Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear Death ❯ More Than Meets The Eye ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing just the plot and AU.
“Do you have everything from your house?” Quatre asks. Duo looks at him and nods. He made sure of it.
“I got everything before I left to see you guys,” He states. Quatre nods and continues walking next to Wufei. Duo was fairly unsurprised at how little possessions he has. His small bag was just the perfect amount for him to carry without winding himself. What didn’t notice was the shocked expression on Heero’s face. Though he was only carrying one large bag his possessions cost more than everything Duo owned. It felt like a slap to the face at how poor his kingdom was. Heero was going to do his best to fix what he can when he becomes king.
“Well need horses so I’ll go accumulate them,” Wufei states. Heero nods and watches as Quatre hands off the money. Duo’s eyes were wide at the large sum of money given over without a second glance. He had never seen so much money in his life. Wufei walks off towards the tent that holds the horses. Heero then nods his head to a stand selling food. Quatre nods and walks towards the stand. Duo follows along with Heero behind him. Quatre starts to talk to the stand owner but the owner just looked at him weird. Duo laughs.
“Quatre he doesn’t speak the nation’s language,” Duo states. Quatre looks at Duo surprised.
“I thought that everyone had to know the language,” Quatre accused. Duo raised an eyebrow at him.
“In the capital I guess but out here so far away people don’t follow it. Plus were so close to the border that we have to know the different languages,” Duo says. Quatre just looks at him with shock.
“So you know what language he speaks?” Quatre asks. Duo nods and walks up to the stand.
“What do you want me to get?” Duo asks. Quatre blinks at him.
“We need six sandwiches,” Quatre says. Duo nods. He turns back to the owner and smiles.
Hey Sunyak I need six sandwiches. I need two the way I like them,” Duo says. The owner grins.
Always Sumire-Me {1}. Are you leaving with these…people?” Sunyak asks. Sunyak was a middle aged man that stands about 6’3 and weighs 200 pounds. His skin is a golden hue with black shoulder length hair and bright green eyes. Duo nods.
Time for something different in my life, I won’t forget you though,” Duo says grinning. Sunyak slaps the back of his shoulder and goes off to get the sandwiches. Duo turns to notice Heero and Quatre just staring at him in shock.
“How can you speak the language so fluently!?” Quatre asks. Duo just blinks at them and tilts his head.
“I grew up here and traders come all around so I learn the languages. I know most of them so I’m bilingual,” Duo says shrugging. Before anything else can be said Sunyak comes back out with a sack. He hands it to Duo grinning widely. Duo goes to hand him the money but Sunyak just holds his hand up.
No need Sumire-Me, you have been helping me since you were very small. This is the last time I will see you so no charge. You’ll notice there are more supplies to last you a couple days…think of it as a parting gift,” Sunyak says. Duo bites his lip at the gesture. He moves forward and hugs Sunyak. Sunyak laughs and pats Duo’s back. Duo pulls back and Sunyak ruffles his hair.
Don’t change who you are Sumire-Me, stay true to yourself. When in doubt turn back to yourself and not what others think, follow your heart,” Sunyak explains. Duo nods. He grabs the sack and waves at Sunyak. He looks at Heero and Quatre and grins, handing over the money. Quatre just looks at the money and back at the sack and shakes his head.
“How did- you know what? I don’t want to know,” Quatre says throwing his hands in the air. Heero chuckles at his cousins antics. Duo just watches in slight amusement. Heero takes the bag from Duo and opens it. He almost gasps but holds it in. There was at least a weeks’ worth of food in the sack. Heero looks up at Duo with a raised eye brow.
“I’ve known him for a long time and wants to make I don’t starve,” Duo states plainly. Before anyone could say anything more Wufei showed up with four horses. One was white with gray patches over its skin with a white mane and stood about 16 hands {2}, there was a golden one with a white blonde mane that stood the same height of the other horse. The last two were all black except for one. That one has white spots on its back and down to its tail. Wufei immediately handed off the horses. The white and gray horse went to Heero while the golden one went to Quatre. The black horses with white spots went to Duo.
Duo looks up at the horse and into its eyes. Duo pets the long face of it and chuckles when the horse pushed at his hand for more attention. He keeps petting it as he turns to face Heero.
“Are we ready?” Duo asks. Heero nods and saddles his horse. Duo gets on along with Quatre and Wufei and leaves the town. Duo didn’t look back.
As Trowa lands he heard a familiar voice inside his head.
Yes Quatre?
We found him! It was the boy that stood up to Heero!
Trowa could hear the smile in that sentence.
So I can assume that my message has changed to Commander Une?
Very much so! We’ve just left and we are making our way towards the camp. We should only take a few days by horseback.
I will see you then love; give Wufei my love as well.
Trowa chuckles and makes his way through the large encampment. The flags of Crania were billowing, the gold reflecting off of the sun along with the bright green infinity symbol shown. He moves silently through, not drawing attention to himself. The one thing that the group did not need was someone knowing only one was back. He entered his Commander’s tent and waits for her to notice him. It did not take long. She turns from the desk she was at, over-looking a map, to meet Trowa’s gaze. The slight quirk in her lips let him know that she was glad he was safe.
“Report shifter three,” She says. Trowa rolls his eyes and makes his way towards her.
“Target has been found, the package is on its way as we speak,” Trowa whispers. Commander Une’s eyes widen in shock. She had been optimistic in finding the prophesized one but even she had some doubt.
“You’ve met the target?” she asks. Trowa nods smirking. She immediately notices it and grins.
“I’m going to assume that this person gets along with everyone?” She asks raising an eyebrow.
“If that is what you call punching our prince in the gut then yes, everyone gets along fine,” Trowa states. Une’s eyes widen and her mouth opens in shock only to hear quiet laughter come from it. When her laughter stops she looks back up at Trowa smirking.
“Oh I cannot miss this, something tells me I am going to get along with this person very well,” Une states. Trowa chuckles.
“I have no doubt that you will,” Trowa replies.
“What’s he doing?” Duo whispers to Heero. Quatre was still on his horse but had completely zoned out. Heero looks over at Quatre and rolls his eyes.
“He’s communicating with Trowa. When we sent him our message was that we still hadn’t found you but now that we have we have to change the message. Our Commander will be happy to know we found you,” Heero states. Duo watches as Heero’s face crinkles into displeasure so he gives him a confused look.
“Our Commander is just going to love that you hit me,” Heero deadpans. Duo blinks at Heero in surprise and then busts out into laughter. Heero just grumbles while Wufei snickers in the back. When Duo’s laughter finally stops he notices that Quatre was with them again. Quatre looks over at Wufei smiling.
“Trowa sends his love,” Quatre turns to Heero,” Trowa has arrived at camp and was about to go visit the Commander.”
Heero nods and looks up at the sky. The artificial sun from the capital was getting ready to be turned off since the light was almost gone. Duo continues to follow Heero on hors back until he stops. Duo stops his horse and looks at their destination. It was off of the path they had taken. It was a small clearing surrounded by trees. Duo climbs off his horse and wraps the reins loosely around a tree. Once he was done he turns to see Quatre kneeling around a pile of sticks. Duo blinks in surprise at how fast the sticks were found and already placed to make a fire. Duo watches in amazement as Quatre begins.
Quatre places his hands out over the pile of sticks and starts to mouth words. Duo holds back his gasp of surprise when Quatre’s eyes glaze over and turn gold. Duo watches as gold specks come from Quatre’s hands and go onto the pile. Once the specks settle onto the pile Quatre’s hands lower onto the pile. He then raises his hands up fast and a fire starts from the pile. Quatre’s eyes unglazed and focus. He blinks in surprise when he sees Duo watching him.
“I completely forgot that you don’t know. I’m a mage, a fifth year actually,” Quatre states when he sees the amazement in his eyes.
“What does fifth year mean?” Duo asks. Quatre chuckles.
“I forgot you don’t know much about mages or shifters,” Quatre says. Duo waits patiently for Quatre to continue.
“There are different levels of mages. The first year is the lowest and fifth year is the highest until you prove that you can be trusted to teach others magic. It’s fairly simple. Everyone has some magic in them it just depends on how much. You can never be sure until you have an attack or are pushed into a life or death situation,” Quatre explains.
“That’s amazing!” Duo exclaims. Quatre smiles at him and turns towards where Wufei was coming. Duo watches in fascination at the love in Quatre’s eyes. Duo has never seen some much love in someone’s eyes as much as Quatre did. Wufei feels the gaze so he turns to lock gazes with Quatre. Wufei smirks but his eyes show just how much he loves Quatre. Duo smiles softly.
Duo looks away only to see Heero’s gaze on him. Duo only barely holds back a blush when he sees the intense stare from those cobalt eyes. To get away from the stare Duo gets up and grabs the bag of food from Quatre’s horse. Duo pets the horse’s nose and walks back to his spot. He opens the bag and hands out food. Duo keeps the food wrapped in red paper for him and hands the others out. Heero gives a curious glance at the red paper. Duo glances up and catches Heero. Quatre notices the paper as well.
“What is that?” Quatre asks. Duo blushes.
“Food,” Duo mumbles. Quatre looks at Heero and grins.
“What kind?” Heero asks. Heero hears Wufei huff in annoyance.
“Just explain to them what kind of food you’re eating or they will continue,” Wufei states.  Duo sighs and opens the paper.
“What is that?” Heero asks.
“It’s a sandwich that Sunyak makes just for me. All he did was add some kind of sauce to it,” Duo defends. Heero and Quatre look at it a bit longer and finally go to eating their sandwich. Duo hears Wufei chuckle.
“Told you so,” Wufei says.
“There’s been a development,” Commander Une states gravely. Trowa tenses and waits.
“It seems that Merquise has sent out an assassin. It’s been trailing your group since you left. I only just had a tracker tell me. You need to check on the group immediately. If you have the target it will move,” Une states urgently. Trowa’s eyes widen. He immediately tries to contact Quatre.
Trowa? What’s wrong?
There’s and assassin after you! It’s been trailing us since we left.
What!? Oh no…
Quatre what’s wrong?
Duo’s gone…
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