Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ On The Inside ❯ Part 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Due to moving things around on FF.Net, most of my reviews got erased. So if you would like to re-review Part 1-2 feel free to do so. This part takes place a week after the Party. Just to let you know. Enjoy! Also is songfic.

WARNING: Boy/Girl, Yaoi/Yuri content. Mature audiences only.

DISCLAIMER: Don't own Gundam Wing.

On The Inside,
Part 4

Written by: Scandalous Behavior

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Ariel stood in art class, her smock on while she dipped her brush into white paint and added it to the coast painting she was doing. Her smock was splattered with dots and so was her shirt and shoes. The art professor said she had talent but she lacked emotion in her paintings. Ariel sighed, using the back of her hand to brush away sweat on her forehead at the hot and stuffiness of the art department. She yawned, not covering her mouth in time that her art professor caught it.

"I see that my art teachings is boring our Miss Huntington." Professor Johnson said out loud to the class, most of whom agreed with Ariel so only smiled.

"It's not that, Professor. I guess I am just a little tired."

"Then I suggest, as I do all of you, you spend this Friday night sleeping instead of partying."

A bunch of them groaned at the thought and Ariel put her hand in front of another yawn, shaking her head to clear the fuzziness she felt and thanked the maker when the bell rang. She pulled off her smock and noticing all the paint on her dark sweater, pulled it off as well leaving her in a black t-shirt with the Cheshire cat on it and black snakeskin printed pants. She grabbed her backpack and stuffed her stretch book in it. She walked out into the hall and almost collided into Quatre, who saw her out of the corner of his eye and caught her by the shoulders to keep her from running into him.

"Oh, god, I'm sorry, Quat. Guess I didn't watch where I was going."

"No need to apologize, Ariel," concern entered his clear blue eyes, "you look exhausted. Haven't you been to bed yet?"

"Actually I haven't slept that much in a week. Studying so that I can pass all those tests before we go on a week of Thanksgiving vacation. I'll catch up on my sleep then."

"Just do me a favor and don't over do it, okay?"

She smiled and nodded, as she saw Hilde waving to at the other end of the hall. She started walking backwards, so she still faced Quatre.

"I'll see you tomorrow night, right?"

Quatre got a confused look and suddenly remembered.

"Right. I'll be there at sound check."

"Great. Bye, Quat."

She turned facing forward and got Hilde giving her a weird look. Quatre nodded to the other girl and went around the corner to the stairs that led to the second floor.

"Alright, Hil, explain that look you just gave." Ariel said, walking with the dark haired girl to the outside, where Ariel shivered and took her sweater from her arm and pulled it over her head.

"What look?" Hilde said innocently and they joined Relena, Duo, and Trowa sitting at one of the lone picnic tables painted a light gray.

"Don't give me that, Hil. You aren't innocent."

"Don't I know it," Duo commented making Hilde glare at him.

Ignoring Duo, Hilde sat between Duo and Relena while Ariel sit next to Trowa.

"What look was Hilde giving you, Rie?" Duo asked, questioning his singing rival calling her by the name that Hilde had given her.

"When I was talking to Quat, she gave me this 'Something Kinky is going on' Look."

Hilde laughed at Ariel's description of her look.

"So you say that did you? Well, you have to admit that you and Quat are perfect for each other and he's a hottie."

"He's also my STEPBROTHER," Ariel stressed.

"So? It's not like he's blood or something and the boy definitely had possibilities in the bedroom department I mean with Dorothy having been his lover and all." Duo added.

"This coming from a devoted fudgepacker." Ariel said sarcastically.

Duo only lifted his middle finger at her comment.

"If I thought it would help you get over Heero, I might," Ariel teased, "all a guy needs to get over his boy to boy tendencies is one exceptionally good bout in bed with a girl and he'll get over it."

Trowa coughed into his fist as Duo and Hilde's faces turned bright red. Relena and Ariel's face showed complete shock.

"You two…?" Relena asked, amazed.

"Geez, I thought if Kill-First-Forget-About-Questions-Heero found out you doing something like that you would be one guy without a vital body part."

"Thanks so much for that commentary, Rie but as you can see I'm in one piece as is all my body parts." Duo hissed at her.

Hilde only giggled as he shifted in his seat due to the talk about that part of his body.

"For which the world can be very thankful." Hilde stated lowly.

"Please, just the thought," Ariel said with a fake shiver.

Hilde picked up her empty can and threw it at Ariel, landing on her arm as the bunch of them laughed. Trowa now knew Ariel's opinion of same sex, but knew she was okay with it and wondered if Quat had told her about him and Quat. He knew something was up with the both of them. Ariel was exhausted and working herself into deeper exhaustion the past week, right after the party. Quat was distant and absent minded. Every since he had taken Ariel to her room after the party after 'hiding' her asleep. Trowa knew the both of them and that Ariel saw Quat as her stepbrother only, as she had all her other stepsiblings when her mother had married their fathers. This time it was different because he knew she was seriously attracted to Quat, even if she didn't yet realize it. What a mess, Trowa thought.


Ariel was almost dead on her feet after the group split up because of it being Friday night and all. Relena had made some excuse about going to visit someone, which both Hilde and Ariel knew the person she was visiting was Treize. The both of them were shocked the leader of the Inners had taken Relena's virginity, but more so that he had done it in the crowded ballroom. Coming in around midnight, Trowa spotted Ariel sitting in one of common rooms with her music notebook in her lap and her face free of makeup, as she was in a very un-Ariel outfit of a three times too big gray sweatshirt with Harvard across it in black letters and a pair of matching sweatpants, her hair in a loose ponytail bun. Her hair was still wet from the shower she obviously had taken.

"Why are you still up?" he asked, sitting next to her on the couch.

"I couldn't sleep. What are you doing back, it's only.." she glanced at her wristwatch and her eyes widened, "midnight. I thought it was ten."

His eyes checked over the bags under her eyes and shook his head.

"You are going to bed."

"I told you I can't sleep."

Trowa grabbed her arm and pulled her over his shoulder, leaning and turning off the table lamp. He headed up the stairs, as Ariel cursed at him only making him smile. He came down the corridor he knew she lived at and then taking a hand and grabbing her hand took the key and unlocked the last door. He left it open and pulled her comforter from the made bed and dropped her in it, taking her notebook and placing it on the table. He pulled the covers over her.

"Go to sleep, Ariel."

He realized his words were lost on the black streaked blond, as she was fast asleep. He headed out the door closing it as he looked up his green eyes met Quatre's.

"You and I are going to have a talk." Trowa told him simply.


Ariel woke up wondering how she got in her bed, then remember Trowa putting her there. She rubbed at her eyes with her hand and glanced at her bedside table clock.

"It's noon!" she yelled amazed she had slept for twelve hours straight. She yanked the covers away from her legs and headed to her bathroom, noticing how much better she looked than she had three days. Turning on the water, determined to take another shower and wake up completely realizing she had to be a sound check in an hour and when she got out, pulled her robe on as she put on her makeup and pulled her hair half up and the rest left down, reapplying the black in it the night before it was fine. She ran in her room to find Relena and Hilde going over her clothes.

"How…Nevermind. Did you pick out my outfit?" she asked, going to her dresser and pulling on underwear and a strapless bra, her robe covered back to her friends.

"Good, you're wearing a strapless. I got you a new outfit yesterday," Hilde said with a grin, "with Duo and Heero. Duo was all for it."

"I bet he was. What is it?"

Relena sucked in a breath as Hilde lifted the two pieces of vinyl material out of the black bag.

"You wear this," Hilde said referring to the black vinyl top that was a mid-drift that covered her chest and had a piece of vinyl in a circle that went over her head, "with this."

Hilde pulled the shortest shorts up to view that had a zipper that went all the way to the crotch, with a pair of calf-vinyl boots.

"No freakin way am I wearing that. It looks like a hooker outfit, like I should be on street corner."

"Ah come on it's not that bad." Hilde argued as Relena nodded that it was.

"You two have no adventure in your souls."

"No. No way, no how, not if I had nothing else in this world to wear."


A hour later, Ariel clutched at her mid-thigh black coat to keep her outfit from being seen. Relena had been no help at getting Hilde to back off with the whole vinyl outfit. Ariel scowled at Hilde for making her wear it, keeping her clothes from her until she had no time and that was the only thing picked out. She stood on stage giving music instructions to the band she would be working with, since GW was not performing that night. She got off the stage, yanking her coat closer to her and went to the bar.

"Can someone get me a bottle of water?" she called, and then since the two bartenders were off talking to the band, she climbed on the stool, moving onto the counter and grabbed one of the bottles off the shelf, that was almost out of reach.

She was leaning so far over she was going to fall over, she felt hand grab her waist and move her back over to the right side of the bar. She moved her long hair out of her eyes and saw Quatre holding her.

"Thanks," she nodded to the two bartenders just noticing what she had done coming, "always coming when the hard part is over."

"You're going to break your neck." Quatre scolded her.

She narrowed her eyes at him as she edged her way to the edge.

"I can take care of myself, Quatre Winner."

Just as she was saying that, her foot on the stool shifted and she pitched forward into Quatre's arms. Her gray eyes caught his as he let her down, her body sliding down his until her crotch was in line with his and they could feel each other's attraction and response to being this close to one another. Her hands were on his muscular shoulders and she felt her hands close tighter on his shoulders unconsciously, before realizing what she was doing and pulled away. Quatre's whole body protested at being apart from hers and he willed himself to be in control. Ariel kept her eyes down and went past him to the backstage door disappearing inside.


The club officially opened two hours later and Ariel had been telling her to forget what happened with Quatre and concentrate on her music. She was going to sing one of her own songs and wondered if it was right to sing it in front of all those people. She wrote it or rather had been writing it for the past week since that night at the party. She shook off her misgivings and went out onto the stage.


In the crowd, everyone had shown up. Quatre sat uncertain of what had happened with Ariel and him only knowing he had to tell her about the other night since his talk with Trowa about her and not sleeping. He didn't want to be the cause of her making herself ill over something both of them wanted unconsciously. His being her stepbrother had first made him keep his feelings to himself, you didn't sleep with your stepsister no matter how attractive she was. Then he was just fooling himself, and like what Dorothy had told him that day he had met Ariel, he wanted her from the time he saw her.

Relena and Hilde had gone backstage and encouraged Ariel then come back so they could tell everyone she was going on. Duo was waiting for her to fall on her face but that was only what he would say to her face, inside he admitted how good she was. Heero was there because she was a friend to all of them. Wu fei and Sally were at the bar, showing up late due to 'car trouble'. Treize sat next to Relena, his fingers playing over her body as Hilde sat with Zechs and Noin.

Ariel came on stage and Quatre almost had a heart attack for what she was wearing was so revealing he knew it was Hilde's fault. Ariel was heart stopping beautiful and sexy as hell. He saw the guys in the club whistling and Trowa only shook his head at Quatre as if he knew Quatre wanted to pound all of them into the ground, a very un-Quatre thing.

Ariel got to the speaker and spoke.

"I wrote this song myself. I hope you like it," she turned and signaled to the band.

"Under a lover's sky
Gonna be with you
And no-ones gonna be around
If you think that you won't fall
Well just wait until, til the sun goes down
Underneath the Starlight, Starlight
There's a magic feeling so right
It will steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
Don't you know, Don't you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
No, you cannot fight it
It's gonna get to your heart

There's no escape from love
Once the gentle breeze weaves its spell upon your heart
No matter what you think
It won't be long til you're in my arms
Underneath the Starlight, Starlight
We'll be lost in a rhythm so right
Feel it steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
Don't you know, don't you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
No, you cannot fight it

No matter what you do
The night is gonna get you
Can't fight it, don't try it
You're never gonna win
'Coz underneath the Starlight, Starlight
There's a magical feeling so right
It will steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
Don't you know, Don't you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
No, you can not fight it."

Her song ended and the stage faded to black. Loud cheers, clapping, and whistles were heard, that on the darkened stage she grinned.


She went down the stage stairs and greeted everyone who praised her for the song. She smiled at them. Trowa hugged her and her eyes met Quatre's. He was impressed but even more so because that song was what happened to her that night. Ariel felt a tap on her shoulder as the band started up again.

"Would you like to dance?" a guy asked.

Ariel's eyes took from Quatre's and she turned and nodded.

Quatre watched the two of them jealously. Trowa only smiled.

"Are you going to sit there and glare daggers or ask her to dance?"

"Shut up, Trowa." Quatre told his best friend and got up heading to where he last saw Ariel dancing.

Duo, Relena, Hilde, and Trowa grinned as they saw Quatre going to Ariel.

"Think they'll end up together?" Relena asked.

"Of course. It's the Prince and his Princess." Hilde told her.

"More like the Golden Boy and his Dark Angel." Trowa corrected them as he saw Quatre cut in on the guy and maneuver Ariel away from everyone.


Quatre tapped on the guy who was dancing with Ariel's shoulder and the guy took the hint from the serious expression on his face. Ariel opened her mouth to say something to Quatre but his narrowed expression made her close her mouth.

"Wise choice, Ariel." Quatre told her, taking her arm lightly but firmly and maneuvered her to a secluded area of the dance floor where all views were blocked by tall wooden beams and Quatre's back.

Her back was put against the wall and he took up the area so she could only see and be surrounded by him.

"Interesting song you sang." He told her, his right hand absently rubbed her hair in between two of his fingers.

"Glad you liked it, can we now go back on the dance floor?" she asked, her hand against his pale blue shirt covered chest.

"No, cause we have some things to discuss."

"Can't we do it later? I would like to dance."

"Later," he told her, making her face grow angered, "do you know I know what you were talking about in your lyrics?"

Ariel's face softened and she shook her head.

"You can't. It was just a song, it has no real meaning."

"No? Then it isn't about the night at the party, where you made love to someone in the gazebo?"

Ariel glanced up into his face to see he was telling the truth about what he knew.

"How could you…..It wasn't real. It was all in my imagination." She told him.

"Are you trying to convince me or you? Cause if you're trying to convince me then sorry, you can't."

"Oh, really? And why not?" she demanded, trying to get in view so someone could see she wanted away from him.

His hand came next to her head on the wall as he bent forward and his lips brushed hers as he told her.

"Cause you can't erase something by wishing it away. Especially if I was there too, Ariel."

She took a step back, only realizing she was already against the wall.

"You? It was you?"


"Why, Quat? You're my stepbrother, we aren't supposed to do those kind of things to one another." She told him fiercely.

"Why? Cause we aren't supposed to, we are taught not to, even if that's the one thing in the world we want most?"

"You can want me all you want, Quat, that's not going to change anything. We are still related by marriage and nothing can happen between us until we aren't anymore."

"Something already happened, Ariel. And it's going to keep happening until you realize that it isn't a bad thing. We are supposed to want one another, it's natural."

"Not for me it isn't."

"So you have forgotten that night, huh?" he dared her to say yes in his voice.

"Yes, now if you'll just move I will be happy to find Dorothy or someone else for you to molest, okay?"

Quatre's face took on a very determined smile.

"I don't want Dorothy or someone else, Ariel, I want you."

"Well, I don't.." she said only to be cut off as one of his knees came up right between her legs and pinned her against the wall making her equal in his height.

"Yes, you do."

He leaned in and kissed her, seducing her mouth and mind into corroperating with his. Her hand was still against his chest, still pushing as if to get away and he grabbed it with one of his free hands holding it in place. He continued to kiss her, licking her lips and sliding his tongue between her own causing her to moan in want. His other hand made it's way to those scandalous pair of shorts that showed off all of her legs, barely covering her butt cheeks and the zipper was where it should be. He slowly slid it down, past her naval, and all the way till it was wide open and he could feel the heat and want coming from her sex. His hand cupped her sex, drawling one of her sexy moans from the back of her throat that she made the night they made love, and he swallowed the sound not wanting anyone to disturb them. He inserted a finger causing her to release his tongue she was teasing with her own and close her eyes at the feeling. Her hips moved causing her to move on his upper leg and he saw drops of her lubrication spot his khaki pants. That she was practically riding his leg with one of his fingers placed in her was making his head spin. The shorts she wore were more of an enticement that an inhibition to what he wanted and since the zipper stopped at the lower part of her butt cheeks he could do anything he wanted to her right then and there. His finger came out, making her moan is dismay and he brought it up to her face.

"Open your eyes, Ariel."

She slowly opened her darkened by passion gray eyes to see his soaked finger.

"You don't want me?" he asked.

She only glared at him before he kissed her again and used his other hand to unzip his hands; she glanced down and looked at him.


"Yes, right here. Where all these guys would love to be doing the same thing I am going to do to you. Where we could be seen by everyone but aren't. I am doing to put this in you and make you orgasm, Ariel. That's all there is to it."

He kissed her again tongue kissing her to swallow any sound as he used that hand that released his pants to hold her in place as he brought his knee down and at the same time sit her on the thing she needed inside her. Her moan of welcoming echoed in his mouth, as he bent his knees and used both his hands to hold her while he thrust up into her heat, the center of her world at that moment, causing her to spasm again and again as he quickened his pace and sent her over the edge her juices flooding over him as he looked her in the eye and let go of his control and came into her. Both their bodies were filled with pleasure and as he filled her with cum she came again, holding onto his shoulder and kissing him harder until the pleasure died down and she realized she wanted that feeling of him inside her again and again. That's what she had been wanting and missing this past week. She wanted and needed Quatre so much, that as he lifted her away she immediately felt the loss and clutched his shirt tightly.

"It's okay, Ariel. I'm not going anywhere." He told her amused.

She glared at him, kissing him on the mouth again as he used his hand to zip her back up and set her on her own two feet. She wanted to scream and yell at him for being so calm about this when she felt drained and missing him already.

"You are the picture of a ravished female."

"And you look every inch the satisfied male, Quat." She hissed at him.

"So do you want to hang around or go somewhere?"

She looked at him like he was crazy. She couldn't hang around everyone now with what just happened and she couldn't just go off with him.

"I ….."

He kept her against the wall, silenting her with a drugging kiss centering all her thoughts on him again.

"I'll take you to the dorm, shut you in my room and promise to please you the rest of the night."

Ariel grinned at the thought.


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Too much for you? Not enough? I will be writing more about the other characters in the next one I promise. Please review.