Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Kombat: Annihilation ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After Bulma reemerged from her room, without the magazine, she went back to the living room where Duo was explaining the current situation in his world. Although, nobody understood half of what he said, because he was talking so fast and his voice went up and down with the emotional parts of the story. Quatre laid a hand on Duo's back and said, "Let me tell it, you're obviously either too tired, or its too hard for you to recall." Duo nodded and crossed his legs. Then Quatre began to tell what happened when he first encountered the aliens.

"So far.."


"Landing now, Lieutenant Noin." Said the pilot of the ship. She was one of the few brave soldiers that opted to go back to Mars. 'Bless her soul.. because she's going to need it..' Noin thought. "Lieutenant Noin, landing now.." The female soldier said again. "Right, okay, I'll retrieve everyone else." Noin said and walked away. The female pilot, named Charlotte Bennington, looked bewildered at Noin's short attention span and abruptness, but said nothing of it.

Noin could feel Zechs eyes boring into her back. He knew what happened last time, and he could sense her tensing up as the shuttle landed...

Noin was taking the last of the land samples from the previous days' work to the examination room when an alarm sounded. Noin turned to a nearby vid-link and typed in her code. 'Code: C5I0P, access denied.' The computer said, blinking a red terminal screen. "What?!?!" Noin screeched, confused as to why her code was denied when it had worked only an hour ago. In the background, the alarm still rang high. Noin quickly laid the land samples down and ran to the main hallway, where she saw a stampede of crew workers run by her. Noin scanned the crowd for a familiar face. Then she pulled over Second Lieutenant Charlotte Bennington.

"Whats going on? Who sounded the alarm? Why wasn't I informed of any dangers?!" Noin asked in a rush, trying to hurridly gets some answers. "No time to explain, Lieutenant, we've got to go NOW!" Bennington said. Bennington grabbed Noin's hand and lead her into the massive amount of people running in the main hallway. "Bennington, I demand to know what the hell is going on!!" Noin said, racing side-by-side the frantic officer.

"Aliens.. red, with blue hair.. attacking us now.." Charlotte said, trying to talk inbetween gasps of breath. She was slowly running out of energy. "Turn here, there's escape pods this way!" Noin said, turning to the left. Sprinting down the hall, she came to the room where the pods usually were. But the room was demolished. Nothing but a big hole in the wall, and it was rapidly sucking the oxygen out of the ship.

A martian looked down at Noin from the ceiling. "You disturbed us, now it's time to die.." The alien said in its native tongue. Noin didn't know what that meant, but the look in the alien's eyes was more than enough to give her a cue to run. The alien smirked maliciously and sent a blast in front of Noin, and it blocked her and Bennington's path. Luckily, the blast did make an alternate route, through a few rooms and back to the main hallway.

Running once again, Noin asked Bennington: "Was that the alien?" , "Yeah, it was, and we've got to get out of here, half of this base is completely gone." Bennington replied. Just then, a shuttle landed in front of the makeshift door the alien had made. In a spacesuit was Zechs, standing with a gun in his hand. 'He hadn't come on this mission, he wasn't assigned to it, so how did he get here so fast?' Noin wondered, but she could think about trivial things like that later.

The alarm was still sounding, but everything else was quiet. No more shouting or stomping feet. The aliens totally destroyed almost all life on this base. Where they had came from, was uncertain. Underneath Noin and Charlotte's feet were the bloody corpses of their fellow comrades and explorers. Noin lifted her foot, finally realizing what that squishing sound was. "Iick.." Charlotte said.

"Watch out, Zechs!!" A faint cry warned. Zechs turned to see one of the reddish coloured aliens lunge for him. Zechs was tackled down by the alien. In it's native tongue it began to speak. "We have been watching you, and we will rise. Every single one of your so precious 'colonies' will be destroyed. You cannot defeat us." The alien said and backed off. Zechs looked stunned that he wasn't destroyed, but behind Noin and Bennington, another row of aliens were advancing...



"So you're saying, all that technology is useless?" Chichi said, looking at Quatre. "Yes, that's right. Our Gundams, the most advanced technology so far in our time, is useless. We have to go back to the basics and fight with our own hands." Quatre replied. "Hn. Should've fought with your hands in the first place. No need for machines." Vejiita snorted, leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

"If we were to fight them without the special 'training' you're supposed to give us, it'd be a massacre, a slaughter, immediate death." Wufei said, narrowing his eyes at Vejiita. "Just, ignore him, please." Bulma said, glaring daggers at Vejiita, which didn't seem to penetrate.

Grumble. Rowr. Bluurb.

"Eh heh.." Goku said, rubbing his stomach.. as usual. "Oh! I almost forgot, I cooked, now we're gonna eat.. and everyone better eat EVERYTHING." Chichi said, ending her sentence with a bit of a dangerous edge.
Trowa raised a slender eyebrow at the change in Chichi's voice. And stood to follow behind everyone else.
