Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Tourniquet ❯ The return ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Again, I do not own these characters.
*…* thoughts
~…~ flashback
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Heero stares down at Duo, then turns and slowly walks out of the hangar and back into the house. He plops down on the couch and sighs heavily. *I…. can't believe he would…* He gets up off the couch and makes his way to the bathroom upstairs. He takes a long, hot shower, the water streaming down his face as if they were tears.
Meanwhile, Quatre walks through the hangar to get to Sandrock. As he travel through the hangar, he catches site of Duo's body. His eyes widen and a light gasp escapes his lips and he runs up to the Deathscythe pilot. He kneels down in the sticky crimson liquid and checks for a pulse and breathing. The 4th pilot feels a shallow breath, but no pulse. His eyes catch the sight of a ring on his finger and he takes it off and puts it in his pocket. *He's going to be gone soon. Must get him to the nearest hospital* The blond thinks, then picks Duo out of the sticky liquid and rushes him to the hospital 3 miles away. The doctors take Duo into the ER and start to see if they can help him live, giving him blood and oxygen. As well as reviving his pulse.
About 3 hours later, the doctor walks out to Quatre, telling him that Duo'll be just fine. Quatre lets out a relieved sigh and asks when Duo can leave. The doctor answers with a few weeks to a month maybe even a few months.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The months pass and Duo slowly recovers, much to his dismay, and Quatre takes Duo back to his residence. For about 2 years, Quatre and Trowa care for Duo, not letting him go with them on their missions.
In year AC 197, the war ended. Heero still lives alone in the house and Duo had realized just how much he missed Heero. Duo now sits in his room at Quatre's, thinking deeply about what to do. He wanted to go see Heero, but didn't know what kind of reaction he would get. He stands up and heads downstairs and to the kitchen, where Quatre was having tea. “Hey, Q.” Duo says, sitting down at the table. “What do you think Heero would do if he saw me?” He asks, looking to the blond.
Quatre shrugs a bit. “I'm not sure, Duo. He'd either be really glad you are alive, or angry that he thought you were dead.” Duo nods to this and shrugs.
“I'mma go see him….” He states as he stands up and heads to Heero's.
“Duo! Wait!” Quatre says and stands up, walking quickly to him. “I found this on your finger when I found you.” He hands him the ring he found. Duo takes it and puts it on the only finger it'll fit on, his ring finger. Then he waves and heads to Heero's.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The room was dark, the only light was from the computer as Heero types random stuff on his computer. His gaze was cold as he typed and when he heard any sounds, he ignored them. But when an incessant noise bothered him, he went downstairs and to the door and opened it angrily. But as he saw who was at the door, he closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened them. As he stares at the one before him, his eyes grew huge.
“Heh… Hey Hee-chan…” Duo says, waving just a bit. Heero steps aside to let Duo in, then closes the door behind him.
“D….Du…. Duo……” Heero stutters, staring at the long haired ex-pilot.
“Yeah, I'm alive… Q-man uh.. kinda saved me.” Duo says as Heero walks up to him. Heero's gaze soon falls to Duo's hands. He lets out a soft gasp as he sees that Duo still bore the ring.
“You… have it…” Heero said, looking at it.
“Oh… this? You gave me it?” Duo asks, then blinks as Heero nods. “But… Why?”
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Ok all… that's it for now. Enjoy!