Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Tourniquet ❯ My Tourniquet ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of Gundam wing. I just borrow them from time to time.

Please review.

/…/ lyrics

*…* thoughts

~…~ flashback

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Duo looks up at Deathscythe, tears forming in his eyes. He was sick of causing so much pain to everyone. He wanted it to end. He wanted the world to be full of happiness. Not sadness. He couldn't take living where he caused pain.

/I tried to kill the pain. But only brought more. (so much more)/

He rolls up his sleeves and slowly takes out a pocketknife. He sets the blade to his wrist and slowly cuts into his wrist. He bit his lower lip to keep from screaming.

/I lay dying and I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal./

Meanwhile, Heero was out searching for his fellow Gundam pilot and lover. He had seen Duo take off and wanted to know what was wrong. He checked where Duo would most likely be. Then decided to go to the hangar to see if he were with Deathscythe.

Duo kneeled down on the cold floor of the hangar, blood dripping from both wrists now. He raises the knife to his neck and cuts a line across it, slowly and painfully. Then he drops the knife and just sits there, waiting. Waiting for death to consume him.

/ I'm dying,
And Screaming.
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lost?
My God! My Tourniquet,
Return to me salvation.
My God! My Tourniquet,
Return to me salvation./

Heero got to the hangar a bit later. He ran straight to where Deathscythe was, which would take a while.

As Duo sat there, his life began flashing before his eyes. Meeting Solo, meeting Father Maxwell and Sister Helen. Then as the replay got to Heero, he paid more attention.

/Do you remember me?
Lost for so long. /

As the memory washed over him, he remembered one of the days he had been with Heero.


Heero and Duo were eating a dinner that Heero had prepared as a surprise for Duo. It was spaghetti with homemade sauce that Heero put together. He had also put out some champagne for them both. The table had a white candle and two red roses in vases.

After they ate, Heero pulled out some strawberries and whipped cream. He picked up the two glasses of champagne and the strawberries and whipped cream. "Stay here, Duo." He said as he walked into their bedroom.

Duo sat and waited for a minute or two, then watched Heero come down the steps. Heero walked over to Duo and lifted him out of the chair and took him upstairs.

~End Flashback~

Heero ran faster through the hangar, getting closer and closer to Deathscythe and hopefully his beloved Duo. As he ran, he thought about the first time that he had ever done anything nice for Duo. *Oh, Duo. Please be alright…*

/Will you be on the other side?
Will you forget me? /

Duo laid there, thinking about Heero. *Heero… I'm so sorry* With that thought, he coughed up some blood as the floor around him became sticky with blood.

/I'm dying,
And Screaming.
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lost?
My God! My Tourniquet,
Return to me salvation.
My God! My Tourniquet,
Return to me salvation/

Heero got to where the gundam Deathscythe was and saw Duo laying on the floor in a puddle of blood. His eyes grew wide as he ran to Duo.

/ (Return to me salvation)
(I want to DIE!)

My God! My Tourniquet,
Return to me salvation.
My God! My Tourniquet,
Return to me salvation/

Duo's eyes were shut tight before they opened when he heard footsteps near him. He looked over at Heero and saw that he was crying. He held out his hand to Heero and Heero took it and kneeled down in the blood by Duo.

"Oh, Duo…." Heero whispered.

All Duo did was look up at him and watch as Heero's face came closer. The last thing Duo feels is Heero's lips against his own.

My wounds cry for the grave.
My soul cries, for deliverance.
Will I be denied?
Christ! Tourniquet! My suicide/

Heero pulled away and looked at Duo's pale face, tears falling into his dead lover. He put a hand into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. He opens the box and looks at the ring laying inside. Heero pulled the ring out and placed it onto Duo's left ring finger. "Aishiteru zutto, Duo Maxwell. Goodbye."

Well… that's it. Please review and tell me if it was ok.