Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mutanation ❯ Introductions ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ookay… I'm starting this now and will probably finish in a week because I'm having trouble getting my muse to cooperate with me. He has ADHD so he is always jumping from fic to fic. He can't focus on one thing for longer then and hour or so before switching to sumtin else. The other part of it is that it took me 2 days to tie Duo and Heero up and get them to agree to kiss the reviewers. Seeing that Duo does indeed have a cold sour, Heero you dog, they will be kisses on the cheek. If you reviewed and do not end up getting a kiss do not worry it's because I wrote this before you commented and if you complain you will get one next time.
Heero: I can not believe I am doing this…
Me: If you are wondering how to convince Heero to do something I'll give you a tip. Heero has a secret addiction to Dark Chocolate and if you offer him some in return for swearing to do something, he will end up agreeing in the end, even if you do have to tie him down for awhile.
Duo: kissing random strangers… the question is do I care…
Me: Duo was a bit more painful to convince. It involved playing Don't Cha 50 times in a row and doing a square dance, do not ask… So anyway here are the kisses…
phoenixfirekitsune () : *Duo and Hee chan give you a kiss. *
yaeko : *kisses from Duo and Heero*
Shevaleon : *Duo and Heero give you a kiss * btw… although it does seem like things are working out smoothly for Duo and Hee chan at the moment, it will be awhile before a lemon since there will be certain issues. Come on peeps everyone knows that the big hot sexy lemon has to be at the end, its always best that way. ^_^
Nita-sama : *Since she requested for kisses specifically, Nita-sama gets 2 kisses from both Hee chan and Duo chan. Also because her fics r0x0rs ^_^*
*ok on a side note, Duo was born and raised on the streets. That means he's going to talk just a little funny. So if the dialogue seems like it's grammatically messed up, it's on purpose. I find it cute and it's my fic so bugger off!
~also I know that there isn't much… action in this chapter which is why I decided to make it a bit longer the usual to make up for it. However this is one of dem Info chapters that are completely necessary for plot purposes and hey, I tried humor to make up for it a bit, which I suck at, but I hope at least one person snickers and something in here. If not all well, better luck next time.
Standard Disclaimer Applies
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Chapter 2:
Duo was drowning, drowning in softness. Light streamed in through an open window and poured itself gently upon him, making him feel like he was floating in a world of white light.
`I've died and gone to heaven…'
Upon thinking that Duo abruptly woke up knowing that even if there was a heaven, he certainly wouldn't ever be allowed in such a place any time soon. Indeed it certainly wasn't heaven that he woke up too, but compared to most places Duo had woken up in his life, it was damn close.
The bed he slept in was pure white down to the bed skirt and was adorned with fluffy pillows and layers of feathery light blankets. The room was about as big as a college dorm, with a window in the center of the back wall. There was a desk located underneath it, next to the head of the bed duo was in. Duo, who had been sleeping on his stomach, missed one important detail of the room which soon banged itself on his head literally as he quickly sat up and hit it against something hard. Crashing back upon the bed and spitting out a mouthful of curse words, Duo rolled over onto his back groaning and saw that the bed was actually a bunk bed, not a single bed.
Mumbling under his breath Duo swung his feet onto the floor and stood up. Making sure no one else was in the room; Duo let his hair down, coming through it with his fingers, (1) and quickly rebraiding the mess so that it didn't like a complete disaster. Finding his clothes, clean and dry, laid out on the dresser opposite his bed, he swiftly changed into them.
Feeling a bit better, Duo calmly left the room and followed a particularly nice smell that seemed to be coming from downstairs.
`Where am I?'
Duo walked down the wooden steps and found the smell to be coming from a small kitchen area to his right. Apparently someone was making pancakes. A blond boy that seemed oddly familiar was at the stove currently flipping them. Duo's stomach growled as he tried to remember the last time he had had a cooked meal.
“Yum… that smells really good…”
Apparently the blonde hadn't heard him come in, cause he abruptly dropped the pan back onto the stove which cause a loud bang which caused a Chinese boy who was reading the newspaper to jump up in his seat and hit his leg on the table he was sitting at hard which caused his coffee to leap off the table and smash loudly on the floor. 100s of Chinese curses flew out of the boy's mouth.
Duo winced at every crash and bang. Footsteps could be heard running down the stairs and another boy with chocolaty brown hair and a stunning pair of Prussian eyes walked swiftly into the room.
“Status?” A slightly monotone voice inquired.
The blonde turned to face the other and fidgeted a bit, “Ah, good morning Heero, yeah I just um, got spooked, and uh caused a big mess…”
Duo: `Heero… he's the one who…'
Heero raised an eyebrow at Quatre, glancing over at the shattered cup close to Wufei.
“Hn, what happened with you?”
Wufei glared up at him and mumbled something incoherent under his breath before bending down to clean the mess up.
Duo, “Well…” he swiftly teleported into a kneeling position right in front of Wufei, “it was sorts of my fault, I guess I should help ya clean up, ne?”
In response to Duo's sudden appearance right in front of him Wufei stumbled backwards a bit.
“I swear I'm going to die from an aneurism by the time the day is out…”
Duo chuckled and finished wiping up the mess, “Sorry man, sometimes I don'ts even realize I do that…”
Trowa walked in moments later and Quatre smiled lightly at him, “So now that we're all here why don't we sit down and eat, I'm quite hungry.”
Nodding Wufei, Heero, and Trowa sat at the table, followed quickly by Quatre with a plate of warm pancakes. Quatre was about to serve himself when he noticed the new boy just standing there awkwardly. “Why don't you sit down at the head there, um..?”
Duo's eyes widened at the idea that someone was offering him a home cooked meal… for free! He flashed his trademark grin as he moved to sit down, “Duo, Duo Maxwell at your service. I may run and I may hide, but I never tell a lie. That's me in nutshell.”
Quatre smiled, `ookay, slightly strange but at least he talks…' “I'm Quatre Raberba Winner, pleased to meet you, Duo.”
Trowa followed with a, “People call me Trowa Barton.”
Then Wufei, “Chang Wufei,” He rolled his eyes a bit, “I guess you American's would say Wufei Chang…”
And of course last but certainly not least, Heero. “Yuy, Heero Yuy.”
“Cool, so um, anyone wanna tell me why I'm here? I mean I know I'm good at parties and everything but I somehow doubt that's why you've brought me here.” Duo swiftly cut his pancakes into bite size pieces, doused them in syrup, and started snarfing it down like there was not tomorrow.
Quatre blinked at the slightly disturbing sight of Duo eating. Shaking his head as he realized they had been asked a question and he, knowing the rest of the group's social abilities, was the best one to answer. He coughed slightly, “You're here, Duo, because we need your… assistance. I'm pretty sure you are aware of who is hunting people like us… and we need it to stop… now… or we are all going to die or perhaps worse.”
Duo raised an eyebrow and then swiftly lowered it as he turned his head to stare out the window, “So… you all are… mutants too…”
A silent yes followed that statement; Duo turned his lost attention back upon the group, placing his hands to grasp the edge of the table. “Why me?”
Wufei calmly replied, “Actually we've been tracking a certain someone for weeks, it just turned out to be you.”
An unexpected reaction of surprised horror appeared on Duo's face for a moment before he quickly coughed and whispered, “You… you have a psychic?”
It was Wufei's turn to raise his eyebrow, “Well yes, he's right there.” He pointed to the boy sitting across from him, “Quatre's probably one of the most powerful psychics in the world.”
Quatre blushed lightly and did a little mini wave.
Duo looked at the blonde Arabian out of the corner of his eye before he turned his full head to face him. “You, you can't, reads my mind ok? Thoughts, fine, feelings, whatever, just please don't read my mind.”
Quatre looked confused; it didn't appear to be for the sake of privacy so he was slightly puzzled, “Oh ok, I mean I don't make a habit of it…”
“Good, it's a matter of safety for you, so I hopes you don't try it.”
Trowa then had to ask, “Personal safety? Why?”
Duo's left eye twitched, “looks, just know that the last person whose tried its I had to bury so please… just trust me, I don't lie.”
Everyone looked at him silently again for awhile before all nodding in agreement. Hey every one of them had their kinks, theirs, they figured, just weren't as… apparent.
“Alright…” Quatre replied, everyone nodded their heads in agreement with Quatre.
Duo smiled and switched quickly back into his usual self, “Great, So, what can you guys do then? I mean it seems like you're your owns private X Men team or sumtin.”
Heero snorted, “Hardly, we're more like the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (2)… Our intentions are certainly not as grand as the “X Men.”
Duo raised an eyebrow, “You're fighting for mutant domination? Jeez you peeps didn't seem the type.”
Wufei coughed and Quatre shook his head and replied, “No, no, we're just trying to get the oppressors to stop… oppressing…”
Duo smiled a malicious grin in response, “Cool, all righty thens, so…” He turned to Heero cause it appeared he was the only one who would get the reference. “If I'm a Morlock, what do you have to offer me to fight with you?”
Heero smirked at the reference and replied with a single word, “Revenge.”
Duo chuckled and closed his eyes, “Perfect…”
Quatre wasn't quite sure what had just happened but he was pretty sure that Duo had just agreed to join them. Smiling and doing a mental jump for joy as well as a pat on the back for finding them a new teammate he stuck his hand out for Duo too take. “Welcome to the team, Duo Maxwell.”
Duo took the hand and shook and roughly, “thanks” he replied and then released the hand. A thought suddenly popped into his head. “Wait, so uh, what can you all do?”
Getting the hint Wufei decided to chime in, after all he couldn't let Quatre do all the talking. “I can control the weather, Quatre, as you know is a psychic, Trowa can change into any animal he's ever touched as well as has animalistic senses and abilities, and Heero, Heero's complicated…”
Duo mumbled, “That makes two of us…” under his breath which went unheard save for Trowa and Heero so Wufei continued, “And you're a teleporter, I've actually never heard of such a case before.”
Duo fiddled with the end of his braid a bit, “Well, I'm nots exactly justs a teleporter…”
It didn't seem like Duo was going to continue so Heero pushed it with a, “How so?”
Duo's brow creased a bit in concentration as he faced Heero, trying to answer his question, “It's… complicated…what I mean is the ways I teleport is… complicated… do, do you have any paper, I could explain better with that?”
Trowa nodded and went quickly to the other room; bringing back some sheets of lined paper and a pen. Duo took them and quickly thanked him. He drew a dark line down the center of the page and then drew a second one an inch apart from it. He pointed to the far right side of the paper.
“This is us, right now. All of us are on this plane of existence and most of us remain that way until we die.”
He pointed to the far left side of the page. “This is when you die and it can't be entered into unless you is dead.”
Finally he pointed to the small section in the middle of the two lines. “This, this is a small plane in between life and death. Call it Limbo or Purgatory if you will. Now time in this place runs much fast then if does in Life, abouts the speed of light, actually I've heard it's a bit faster then that. So what I can do is enter this plane go to wherever I choose and then come out of it and it will appear like I've teleported. Also this plane provides a couple of other benefits. It allows me to go through walls and other things, because in affect nothing can exist on that plane, and…”
Wufei asked curiously, “and what?”
Duo frowned a bit and then smiled a cheeky grin, “I can spies on people without dem knowing I'm there; so don't think you cans where those pink underwears without me knowing it, Wuffers.”
Quatre giggled and Wufei blushed to the color of a ripe tomato and stuttered out, “How, when did you?”
Duo chuckled, “when I went to clean up your spilled coffee, or do you already forget your near heart attack reaction to that?”
Even Heero allowed himself a smirk at that but he couldn't get over the feeling that Duo was planning on saying something different. He shrugged it off telling himself it wasn't his business.
“So, you all live here? Cause it's really nice compared to the last place I had to crash.”
Trowa replied, “You mean that church, are you Catholic?” finally the million dollar question that everyone had been waiting to ask. After all they HAD found Duo in a church and he WAS wearing a clerical shit.
“Actually I'm an atheist or something close to it anyway.”
Heero raised an eyebrow, “So you don't believe in god?”
Duo's expression darkened considerably at that, “The answer is no. I don't believe in God. God is DEAD. Or if he's not, he fucking well deserves to be. The only god that exists is Shinigami…”
Heero's eyes grew slightly at that, “Shinigami? The God of Death? You believe in the God of Death?”
Duo bit his lip, “yeah what of it?”
Quatre asked, “then why do you where a priests outfit?”
Duo looked very nervous about being asked that, “uh… memories…”
That seemed to puzzle Quatre even more but he kept his mouth shut. He looked around and saw that everyone was done with their meal. “Alright, we're all done so uh, Heero, why don't you show Duo the house while Trowa and I clean up. Wufei it's your turn to do the shopping.”
Wufei grumbled something but nonetheless got up and walked out of the room towards the door of the house.
Heero stood up and… stiffened up completely when he felt an unexpected hand upon his shoulder. He turned and gave the braided boy the Yuy Glare of Death â„¢ which Duo just grinned at sheepishly.
“Sorry `Ro… so um, we gonna do this or what?”
“Hn” Heero calmly walked out of the room, knowing that Duo would follow him. As expected Duo fell right in step behind Heero. For awhile they were silent with the occasional exception of Heero pointing out each room on the ground floor. Afterwards they climbed the stairs and Duo found himself back in the room he had woken up in. It was then that Duo found out just who he was sharing a room with.
“So I'm sharing a room with cha? That's cool ne?”
“Hn” Heero replied as he climbed up onto the top bunk, and extracted a sleek looking laptop from under his pillow.
Duo blinked, `he sleeps with a laptop under his pillow..? That's a bit much but hey, who am I to talk about weird habits?' (3)
“Hn” Heero managed to suppress he reaction to a flinch and a twitch of the eye as he turned to glare at his new roommate who was now sitting right next to him, on his bed! Heero didn't quite get what he was getting all worked up about so he just brushed it off again; he seemed to be doing that a lot these days. “Yes?”
Duo rested his head on his partners shoulder, the faint smell of vanilla entered his nose as he looked up into those stunning pair of cobalt eyes. “You were the one who saved me ne? I don't remember much but, I'm pretty sure it was you ne?”
“Hn, Hai it was me.”
“The, the men, they're going to comes after me again if they find outs I'm alive. I could be putting you all in danger.”
“Hn, baka, we all have people after us. Why do you think we are so desperate to get rid of OZ?”
“Well you said it yourself, revenge…”
“Iie, that's your reason to fight. Where as each of us has a separate reason to do battle.”
Duo smiled and whispered, “What's yours?”
Heero gave Duo a long thoughtful stare and for awhile Duo didn't think he was going to answer. He drew in an extra shaky breath, was it just him or had the room's temperature drop considerably. The faint reply of, “I don't have much say in the matter.” Cut through Duo's skin like a newly sharpened knife, bringing him swiftly back out of his wandering thoughts. Tentatively Duo brought a pale hand to brush a couple of those disheveled locks out of Heero's face as he stared into eyes that held so much emotion and yet a face that reflected none of it.
Shaking his head Duo whispered, “I'm going to have to do something about you.” before he disappeared to leave Heero to his work.
A few hours later Heero found Duo lying on his bed just staring up at the ceiling, or it would have been the ceiling if the top bunk wasn't in the way.
“Come with me.”
Duo turned his head slowly to face him. He slid off the covers and stood, stretching a bit before asking, “What's up?”
“Hn” Heero of course replied as he walked out of the room and down the stairs where the rest of the group was. Duo obediently followed him. When they reached the bottom of the stairs Heero spoke firmly, “We have a mission…”
TBC (I know I'm so mean I ended on a semi cliffhanger, but hopefully that will keep ya reading? And if you review I always up the speed of my fic output rate so… if you want to know what happens sooner, ya gotta review ^_~)
(1)This would never work by the way. I've had Duo's braid longer than he has, since he got one when he was 8, and let me tell you that when your hair goes past your ass, you aren't getting the knots out simply by running your fingers through it, especially if your day is full of the shit that a Gundam Pilot has to go through.
(2)Being the geek I am, I had to bring this up. Ok, so hopefully most peeps know the plot of the X men comics but I'll summarize to fill you in on what the hell they're talking about. K, X men… are a group of mutants fighting for peace between the human's and mutants, which means they fight other mutants who try to hurt humans so humans feel they can trust them. The Brother Hood of Evil Mutants is a pun name, it's supposed to be funny and I'm not going to get into why. It's led by Magneto who believes that there is no way that humans, being the prejudice, ignorant race that they are, would ever be able to form and alliance with mutants so… he instead fights for mutant survival and rule, which means he is usually fighting the X men. The Morlocks are a group of mutants who want no part in humanity so they live in secluded places in the sewer of New York City and basically have their own mutant civilization down their, but they never see the sun and more are quite irritable cause of the harsh experiences and lives they live. Got it? Good… ^_^
(3)Yeah um, I do this a lot too. ^_^; actually the sounds of my computer running under my pillow is kinda soothing, god I'm nuts, but aren't we all? Also it warms my head in the winter when it gets ass cold in my room.