Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear Death ❯ Enter Duo & The Four Shifters ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing just this plot and AU.
“Get going boy and be quick about it,” his guardian, Eldon, said harshly. Duo grabbed the medium sized basket and the money from the table by the door as he ran out of the small house. It was a bright morning in the small town of Tomina in the land of Humaria. The sun was surprisingly bright unlike most days in Tomina. The town was placed far from the artificial sun created by the castle in the capital, Crania. It had been centuries since the world had lived on real sunlight. Duo knew some mages that lived in Tomina that could produce sunlight, though for it to be able to sustain itself the mage had to be extremely powerful.
In most towns close to the capital it was common for them to wear light colored outfits yet in Tomina black was the usual color. Duo had no objection to this since that was what he was permitted to wear and it was the color he liked. Instead of most people though he wore short sleeved tunic and black fabric to his knees, he was also only allowed black slipper like shoes to wear. He had no argument though for he could not feel the cold. He was always cold to the touch but he felt completely warm. Eldon just passed it off as a trait from his parents.
Duo never knew his parents. He had been passed to Eldon when he was just a baby. When he had questioned him about it he was told that they hadn’t wanted him and that he was just a mistake. It hurt Duo when he was told that but he felt as if there was something else behind it. He knew better than to question Eldon though, if he angered him enough he would not be feed for a couple of days that than beaten for disobedience.
Duo walked along the small alleyway away from the small house towards the marketplace. It was the first of the new month and that meant that traders from all over would be coming to sell. This was Duo’s favorite time of the month. He was able to see all sorts of cultures and people from around Humaria. He had only been to the town next to this one, Tunaria (the city of ice), to gather an ingredient for Eldon.
He heard the noises of the marketplace before he could see it. He inhaled deeply and smelled the vast different scents, yet another reason for it being his favorite. He turned the corner from the alleyway and was immediately greeted by the sight of crowed streets. There were tents, vendors, and cages on both sides of the street. Some tents had weapons, shields, and clothing from the capital while the vendors had many different fruits, vegetables, rare foods from across Humaria, and even exotic foods from Far East of the capital. Duo had never seen one exotic colored person from there. He had seen people with tan skin but not someone who looked completely different from him.
He immediately made his way down through the market towards his usual stop. He came to a halt in front of a large purple tent the sign on the front saying: Howard’s Goods & Crafts
As he walked in he heard Howard.
“Sorry but I don’t have any information of someone with that mark. You should know that is just a legend anyway,” Howard proclaimed. There was a few more words spoken and a ruffle of fabric before faces appeared. It was a couple strangers so Duo went to look over them but Howard stepped into the room.
“Ah Duo my boy!!” Howard exclaimed. Duo grinned. He took a step forward completely forgetting about the four boys exiting the tent. So as he diverted his attention to Howard he failed to notice to cobalt blue eyes fixated on him.
“Are you here for Eldon’s supplies?” Howard questioned.
“Of course Howard! You know he doesn’t let me come see you unless I have all his chores completed! So I just have to get the supplies from here and food for the next month before I can come back,” Duo replied. Howard nodded. He knew how Eldon was he had just hoped the man had simmered down a bit. Howard went behind his counter and handed Duo a bag. Duo grabbed the bag and smiled warmly at Howard.
“Thanks Howard!! I’ll try to be back soon!” Duo exclaimed. Duo then turned and exited the tent. He calmly made his way towards the other stands that held most of the food he was to buy. He once again didn’t notice the cobalt blue eyes watching him.
“Why did we have to stop in this god forsaken village Yuy?” Wufei harshly questioned. Heero Yuy continued walking towards the next vendor ignoring the stubborn exotic.
“Yuy do not ignore me!” Wufei demanded. Heero stopped and sighed turning to face Wufei. Heero took in Wufei’s appearance. There weren’t too many exotic’s around anymore since the start of the war since the enemy thought of them as to much as a threat and got rid of them first. Wufei stood about 5’8 and had black hair just past his shoulder blades that he had tied back in a strip of cloth. He wore white baggy traditional pants of his country and had a tank top the color of his eyes, onyx, and black slippers. Most exotics were built and Wufei was no exception from this. Though he had a medium build his muscles weren’t overly large, not like he really needed them.
“You know why and I don’t feel like explaining it to you for the 10th time in the past hour,” He stated. There was a quiet chuckle from behind Wufei. Wufei turned and glared at the tall man.
“Trowa I do not find this humorous! I highly doubt what we are searching for would be found in this town!” Wufei stated. Trowa was a tall man, about 6’2. He has brown hair with bangs that cover his right eye, which are green. His usual outfit consists of a long sleeved green turtleneck and light brown pants along with brown boots. He has a very slim build but was muscular like Wufei he just hid his well. He gave a slight smile to the younger exotic.
“You never know what you can find in a place like this,” He said quietly. Wufei immediately shut up. He gave Trowa a sad look and apologized quietly to the tall man. There was a light hearted chuckle from besides Trowa. Wufei’s head immediately snapped up to glare at the man.
“Quatre do not start this!” Wufei exclaimed. Quatre, a young man, stood about 5’6 and had light blonde hair the color of the artificial light in the capital. He has deep blue eyes the color of the clearest water and wore nice clothing. He has on a long sleeved button up white shirt with a brown sleeveless vest over it along with tan colored pants and brown boots. He always had a very slim build and most underestimated the young man. He gave Wufei a slight smile.
“You should think before you speak Wufei you never know who you might offend, remember?” Quatre replied. Wufei’s face flushed and he crossed his arms huffing out air.
“Say what you like but that man deserved it,” Wufei muttered. Quatre rolled his eyes. He then turned his eyes to Heero.
“Did you get anything?” He questioned. Heero shook his head. Quatre sighed.
“I thought for sure Howard would know something. Well I’ve rented a room at an inn or a few days and I’ve gotten food to last us for a while. It was a good thing we came when the traders did or we wouldn’t have been able to get this much food. You know that things get pricey the farther you are away from the capital,” Quatre stated. Heero nodded.
“So are we still looking for information or are we going to the inn?” Quatre questioned. Heero raised an eyebrow at him.
“You three can go to the inn I’m still going to try and find some information,” Heero stated. Quatre’s eyes lit up in a devilish way. He immediately grabbed the two men by the wrists and grabbed them towards the inn. Heero chuckled and shook his head. He then turned and made his way through the marketplace.
Duo looked up at the sign in front of the tent and bit his lip.
Madame Sylvia – Psychic & Medium
Duo juggled the few coins he had and wondered if he should. He finally made up his mind and walked in. Inside the tent was a deep red and had many trinkets lying around. Before he could look around more the rustle of fabric alerts him. He turns to see a young blonde woman step out. She wore a black skirt along with a deep red shirt that hung off her shoulder with a purple beaded shawl around her shoulders. She had a jeweled headband on her forehead. She turned and sat at her table.
“Come forward Duo, I knew you were coming,” She stated. His eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. She chuckled.
“Sit, sit!” She called. He moved forward and sat on the small stool in front of her table. She looked at him and smiled. He went to pull the coins from his pocket but she held up her hand.
“Do not worry about payment. This was part of my destiny and the fact that most people don’t meet physics here so I make plenty of money,” She said waving him off. She put her hand out towards him.
“Place your hand on mine,” She stated. He did so slowly. She closed her eyes and slowly opened them. Her once green eyes changed to an overwhelming black. Duo watched transfixed as her other hand started to make signs in the air. Then her eyes changed back to her normal green. She smiled at him.
“Your future, no your destiny, is going to be difficult. Now I cannot tell you what exactly will happen since there are too many variables and what you will do. What I do know is that you will have many difficulties. This road will be hard and dangerous. You’re going to find things out about yourself that you never knew. You will also meet a man, the one you will spend the rest of your life with. Do not be afraid of this. You will not love him at first, but you will feel a connection with him. You MUST beware of the brown haired woman. If you follow your feelings you will have a good life,” She stated. Duo was shocked. This was not what he had expected when coming in here. He shook his head and smiled at her.
“Thanks you Madame Sylvia,” He whispered. She nodded and he walked out. When he exited she sighed. She knew that young man was going to have many hardships very soon.
Duo sighed and started his walk home. He always thought that he would just be a normal man but then he wasn’t even that here. Before he could dwell on that thought he ran into someone’s chest. He almost fell to the floor but his wrist was caught. His head snapped up and his violet eyes locked with cobalt blue.
If only he knew this was just the beginning of his future.
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