Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ notice ❯ Final Cry ( Chapter 11 )
Title: Final Cry
Overall Rating: NC-17 for mature themes. Not for the impressionable.
Chapter Rating: PG-13
DISCLAIMER: The series Gundam Wing and the characters therein do not belong to me. I'm just putting them in different situations to see how they react.
Chapter Summary: Something has to be done.
Author's Note: Forgive the shortness of the chapter. POV changes with the next one,.
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I stood as Duo came out from talking with the counselor. He shook his head slightly as our gazes met. Apparently, things did not go as well as he'd hoped. Nether of us said a work until we'd gotten to the car.
"Some experts," Duo said in exasperation as he buried his head in his hands. "I thought he was supposed to fucking listen."
"You told him about last night?"
"Yeah. I told him all about what I did and what I was thinking and feeling at the time. You know what he said? That he was proud of me. Proud of me!! Can you believe that shit? Heh, I was sort of proud of me too. I actually drew blood from such a tiny hole."
"Now what?"
Duo just sat there for a couple of minutes. Finally he took a deep breath and looked up at me. "Heero, you've been great, but I'm just too fucked up right now for us to handle."
"You want me to call?" I asked gently.
Duo's head dropped and he sighed. "Yeah. I think you'd better."
It took several phone calls before I found a facility to take Duo to. He was quickly becoming more and more agitated with each unsuccessful call.
"Shit! That's why I never mentioned anything to start with. People just don't listen! What's it gonna take, huh? If I have to show up at the hospital a fucking bloody mess, then I can do that."
I leapt after him as he turned to leave. I wrapped my arms around him and held him fast. "Duo, no!"
He froze, then started to shudder. "Oh, gods, Heero, I'm sorry." He turned in my arms and clung to me desperately. "You listen. You're the only one that does."
I just held him until his shudders eased and the sobs slowed to hiccoughs, rubbing his back and murmuring soothingly in his ear. Finally, he calmed down enough to be coherent. I tilted his tear-streaked face upwards. "I found someplace. Grab some clothes and let's get you checked in." Duo nodded and went to pack.
The facility looked decent. It wasn't anything fancy, but it wasn't a real dump either. I was able to stay with Duo while he waited in the lobby. All too soon, they called his name and we had to separate. He clung to my hand for a minute, his eyes fearful.
"You'll wait for me?"
I squeezed his hand in response. "Baka, of course I will. I'll visit you as often as they'll let me."
As Duo turned to go, I sent up a prayer to a God I didn't even believe in. "Watch over him and keep him safe. Bring him back to me whole again."
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A/N: Next chapter Duo takes up the narration.