Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ On The Inside ❯ Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Thanks again to everyone who has reviewed my story!! And it has come to my attention that I may not have been clear on some things in the story. So I am going to give a little more detail here. Remember that no one is related to anyone, so that is why I am using Zechs Marquise instead of Milliardo Peacecraft and that Relena is Relena Dorlain not Peacecraft either, so no confusion on that. No not everyone is bi, I have yet to explain what is going on, so just give it a chance and you'll understand soon enough. Remember this is a high school, so the things that happened in the actual Gundam Wing don't exactly apply (like Zechs's mask, or the whole Gundams in general). Those things aren't in the story. Also the band, GW does stand for Gundam Wing. Couldn't really think of a name so I used that. Okay, all clear now? Let's get back to the story. More relationships in this one plus a very interesting party scene. Enjoy.

WARNING: Mature audiences, only. Yaoi/Yuri and Boy/Girl relationships ahead.

DISCLAIMER: Don't own Gundam Wing.

On The Inside,
Part 3

Written by: Scandalous Behavior


The morning after the night at the club, both Ariel and Relena woke up feeling strange and disoriented. It was like they had the strangest dream that seemed so real but couldn't remember a thing about it other than it was intense emotionally and physically. Ariel shrugged it off as exhaustion from the day before but Relena wasn't so sure. She woke up feeling odd with the weirdest taste on her tongue, not unpleasant but not something she recognized either. After a week and a half of serious studying they didn't give the dreams they each had another thought, too caught up in school.

Treize could sense that after that night both Dorothy and Midii were taken with the girl he had sent them to. Midii would secretly seek out Relena to talk to and Dorothy was more determined to have Ariel again more than ever. The rules be damned, she thought. At that moment, the twelve elite members of the Inners sat at a table in the private common room removed from all the other ones talking.

"So at the masquerade tonight it will be done." Treize told them.

"Don't you think what you're going to do is a little old fashioned, Khushrenada?" Wu fei asked, sitting next to Sally.

"Old fashioned? It's lots of fun, Wu-man. They did it to us last year." Duo told him.

"Exactly. And none of these girls even fit the descriptions we did." Trowa added.

"I understand the Dean's daughter," Heero said coldly, "but why the blabber mouth Hilde?"

"You're just afraid that she'll take Duo away, Heero." Dorothy told him cattily.

"Go screw yourself, Catalonia."

"This is tradition, that's why we do it. That should be enough for any of you." Zechs announced.

"Tradition? Is that why Treize picked two girls? I thought that was greed." Noin remarked, getting a glare from Zechs.

"Two girls?" Quatre asked, sensing that this was practically hidden from him the way everyone avoided his eye contact.

"Seems you're not the only contender for Miss Huntington, Quat." Dorothy sweetly said.

"You didn't put a claim on her, Quatre. You know the rules." Treize stated and Trowa grabbed Quatre's arm as he got to his feet.

"Ariel is not one of us. You don't have any right to bring her into this."

"She has potential."

"That's it? She has potential? Not that maybe she doesn't need to be brought into this for your guys sick little perversions."

At that, the room was silenced. Treize lifted an eyebrow at the enraged blond.

"I didn't see our sick perversions making you so upset before, Quatre. With your relationship with Trowa last year and now you're off and on again system with Dorothy. In a way, Ariel is your sister, which makes her off limits to you anyway so why not let her have a real man in her life?" Treize told him.

"My past has nothing to do with this."

"You made her one of us, Quatre, the minute you and your family got her into this school. You know there are exactly six hundred and fifty males and six hundred and fifty females for a reason, right?"

"I know the rules, Treize. For reasons even this school is unaware of expect for the people that went here."

"Right. That's what makes us, the wealthiest out of the entire school the ones that are looked up to. We set the standards. We introduce virgins into this because they are the ones that become us, the elite. We have the power over everyone and we use it as we see fit. That has been rules for two hundred and we don't amend them for out of line boys. So I suggest you back off, Quatre cause you don't want this to become a war."

"Don't threaten me, Treize."

Trowa shook his head and watched Quatre leave the room.

"You better get that boy of yours in check, Trowa. I would hate for something unfortunate to happen to him." Treize said in a low voice.

Trowa only glared at him before going after Quatre.


Ariel was rewriting her newest song, thinking of lyrics that went with the beat she created on her keyboard the night before. She sat under a huge oak tree on the quad her hair in a high ponytail and wearing a black cat suit with a light blue suede vest. Her headphones from her c.d. player were in her ears as she saw a shadow blocking out her light. Looking up she saw Hilde, who had a huge grin on her face. Ariel leaned to her right, turning off her player and pulling off the headphones.

"You will never guess who got an invite to the Inners Masquerade tonight and has two envelopes in her hands for you and Lena."

"What Masquerade? What are the Inners? What language are you speaking?" Ariel asked with a laugh.

Hilde rolled her eyes and sat next to Ariel.

"Hello, have you been hiding under a rock for two weeks you don't know what I'm talking about," Hilde said in disbelief, "the Inners just happen to be the in of the In Crowd. They consist of our buddies at the club plus those girls you saw that day and the two guys we met at the club along with over a hundred other people. Even your stepbrother is one of them."

"Quat? How would he be in something like that?"

"They are the most sought after people on campus. The ones we hang out with just happen to be members of the elite Twelve, the leaders of the pack. They have power over everyone and everything at this school. Haven't you noticed that none of the band get in trouble for being late or for messing around when the rest of us get extra work and severe punishments for doing what they do? Man, you and Relena must have your heads in the ground. When I told her about it she asked the same questions."

"Not everyone's first priority in life is to be in the In Crowd." Ariel said.

"It's called the Inners, and you are going with me to the party tonight if I have to burn every single one of your textbooks."

"This wouldn't happen to do with the fact that you have spent every waking moment with that Zechs Marquise would it?"

Hilde blushed slightly before grinning.

"Come on, Rie. Say you'll come with me? I promise it will be the best time you ever had."

"If it will get you to stop begging, I'll go. But Hil, I have nothing to wear and I am not exactly the most socially accepted person at this school."

Hilde's face actually looked shocked.

"Man, you have had your head in the ground! Haven't you noticed that not one person has called you Freak after the first day? Or that all the guys on this campus pant after you? You are the newest hottest thing on campus, Rie. After the night at the club not one person has said a single bad thing about you. I'm surprised that you haven't been brought into the group already."

"Well, I haven't and it doesn't seem like something I'd be interested in."

"Okay, but could you at least pretend to be a normal teenage girl and want to go to a place filled with hot guys with me, please? I asked Zechs for the two invites so that you and Lena could help me be more comfortable there."

"Please, Hilde. You are comfortable anywhere."

"You said you'd go and you will. I already have the perfect outfits for you and Lena."

"Do you always shop without us?"

"Hey, gotta be prepared for anything."

"And how long have you had these outfits?"

Hilde grinned, "Two weeks."

Ariel shook her head as Hilde laughed.


Later that night, Relena and Ariel looked at one another and then at Hilde wondering why they let her talk them into these things. They stood in front of Hilde's room full-length mirror as she finished their outfits. The blue-black haired girl was already dressed in a leopard costume, a skin tight leopard print full body suit with a elaborate mask that was just an eye mask but was made with brown fake fur and fit the outfit to make Hilde look like a leopard. The outfits that she had picked out for Relena and Ariel were more detailed.

Relena was in a eighteen century southern belle dress of dark blue and light blue, off the shoulders, and reminded all three girls of Scarlett O'Hara's country party dress in the movie Gone With the Wind, except Scarlett's had been white with green and Relena's was dark blue with light blue. Her hair was piled high and a small velvet choker was at her throat. Since the dress was so tight with a corset, Hilde thought that Relena should go without underwear since the dress covered everything fully. Relena didn't have a mask that was held in place, like Hilde's put one attached to a small silver handle that you held in your hand or attached to your wrist with a silver ribbon, it was made light blue silk with silver beads all over it.

Ariel's outfit was that of a gypsy. A long dark purple skirt that came to mid-calf, with a gold belt that was low of the hips and dangling from the belt were gold coins and sheer brightly colored scarves. The top was a short sleeved vest that came to just below her breast, hugging them in place, with a single secure button holding the two sides of the vest together right between her breasts, it was also a dark purple with lots of gold thread work on it. Her hair was let loose falling down her shoulders to just a couple inches past them and a bright gold scarf was tied in her hair as a head band, on her feet were gold slippers. Her mask was also gold in color and lightly pinched her nose to stay in place.

"We look fabulous!" Hilde announced excitedly.

Relena and Ariel only sighed as they followed the hyper dark haired girl out of the room to the waiting car.


Hilde drove her Explorer, cause it had enough room to fit Relena's skirts in it. She also knew how to get to where the party was being held, which was at Treize's house. A brightly lit drive brought them up to a massive columned white house with two stories and lots of lights in the place, people passing by the windows or standing outside on the huge porch.

"Come on, girls, it's now or never."

Ariel helped Relena get out without stepping all over the dresses material. She cursed Hilde under her breath for giving her a death trap costume to wear.

"It's either be covered like that, with only your shoulders showing or have most of your body revealed in this thing." Ariel told her, gesturing to her own costume.

"At least you can talk without stepping on your costume."

"Take little steps and follow me, girls." Hilde told the two, who reluctantly followed her to the steps and up the columned porch were people they saw from school were joking around.

As the two girls passed, males looked over the two. Relena quickly put her mask on her face to hide her embarrassment.

"At least these things are good for something."

"Hilde said it was part of the fun of not knowing who was who behind the masks."

They entered into the house, were a flight of stairs led down into a huge ballroom where everyone was. A classical band was on a small platform and the chaperons, including Relena's father stood off to the side observing.

"Oh, no. My father is here."

"So? Isn't he the one who you told me said you needed to get more social activities into your calendar?"

"If you insist on being accurate." Relena replied.

Hilde grabbed their hands and led them to where all these people were dancing. Masks everywhere the three girls couldn't recognize anyone. Suddenly Hilde waved to someone and the two saw it was Zechs in a white suit and an upper half facemask.

"Good of you girls to make it," he said, looking at Hilde, "come and meet the others."

Hilde smiled gleefully and took his offered arm while the other two had no choice but to follow.


Treize noticed the minute his two prizes walked in the door of his house. The belle and the gypsy, somehow the costumes fit each girl perfectly. He signaled across the room to where Zechs was, already smiling at having spotted his leopard, and was walking them over to where he stood with Midii, Dorothy, and Noin.

"Hilde, Relena, Ariel, I believe you know, Treize," Zechs introduced, "and these ladies are Midii Une, Dorothy Catalonia, and Lucrezia Noin."

"Ariel and I have already met." Dorothy purred.


Treize hid a smile from Ariel's comment. His eyes turned to see Relena's discomfort at being here and saw his opportunity. Zechs noticed his friend's eyes drifting to Relena and moved Hilde out of the way so he had a direct path.

"Would you care to dance, Relena?"

"Me? I don't know…I don't want to fall in this.."

"Go on, Lena. I'm sure you'll be just fine." Hilde told the other girl encouragingly.

Relena turned to see Ariel smile.

"Go ahead. I'll just bury my head in the sand and pretend I wouldn't like to be anywhere else when I would." Ariel said lowly.

Relena laughed and took Treize's arm.

"Pretend some for me, will you?" Relena whispered before going onto the dance floor.

Zechs spoke into Hilde's ear, causing the other girl to blush deeply and nod. She then looked at Ariel standing alone, covering her face with a hand as she yawned.

"I'm going to go with Zechs for awhile, you don't mind?"

"Mind? No, go ahead."

"Thanks, Rie."

Ariel watched the dark haired girl follow Zechs out of the ballroom and up the stairs with his hand firmly on the middle of her back. Noin had left the small group along with Midii and Dorothy who were currently dancing, leaving Ariel, alone which suited her just fine.


On the dance floor, Treize who was a master at dancing was sweeping Relena off her feet. He twirled her around the ballroom and when she caught her foot on her skirts again he easily righted her dancing.

"Thanks," Relena softly said.

"You are a very graceful dancer, Relena. Makes a man wonder what else your graceful at." Treize whispered in her ear, causing an unexpected shiver to run down her spine.

He felt her instant responds to his slight innuendo comment and knew it wouldn't take much to get the young girl exactly where he wanted her.

"Isn't that your father?" he asked innocently, at the Dean who was watching the pair.


"Does he always keep such a close eye on you?" Treize wondered.

Relena sighed, "Usually. I'm his only child and so he sees me as something fragile, to be guarded at all times."

Treize knew this situation was going to work well for him. Not only could he have this innocent young miss but he could have her right under her own father's very nose. That prospect made him smile genuinely. He brought her body closer to his as the music slowed and the group of dancers became close, so the Dean had to really strain his eyes to catch what his daughter was doing with Treize. Treize leaned his body closer to hers, causing her breath to catch as she felt his arousal straining against his pants. His voice became low and seductive as he whispered into her ear.

"Do you always do what your father wants? Does he make you want to be a good girl?"

Relena swallowed and hoarsely whispered, "No, he makes me angry. I hate being treated like a doll."

"Wouldn't you like to get away with something right under his nose?"

"Like what?"

"Like this."

With that, Treize turned his back so that the only thing the Dean saw was Treize's back as his petite daughter disappeared from sight. Treize took his head from her neck, lightly kissing it and moved to brush his lips against hers. The crowd around them due to the slow music made the two seem to disappear. Relena softened her lips as his kiss became demanding and his tongue moved from his mouth, lightly passing over her lips and into her mouth causing her to give a startled muffled moan. He licked and roped her tongue into playing this game until she was fully cooperating and returning his tongue kiss with her own. He pulled back so slightly and licked the outside of her lips with the tip of his tongue making her give a little moan. As he was doing this, his hands that were hidden from anyone's view were moving to her skirt, pulling it so that the part were it buttoned was visible and he undid it so that skirt was now still connected to the corset but in two pieces. His hands drifted into the parting in the skirt to find her legs naked and upon moving upward found that her virgin territory was unprotected by underwear. A small cry escaped her lips at the feel of his hands on such a private area, which his mouth covered and swallowed the sound. One of his fingers parted her sex and slid into it, gently massaging the outer until it moved deeper and deeper inside until she began to move her hips. He still her finger and moved another one in, using a slow rhythm of the music to stimulate her until he felt all the wetness flooding her sex.

"Would you like to do something better, Relena?" he asked softly.

Her mind wasn't focused on anything but the movement of his fingers inside of her. When he stopped, her eyes opened and he saw the lust in the pools of her eyes. He took on of her hands on his waist and moved it downward, pressing it against his hard on until her eyes filled with shock and he used her hand to unbutton the pants until his own engorged organ came out into her hands. She gently circled it and he bit back a hiss of pleasure. He moved her again, his hands moving into the part of her dress and jerked her against him so that her sex rubbed against his moistening it with the wetness she had and he slowly shifted his hips, picking her up just a little and smoothly entered her virgin channel. Relena's mind refocused on what this guy, with the power to forget that she was in the middle of a crowded room with her father just fifty feet away, was doing to her. He used his hands on her butt to move her so that he moved in and out of her channel, her breaths coming closer together as a wave of pleasure was building and tightening inside her. With a swift kiss on her lips, he brought her down again breaking her barrier and filling the emptiness she never knew with a fullness and pleasure. He smiled down at the look of rapture on her face as he became to speed up, jerking her to him again and again until she wrapped a naked leg around one of his pant covered ones and brought him to thrust as far as he could go inside her and pleasure shot through them as he poured into the young girl who moaned into his mouth as she came again and again at the amount of pleasure that racked over her. Slowly her eyes opened and she moved her leg back into the fold of her skirts, realizing she had just made love in the middle of a crowded room and her father had watched but not actually seen anything. Treize ran a hand over her sex, finding her clit and rubbing it until like a cat she purred and clutched at his shirt as pleasure built up again and then he pulled back his hand and making sure her eyes watched him licked his fingers, while his other hand put her skirts back to the rightful position. Relena saw him lick his fingers and felt herself get wet just thinking about what he had done to her.

"And that, my dear non virgin, is just a drop in the ocean of what I can give you." He whispered into her ear and taking her arm led her to where her father stood, as the song ended.


As Treize was returning Relena to her father, gently kissing the outside of her hand and nodding to the Dean, Relena noticed that both Ariel and Hilde were not in the ballroom.


Hilde was in a world of immense pleasure starting with between her legs and working its way up to her neck and lips. A dark head was bent over her labia of feelings, causing the raven-haired girl to moan and twist. Unfortunately for her, her hands were tied to the bedposts by the leather belt she had been wearing earlier, making her unable to touch the person she so desperately wanted to.

The dark head was enjoying her responses immensely, having never done anything like this before. Once seeing the girl he became intrigued against his better judgment and that fact that he was in a relationship with a person he truly loved. His attraction to this girl, her body taunt with ecstasy from his ministrations, was something not either of them could hold back on. God, he thought, earlier in the week he saw her in an outfit that made his head spin he almost picked her up right there on the spot and taken her straight to his room. His kinky side had been brought out and he thought it would be much more interesting if she wasn't able to touch him, when he saw from her struggling hands and fierce eyes that she wanted that more than anything. Having all this pleasure on your body and unable to have a real outlet was getting to her and it was making him horny as hell. His hands and mouth continued, while he just the leather bracelet that had been on one of her wrists to slowly run up and down her soaked clit, rubbing against her button of pleasure so that she screamed as an orgasm rolled over her body, her third of the night.

"If you don't do something, when I get my hands free I am going to do something drastic." Hilde said between clenched teeth.

A pair of mischievous eyes looked over the top of her legs.

"Oh, like what?"

"Come here and I'll tell you."

Duo Maxwell's eyes lit up and he climbed up her body moving his long braid as a texture and torment over her body as he did so, causing the girl to moan. As his lips were even with hers, she lifted herself as best she could with her wrists tied and bit his shoulder, causing Duo to wince but enjoy that she was so tormented by what he was doing to her that she couldn't hold it in. She gently licked the angry mark on his shoulder as if to apologize and then moved up his neck, sucking on the side near his ear to leave a mark that was sure to be there for a couple of days. Duo bent his head back, letting her do it enjoying it even if he had never let his lover mark his body in anyway, too afraid he would have to explain his marks and have no explanation especially when he was on stage. With her it was different, exotic and intoxicating all in one and he couldn't bring himself to deny her anything.

"Please untie my hands, Duo," she whispered into his ear, licking it.

"Sorry, Hilde, but this is my torture to you."

She snipped at his ear and he gently pushed her back against the guest bedroom bed. He moved forward till her eyes rested on the object she wanted so desperately in her. He moved his hand down to it, running a hand up and down it as he watched her watching his motions. She licked her lips in anticipation and he knelt, placing his knees into the bed on either side of her head. His pleasure staff dangled in front of her lips until Duo grabbed the wooden railing bed frame in front of him and slowly lowered his organ so her lips caught the end of it in her mouth and licked the tip, almost instantly causing Duo to lose balance but regain it as she brought his penis deeper into the warm cavern of her mouth, swirling her tongue around it and with the very edges of her teeth ever so lightly drug them across his entire length with sent Duo over the edge, pulling out of her, ranking the leather from her wrists and moved so that his dick was in perfect alignment with her entrance, her arms came up and grabbed at his arms as he thrust inside, with one sure stroke taking her virginity and taking her to the stars. He thrust in and out, causing her to moan and pant at his speed and growled at him to go faster until he did just that and sent them both into oblivion. They collapsed with him on top of her.

Five minutes later, Duo heard her even breathing as she had fallen into a deep sleep. A huge smug grin spread over his face as he saw her satisfied and content with her nakedness on the bed. He pulled on his clothes and headed to the door, after pulling a blanket over her. He saw the two people he could thank for letting him get her out of his system.

"I take it your done?" Zechs asked the smug faced Duo.

"Yep," Duo said as he winked to him, "wore her out."

Noin stood behind Zechs, starting laughing softly and a Duo's eyes met those of an icy-blue.

"This was a one time thing, Duo. I don't want to ever catch you around that girl again." Heero Yuy told his lover.

Duo nodded, gently kissing his lips and skipping down the hall. Zechs lifted an eyebrow at Heero; having thought the serious boy would have knocked Duo down for doing what he just did.

"I rather set it up than find him cheating on me behind my back," Heero said, "sharing him this once was a one time deal. Make sure she knows that."

Zechs watched the retreating figure and Noin opened the door to the humid room, smelling of the intense sexual play that had just gone on in there.

"Why'd you give her virginity to Duo?" Noin asked.

"He wanted it more than I did. Plus it was a one nighter and both with have a pleasant memory."

"So what are you going to do with her now?"

"What else? Take her home."

Noin's eyes lifted to those of her lover's and found peace in them. He wasn't so cold hearted about this as he made himself seem. She doubted he ever intended to have sex with the hyper Hilde, use her like that and for that she found herself respecting him more for it.


Ariel was not in a cheerful mood. After watching Relena on the dance floor for a minute and seeing Hilde disappear upstairs, saw the French doors to the outside open and headed that way. On the terrace, with a flight of stairs on either side of it that led down to the manicured lawns, statues of ancient gods, and in the distance hidden by trees was a glass gazebo. The night air was chilly on her arms and so decided it would be much better if she wanted to get away to be in shelter, so going down the stairs, she headed to the gazebo stepping on the granite stone pathway and seeing the nocturnal flowers blooming so giving off a glow due to the moonlight raining down on the entire area. She came up closer to the dark gazebo, glancing inside to make sure it had no occupants and entered it. She rubbed her arms to ward off the chill that was becoming warmer as the gazebo seemed to somehow be at least ten degrees warmer than the outside was. It was glass from the top and the walls; only a large white bench sat on the opposite side of where the doorway she stood in was.

She sat on it, quietly watching and listening to the slight sounds of the night. Crickets, blowing wind, and the tease of the music coming from over three hundred feet in the ballroom of the house. She relaxed, taking her mask off and setting it next to her, leaning back in the bench sideways so her whole body was on the bench and her eyes drooped. Her eyes had just shut as a shadow came into the gazebo, closing the glass door and being unheard by the tired girl due to well-oiled door hinges and the soundless footsteps.

As the shadow stood over the girl, a resolve was reached and it leaned forward gently touching her face with the back of its hand. Her eyes flickered and she opened her eyes to only see the figure over her. It wasn't evil and dark, just slightly dangerous due to her being so removed from hearing distance. She didn't think to scream, why she didn't even she didn't understand only accepting what she instinctly knew this figure in the shadows of the night wanted and deep down she wanted to.

The hand moved from her face, running to her neck and down to where her vest was buttoned, with a movement of fingers buttoned it and pulled the material away from her breasts. Ariel bit her lip as the hand circled the nipple of her left breast, the thumb on the hand moving over the nub until it turned jewel hard and a shadow of a smile came over the figure's face. It leaned forward and blew on the other identical nipple on her other breast causing it too to turn hard and ache as a tongue came out and licked the nubs and blowing over them to contradict the sensations. The figure's lips came forward and took the breast into its mouth, gently outlining the nipple with the tip of the tongue and sucking on it, while one hand massaged the other neglected breast. Ariel's hand flew to the figure's wrist on her breast but with the unoccupied hand took her hand and placed it away. It then came up to trail down her navel and touch the outline of her skirt and the belt. The mouth moved from her breast to the other, making her give a soft moan which it moved swiftly to swallow the sound and then move down the exposed flesh of her navel to play with the outline of the skirt. Ariel was laying full length on the bench; her vest exposing her breasts while the figure knelt beside the bench and paid homage to her body. As Ariel twisted at the feelings of the skirt and the tongue, one hand lifted her hips up while the other dragged her skirt, belt and underwear down her hips and then off her legs to place it all on the floor, Ariel felt the figure move and a finger part the folds of her sex, blowing the pubic airs and causing her to squirm and the mask that she had next to her, fell onto the floor. Again she was moved and had her back against the bench instead of lying down as the figure entered two fingers into her dark channel, making her breath come slowly and her eyes close. The fingers felt the pulsing of her sex, the wanting and waiting. The sticky fluid of her want in liquid form, flooding its fingers, it was tight, heated and the figure couldn't wait to be inside. Ariel was far gone with the sensations forced on her and the figure stood, taking one of her protesting hands and making her feel the want it had for her. She knew what was to come and almost protested as a mouth descended on her and swallowed her sexy moans as the fingers continued to play in her, and then they were gone, replaced by something bigger and filled her, stretching her insides to accommodate this new presence. The figure moved her again into a laying down position and came to be on the bench as well the object deep inside her, moving slowly and gently so as not to hurt letting her get used to its presence inside her until her hips shifted unconsciously seeking more and it took her mouth as it deepened into her, with a sure thrust passed and broke through her virginity. A slight cry came from her lips to be replaced with pants and moans of pleasure as the thrusts came again. Long entries and slow withdrawals, making her seek out the shoulders and her fingers dug into them as she felt something building inside her. The figure put his hands on her legs, making them go around its hips and thrust that much deeper into her, making her sob out loud at the exquisite sensations that exploded and filled her. At that moment she heard a low moan come from the figure as it pumped its pleasure into the girl beneath, and she leaned forward, kissing the lips that had just sounded. As the pleasure died down, she felt back exhausted and the last thing she remembered was getting a soft kiss on her lips.

Quatre Winner pulled out of Ariel, leaning forward and kissing her slightly reddened lips from his kisses. He wondered how this was going to change everything knowing how she responded to his slightest touch. He picked up her clothes off the floor, adjusting her body to put them back on her, buttoning her vest, and placing her forgotten shoes from the door back on her feet. He leaned down, as his clothes were readjusted and picked her up into his arms. A flash of gold caught his eye and bending to his side, so as not to disturb Ariel, he picked up her mask placing it in his cape with was part of his pirate costume. With that he carried her back to the house, seeing Relena come onto the terrace just as he stood at the foot of the stairs with his sleeping stepsister.

"Is she alright?" Relena asked, picking up her skirts just high enough to walk down the stairs without tripping.

"She's just tired," Quatre told her, "where's your car? I'll put her in it."

"Let me go find Hilde and I'll take you to it."

Quatre nodded, moving Ariel more comfortably in her arms and wishing she would wake up and know it was he who just took her virginity. Not some shadowed figure in the dark, like he knew she thought thanks to the mass of black of the gazebo's insides. Maybe it was better she slept through this because who knew who he was going to explain it to her.

Relena came down again followed by Zechs holding a sleeping Hilde.

"Seems everyone got tired." Zechs stated as he saw Ariel in Quatre's arms.

"Seems like." Quatre brought her closer to his body as if to protect her.

Relena only nodded to them and took them to Hilde's car, guessing she was the one this time to drive.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~