Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Kombat: Annihilation ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

During breaskfast, Goku felt Vejiita's eyes on him almost the whole time. Goku didn't know what his problem was, or why he stared like that, but he did know that he had a full day ahead of himself.

Now Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Vejiita, Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei stood outside in a plush forest. Since Gohan wasn't as intimidating as Vejiita or Goku, he would demonstrate the lesson for flying. "Okay, everybody, sit and cross your legs. I'm going to teach you how to fly." Gohan sighed, he didn't know how to actually start this. Everyone sat down except Vejiita and Goku. Quatre raised his hand like a student and Gohan pointed to him. "Isn't flying impossible?" Quatre asked.

"Nope, its quite real." Gohan said, and began to float upwards, but not so far as that they couldn't see him. Duo's mouth gaped. "So you CAN fly! Well now I'm ready to learn!" Duo said and put his hands in his lap. Trowa, in his orange-yellow gi, didn't look too surprised, as didn't Wufei or Heero. "I see you're all entusiastic.." Gohan said sarcastically at the 3 silent pilots.

Vejiita and Goku stood to the side, Vejiita with his arms crossed, Goku with his hands upon his hips. "Hurry up, Gohan! We wanna spar!" Goten said before Gohan could open his mouth. He sighed.


Charlotte and Noin ran at a near breakneck speed, with a troop of aliens flying after them. Charlotte looked back, something even in horror movies a person wasn't supposed to do. Looking back costed Charlotte her footing, as she tripped over herself. Falling backwards, she immediately tried scrambling to her feet. Noin noticed that Charlotte wasn't next to her anymore and turned around. "GET UP! Bennington, get up!" Noin shouted, but her words were lost over the heightening laughter.

Charlotte's eyes widened as the the onyx eyes of the aliens all turned to her. A feral smirk gracing each and every one of their faces. And they decended. A blood-chilling scream for mercy was ripped from Charlotte's throat as they shredded her to pieces, breaking her oxygen supply, turning her skin into confetti paper. Noin could do nothing but stare at the carnage, the death of her fellow comrade. The one who always survived the battles with the Gundams, the one who understood Noin second to Zechs.

The aliens' eyes were lit with joy as they removed the bones from the torn flesh and left Charlotte lifeless, face immortalized with fear. The aliens started laughing once again, but this time it seemed as if they were laughing directly at Noin.


Gohan began speaking again. He didn't know why he had to be the one to teach them. Vejiita and Goku were very capable of teaching them. "Alright. First off.. concentrate. The ki source is in your stomach. You should feel a little tingle there atleast." Gohan stated, demonstrating with his hands how they should be holding their hands. "Do you feel it?" The 5 pilots nodded and he continued.

"Secondly, imagine a ball of energy moving up to your arms, flowing through your arms, and out of your hand. Don't concentrate to hard, or it'll never work." Gohan said. Gohan looked on as Wufei's hands began to glow a golden colour. Next, Quatre's hands began to glow.. not gold, but purple even. Soon after, Duo's hand began to glow red. Heero - pink, Trowa - emerald.

"Okay, now that you've done that, stand up." Gohan said, making a 'get up' motion with his hand. Everyone stood up, dropping their hands to their sides. "Now, focus again on that little ball of energy in your stomach., now try willing it to travel to your feet, then will it to push you upwards. Try that now." Gohan instructed, once again demonstrating the technique.

This time, the first one to lightly levitate above the ground was Trowa. His head bowed in concentration, fists curled in balls. Gradually, everyone else managed to adjust their ki according to their weight. The grass beneath them swayed lightly as the visible proof that they were flying. "That's good, you can stop now. We're going to take a break, and we can perfect on it later." Gohan said. Whilst Duo and Quatre did a sort of crumbling collapse onto the grass, Heero, Trowa and Wufei, "turned off" their ki and lightly dropped into a cross-legged sitting position.