Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear Death ❯ Just a Little Disagreement ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing just this plot and AU.
Those cobalt eyes immediately went icy.
“Watch where you’re going next time or you may not run into someone as nice as me,” He said coldly. Duo’s eyes narrowed.
“We’ll may if you actually stayed on the busy streets you wouldn’t bump into people. Aren’t tourists supposed to stay near the main streets?” Duo said snarky like. The man with cobalt eyes immediately widened in surprise and his mouth opened in surprise. Duo ripped his hand from the man’s grasp.
“Don’t think that if your hot shit somewhere else that you are here. Get over yourself or you may not be as lucky to find someone as nice as me,” Duo mocked back. He then walked around the man.
Heero turned and watched the lithe young man walk away. His eyes raked over the slim form and smirked. /Maybe stopping here wasn’t such a mistake after all/ He thought.
Duo was furious. Who did that man think he was? He wasn’t anyone special and if he was why would he come to a tiny town like this! He calmed down and thought back to the man. Before those eyes had changed to ice icicles the man had actually looked extremely handsome. He stood around the height of 6 foot and had a slim build but his muscles were very noticeable especially when he was able to hold Duo up with no effort what’s so ever.  His hair was deep like chocolate, a rare food that Duo had only seen when traders from the capital came, and his eyes were like the color of the blue potion Eldon makes. Duo shook his head of thoughts of the young man. What were the chances of ever seeing him again?
Duo entered the small house of his guardian. He walked forward and heard his guardian call out.
“Did you get the ingredients from Howard!?” Eldon yelled from another room.
“Yes I’ll sit them in your study for you! I told Howard I would visit him when I brought these back!” Duo replied. There was a muffled okay from Eldon’s room. Duo slowly made his way down the hallway of the house towards Eldon’s study. He opened the door and walked inside only to set the bag right on the desk and walk out. Duo then made his way out of the house back towards Howard’s tent.
“You look like you saw something worthwhile,” Quatre stated. Heero’s mind immediately conjured up an image of the braided haired man. Quatre noticed the slightly glazed look in their leader’s eyes and knew. He chuckled.
“You definitely saw someone when you were out that you liked,” Quatre said deviously. Heero was still lost in the image of the braided youth. Wufei stretched from where he sat on the bed and rolled over to see where his blonde lover had gone. Wufei gazed at Heero in surprise when he saw that he had indeed zoned out. Wufei crawled, first wrapped a small blanket around his hips, towards his lover and sat behind him wrapping his arms around the blonde’s waist. Wufei nibbled on Quatre’s ear sending shivers down his body.
“F-Fei,” Quatre stammered quietly. Suddenly Wufei was wrapped and pulled into warm arms. He shivered when he felt hot breath on his ear.
“Don’t think that because Heero isn’t aware that you can take advantage of our little blonde with him here,” Trowa whispered. Wufei bit his lip. Trowa then leaned down and bit hard on Wufei’s neck. Wufei’s body immediately arched up pushing against Quatre’s lower back and moaned loudly. Quatre chuckled and Heero finally snapped from his zoned state. He glanced at Wufei and Trowa who was still biting Wufei’s neck while raising an eyebrow.
“You could have at least waited till I left,” He stated. Trowa released Wufei’s neck and smirked up at the chocolate haired man.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Trowa stated deviously. Heero rolled his eyes. Quatre quickly pulled Heero’s hand, dragging him onto the bed.
“So…?” Quatre said. Heero just blinked and looked at Quatre. Quatre sighed.
“Who was it?” He asked. Heero’s eye brows furrowed together in confusion.
“Who was what?” He asked. Quatre smacked his forehead with an open palm.
“Who was the person that has you distracted!?” Quatre exclaimed in annoyance. Heero blinked a couple times and then smirked deviously.
“You would like him. He either doesn’t know who I am or just doesn’t care. We ran into each other and I said he was lucky I was nice because he could have run into someone worse. He took offense and said that he wouldn’t have to worry about it if tourists actually stayed on the main roads. The best part was that he said and I quote “Just because you’re hot shit somewhere else doesn’t mean you are here. Get over yourself or you may not be as lucky to find someone as nice as me” end quote,” Heero stated. Quatre’s eyes were wide, Trowa was holding back chuckles and Wufei just gave him an annoyed look.
“You should have told him who you were and what you were looking for,” Wufei muttered. Quatre shook his head.
“The search for the one foretold in the prophecy is very secret you know this. If an enemy found and killed that person before we could get to them would be catastrophic and we would surely lose the war,” Quatre stated. Wufei rolled his eyes.
“Why is it your people always have prophecies such as these? My people would just use strength and intelligence to win wars,” Wufei replied.
“Sheer intelligence and strength will not be enough to win this war,” Trowa said quietly. Wufei sighed.
“That is true,” Wufei said. Heero stood from the bed and walked over to a small bag to grab out an apple. He munched on it and stared at his group.
“Let’s go find some more information from here…somehow I feel as if this is the place to find whoever has the mark,” Heero whispered. Quatre’s eyes snapped to Heero’s in surprise.
“That is the first time you’ve said that since we began this quest,” Quatre said in surprise. Heero raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes. Quatre pouted.
“Do not dismiss feelings Heero!” Quatre scolded. Heero scoffed.
“Always fol-“Quatre started.
“Always follow your emotions,” Heero finished. Quatre narrowed his eyes at him while Heero just smirked.
“I did go to school with you Quatre,” Heero stated. It was Quatre’s turn to scoff.
“Don’t think that paying attention in combat training counts as “school” for you Heero,” Quatre replied. Heero had the decency to blush.
“It’s not my fault that J had already taught me those things,” Heero muttered. Quatre laughed. They were interrupted by a cough. They both turned to see Trowa and Wufei dressed, waiting by the door. Quatre hurriedly pulled on a shirt and walked out Heero following. Quatre stayed in the back lost in his thoughts as they made their way from the inn. Trowa fell back into step with the blonde.
“What’s wrong little one?” Trowa asked. Quatre immediately gave him a dazzling smile.
“Just wondering why we need to disrupt someone’s life and bring them into this,” Quatre whispered. Trowa frowned and placed a hand on Quatre’s shoulder.
“I thought about it when you all first found me and I realized why. This war will bring EVERYONE into it no matter what. If Khushrenada is given any chance to win he will take it. You know as much as I do that he wants this whole kingdom to fall. Our only chance is to find this one person to help save their own home,” Trowa explained. Quatre nodded and smiled sadly.
“It still doesn’t mean it feels right,” Quatre replied. Trowa ruffled the younger man’s hair and smiled.
“Everything will work out for the best Quatre,” Trowa said.  Heero stopped and walked to them.
“I think we need to go back to Howard,” Heero stated.
Duo laughed as Howard finished one story from his travels.
“Ah Duo I always love coming here you don’t treat me like an old man like everyone else. I do hate leaving you here with Eldon though,” Howard explained. Duo forced a smile.
“He’s not too bad anymore. He has his moments especially if I ask about my parents or disobey him,” Duo stated. Howard frowned but let the words pass. He knew commenting would just make Duo clam up.
“Maybe you should come with me on my travels next time?” Howard suggested. Duo’s eyes brightened immediately.
“I want too but I don’t think that Eldon would allow that,” Duo said dejectedly. Howard gave a slight nod but before more could be said on the subject the front flap of the tent rustled. Duo turned and locked gazes with familiar cobalt blue eyes. Duo’s eyes immediately narrowed. Duo turned back to Howard.
“That’s the one that bumped into me on my way back to the house,” Duo growled pointing at Heero. Howard looked at where Duo was pointing and immediately started to laugh.
“Prince Heero two times in one day!! You must love this old man!” Howard exclaimed. Duo paled for a moment and then cast a furious glance at the chocolate colored haired man.
Quatre moved next to Heero and got close to his ear.
“I’m guessing that is the one you’re so enthralled with,” Quatre said snickering since Duo was glaring daggers at their leader.
“Very cute,” Trowa stated his eyes skimming over the man. Duo caught the look immediately and made an obscene gesture with his middle finger. Trowa busted out laughing when he saw it.
“You realize your digging yourself a bigger hole right?” Howard whispered. Duo turned his fiery glare on Howard.
“When have I ever cared what trouble I got into?  Plus I didn’t deserve to be treated in that matter especially since he doesn’t know to stay on the main roads. What prince goes into an alleyway!?” Duo exclaimed locking eyes with the man again. Heero smirked.
“The kind on a mission,” Heero stated. Duo rolled his eyes.
“Don’t princes usually have a bodyguard or something with them?” Duo questioned.
“I don’t need one to keep myself safe…as for you though…I think you need one you’re not very intimidating,” Heero stated. As Heero spoke Howard makes many notions for him to not say it but it was too late. Duo’s eyes went icy cold and his posture completely changed. It read pissed off, calm, and ready to kill.
“Say what Mr. Fancypants?” Duo growled. Quatre laughed at the nickname but stifled it when he saw Duo. Before Heero could say anything Quatre stopped him.
“Heero think for a minute. What do we not do?” Quatre questioned. Heero looked at him with a smirk.
“Underestimate an enemy,” Heero replied.
“Right…now what are you doing right now?” Quatre questioned again. Heero’s smirk got wider.
“Playing,” was the reply he gave. Quatre smacked his forehead with his open palm. He turned to face Wufei and Trowa.
“If he gets killed I’m not saving him,” Quatre stated.
“I said that it looks like you need one because you’re not very intimidating,” Heero stated. Duo was in front of him and landing a punch to Heero’s stomach before Heero could blink. Duo grabbed Heero’s shirt and lifted him up and pulling him forward.
“Say it again and see what happens,” Duo growled his eyes flashing dangerously. Heero sworn he had seen black wings behind the braided man but shook it off as pain. He smirked.
“Why does it bother you so much? That’s what happens when you look like you do,” Heero stated. Duo threw Heero to the ground.
“Fuckin people are all the same. I can never just be looked at normally. Bye Howard I’ll come see ya some other time when this stuck up prince isn’t here,” Duo exclaimed. Howard sighed as Duo ran from the tent. Heero was just lying there in shock. Howard raised an eyebrow.
“You asked for it. He doesn’t take to kindly to people making judgmental calls about him,” Howard stated.
“Does he really think he can get away with hitting a prince?” Wufei growled. Howard chuckled.
“He doesn’t care at all. He treats everyone the same until they do something he deems hateful or mean. He’s a good kid and the fact that no one is going to believe he beat up the prince. Plus he only hit him in the stomach not the face,” Howard reminded. Trowa chuckled.
“I like him just fine,” Trowa stated. Quatre chimed in with agreement. Wufei tried to disagree but eventually worn down and agreed. Heero just gave them all blank looks.
“You like the fact that he fights back and got away with hitting me,” Heero stated bluntly. All three of them nodded at once. Heero sighed and stood up. Heero walked to Howard.
“Is there anyone that might know something about a person with a mark on them?” Heero asked. Howard thought for a moment.
“Try Madame Sylvia,” Howard suggested. Heero sighed and turned leaving the tent with his group. Howard snickered and closed up his tent for the night.
Duo was not happy at the moment. Having to deal with a stuck up prince had completely ruined the good mood he had gotten from talking with Howard.
He sighed. He knew the he should get home and sleep since he knew Eldon would be wanting him back now anyway. Plus if he stayed in good graces with Eldon he may be able to go with Howard.
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