Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Kombat: Annihilation ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Duo was stuffed. This woman, Chichi, could really do some cooking. And those guys with the spiky hair.. they could chow down. The one who said his name was Son Goku, he just polished off his 9th bowl of rice and gravy, 16th biscuit, 6th plate of ham, and 14th onigiri. Duo actually admired how much they could eat. That was probably why they were so buff-looking. They ate healthy food in incredibly large amounts.

On the other hand, Wufei seemed to be a bit disgusted at the display the five Saiya-jin were putting on. They were eating with a pace like no other. But he had to give them their kudos. They sure could eat alot. He, himself was eating his second bowl of rice, and hadn't even begun to eat the onigiri, or the ham for that matter.

Afterwards, Goku leaned back in his chair and exclaimed, "I'm full!" Chichi just smiled. She loved Goku dearly, but sometimes, his appetite got in the way of things. After only a few bites, Heero stood. "May I be excused?" Heero asked in a monotonous voice. Bulma only nodded after looking at his plate. The only thing eaten was the onigiri. "Guess he doesn't like-" , "Guess he doesn't like ham.." Bulma said. Then she raised an eyebrow. She had a weird sense of deja vu, but ignored it.

"We aren't deaf, woman. We hear just fine." Vejiita said, glancing at Bulma. "Huh? What?" Bulma replied, standing and walking towards the refidgerator. "Whatever. It was nothing." Vejiita said, and began to shovel more food into his mouth.


Noin slipped her purple spacesuit on. As she connected the oxygen tank to it, Zechs walked in behind her. "Don't worry Noin, I have a feeling this won't be like last time." Zechs said, patting her shoulder as a friend. "Oh, Zechs.. I hope not." Noin replied, connecting the last tube and switching the radio communication to a more public frequency. Zechs and Noin began to push themselves down the hall, holding onto the bars at the side of ship's corridor, making sure thats the zero gravity wouldn't push them towards the ceiling.

Standing at the half-ruiined spaceport dock was Lady Une and Lieutenant Charlotte Bennington. The hatch opened when Lady Une pressed the button near it. Outside there was a barren land with the wind blowing the red sands around. The only difference in the scenery was the remainders of the Terraforming project base. There were twisted pieces of metal in some places, and small pieces of blackened wood in other places. All research and researchers who worked at this base were gone, except for Bennington and Noin. Which made them valuable assets when rebuilding.

Noin was the last to step out of the spaceship onto the deserted land. 'Seemingly deserted..' Noin noted as she scanned the area for anything suspicious. When she saw none, she turned to Lady Une. "Just what do we plan to do here, Lady Une?" Noin asked. "Earlier orders from His Excellency were to search the debris for anything that would help us recover any of the facts we found about the soil." Lady Une responded, gesturing to the open landscape in front of them. "Okay, Noin, Bennington, I want you to pair off and go explore the debris over there. In the West Southwest area. Go now, we need to be back to the ship in less than 2 hours." Lady Une commanded, leaving no room for question.


As of now, everyone was either asleep, or lying in bed. All that is, except for Wufei. He was pondering over the man with the upswept hair, known by name as Vejiita. 'What is with him? Has he no consideration for the people around him?' Wufei thought to himself, replaying in his mind, the glare Vejiita gave him earlier before dinner. 'Anyway, what do I care? We'll only be here for a short while we recieve this 'training' everyone is so confident in. Hmph. I bet it will be nothing special.' Wufei thought before turning in his bed and covering up.