Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear Death ❯ Farwell & Good Riddance ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing just this plot and AU.
Duo’s eyes went wide in disbelief. He was Death? He was the Grim Reaper? He slowly processes it and looks at Eldon.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Duo growls. Eldon narrows his eyes.
“I didn’t want any ideas of you disobeying me to get into your head,” Eldon says. Duo glares. Eldon lets out a puff of air.
“There is a prophecy about someone being Death incarnate and helping to win this war. Only someone with the mark of its weapon would show who this person was. I saw this when you were a child,” Eldon states.
“Why do I always kill those people?” Duo asks.  
“You’re Death, so if there is someone that needs to be claimed you WILL kill them,” Eldon states.  Duo raises an eyebrow at this.
“I’m serious. You know exactly what I’m talking about. You will shift no matter what and kill that person,” Eldon states. Duo ponders over that for a moment. He then locks his eyes with Eldon’s.
“Why did you always come with me if you knew that I would kill them anyway?” Duo questioned. He was curious but the dreadful feeling inside him was growing. Eldon smirks.
“Well I can’t just let all their possessions go to waste like that,” Eldon says laughing. Duo knows that Eldon was evil but to actually know he did it to be greedy…
Duo’s eyes holds a spark of fire so intense it was like looking into hell itself. Eldon visibly flinches from the harsh look.
“So it was never for my welfare? Just so you could feed your greedy soul? I hope you rot in hell and jail!” Duo exclaims. Eldon’s eyes narrow at the exclamation.  
“I will beat you into submission before I allow you to ruin me! Insolent little brat!” Eldon seethes. Duo inwardly flinches but doesn’t allow Eldon to see his fear. Duo kept his fiery gaze locked with Eldon’s harsh glare. As the heated gazes continued on the odd feeling starts to well up in Duo. He could feel the cold slowly spreading from the middle of his chest through his body slowly, like a poison working through your system. As the feeling slowly spread through his body he feels it become so strong, as strong as being in front of the next victim. Duo’s eyes grow wide in realization.
Eldon is the next victim.
Duo doesn’t feel remorse for what is about to happen.
He feels the change course through him. He gets taller and his vision turns red. He looks to Eldon to see a black shape with purple veins flowing through his body and his heart beating franticly. Duo couldn’t help but feel an odd sense of satisfaction of knowing he could scare Eldon. Duo’s hand grips the large black scythe in his hand, raising it above his head and bringing it down quickly.
He slashes from Eldon’s left shoulder down to his hip. Purple blood gushes from his wound and he fell to the floor as a black shape came from his body floating. Duo pulls it to him with his scythe and then grabs it with his hand. He then swallows it whole. When it hits his stomach he immediately sees flashes of his memories.
A couple, in their early twenties, reluctantly gives Eldon a toddler with purple eyes.
Eldon threatening the couple to give him the toddler.
The mother crying as she hands the toddler over.
Eldon helping her give birth and seeing a scythe birthmark on the baby’s lower back.
Duo changes back to his original form quickly. He gasps for breath as the realization dawns on him. Everything Eldon had told him was a lie. His parents had cared for him. He falls to his knees and quietly sobs for himself and his parents.
Once the tears stop he slowly stands. It then slowly dawns on him that he was alone. That he doesn’t have anyone to turn too. Heero’s face immediately pops into his head. He rushes to his room and grabs a large bag. He starts to fill it with clothing and another pair of shoes. After he packs what he deems valuable he makes his way to Eldon’s study. He slips in and looks around. There were tons of books on shelves and some lying open on his desk. He goes to the desk and skims through the pages. The book was about a strong enough source to power the whole kingdom. He frowns when he sees a power transfer spell. He closes the book and puts it into his bag. He continues to go through Eldon’s things when he finds his money stash.
There was at least a couple hundred dollars there. He takes all of it and stuffs it into his bag. Duo then leaves the house. He pauses in front of the house and turns to look at it one last time. He feels a weight lift off his shoulders and for the first time he smiles a truly happy one. He turns from the house and makes his way through the alley towards the inn.
As he walks he couldn’t help but have a different perspective of his life. All this time he thought that he was unloved but he was just some pawn in Eldon’s sick game. Duo frowned at that. He wonders where his parents could be. Did they live in Tomina? They couldn’t or Duo would have known. Maybe the capital? He sighs. Duo stops when he realizes he is in front of the inn. He hesitates for a moment before entering. The greeting is loud noises of people talking. He carefully makes his way to the bar looking for Terrance, the owner. He hears his name so he looks. There behind the bar is Terrance grinning at him. Terrance was a big burly man that stands about 6’8 and weighs about 250 in muscle. He was bald and wears a brown tunic and pants with a pair of brown boots. Though he looks menacing he was a good soul.
“What can aye do for ye?” Terrance asks. Duo smiles at him.
“I’m looking for some people. They are probably under Yuy if not try Winner. They were expecting me,” Duo states. Terrance nods. He slips into the back for a moment and comes back.
“Room 5,” Terrance says. Duo nods in appreciation and makes his way up the stairs. He starts to feel his nerves get to him. He stops in front of the room and lightly knocks. A second later an impatient golden face greets him. Duo stares at him with wide eyes. The man nods and makes way for Duo to enter. He cautiously does. Once he enters all the way he is brought into a hug. Duo immediately pushes the arms away and quickly moves to the corner. He glares until he realizes it was just Quatre. Duo bites his lip at the hurt expression on the blonde’s face. It was like killing a puppy.
“Sorry Quatre,” He whispers. He wasn’t use to physical affection. He can give and receive if he knows it is coming. Quatre just smiles at him gently.
“It’s alright Duo! I should know better I’m just so use to giving and receiving affection from my family. Though I’ve been trying to lower that,” Quatre says brushing off his reaction. Duo smiles and walks towards him and stops in front holding his arms out. Quatre grins and immediately gives Duo a hug. As he hugs Quatre he looks around only to settle his gaze with Heero. Heero’s face is the essence of calm, but when Duo looks at his eyes he can see anger. He blinks in surprise. He realizes Quatre and walks to Heero. He lets his eyes show worry which makes Heero blink in surprise.
“What’s wrong?” Duo questions. Heero chuckles.
“I didn’t think I would see you for a few more days which tells me something happened,” Heero states. Duo’s eyes widen. He looks away and bites his lip. Heero grabs Duo’s wrist and pulls him onto the bed next to him.
“Do not fret if he is dead. I could care less if the bastard is dead,” Heero says easily. Duo looks away and then looks back.
“Promise?” He asks so softly Heero wasn’t sure if he heard him.
“I swear,” Heero says. Duo nods.
“I killed him,” Duo says easily. Heero smiles at the news of Duo being free.
“How?” Heero asks. Duo freezes. He didn’t realize that he would have to explain that. He shakes his head. Heero frowns.
“It cannot be that bad, I am a soldier I have seen and heard of most everything,” Heero states. Duo shakes his head again.
“Does it have to do with your birthmark?” Heero questions. Duo’s eyes immediately widen in shock. He scrambles to sit up and away from Heero.
“How do you know about that!?” He hisses. Heero smiles smugly.
“We saw it earlier when you were at that lake,” Heero replies. Duo narrows his eyes.
“Were ya eva gonna fucken tell me!?” He seethes. Heero’s eyes widen in surprise at the change of speech, as did Quatre’s and Wufei’s.
Duo was angry, so angry that his eyes were glowing purple.
“Aye guess that ye were jus gonna use me like Eldon!?” He growls. Heero’s eyes narrow.
“You want the truth!? My mission was to find the person with the mark on them! I was going to help you even when I didn’t know. When I saw those scars on you I knew I had to help and all my thoughts about the damn birthmark left my mind! I am NOTHING like your bastard of a guardian! So don’t you ever compare me to him!” Heero snarls. Duo’s anger slowly fades to one of regret and just continues to change. Everything was happening so fast. The life he use to know had changed in a little as two days. All his emotions were catching up. Duo would have felt embarrassed about the tears running down his face if he was so emotionally drained.
Duo tries to keep the tears back and rubs at them franticly. As he does this he doesn’t catch the helpless look Heero gives Quatre. Quatre shakes his head at Heero and mouths for him to “fix it himself.” Heero sighs. He slowly wraps his arms around Duo’s lithe form and pulls him to his chest. He lets Duo lay his head in the crook of his neck as he holds the boy’s body close. As he holds Duo he slowly feeds him energy, though just enough for him to have a peaceful sleep. He stops and feels Duo go limp. He looks down at him and smiles. He fell right asleep in his arms. Heero yawns and picks the boy up so he can move to lie on the bed with Duo back in his arms. He then falls into slumber.
Quatre smiles at the two men.
“Wufei do you know the last person he gave energy to was, one that wasn’t hurt?” Quatre whispers. Wufei stares at Quatre questioningly.
“No one,” Quatre states. Wufei raises an eyebrow.
“It’s true, he doesn’t think that people deserve to be given something like that unless hurt. Heero will probably argue with us and say that Duo was hurt by all his emotions if we question him. It’s a lie. He could have let Duo fall asleep on his own. Duo may be the one,” Quatre explains. Wufei’s eyes widen.
“What?” Wufei says. Quatre sighs.
“Heero will only live until he is 20…unless he finds his soul mate. Only after a voluntary life share will he live as long as his significant other. Only his soul mate can do that for him. That is the curse of the Yuy family,” Quatre states.
“Why didn’t he say anything?” Wufei asks. Quatre chuckles.
“Would you tell your comrade that, something as personal as that?” Quatre questions. Wufei shakes his head.
“That and Heero likes the same gender…and his father is against that,” Quatre states. Wufei’s eyebrows come together in confusion.
“His mother was from the Yuy family but Heero’s father kept the name for the kingdom. So his father, Heero Yuy the first, doesn’t completely understand that it is not Heero’s choice. His soul mate is chosen for him. That person must be completely opposite of him. The reason for being the opposite is so that they counteract one another. Duo seems like he just needs to open up a bit to be able to be his true self. Which is why I think Duo is the one,” Quatre says. Wufei nods. It was silent for a moment.
“How do you know all this?” Wufei replies. Quatre chuckles.
“The beauty of being Heero’s cousin is that i know everything,” Quatre states.
Duo slowly awakens. He felt warmer than he ever had in his life. He feels his pillow move up and down in a soft rhythmic pattern. His eyes shoot open and up to Heero’s face. Duo smiles at the innocent look on his face. Duo yawns and closes his eyes as he does. When he opens them he locks his eyes with Heero’s. Duo smiles at him.
“Morning,” Heero says. Duo nods at him. There was an awkward silence.
“Can you tell me what happened yesterday?” Heero probes gently. Duo shakes his head no. Heero frowns.
“Why not?” Heero asks. Duo narrows his eyes at him.
“Would you tell someone something that personal when you’ve only known them for what? Three days?” Duo deadpans. Heero chuckles lightly and shakes his head no.
“Were leaving today to go back to the capital, and we plan on taking you with us,” Heero states calmly. Duo stares at him thinking. He has no life here anymore. All the people that were nice to him are gone, except for Terrance but he works all the time.
“I’ll go with you,” Duo replies softly. Heero gives a small smile.
 “Do you think you can help us?” Heero asks softly. Duo bites his lip nervously.
“I don’t know how well I can do. I’m pretty fast and can street fight well but I don’t know how to use weapons,” Duo states. Heero chuckles.
“I’ll help you along with Wufei. You will be a pro in no time,” Heero says. Duo nods still kind of unsure. He completely trusts in Heero helping him but he doesn’t know what he can do to help stop this. Hopefully he can trust this prophecy as much as Heero does.
As they were packing up Duo remembers the tall brown haired boy. Duo looks at Quatre.
“Where is the other guy?” Duo asks. The exotic was the one to answer.
“He had to deliver a message to our commander,” he states simply. Duo stares at the exotic.
“What’s your name?” Duo asks softly. Wufei looks at him and blinks in confusion.
“I did not give you my name?” He asks. Duo shakes his head. He then changes speech and starts to rapidly speak. Duo just watches with wide eyes. The exotic stops and grins sheepishly.
“I apologize; I tend to forget to introduce myself. I am Chang Wufei shifter five,” Wufei says bowing. Duo grows confused at the shifter number. Wufei sees the look at chuckles.
“It’s the number in the army. I chose that number on my own, you can choose any number…usually,” Wufei states. Duo nods still slightly confused. Why did the shifters need a number? Wufei sees the look again.
“It’s not very good to yell out your comrade’s name during battle. If he lives and someone hears it…well it could be trouble,” Wufei says. Duo smiles in appreciation, there was still so much for him to learn.
“Are you ready?” Quatre says from the door with a pack over his shoulder. Duo nods along with Wufei and Heero. They then leave the small inn never realizing that the pair of red eyes were still gazing upon them in a smirk.

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