Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Out on the Limb ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out on a Limb

Chapter 4

By Devon Masterson

Lady Une sat on Heero's couch sulking. "Have you found anything on Dalen Yu yet?" she asked trying to break the silence.

"I haven't done checking since this afternoon."

"The Vice Foreign Minister must have kept you busy updating you and all," she replied.

Heero looked at her casually. He didn't like her attitude. "Something bothering you?"

"No," she answered as she stood up. "I just didn't think she was your type."

Heero smiled to himself at her jealousy. "And what is my type?" he asked as he walked over to her.

"I don't know," she answered shyly. "I just figured it wasn't her. She wouldn't understand what you've been through."

"Like you do," he supplied as he put his arms around her.

"I wasn't suggesting that," her sentence trailed as he kissed her. She moaned in his mouth in desire. She needed his closeness. So much had happened the last few days and she just wanted to be next to someone.

He ran his hands through her hair as he pushed her to the couch. He pulled away from her a moment only to remove his shirt. He threw it and kissed her deeply when there was a knock at the door.

"Heero, it's me," Relena said through the door. "I know you're in there. I saw the light on from the street."

Heero sighed, "Why does this keep happening to me?"

Lady Une sat up and shook her head.

"Is something wrong?" he asked as he opened the door slightly.

"Not at all," she replied as she pushed her way in and gasped. "Heero, what's going on?"

Lady Une looked annoyed for a minute. She didn't understand how someone who had been through so much could be so naïve and stupid. If Heero preferred her, then so be it. "It's a party. Surprise," she said sarcastically as she walked out.

Heero started to go after her when Relena grabbed his arm. "What's going on between you two?"

"You don't get it do you?" he asked annoyed. "I don't feel the way about you that you feel for me."

Relena released his arm slowly as her eyes softened. She felt like such a fool. She should have seen it the whole time. The way Lady Une looked at her in the shuttle port. The way he watched her when she came into the room at a conference. She tried to ignore it but she saw it. He never looked at her like that. "You're going to need this," she sighed as she picked up his shirt and threw it to him.

"I'm sorry that I…"

"No you're not," Relena interrupted. "I know I'm stubborn. I probably had it coming a long time. I just want to know, do you love her?"

Heero looked at her and nodded with a smile.

Relena sucked in her breath. "At least it was love," she replied as she painted a smile on her face.

Heero ran down the hall and saw Lady Une nowhere in sight. "Damn. She could be anywhere," he cursed.


Victoria Robin sat on her sofa and stared out of the window. Scrapbooks and photo albums were spread out next to her. Smiling faces from long ago with their glossy finish stared at the ceiling begging to relive the good times. Victoria turned towards them and picked a picture of her smiling granddaughter named for her. She started to cry as she thought about never seeing her granddaughter again.

She had been hoping that the woman visiting Evelyn could have been Victoria, her coloring was right, but her little Victoria was almost the spitting image of Evelyn just the hair and eyes were different. There was still something familiar about Lady Une that Victoria just couldn't seem to let go.

She sat up quickly and knocked an old photo album to the floor. She bent to pick it up when a picture yellow with age fell out. It was a picture of her as a little girl. Victoria let out a gasp as her eyes started to brim. In the picture with her was her mother, taken fifty years ago. Her mother was in her early twenties and looked exactly like Lady Une. "Victoria, you are alive," she whispered in joy. "But why did Evelyn lie to me?"

"Mother?" a voice asked from the other side of the room.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Victoria asked angrily as she walked over to her daughter.

"You found out," Evelyn observed. "I did it to protect the family."

"How could reuniting with my granddaughter hurt the family?"

"Victoria was a war criminal and now she's head of the Preventers," Evelyn pointed out. "She changed her name for a reason. No one knows about her. As far as everyone knows she just appeared on the scene during the war. I didn't want our family to be a target like the Peacecrafts and I…wanted to keep her safe so she could do her job without worrying about us."

"Why did bring her here and tell me that she was dead?" Victoria asked hurtfully

"I didn't want you to look for her and expose her," Evelyn answered then turned away as tears threatened to fall, "and I wanted to see my baby one last time."

"Evelyn," Victoria sighed as she hugged her daughter.

"She hates me mother. She really does, but I couldn't think of anything else to do," she sobbed.

"I will take care of this," Victoria said softly.

Evelyn pulled away and looked at her with identical green eyes. "What are you planning to do?"

"I'm going to a conference on L4," she answered with a determined look. "Everything about Victoria is between you and me. There's no need to shake up the rest of the family. I'll let you know what happens when I get back."

Evelyn nodded and wiped her tears. "Yes, mother."


Lady Une sat on a shuttle bound to colony 97NSU01 in the L4 sector and sighed. "You didn't have to come with me, Trowa," she remarked as she crossed her legs. "You know I have plenty of people watching the conference. I don't need a personal guard."

Trowa turned the page of his book. "We're all feeling a little paranoid right now, humor him," he replied not looking up from his book.

She blushed slightly hearing his play on words. She wondered how long they knew. Knowing the ex-gundam pilots they probably knew before she and Heero knew. "There is no us. He hasn't said anything since Relena coming by." She shifted in her seat slightly.

"Is there something wrong?" Trowa asked.

"No," she replied as she looked out of the window.

Trowa looked up curiously at this new side of Lady Une, the feminine side. Apparently there was more to her than battles and politics. Now he see could how Heero could fall for her, that is once you got past the hard exterior.

"Arriving on colony 97NSU01 in five minutes," a professional feminine voice announced.

Lady Une sat back and watched as the shuttle docked. "Thank you for flying with G-Wing," the voice announced as the door of the shuttle opened.

"Colonel Une," a man called as she came down the steps.

Trowa looked at that man suspiciously and carefully watched as he reached into his jacket pocket to pull out a note. He doubted anyone would 'warn' her in this public place but he didn't want to have to explain it to Heero if she got hurt. "This is from the president."

"Thank you," she replied as she took the note and opened it. The man walked away. "The president wants to meet with me about the Domini before the conference."

They started to walk to offices in the conference hall. Lady Une took a deep breath as she prepared to explain. The president had a tendency to fly off the handle. He did not understand such matters of espionage and warfare. If he had his complete way there would be no Preventers and she and the gundam pilots would be rotting somewhere.

Trowa nodded in silent agreement as she entered the office. He understood completely what an ignorant jerk the President was. "Lady Une, what is this I hear about another group attacking our peace. I thought the Domini was not a threat. And here in your report it states that they have acquired gundanium, enough for ten mobile suits. How could you let this happen?"

"Sir, the Domini is more intricate than we first speculated. Their hands are into almost everything. They have been using a system of corporations in order to proliferate…"

"Yes, yes I read your report," he replied annoyed. "I don't think you are doing your job, Colonel. You are supposed to prevent such things from happening and I see that you can not do that. This will not turn into another Marimaya incident. I am appointing a new commanding officer to head the Preventers. I will also be looking into you role in all of this seeing as some of you acquaintances from the Romerfeller foundation might be involved."

Lady Une balled her fist in anger. "You are making a mistake."

"My mistake was allowing the parliament to elect you as head. I have yet to see the fine military mind they claimed you had."

Lady Une nearly lost her temper and told him what she thought of him with choice words, but she needed to be with grace. "I hope you don't regret your decision," she said simply as she left the room.

Trowa looked up at her curiously as she slammed the door behind her. "What's wrong?"

"You're the commanding officer here now," she said simply as she walked out.

"The bastard fired you!" Trowa exclaimed out of pure shock. It was not normal for his tone to raise above his normal quite spoken one.

"Don't worry, he'll probably appoint Zechs as commanding officer. I thought the man was a chauvinist," she replied. "At least Zechs would know what he was doing and be on top of things."

Trowa nodded. Zechs would be a logical choice, but something told him that President was going to do something stupid. The man had to be crazy if he was going to fire one of the finest military minds they had to offer. "What are you going to do now?"

"I might head back now. I am too irritated with the man to be anywhere near him."

"I'll go back with you," he replied.

"I'm no longer your commanding officer and you need to stay here," she said. "I am no longer a threat to the Domini."

"I made a promise to Heero," Trowa commented, "and with you no longer being my commanding officer, I can have you bound and gagged in order to keep my promise."

Lady Une narrowed her eyes at his forwardness. "You are very brave to talk to me as such, Commander Barton. I will stay so that you may honor your promise and because I would hate to shoot such a fine officer, but do not threaten me again." She walked away.

Trowa shook his head and smiled slightly. "That is why, Heero's in love with her." The two were quite suited for each other.

"Are you coming, Commander?" she asked as she continued down the hall without looking.

He said nothing but followed her to the pressroom where the conference would be held.

Victoria Robin looked around the crowd of reporters, officials, and concerned citizens. She missed the conference due to a flight delay and arrived as it ended. She was sure that her granddaughter would be there, she just had to be. "Aunt Victoria?" Hein called as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hein, what are you doing here?" she asked in surprise. There was no way he could know why she was there.

He smiled. "As the new head of the Preventers, I have be here to assure that things go through smoothly."

"I didn't know that you knew anything about military tactics," she replied as she hugged him half-heartedly. She was happy for him but she didn't like the fact that her little Victoria was now without her position.

"Uncle Cristobal taught me much," he commented. He looked towards the president. "I must go I have business to attend to. I will talk with you more when I return to Earth." He kissed her cheek

Victoria waved and then continued her search. She saw a young woman talking with a few officials walk away. "Excuse me, Miss," she said, "I was wondering if you seen Lady Une."

Her blue eyes looked sad for a moment. "She left for L2 just a few minutes ago," she answered.

"I missed her," the woman sighed. "Could you tell me where in L2?"

"Colony AOI37," she answered wistfully.

"Thank you, miss."

"Relena," she commented. "May I ask why you're looking for her?"

"I lost my granddaughter in the war and she was able to help me find out about her," she answered as she turned to leave.

Relena stood looking after the older woman then turned to catch her own shuttle to her next meeting.

© 2001 Devon Masterson

Another Bond Girl Production

We all know who belongs to who, Gundam Wing belongs a whole bunch of rich influential people and I just have some concepts. Don't sue me, hire me instead ;p