Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Kombat: Annihilation ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Noin and Bennington set out on their way, only armed with a small handgun for protection. If she were correct, Noin believed that the aliens would wait until they were nice and settled in before attacking. "Noin..?" Charlotte said, tapping Noin on the shoulder. "I think I found something."

Noin looked down to were Charlotte's finger pointed. A petri dish. "What do you think was inside?" Charlotte asked, scratching her head in confusion. "Well, if it's a petri dish, it must have been some sort of life form, or clue to what we found here in the base. Toss it into your bag and lets keep looking." Noin replied, kicking up dust with her shoe, watching it swirl in the air before falling to the ground again.

Charlotte scanned the area around and saw it to be as empty as it was 20 minutes ago. They were lucky, they hadn't seen any signs of danger yet. 'Nothing yet. This may very well be worth the risk.' Charlotte sighed, she hoped she wasn't jinxing anything...

Just then, a blur of blue and red whizzed by Charlotte bringing almost a tidal wave of dust over her. 'Damn. Spoke too soon.' Charlotte thought. Noin and Charlotte stood back to back, readying themselves for anything coming their way. Noin pulled her gun out of its holster, cocked it, and aimed with both arms forward. As the dust cleared, a maniacal laughter could be heard. Then it multiplied. 2.. 4.. 8.. 16.. 32 voices and counting.


The next morning, a loud yell woke everyone up. "KAKAROTTO! GET OUT!" Vejiita yelled as he banged on the bathroom door. Vejiita tried to persuade Bulma not to make him share a bathroom with Goku.. but did anyone ever listen to him? Nope, never.

"DAMNIT, GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM KAKAROTTO!!" Vejiita yelled again, face flushed with annoyance. "Hold on a minute Vejiita!" Goku replied, peeping out the door. "You said that a half-hour ago!" Vejiita huffed and leaned against the wall.

10 more minutes later, Goku walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed except for shoes. Vejiita was about to step off the wall to go into the bathroom when Goku put a hand out in front of him. Goku licked his lips before he spoke; Vejiita watched his tongue flicker across his lips. "I want to go by a schedule. Today I want them to learn how to fly. Tomorrow speed. You understanding me?" Goku said, putting his hands on his hips.

"Tch. Fine Kakarotto, move." Vejiita said, brushing Goku's side as he walked past him into the bathroom. Goku shook his head. Getting Vejiita to cooperate is a whole other task in itself.

Duo rubbed sleepily at his eyes. '10:00!? Just when did I goto sleep last night? It's waay too early to be awake.' He wondered as he propelled himself out of the bed. He then rummaged around in a drawer for the outfit he was given by Professor G. It was a black coloured gi, with a silver sash, shirt and wristbands. Duo had seen martial artists in his world wear similar outfits, but he wasn't a mrtial artist, so why did Professor G. give it to him?

In the other room, Quatre looked at his gi. His was brick red, with a lighter shade of red as the shirt, sash and wristbands. Quatre sighed and walked into the bathroom that was connected to his and Heero's room. He knocked on the door and no one answered, so he decided to walk in.

Trunks and Goten sat on the tub sharing a small shy kiss. Trunks' eyebrow quirked when he sensed a presence and he pulled back. He turned to see the throughly shocked Quatre. Goten opened his eyes and looked at Quatre, a huge smile spreading across his face. "You're Quatre right?" Trunks asked.

Quatre nodded. Goten started to laugh at the shocked look on Quatre's face. "Don't tell, okay!" Goten said and dragged a pondering Trunks out of the bathroom. Quatre shook his head side to side. 'Younger and younger, I swear.. wait.. what am *I* talking about.. I'm only 15.' Quatre thought to himself as he shut the bathroom door, about the prepare himself for the days training.


Noin and Bennington were outnumbered by atleast 100 hundred. Atleast. Charlotte gulped as she heard small feet in big numbers. "So what do we do?" She asked, looking at the approaching aliens. "Without any other type of weaponry than our handguns.. I say we run!" Noin said and grabbed Charlotte's arm.
