Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Tourniquet ❯ Surprise Question ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Again, I do not own these characters.
*…* thoughts
~…~ flashback
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Quatre sits quietly on the couch with Trowa, watching TV. He glances over to Trowa then gently lays his head on the clown's shoulder. When Trowa did and said nothing to stop him, he snuggles a bit closer to him. The Heavyarms pilot glanced to him, then laid his head on the other's.
“Why are we watching a soap opera when our lives are already like one?” Quatre asks, looking up at Trowa.
"Well, because even though we have our issues, the people on TV are fun to tease.” Trowa replies back to him. (Author's Note: I got that from a friend.. Figured I'd give her credit. XD. There, Happy Alex? XD)
Quatre blinked at him, staying quiet for a few seconds before giggling softly at him.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Heero stepped aside so Duo can make his way into the house. Once Duo was inside, Heero shut the door and motioned for Duo to sit.
“You never answered me, Heero.. Why did you give me this ring?” Duo asks, taking the ring off his finger and setting it on the table in front of him.
Heero walked over to the table and picked up the ring. “Maxwell… Its..” Heero got cut off by his phone ringing. A sigh escaped his lips and he answered his phone. “Moshi moshi?………. No, just leave me alone……….. I told you, leave me alone!” Heero yelled into the phone then hung it up.
Duo sighed and looked down. “Princess pink?” He whispered, almost in an upset tone.
Heero nods and sighs. “Hai… sadly..”
“Anyway…. As you were saying…?” Duo says, trying to get back on the subject of the ring.
“Its.. an uh.. engage..ment……” Heero quit there, glancing away from Duo.
“You.. want me to.. marry you??” Duo asks, his eyes brightening up.
Heero nodded in reply, then glanced to him. “And…?”
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well.. that's it for Chapter 3. I will work on chapter 4 as quickly as possible, but… don't think it'll be up in weeks… XD. Ja matta ne!