Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mutanation ❯ Looking for a New Member ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Where this came from..? I don't know… it's probably some bled idea between other fics, the Heero/Duo pairing, and my love for the x men.
Disclaimer: Not mine…
Comment god dammit!!
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“Remind me again, why we are wandering around the country. We have a war to fight.”
“And that is precisely why we are `wandering' about the country Heero, we need a new member. You know that despite the power that we control right now, it still is not enough if we want to win this war or even the next fight or two.”
“How do we even know what we're looking for, Quatre? What are we looking for exactly?” asked Wufei
“I, I don't know exactly what we're looking for, it's very powerful, I've been homed into it for days it's just…”
“Just what?” asked Wufei
“The presence jumps around, with no real pattern and no flow of movement. It just seems to disappear and when I manage to refocus on it, it's in an entirely new area. It's very hard to track and I think it knows it's being followed.”
“So in other words we have no idea where it is?”
“Well no, not until a few hours ago when it stopped moving. It must have taken shelter some where. I think its taken shelter right around… here.”
They rounded a bend and the headlights fell upon a building, which seemed to be abandoned and only half standing. Quatre stopped the car. It was foggy so without the headlights it was difficult to see the building let alone their own team mates. But the fog was there for a reason, it provided them with excellent cover for all that wished them harm, and let me just say that that was far above the normal amount.
“Wufei, I can't see at all, do you think you can lighten the fog a bit?” asked Quatre
“It's a risk but sure.” The fog lifted a bit, just enough so that they could see the path ahead of them.
The four of them started walking down the path towards the building.
“Does it realize we're here?”
Quatre frowned, “… I don't think so… I think it's exhausted from something. I really have no idea though.”
They pushed open the doors of the building to reveal that it was an abandoned church. The sound of their foot steps echoed off the stone walls as they entered and walked down the aisle. The dust inside the church was as heavy as the fog had been outside. Hazy almost non existent sunlight attempted to bounce off the shattered stained glass windows of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, making some of the air in the church appear quite orange while other sections were a misty blue similar, or the same, to the atmosphere outside.
In the front of the church stood a huge mass of carved stone that took the appearance of an angel. But time had taken its toll and one of the wings had fallen off its back as well as bits and pieces of its clothing. Nether the less, at the end of the end of the aisle, crouched down on one knee in what appeared to be prayer, was a shadowed figure.
Upon hearing their approach, the figure slowly stood up and glanced back at them with one eye, flashing a set of white teeth set into a smirk and then without warning it shimmered out of view, leaving only a cloud of purplish black dust remaining in its place.
Heero stared at where the once ghostly figure had stood and just as abruptly vanished, he could have sworn he saw a flash of amethyst before its disappearance but he passed it off as a trick of the light. He turned his head to the others with an expression that seemed to ask, `did you see that?'
The four did not have time to contemplate this action because the figure reappeared against the right wall of the church, near the ceiling. It pushed off from there again towards them and about 2 thirds of the way their vanished again only to appear behind the group, doing a handstand of sorts and slamming both his feet into Quatre's head, knocking him out.
Quatre fell backwards and was swiftly caught by Trowa. The figure had already disappeared again, reappeared on the left wall closer to the ground, then twisted, spun around and vanished to appear right above the center of the 3 of them, since Quatre was out like a light. It dropped to the ground and did a sweep kick. Trowa did some funky acrobatic move to dodge the attack without moving in any direction, mainly in order to protect Quatre. Wufei blocked the kick and slid back a few inches but didn't loose his footing, and Heero moved so quickly out of the way that the kick missed him entirely. The figure then vanished again.
Starting to take things seriously, Wufei started shooting lightening balls at the spots where he saw the figure appear, but it didn't seems to be working very well, all though the cloak over its head was starting to fry.
Trowa took care of Quatre while Heero and Wufei fought. Finally Wufei got frustrated and a web of lightening expanded about the room, crackling. The figure, which was currently dodging around trying to avoid the blows of a very fast Heero who was only 2 steps behind him no matter what it did, got caught in a part of the net and before it could get loose and disappear again, Heero was on him. Heero was about to punch the figure flat in the jaw, he was so close; he even grunted a “come here” as he lashed out. However his fist at the last nano second went through a purplish black cloud again.
Heero, who was currently back to the center of the church again, peered around to find the figure again only to be surprised yet again that day. There, right in front of him, kneeling down into, what looked to be, a bow was the figure that slowly stood up and removed his hood to reveal deep purple eyes, which solved the mystery of what Heero had seen before, and a long chestnut braid. It was quite apparently a he, despite the long hair and lanky legs and he was grinning at Heero, white teeth flashing.
A baritone voice echoed out to all corners of the room and yet all the while remained a whisper. “You know, all you had to do, was ask…” And with that he collapsed into Heero's arms.
“So Heero, is there are reason you are riding with that boy on your lap or does he just serve as a good blanket?” voiced Wufei from the drivers seat next to him, which promptly earned him a quick flash of the patented Yuy Glare of Death (tm.)
“…He won't let go of me. He's unconscious but his muscles have all tensed up, it is very hard to break his grip without breaking something else in the process.” Indeed the boy who had caused them all so much trouble before, currently had his right arm wrapped behind Heero's neck as his left wrapped up around his waist to Heero's back. The two hands connected together into an iron fisted grip somewhere around Heero's upper back. His head rested snugly near the crook of Heero's neck, breathing warm shallow breaths onto the exposed skin there, causing shivers to rack Heero's body the cause of which Heero, for the life of him, couldn't figure out.
“That's strange, shouldn't you release all that tension when you lose consciousness, are you sure he's not having a seizure or something related to one?” Asked Trowa from the back who was currently trying to revive the blond Arabian, whose head currently rested on Trowa's lap. The blow he had received to the head was apparently a bit harder than they all had expected it to have been.
“Well that's quite possible, considering how injured he currently is.”
“Oh come now Heero, we didn't hurt him that bad, in fact the jolt he got from my web should have kept him up, not put him down.”
Heero shook his head at the statement, “He's losing a very large amount of blood out of a wound in his side right now. He is bleeding all over my shirt at the moment.”
“You mean he was already that wounded when we found him? No wonder he took shelter…” The frown that was displayed on Wufei's face grew a bit at that new bit of information he had gotten about the new boy sitting next to him.
“Do you think, perhaps, we should wrap his injury, we have a while to go before we get anywhere near a town?” inquired Trowa's calm words of wisdom.
“We are on a tight schedule, I would prefer if we could wait till be get there.” Answered Wufei
The sound of rustling cloth followed this statement, but it went unheard because of the sounds of the engine that the car naturally made as they sped along the highway overpowered it.
Heero, however, obviously heard as well as felt the movement of clothing seeing as he was sitting underneath the cause of all the motion. The left hand of the boy resting on top of him slowly unhooked itself from his right and trailed itself up Heero's side, up his neck, across Heero's cheek, and finally came to rest on the top of his head where it began petting the mass of unruly chocolate locks there, almost like it was trying to figure out what it was with only that simple touch. Heero let out a quiet gasp at the action, wondering as to how such a simple action made him feel so… unstable. This all too soon came to a close as the boy's eyes suddenly fluttered open. Squinting a few times as the harsh light of the dying sun glared through the window. That all too familiar feeling of unfamiliarity and unease when you wake up to find you don't know where you are or where you are headed settled in.
The sudden action of the boy using both hands to push off of Heero's shoulders and steady himself as he sat up in the seat, to stare at Heero widely in confusion, caused Heero to question how many times he had been surprised today. As well as the follow up question which was how many times the direct reason had been from this boy.
The injury on his side became more apparent as the boy, immediately after sitting up, winced in pain as the wound most likely opened up further and crashed back down on top of Heero's chest. He began whispering in a sort of out of breathe, pleading voice, eyes closed in an attempt of block out the pain.
“Please… onegai… it hurts, god it hurts… take it out [1]… make it stop… onegai!”
The desperation of the other's voice struck something deep inside Heero which he had no idea how to figure out, but he knew what he had to do.
“Stop the car…”
“Heero, we don't have time for this.”
“Wufei… Stop the car right now…”
Slightly taken aback at how forceful he was of the issue, Wufei pulled over and stopped.
“Trowa, pick up Quatre and sit where I'm sitting.”
Understanding that there was something big at stake here and that he was sure to find out what it was in few moments, Trowa, ever the wise one, picked the blonde boy up and walked around the back of the car without question.
Heero gently picked the shivering boy up and laid him face up on the back seat. The new position caused the other to whimper out in pain, finally alerting to the other boys that he was at last awake.
Heero stood outside the car door leaning his upper body in to fix up the other. He carefully untied the thin robe that he had been using to cover his head when they first encountered him. A huge wet spot in its side showing just how much blood had gotten through. The next, and hopefully final layer, was slightly strange seeing as it was a clerical shirt, but Heero had no time to linger on this fact as he gently untucked the shirt from his pants and slid it over the boys head. The sight underneath this was particularly gross and disturbing.
Lodged in the boy's left side was a huge link of nasty looking barbed wire, something that mostly likely hurt to get hit with, was agony to have stuck in you, and killed to have removed.
“Kiso, Wufei, get the med kit, I think we have some tranquilizers in there.”
Wufei, still looking at the gaping wound on the boy, nodded his head and got out of the car, popping the trunk before he did.
The boy's eyes suddenly focused intensely on Heero as he spoke those last commands and shook his head.
“No… don't react good to sedatives… just take it out.”
Heero stared at the boy for a few moments before whispering back, “It's going to hurt…”
The boy some how managed to smile at that, “not as much as it hurts right now…”
Nodding, Heero took the med kit that Wufei had handed to him and opened it so that he was prepared to follow taking the coil of wire out with certain basic steps. Grasping the wire with his left hand, wincing as it cut into his hand, he looked up into the other boy's eyes. Heero quietly counted.
“Ichi, ni, san!” He promptly ripped the barbed wire out of the boy and threw it under the seat. The boy cried out loudly this time, arching up in the seat before slamming his hips back down. He started breathing very hard as if he had just ran hundreds of miles, a sheen of cold sweat appeared on his face and body.
Heero quickly cleaned the wound as much as he could with some rubbing alcohol and then proceeded to unravel the gauze from the kit and wrap it tightly around the other boy's waist, trying to keep as much blood from leaking out in the shortest time possible. After using 2 rolls of the stuff, the blood seemed to finally stopped leaking out. Breathing a sigh of relief Heero glance up and saw the sweat that had accumulated on the other boy.
“Do we have any water?”
“I have a water bottle if that works.” Answered Trowa
Nodding his head Heero replied, “Good enough,” and took the bottle as it was passed to him from the front seat. Wetting, what looked to be, an Ace Bandage, Heero wiped off all the sweat, paying special attention the neck area and the fore head. The other started to get little shivers which started to promptly grow; the good news was that his breathing had returned to normal.
“He's lost a lot of blood, he needs to keep warm,” commented Trowa.
“Alright,” using the still damp Ace Bandage to wipe as much blood as he could from the other's robe, knowing that the shirt had too much on it to use. He slipped it over the other boy again. He packed up the med kit, stood up straight, and stretched staring down at the other. The shivers did not cease however and Heero sighed mumbling the words "...konna hazu jyanakattanoni,” [2] before picking the other up.
“Trowa, would you prefer the back seat or would you like to stay where you are sitting now?”
“I'll remain here…”
“Alright...” Heero slid into the back seat with the boy, letting him remain on his lap in order to keep him warm.
Wufei sighed and started the engine again, muttering something to himself in Chinese, as they sped off once again.
After a few moments Heero started to get a bit concerned, the boy wasn't warming up nearly enough if at all. “He's still really cold…”
“Try something else then, [3] he could get hypothermia if you don't keep his body temperature up.” Replied Trowa
Sighing, Heero slipped his arms underneath the robe and held the boy tightly that way, occasionally rubbing the skin lightly to keep it warm. The boy let out a long breath as if he had been holding it forever, his skin finally warming up.
“Ariagato…” the braided boy whispered into Heero's ear before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek in a thankful manner. His eyes fluttered shut, his soft lashes caressing Heero's cheek as a result before the boy rested his head on Heero's shoulder and slipping into a deep sleep.
All the actions were very new, strange, and perplexing. Heero pondered over them like one trying to find the meaning of his life, unbeknownst to him, uttering a, “What, what the hell..?” as a result.
“Something wrong Heero?” Trowa asked
Realizing he had spoken his words out loud Heero quickly responded with, “Nothing, he is just very strange that's all…”
“Why? What did he do?” asked Wufei
If Heero was the type to blush he's cheeks would have been flaming at the moments as he mumbled "....konna hazu jyanakattanoni…” once again.
“What's that Heero? I didn't catch that…” pressed Wufei, wondering what had gotten the other so rattled.
Heero glared at him in the rear view mirror, which was not nearly as intimidating when he had another boy resting on his lap. “Omae o Korusu…”
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[1] I swear if any of you take this the wrong way… -_-…
[2] This means `I didn't expect it to be like this,'
[3] Once again if you take this the wrong way… >.<… come on people put it away and keep it zipped up…
-Heero will give you a kiss if you comment…
Heero: Omae o Korusu
Duo: Hey! Mine! *hiss*
-Fine Duo would you like to take his place
Duo: … as much as I would love too… uh… I umm… got a cold sour from Hee chan the other day and umm… you wouldn't want me to spread it… hehe… ^_^; I'm sure Kat would love to though…
-Fine, stay right there while I go ask him… COMMENT!!!