une said, leaning against the wall in her Oz uniform.