Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 15

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 15

Trowa placed a kiss atop of Benny's head as he tucked the little boy into his bed. "Goodnight boys."

"Night Trowa." sighed Benny.

"Night." came Toby's muffled reply.

Trowa smiled to himself as he turned off the light and pulled the door shut. He made his way across the suite and into his and Quatre's room. Quatre lay waiting for him on the bed. He licked his lips in anticipation.

Quatre smiled up at him. "All settled?"

Trowa nodded as he proceeded to remove his clothing.

"So what do you make of Toby's little confession." asked the blonde.

Sliding under the sheets next to his naked lover Trowa placed his arms around the slender waist and pulled the other man towards him. "I don't think Toby meant any harm. They are just being boys and having some fun."

Quatre sighed as his hands found the small of Trowa's back. Lightly he rubbed the spot. "I agree. But I think he will learn his lesson." Quatre's hands began to drift lower.

Trowa arched softly into the caress. "I'll check the tapes in the morning and locate the man. Ohhh..."

Quatre giggled quietly as his fingers began to trace the cleft of Trowa's backside. Teasingly he ran them up and down, each time dipping in just that little bit more. He began to kiss along Trowa's neck as his finger sought out the hidden treasure.

Gentle moans were escaping Trowa's throat as he reacted to Quatre's teasing touch. "I'm more interested in finding out where Benny has seen the man before." panted Trowa.

"That has got my curiosity piqued as well." responded Quatre as he made his way downwards to a dusky nipple. Kissing and nipping at the hardening nub Trowa's moans went straight to his groin. He rubbed himself against Trowa's thigh as he slipped a finger inside.

Trowa pushed back against the intruding digit. "Ohh Quatre.... don't stop." All thought of the man Toby had floored disappeared from his mind as Quatre sought to pleasure his body. "Ohhh Quatre... need you."

A second finger and then a third found its way into Trowa's warmth, stretching and preparing. Trowa only barely managed to contain the scream as Quatre found his sweet spot and stroked it.

Judging his love to be ready Quatre rolled him onto his back and reached for the lube. Spreading the gel over his hardened shaft he stared down into emerald pools filled with lust and need.

Trowa watched as Quatre spread the slick stuff along his length. His own cock ached and throbbed with need. He spread his legs in invitation.

"Ohh Trowa." moaned Quatre at the wanton display before him. Guiding himself, he quickly placed the blunt tip at the entrance to Trowa's heat and pressed forward, sheathing himself fully. He took a moment to relax and enjoy the tightness that surrounded him before withdrawing only to plunge back in.

Trowa moved his hips to meet Quatre thrust for thrust. The feeling of the blonde inside, filling him, completing him, drove his passion higher. He fisted the sheets as Quatre struck his prostate time and time again.

Sweat glistened on the bodies as they moved in unison, complementing the other, complete, two halves of one whole locked in a dance as old as time. Quatre reached between their pulsing bodies and wrapped his hand around Trowa's burning length. He began to pump bringing Trowa's pleasure to even greater heights.

Trowa's blood turned to fire as he felt the edge of his impending release draw closer. Calling Quatre's name he thrust upwards one last time before shuddering and releasing his essence to Quatre's talented fingers.

Trowa's body clamped down around his shaft making it harder to thrust. Quatre forced himself thrice more into that velvet passage before the fire of his orgasm tore through him, pulsing out to be lost deep inside Trowa's warm willing body.

As the last ripples left his system, Quatre collapsed against Trowa's strong chest. Warm arms surrounded him as kisses found their way across the skin of his cheek. Recovering slightly he withdrew and rolled to the side. He peered through his bangs that were plastered to his forehead and smiled. "Now I feel much better."

Trowa gazed lovingly at the smaller man. He took Quatre's lips in a gentle kiss. "So do I my love, so do I."

Safe and content, Quatre snuggled closer to Trowa, enjoying the warmth and contact. Trowa placed a kiss upon the top of Quatre's head before sighing softly and allowing sleep to claim him.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shane had managed to settle Fayah and now the girl was slumped on the couch resting her head upon his shoulder. His arm stayed around her slim body as he held her.

Duo's stomach gave a rather loud growl. "Ooops.... Sorry." grinned Duo as he placed a protective hand on his stomach.

"Hn. I guess we should have some dinner." said Heero.

"Now that's a great idea Hee-chan." said Duo as he bounced towards his koi and enveloped him in a bear hug. "So whacha want to eat?"

"Would Fayah care to join us for dinner?" asked Heero looking at Shane and Fayah.

Shane moved to stare into those compelling ice blue eyes. "Would you?"

Fayah nodded shyly. "If yer don't mind."

"Lets get room service Heero. I don't think Fayah is up to the restaurant." smiled Duo as he reached for the hotel's room service menu.


"Great!" Duo proceeded to scan down the list of available dishes. Settling on steak for himself he passed the menu to Shane.

Shane and Fayah studied the various items before deciding on the fish. Or rather Shane did. Fayah was content to let him select for her. Heero took the menu and picked out a chicken stir fry for himself. Duo placed the call and added a couple of extra items to the order.

"I think I would like ta wash up if that's okay?" asked Fayah.

"Of course. Ya can use Duo and Heero's bathroom or mine is across the hall if ya prefer." said Shane.

Fayah smiled. "Heero and Duo's will be fine if that's all right with them."

"Hn. Go right ahead."

Fayah slipped into the room and shut the door.

Shane watched from the couch as she left, then feeling a pair of eyes drilling into the back of his skull he turned around. "What?" he asked defensively.

Duo was staring at him, goofy grin on his face. "Seems like ya fallin in love there buddy."

Shane lowered his eyes and began to blush.

"I don't blame ya though. She's quite a looker and a nice personality to boot." snickered Duo.

"Duo, I...I..I'm not sure what I feel."

"Well I suggest ya hurry up and find out before someone else snaps her up. I mean she's got looks and ....hummmmph..." Duo's teasing was cut short as Heero clamped his hand over the American's mouth.

"Stop teasing him Duo."

"Awww... I was only havin a little fun Hee-chan." said Duo as he pulled Heero's hand away from his mouth. He grinned at Shane. "Seriously Shane she's a nice girl." He winked.

"Yeah she certainly is somethin special. " agreed Shane with a dreamy look in his eye.

Heero rolled his eyes. "Hn. "

Duo wrapped his arms around Heero's waist and kissed the tip of his nose. "Now, now lover boy. Don't tell me ya have forgotten already what it's like to be young and in love?"

"Not a chance Duo. I have you to remind me every day."

"Awww Heero, that's so sweet." Duo began to kiss his koi and rub enticingly against his hip.

"Fer gods sake you two, get a room will ya." chuckled Shane as he watched the open display of love before him.

"Already got one." sniggered Duo. "In case ya have forgotten this *is* my room.... Yours is across the hallway." He began to thrust his hips in small circles against Heero.

"Duo....." moaned Heero

"Yes Hee-chan?" Another gentle thrust.

Heero lowered his hands to Duo's hips and stilled the movement. "Dinner will be here in a moment." he said flatly and placing a kiss on Duo's forehead he pulled away with a smirk.

Shane couldn't help but laugh at the expression on Duo's face.

"Damn! Outsmarted again." Duo muttered and then followed Heero back to the desk and the laptop.

Fayah returned to their midst as the com unit beeped. Shane hit the button.

"Room Service."

Shane opened the door to admit the young man. The trolley was wheeled in and placed in the center of the room. The man left and Duo busily began to remove the lids from the various platters on the trolley. Soon everyone had their dinner and was eating happily. Heero noticed the extra containers on the base shelf of the trolley. He cocked an inquiring eyebrow at Duo.

Duo grinned. "Later Heero. It's dessert."

Heero had to be content with that and continued to eat his meal.

Once finished Duo quickly stacked the dishes back onto the trolley and picked up the remaining ones. He passed one to Shane and held the other. Lifting the lid he spoke. "Dessert my friends... is served."

Heero looked into the dish as did Shane. "What is it?"

"This my friends is an American hot fudge sundae." said Duo happily as he raised his spoon and dug into the mix. A look of pure bliss swept over his features as he rolled the sweet around in his mouth before swallowing. "Ahhhh.... just perfect."

Shane and Fayah stared at the dessert as if it were going to bite them, then seeing the look of rapture upon Duo's face they hesitantly tasted a bit. "Not bad." said Shane as he dug in for more.

"See, I told ya." smirked Duo. "Hey!"

Heero had also tried the sweet by this stage and while Duo was distracted with Shane he proceeded to demolish the dessert.

Duo laughed. "I never knew ya liked them that much Heero."

Heero licked a stray drop of ice cream from his chin. "Lets just say you have converted me to some things."

Duo grinned and began to help Heero finish off the treat.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Hornsby punched the code into the vid phone and waited.


"Ahh Mr. Taylor. I have an address fer that guy that was ere earlier."

"Good. Tell me."

Hornsby passed over the information the boy had given him. "It also seems that the young kid he had wiv him ain't no street whore. They both went inta the same place."

Taylor tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Right. Leave it with me."

"Okay Mr. Taylor."

The call was terminated, Hornsby went back to watching the television. Taylor reclined back in his chair. Who was this man? Why did he ask questions about him? He picked up the piece of paper with the hotel address scribbled on it. Maybe it was time to find out. He reached for the vid phone and placed a call.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"I'm gonna walk Fayah back to her place." said Shane.

Duo looked up from his position, sprawled out along the couch, head in Heero's lap. "Okay."

"Hn. Be careful Shane."

"I will. I wont be long."

Fayah moved across to face Heero and Duo. "Thank you for dinner." she said shyly.

"Hn. Our pleasure Fayah."

"No problem Fay, thanks fer all ya help with the missing kids." responded Duo.

"I hope yer find this guy."

"We will Fayah.... we will."

Shane led the girl out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. He walked her home, lost in a sea of thoughts and emotions. He desperately wanted to see her again and he was pretty sure she liked him. If only he wasn't so shy.

Fayah was having similar thoughts. She liked Shane. He was different somehow to the other boys she knew. She also liked Duo and Heero. She felt safe... comfortable with them. She could feel that Shane wanted to say something but lacked the courage. She sighed silently. Oh well if he hadn't said what it was that he wanted to say by the time they reached her 'home' then she would have to say it for him.

Realizing they were nearly back to where Fayah ran, Shane swallowed hard and called forth his courage. "Fayah?"

"Yes Shane?"

"Ummm.... I really like ya and I was wondering if.... that is maybe ya would like ta. That is if ya want ta Ummmm..... could I see ya again?" He scuffed the sidewalk with his sneaker as the red blush stole up his cheeks.

Fayah smiled and moved closer to him. Gently she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face closer to her own. She stared into his expressive brown eyes. "I would love ta see yer again Shane." Before her own courage deserted her she reached for his lips and placed a feather kiss upon them.

Shane's arms instinctively wrapped around her small frame pulling her closer to him. As he felt the soft brush of her lips his eyes opened wide with surprise. He looked into blue pools.

Fayah smiled as she saw the look of shock pass over Shane's face.

Quickly he dropped his head and tilted it. Claiming her lips with his own, he gave her a kiss full of longing, love and hope. Breaking apart he watched for her reaction.

She smiled. "I'll see yer tomorrow then?"

"Yeah." he huffed out.

"What time?"

"Ummm.... meet ya here 'bout ten?"

"Ten it is then." she reached forward again and drank from his mouth. "I look forward to it." Then with a quick peck to his cheek she was gone.

Shane stood there for a moment, his eyes blinking. He reached a finger to his lips and caressed them still feeling the tingling of Fayah's sweetness against them. With a silly grin plastered to his face, and a cockiness to his walk, he turned and headed back to the hotel.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Once Shane had left to escort Fayah home Heero got back to the business of Doctor P. Reluctantly he got up from the couch and leaving Duo still sprawled upon it he opened up the laptop.

"So Heero what did ya manage to dig up on the good doctor?" asked Duo.

"As I said before, he was employed to carry out research at one of the hospitals. After six months the research was canceled. Our good doctor disappeared after that along with his notes and some equipment from the hospital."

"So where did he go?" Duo sat up slightly and stared at Heero.

"So far I have managed to track him down to an abandoned warehouse. It seems he continued his research anyway."

"How did ya find that out?"

"He was sloppy."


"He kept his records on computer but didn't have very good security in place. I managed to hack around the firewall and what measures he did have and get into his files."

Duo sniggered. "Ohh I love it when yer get all technical Heero."

"Hn Baka!"

"Sure ya don't want ta get technical over here?" Duo patted the seat next to him. "I've got a security system right here that could do with some hacking."

"Hn I know what sort of security you have got Duo. It consists of a button and zipper." Heero deadpanned.

"Yeah but ya got to admit once you break through the security the end result is worth it." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Deciding to ignore his wayward lover Heero got back on topic. "The doctor continued with the research in this warehouse. Seems he managed to get it all set up and carried on as if nothing else mattered."

"What was he researching?"

"Viruses and the effect on the human body."

Duo looked up sharply. "Nani?"

"I think we found the source of the virus."

"But why?"

Heero shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, but he would have needed financial backing to continue his studies. Large financial backing. He also needed volunteers to carry out his research."

Duo's head was spinning. "The boys..... He used the kids as guinea pigs..." One by one the pieces began to fit together. His shoulders slumped and his head fell into his hands.

Heero saw his koi's distress and moved swiftly across the room. He sat next to him upon the couch and pulled him close. Stroking his back he murmured soothing words as Duo's frame began to shake with the tears.

"That bastard used the street kids to experiment on." The last few phrases that had been spoken from the dying doctors lips raced through Duo's mind. "He took the street kids and used them as he knew no one would miss them, no one would query a couple more dead kids."

Heero felt the shift in Duo's body.

Duo clenched and unclenched his fists. "That low level bastard. That fucking mongrel. He is worse than the gutter trash. I wish he were still alive so I could have the pleasure of killing him. I'd rip his fucking arms off and shove them so far up his ass he could bite his fingernails from inside his mouth." Duo was shaking with rage.

Heero tried to hold onto his shaking koi. He knew how protective Duo was when it came to kids, and even more so when it was the street kid. He had suffered more than enough during his own stints on the streets. "I know Duo... I know. But he's dead now."

Duo stared at Heero and Heero flinched slightly when he saw the cold glitter in those normally bright violet orbs. Insanity seemed to linger for a moment and then it was gone. Duo began to laugh.

Heero watched the display with confusion.

Duo turned to his lover. "I guess he got his in the end though Heero. All that research and using the kids for experimenting and stuff. And when it all came down to the wire the virus got him too. Suppose that's poetic justice ne?"

Heero could see his lover's point and had to agree.

"So where do we go from here?"

"Hn. It seems this research was being funded by someone. I haven't as yet managed to trace who. I also want to know why. This guy you have been asking about... I'm sure he fits in to the picture as well."

Duo's mind was going a mile a minute. Suddenly he snapped upright. "I got it!"

"Hai, what?"

"Well the kids that turned up dead from P's experiments were all known rats, and whores at that."


"Normally no one would bother much when they starts turning up dead. But how did P get them in the first place?"

"Hn... continue" Heero had an idea of what was coming next.

"The guys that we are looking into... ya know Dave and them.... they was all seen with an older guy, a client. Going off with him to a hotel fer a quick fuck and never being seen again." Duo waved his hand dismissively in the air as he saw Heero about to speak. "I know what ya gonna say, some of them didn't disappear. He was pretty smart this guy. He knew how to space em out. I reckon he was picking and choosing from within the street whores who was going to be next for the experiments."

Heero nodded.

Duo growled. "This bastard was playing god Heero. Deciding who was gonna live and who was gonna die. When I get my hands on his fucking sorry excuse for a hide I'm gonna..."

Heero's hand on his arm stopped him from further ranting. Heero stared at him then spoke softly. "We need to find him Duo, find him alive. We need to know why they were experimenting with this virus, what the purpose is."

Duo nodded.

"Then once we have our answers Shinigami can come out to play for a bit." Heero smirked.

Duo looked up at this comment and then a large feral smile graced his features. "Ya mean that Heero? I would just love ta have five minutes alone with that fucking psycho... I'll show him terror."

Heero sighed. "Hai Duo. Just make sure you leave enough of him to be locked away."

Duo grinned. "Oh yeah baby. I'll leave enough of him, don't worry about that." "Might be in pieces though" he added silently.

Their conversation was broken by a knock at the door. Heero went to open it. Shane entered the room and immediately noticed the air of anger that abounded.

"Umm did I miss something?" he asked.

"Nah. Not really Shane. I think we just managed to crack most of the case though." smirked Duo.

Shane sat in shock as Heero and Duo filled him in. "That son of a bitch."


"So what's next?"

"Hn. We trace this fellow and bring him in for questioning."


"We will start first thing in the morning."

"Umm Heero?"


"I kinda have a date tomorrow. Is that okay?" Shane lowered his eyes, cheeks burning.

"Ohh ya have a date do you Shane?" teased Duo.

Heero shot Duo a glare. Duo stuck his tongue out. "I think that will be okay." said Heero as he ignored Duo's childish response.

"Thanks. I'm meeting Fayah at ten. I'll be back before dinner okay?"


Duo looked at Shane, mischief shone in his eyes. "Make sure you behave yourself. No groping on yer first date." he sniggered.

Shane nearly choked. He stared at Duo and realized the long haired man was only teasing him.

Heero rolled his eyes in mock disgust. "Ignore him Shane. You go out and have a good time."

"Thanks Heero. I'll see you guys tomorrow then." Shane stretched and sauntered out of the room and across the hallway to his own.

"I think our fledgling is ready to fly Heero." said Duo as he watched Shane leave.

"Hn. Want me to make you fly koi?"

Duo snuggled into Heero's strong arms. "Ohh I would love for you to make me fly."

Heero picked his lover up and carried him through to the bedroom where they proceeded to flap their wings and soar.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~