Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Tourniquet ❯ The answer ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: For the millionth time, I do not own these characters! How many times do I have to say it?! Heh
*…* Thoughts
~…~ Flashback
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“You.. want me to.. marry you??” Duo asks, his eyes brightening up.
Heero nodded in reply, then glanced to him. “And…?”
Duo just stared at Heero for the longest time. Crystalline tears fall from his orbs. “Oh, Hee-chan….”
The other man just blinks, waiting silently. Then, Duo's arms flung around Heero's neck tightly, the tears from Duo's eyes hitting Heero's bare shoulders. “Yes, Heero…. Yes, I will… marry you.”
Then something strange happened. Heero smiled. A true smile. “Thank you Duo… You.. have made me happier than I ever thought I could be…” Just as he finished that sentence, the phone rang again. Heero stepped away from his fiancée and to the phone. “Relena, if this is you, leave me alone!”
“Uhm… Heero-san… It's Quatre…” Is heard from the other side of the phone.
Heero blinked, then sighed. “I'm sorry, Winner… What did you need?”
“To see if Duo got there alright.”
“He's here. He's alright.”
“That's good to hear.. So Heero, did you see the ring on his finger? Very elegant, no?”
A soft chuckle. “Why thank you, Winner.”
“That was from you?!” Quatre's voice sounded chipper and very happy.
“Hai. It was… Duo and I are..” Heero got cut off by Quatre.
“Engaged! Finally! Congratulations! And tell Duo the same. I gotta get back to Trowa-chan.. I mean Trowa-san…. Well, Ja ne, Heero.” Then the phone was hung up and Heero did the same.
“Winner says congratulations.” Heero says, looking to Duo. Duo smiles and nods, then glides over to Heero, embracing him tightly.
“Now all we gotta do is make arrangements…” Duo says softly, looking up to his lover. Heero nods to him, looking back to him. Their faces grow closer until they met, eyes closing as they kiss for the first time in months. But, this time, the kiss deepens, Heero's hand moving to pull Duo's face closer to him, tongue reaching out and running across Duo's lips. Duo parted his lips, allowing Heero entrance. The pink muscle slips past Duo's lips, exploring the other's hot cavern. Blushing, Duo rubs his tongue alone Heero's, then blushed a deep red and backed away. “I'm sorry..” He mumbled, chuckling softly. Heero just shook his head and pulled Duo against him. He then lead him to the couch, sitting down and gently placing Duo on the cushion next to him. Duo smiles and leans against Heero, eyes closing.
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Ok, That's it for now. Next chapter may take a while. Oh and I might be skipping a few months to almost speed it up… If you have any ideas for the wedding chapter, email me at Ok? Enjoy!~