Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Out on the Limb ❯ Chapter ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out on a Limb

Chapter 6

By Devon Masterson

"Thank God that I caught her when I did," Victoria replied as she shuddered. "She could have been on that shuttle when it exploded. We already lost Hein."

Evelyn sighed sadly and sat beside her mother. "How's you arm, mother?" she asked. She was upset with the lost of her cousin, but couldn't help but feel relief that Victoria was safe. She couldn't lose her daughter, not after the way they parted ways last. It was one thing if her Victoria never wanted to anything to do with her again at least she could see her on the news and conferences from a distance.

Victoria rubbed her broken arm gingerly and she remembered just how close they came to death. She still had horrible visions of seeing the shuttle exploding less than a mile away from them and the shock wave and shrapnel hitting their shuttle. "It doesn't hurt anymore," she replied. "Victoria protected me when we crash landed."

Evelyn gave a half-smile at her daughter's bravery then looked at her mother worriedly. "I don't know what I'm going to say to her when she comes to. I have so much to explain and what about the Preventers? How are we going to tell her what happened?"

"What about the Preventers?" Lady Une asked holding on to the banister at the bottom of the stairs. Evelyn and Victoria sat silent for moment.

"You shouldn't be up in your condition," Evelyn replied as she stood and started for Lady Une. "The doctor said you should take it easy for a couple of days. You need to get back to bed."

Lady Une waved her mother's hand away. "I'm fine. I have been in much worse shape before." She looked at the two women determined. She knew something was wrong and she wanted to know what it was. "What happened?" she repeated.

Evelyn looked downward there was no way to let her down softly. "A group called the Domini… bombed the Preventer office," Evelyn answered.

"Did anybody make it out?" she asked frantically as she grabbed her mother's shoulders.

"Victoria, you're going to upset yourself," her grandmother replied. "We can talk about this later when you're…"

"Answer me," she interrupted as she stared into Evelyn's eyes.

Evelyn's eyes started to fill with tears. She was about to break her daughter's heart again. "There were no reported survivors and there are still over fifty people to identify," she finally answered. "I'm sorry, Victoria."

She released Evelyn from her grasp as Heero's voice echoed in her mind. "I have a meeting at the office after I see you off..."

"No," Une whispered as she shook her head and backed away. She felt her knees about to give out from under her from the stress and grasped the foyer table for support. She looked into the mirror as she struggled to maintain her sanity. She started to shudder as she saw Heero's face in her mind and felt his arms around her. She was finally happy with someone who didn't want to change her. She touched her reflection tenderly for a moment as her grief and anger started to focus. "Heero!" she screamed out as she punched through the glass and into the wall.

"Oh my god, Victoria!" Evelyn exclaimed as she ran to her daughter. She removed Lady Une's bloody hand and held her.

"Get away from me," she screamed as she pushed Evelyn away. She continued to scream as she started picking up items and throwing them.

Evelyn looked in horror at her daughter's destructive behavior. Servants looked on in fear as they watched the young woman rampage. A few of the men attempted to restrain her. She fought them all like a mad woman. She kicked one of them in a stomach and punched another. One of the servants finally managed to grab her arms and the another legs. She kicked and undulated trying to get away from them as she screamed.

Victoria could stand for this any longer. She stalked over to her granddaughter. "Victoria Evelyn Von Unederhan, I am not going to let you fall apart like this," she replied as she slapped Lady Une as hard as she could.

Lady Une became still in shock. Her hair hung in her face as she looked down. An eerie quiet came over as she cried silently. Victoria motioned for the servants put her down. They did as they were told reluctantly. Once they released her, Lady Une sat on the floor looking down. "Thank you," she said lowly as she raised to her feet. She looked at them with determined eyes as her tears ran dry. "I have to know if you knew anything about this?"

Victoria and Evelyn looked shocked at her new line of questioning. "Why would we have anything to do with Preventers?"

"Grandfather was a member of the Rommerfeller foundation and in league with the Domini," Lady Une replied calmly. "Did you know?"

Victoria looked shocked. "I…That is nonsense! Your grandfather was gentle man and wouldn't be in league with terrorists."

"We all have our sides," she replied sadly. "I was second in command of OZ. I thought of nothing but crushing the colonies' will to fight and wouldn't have had a second thought about killing innocent people in order to do so."

"I can't believe My Cristobal could be involved in something like that…oh my," she trailed as she remember something she once thought was insignificant. "He told me before he died. I didn't realize it but he did. He told me that everything would be as it should be, because he made sure Hein would see to it. I thought…I can't believe it."

"Mother sit down," Evelyn suggested as comforted the older woman and lead her to the sitting room. "It's been a long morning."

"I can't believe it," Victoria whispered. "All of those innocent people and Hein being involved. Is there anything that I can do, Victoria?"

She didn't answer right away only looked at her shattered reflection in the mirror then balled her fist. She closed her eyes as she felt the pain from her hand and heart. She would grief later once everything was over, but first she needed to avenge Heero and everyone else. "I need to see grandfather's things," she replied as she walked into the sitting room.

"Of course, anything," Victoria said as she sniffled.

"What are you planning to do?" Evelyn asked.

"Strike back," Lady Une answered as she turned to leave the room.


"How's Heero?" Trowa asked as Quatre came into the room.

"He's finally asleep," he answered with sad eyes. For the past two days, Heero had been a complete wreck. It took all of them to pull him off the poor steward who confirmed that Lady Une had boarded the shuttle. He had never seen Heero so cold and withdrawn. It took tranquilizers in his juice to make him rest and he only drank half of the juice suspecting that it was drugged. "At least he'll get some sleep," Quatre thought. He turned his attention back toward Trowa. "What are you doing?"

"Some research," he replied as he continued to look through the numerous amounts of information on the screen. "Earlier, I managed to get in contact with Zechs and Noin on Mars. They should be here in three hours."

"We need all the help we can get," Quatre sighed.

"We're back," Duo said half-heartedly as he and Wufei walked in. "Check out the news." Duo turned on the television in the middle of an announcement.

"…apart of the Earth Sphere and are subject the control of the Domini. There are no more champions of insubordination to help you. In twenty-four hours, you will surrender to us or be destroyed." The transmission ended.

"What the hell was that supposed to mean?" Duo asked incredulously.

"Have you found their base, yet Trowa?" Wufei asked ignoring Duo.

"I am tracing their transmission now. I should have it soon," he answered.

"Finally some good news," Wufei replied as he sat down.

"I love you."

She stood and looked at him curiously. She could not have heard right. "What did you say?"

"I'm not letting you go." Her back pressed up against the wall almost as it was seven months ago. She looked at him with wide eyes as he placed both of his hands on either side of her in case she tried to run from him. "I love you."

"I love you, Heero," she whispered in his mouth.

"I want you to stay with me."

"I'll be back in two days," she assured as she turned to go through her gate and into the shuttle.

"Be careful…"

"Heero, where is Lady Une?" Trowa asked quickly.

Heero looked at him strangely for a moment. Before he could, answer a small bright light blazed the sky then a loud clap. Heero could feel his breath leave him as realized what Trowa was thinking. "No!"

"Victoria!" he called out. He sat up quickly as if to cast off the nightmare only to realize it was reality. "Mission accepted," he whispered as he realized his course of action. He opened the window in his room and jumped out.

"I'm going to check on Heero," Duo replied as walked up the stairs. He opened the door slowly so as not to disturb him. He saw the bed empty and walked all the way in. "Damn it, Heero," he thought as he saw the open window. He closed the door and went back down the stairs. "Guys, he's gone."


The president paced the floor of his office. He had just finished meeting with the colony officials. Everyone was outraged about the new predicament that had arisen. With half of the Preventers dead, the other half scattered across the system, and no leader, they were up a creek without a paddle. "How did this happen?" he thought as he sat down. He heard a click and felt something hard in the back of his head. His eyes widened as he realized that it was the hammer of a gun. "There is no need for further violence," he replied in his negotiation voice.

"As a traitor, you deserve to die," the Heero replied. "You sold us out to the Domini."

"I did no such thing."

"Stop lying," he replied angrily. "You placed the head of the Domini as head of the Preventers and placed suspicion on Lady Une to throw people off."

"No, no, no, I could never…"

"They why fire Lady Une?"

"I-I-I didn't like the… idea of one of the driving forces of the war… being head of the Preventers," he answered his voice shaking from fear. "Hein had prestige so I thought…"

"You are a moron," Heero replied. "You know nothing about war and what it is like to fight in one. Your petty dislike cost many their lives and maybe everyone their freedom. You're not even worth the bullet." He walked away in disgust as quietly as he came.

The President turned around slowly and sighed once we saw no one there. He put his face in his hands. "What have I done?"


"This is interesting," Trowa commented as he looked at his screen. "Someone is tracking the signal as well. They are using a coded frequency to throw off their location."

"Who do you think it is?" Quatre asked curiously.

"Lady Une," Trowa replied. "I recognize the pattern as one that she sometimes uses."

"That's great!" Duo exclaimed. "Heero will be able to get out of the dumps and we can finally show the Domini what true insubordination is."

"Well we could certainly use her expertise," Wufei added.

"I thought that women were weak," Duo taunted as he looked at Wufei.

"I give credit where credit is due," he answered simply in order to save face. "I would never work under a woman unless she had the capabilities to be in charge."

Duo shook his head as if to say 'whatever,' when he saw Heero come down the stairs solemnly. "Hey, Heero," he called. "I've got some news for you. Lady Une's alive."

"Where is she?" he asked quickly.

"Her jamming pattern is keeping me from getting an exact location," Trowa answered as he looked at the screen, " but it looks like somewhere in Germany."

Heero looked at his friends and they all nodded. "We'll set things up and get in contact with you," Quatre replied.

Heero nodded and smiled.

"I have the location of the base," Trowa replied after Heero left. "It took a longer than I would have liked."

Zechs and Noin walked into the room curiously. They put their carry on bags on the floor. "Where was Heero off to in such a hurry?" Noin asked.

"He had to pick up his woman," Duo answered simply as he walked over to them. "You're just in time, we're about to blow some shit up."

© 2001 Devon Masterson

Another Bond Girl Production

We all know who belongs to who, Gundam Wing belongs a whole bunch of rich influential people and I just have some concepts. Don't sue me, hire me instead ;p