Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 16

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 16

Paul knocked softly on Trowa's door and waited to be admitted. The door swung open and a smiling Quatre greeted him.

"Good morning Paul."

"Morning Quatre. Are Benny and Tob ready ta go?"

"Just about. Please come in." And Quatre moved to allow Paul to enter.

Paul nodded to Trowa who was busy fixing his tie, and not having a lot of success. Trowa growled.

"Come here and let me do it." said Quatre.

Trowa gave Paul a look of suffering before allowing Quatre to re tie the errant piece of fabric.

"There." said Quatre as he smoothed the knot. "All done."

"Thanks." muttered Trowa and went in search of his shoes.

Paul flopped down on the couch to wait for Toby and Benny whom he judged to be cleaning their teeth if the noise from the bathroom was anything to go by. He only had to wait a couple of minutes before both boys came bounding out.

"Hey Paul." said Toby as he launched himself at the older teen.

Benny was a little more dignified and opted to sit next to their friend.

Trowa came back in having located the shoes and began to put them on. Quatre began to slide papers into his briefcase. "Now you two remember to be good for Paul today." said Quatre as he absently scanned the desk for a missing paper.

"We will." chorused Benny and Toby.

"What are you doing today?" asked Trowa as he tied his shoelaces.

"I thought we would spend the day in the compounds youth club." replied Paul. He looked to Trowa for approval. "Wufei said it was prolly a good place ta go. They have lots a things ta do and Benny and Toby can play wiv boys their own age as well."

Trowa looked at his two 'sons' "Wufei is right. I don't think you can get into too much trouble at the youth club."

"Well I have to be off." said Quatre as he shut his briefcase. He walked over to the two boys and gave them both a quick hug and kiss. "You two make sure you're on your best behavior today. No more acting like idiots. We don't want anymore accidents okay?"

"Yeah. We promise." said Benny.

Toby nodded.

Wrapping his arms around Trowa's willowy frame Quatre proceeded to thoroughly kiss his love before heading for the door. "See you all at dinner then."

"Bye Quatre." the young ones called.

Trowa watched as his lover left then turned back to the three on the couch. "I have to go to. I will pick you up from the youth club." He gave Toby and Benny a quick kiss and grabbing his jacket and keys left to meet Wufei in the main surveillance room.

"Come on then guys, lets go." said Paul.

Toby and Benny fetched their security passes and followed Paul to the elevator and the youth club.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shane left the hotel. His heart was light and he felt good. He had enjoyed a full breakfast and was now on his way to meet Fayah. He hadn't bothered to join Heero and Duo, preferring to have his food earlier in order to leave himself with enough time to get ready for his 'date'.

His 'date'. He smiled to himself as he recalled Fayah's warm smile and gentle grace. He had a few credits in his pocket and intended to take the girl to see a movie and have some lunch. He guessed it had been a while since she had enjoyed either treat, seeing as how she also lived on the streets.

He shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked. His jeans rode low on his hips and the blue open neck shirt he wore showed off his lean frame. His shoulder length brown hair shone with the amount of brushing it had received and lay sensuously around his face and down his back. So involved with his thoughts of Fayah he didn't notice the hungry looks he got from some of the street whores or the shadow that followed him.

He was nearly at his pre arranged meeting place when a car pulled up ahead of him and a rather well dressed man got out. He didn't take any notice but continued to walk, Fayah and their date still taking up his thoughts. He was about to turn the corner when he saw the man step up to him and block his way. He looked up into cold gray eyes.

"Where are you going to beautiful?"

Shane stopped and stared at the man. "Excuse me? "

The man reached out to caress Shane's cheek and Shane flinched back. "I can show you a good time."

"No thanks." replied Shane as he tried to step around the man. "I'm not a whore. I'm on my way ta meet my girlfriend."

The man also side stepped, again blocking Shane's way. "Ahhh but I want you." he said in a cold flat tone.

A shiver found it's way down Shane's spine and he felt his heart beat increase. "I told ya, I'm not on the game now please let me pass."

What happened next was a complete blur to Shane. One moment he was standing on the sidewalk trying to get past this man and the next he was in a vice grip and something was pressed against his nose and mouth. He struggled as the cloth covered his face, the funny smell invading his lungs as he tried to breathe.

Suddenly the colony began to spin and his vision blurred as the drug found its way into his system. He saw cold gray eyes and a horrible smirk on that older face before sliding into darkness.

With the fight gone out of the boy, Taylor picked up his limp form and carried him to the waiting car. With a nod to the rat that still hid in the shadows he chucked a couple of credits on to the sidewalk. The rat darted out and grabbed them before Taylor could take them back. Taylor lowered the unconscious teen into the seat and buckled him in. Returning to the driver's side he climbed in and started the car. Slipping it into gear he gave an evil smile and pulled away.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Heero awoke to the sounds of the shower running. He stretched before swinging his legs to the side of the bed and sitting up. He allowed a rare smile to grace his lips as he heard his koi's humming from within the bathroom. He took a moment to reflect upon his past. The end of the wars, protecting Relena as a form of self torture, believing that the true love of his life would never want such as him. How wrong he had been. Finding Duo, sick and dying had been the turning point in his life. Relena had given up her pursuit of him, finally understanding his inner feelings and turmoil and much to his surprise had become a strong ally.

He thought of the Queen with a tenderness. She was certainly a force to be reckoned with he thought wryly. When he had managed to find Duo only to have him nearly taken away again, made his resolve stronger to show the braided wonder just how much he was loved and cared for. This was one mission he had no second thoughts about accepting, and one he was intent on fulfilling every day of his life.

He padded across the room and slipped into the bathroom. The steam assaulted him as he opened the shower door and slid in behind his love who was currently awash with bubbles from the shampoo he was working through the mass of chestnut.

":Would you like some help?" Heero asked as he proceeded to take over from Duo's hands.

"Hmmmm.... love some Hee-chan."

Heero washed through the mane and then after rinsing worked in the conditioner. Hair finally cleaned Heero reached for the wash cloth and soap only to have it removed from his grasp.

Violet looked into cobalt. "Let me..." came the husky voice.

Heero moaned softly as Duo began to wash him. Working the lather over the bronzed skin Duo was again reminded of how much he loved his Heero. No it wasn't just the fact that the man had a gorgeous body and made love like nothing Duo had ever experienced, although that was a delicious part of him, it was the way he cared about Duo. The small touches, the gentle kisses and tender looks. The quietly whispered words of love and the little things that Heero did all showed Duo how much he was loved and cared for.

It was something he intended to treasure and keep for eternity.

Heero took the cloth from Duo and returned the favor. Gently soaping the milky skin he was again in awe of his loves beauty. He couldn't get enough of the man. Working his way over the taunt stomach he wrapped his hand over the swollen shaft he found jutting out from Duo's body. Slowly he began to pump, the soap making the movements of his hand easier against the flesh.

Duo moaned and leaned back against the tiled wall as his lover stroked him to completion. His hip thrust of their on violation into that tunneled fist. When Heero's other hand began to massage his balls he was lost. The wave of orgasm hit and his hips jerked as his cock pulsed his seed over Heero's hand and into the stream of water to be washed away. Slumping back against the tiles as he fought to regain his breath and his sanity, he cracked open an eye and then wished he hadn't.

Heero was staring at him. A wicked smirk on his face as he wrapped his hand around his own burning length and began to pump himself. Duo watched the sensuous display before him as he returned to the real world. Heero's hand working his own flesh, head thrown back, lips parted slightly as he continued to pleasure himself.

Next to making love and having Heero pleasure him, Duo found watching his partner as he fondled himself to be a huge turn on. He could see that Heero was reaching his peak and so he leant forward and gently placed his lips over the head of Heero's swollen cock. That was all it took for Heero to fall into the abyss. He cried out as his essence left him and shot into Duo's waiting mouth.

Duo licked his lips. "Now that's a perfect way to start the day." He reached for Heero and brought his Japanese lover into a deep kiss.

"Hn. I agree." said Heero as he returned the kiss. Turning the water off he snagged a couple of towels for them both before passing another to Duo for his hair.

"Thanks koi." said Duo as he wrapped the mass inside the fluffy towel.

They went back into the bedroom and dressed for the day ahead. Duo began to run the brush through his hair while Heero fetched his laptop. "Whacha doing Hee-chan?"

"I thought I would report into Une and give her the latest on the doctor and our findings." Heero placed the laptop next to the vid phone.

"Okay. Then can we eat?"

"Hai Duo." said Heero.

"Great!" Duo bounced over and enveloped Heero in a hug, wet hair trailing over his dry form.

Detaching himself from his exuberant partner Heero punched in the code to Une's office. Duo returned to the bathroom to tame his hair.

Une's face appeared on the screen. "Hello Heero. What news have you for me?"

"Good Morning Lady Une. I have some finding's here that I think will be of great interest to you."

Une steepled her fingers. "So tell me, what have you found out?"

Heero related their findings on doctor P and the link they suspected between him and the mysterious man that had been seen with the street whores.

"Any ideas as to why he was experimenting with the virus?"

"Hn. No. Duo and I are going to the warehouse today to see if we can find anything."

"What about this other fellow?"

"Hn. Not sure on his identity. I'm going to run a check through the computer and see if any matches can be found to his description."

"Fine. Please report in tonight and let me know what you have learnt."

"How is the conference going?"

Une rolled her eyes. "Oh you know Heero, the same old stuff. Why we bother to protect half of these so called dignitary's is beyond rational understanding. I swear if half of them had a brain they would be dangerous."

Heero snickered. "I'll call you tonight unless anything comes up in the meantime."

"Thank you Heero and good luck."

"Hn." Heero terminated the call as Duo returned, braid neatly in place.

"So breakfast and then back to the grindstone eh Heero?"


"Shall I fetch Shane?"

"Iie. I heard him leave earlier to go on his date."

Duo snickered. "Speaking of dates Heero; Once all this is over with how 'bout we go out somewhere nice and romantic ourselves?"

Heero stood and moved to his partner. Wrapping his arms around Duo's slender waist he placed a soft kiss upon those pouting lips. "I think that can be arranged koi."

Returning the kiss Duo murmured, "I'll hold ya to that Hee-chan."

"Baka!" Heero tugged on Duo's braid. "Come on, lets go eat."

"I'm right with ya Heero." And they left to find breakfast.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Trowa met up with Wufei in the main surveillance room. He scanned the monitors, pleased to see Quatre in the main conference room talking with Relena as they waited for the rest of the heads to arrive.

Wufei was busy to one side going through various tapes. Trowa looked over his shoulder. "Find anything yet?" he asked.

"Given the approximate time that the boys were in the games hall the footage should be on one of these two tapes. It's just a case of going through them and finding it." said the Chinese Preventer.

"Okay. How does everything else check out?"

"All functioning normally. "

"So that means we are in for a boring day of observing the monitors and watching the politicians at play."

Wufei quirked an eyebrow. "More like in their natural habitat." he gruffed.

"Ahh but you have to admit it's fun watching them debate at times."

"Debate!... More like an all out slanging match."

Trowa chuckled, Wufei hated these sorts of meetings as much as he did. All the back and forth bartering and back stabbing that went on. He had to agree with Wufei, why they couldn't just state their case and then move on to the next was beyond him. Well it could be worse; at least here they could pull faces and ignore the comments unlike poor Quatre who was stuck in the thick of it all.


Wufei's question broke his thoughts. "Yes please Wufei."

The dark haired man left the room to fetch the needed caffeine to see them through the next hour or so. Trowa sat at the table and continued to scan through the tapes from yesterday.

Wufei returned with a coffee for Trowa and a herbal tea for himself. As he entered the small room he heard Trowa's soft grunt. "Find something?"

"Yes. I have located the section on the tape."

Wufei placed the drinks on the small table before moving to look at the screen. Trowa re wound and pushed play. The hallway came into view along with a man walking along. Then there was a flurry of arms and legs as Toby's form charged out of a doorway and ran headlong into the man knocking him to the floor. They could see the heated exchange and didn't need the soundtrack to confirm the man's words. They saw Paul enter the hall and obviously apologize. Benny stood silent in the background. Toby looked like he was about to burst into tears when Paul took his hand and grabbing Benny turned on his heel and left.

Trowa stopped the tape. "Well at least they were telling the truth." he said.

"I would expect nothing less." said Wufei.

"I'll see if I can zoom in onto the name tag."

"I'll check the security door records for those that entered and left the building at that time." said Wufei and he moved to sit at the computer.

Comparing notes a moment later they had discovered that the man that Toby had knocked down was a maintenance worker by the name of Nylan.

"I'll check the schedules for today and see where he is then I will go and make another apology to him." said Trowa.

"Okay." Replied Wufei and went back to watching the monitors. Although security was posted throughout the compound the main room had all the monitors by which to check every part of the place within seconds. Wufei sighed as he reclined back watching the main conference room as the last of the heads arrived and they got down to business.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Fayah waited patiently on the corner for Shane. She had carefully combed her hair until it shone and lay in waves down her back. She had managed to find a ribbon and secured it into a pony tail. She wore the only dress her meager wardrobe contained. Faded from having been worn so much she wished she had something better but that was impossible. She and her fellow gang members only managed to steal enough credits or earn enough from the customers to keep themselves fed. Clothes were a little way down the list of priorities. She had used a fraction of their precious water supply to scrub herself clean and now her skin shone with a rosy glow.

Anxiously she stared down the street again. She stopped a passing pedestrian to ask for the time. It was ten fifteen. Where was Shane? She began to pace. Maybe he had changed his mind. Her blood ran cold at that thought. Still she could understand it if he had. After all who would want a street rat like her when he was obviously on a good wicket. The last thing he would need was someone of her status to drag him down and yet...

She glanced up the street again. Shane hadn't struck her as the sort to lead her on. She got the distinct feeling that he was genuinely interested in her for who she was and not for what she could give him. The two men that were his guardians also seemed like nice people and not the type to allow Shane to get her hopes up just to trample them down.

She sighed to herself as the colonies air grew warmer. Still no sign of Shane. She moved into the shadow of the building to escape some of the artificial lights glare. Still scanning from time to time she thought back to last night. Shane had treated her with respect, something she wasn't used to getting, but could easily be persuaded to like. He was so soft and gentle, caring about her like no one before had. She thought of Duo. He seemed to hold a wiseness beyond his years inside those stunning violet eyes of his. And Heero. Although his body language made him appear to be cold and detached she could read warmth and caring in his eyes along with a sadness of a past she cared not to even guess about.

Heero and Duo seemed to be soul mates from what she had observed of them. It was obvious that Heero was very protective of the long haired man and that Duo adored the Japanese man. From last nights interaction she could sense that something far deeper bonded them together and that they shared something more with Shane.


A frown furrowed her brow. Where was he? Deciding she had waited long enough she set out to walk to the hotel and find him. She had to know what was going on. If he had changed his mind and didn't want to see her anymore then fine, she would accept that. Didn't mean she had to like it though.

A short while later she found herself standing outside the front of the hotel. She made her way hesitantly up the steps and into the large foyer. She stared around, unsure who to speak to. She couldn't remember which floor or the room numbers that the three were staying in so that made it a little more difficult.

The receptionist looked up and spotted the girl standing in the foyer looking a little lost. A sneer crossed her face as she got up and moved from behind the counter to approach the rat.

Fayah caught the movement from the corner of her eye and turned to face the woman approaching her. However before she could open her mouth to inquire about Heero and Duo the woman spoke.

"What do you think you are doing in here? Your kind are not welcome in this hotel, our guests do not require the services such as you street whores provide now get out before I call the police." she hissed in a low tone.

Fayah was stunned. How dare this woman speak to her like that! How dare she presume that Fayah was only here to pick up a customer. Unfortunately her voice seemed to be on a holiday so she was unable to reply.

"I told you to get out."

Finally her voice returned and Fayah managed to speak. "I am here ta find a friend of mine. He was supposed to meet me at ten but hasn't turned up so I thought I would come and see if he was still here." The words were spoken softly.

"A likely story."

"But its true!" protested Fayah. "I was here last night with him."

"So what's his name and which room is he staying in?"

"Ummm.... I only know him as Shane. I can't remember what room number."

"Just as I thought." The woman motioned for one of the bell hops. "I told you we don't want scum like you hanging around here now beat it." She nodded to the bell hop who took Fayah by the elbow and began to propel her towards the door.

"But its the truth. He's here with his guardians, Duo and Heero..." said Fayah as she struggled against the grip of the bell hop.

The woman just gave a sneer and turned back to her desk as the bell hop escorted Fayah out of the doors and back to the street. Fayah looked up at the boy, tears welling in her eyes. "I was here last night, I'm not lying." she said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever kid." said the bell hop as he pushed her down the steps.

Fayah stumbled and fell as she was pushed. Picking herself up she watched helplessly as the bell hop went back into the hotel. She felt the trickle of blood as it ran down her shin and she looked down at herself. Her dress was dirty and had torn at the bottom. Her left knee was grazed and a deep cut ran across her right knee. Uncaring of her injuries she limped to the side of the hotel and sat in the shadows. She didn't know what else to do. Feeling lost and hurt she curled up, hugging her torn knees to her chest and resting her head upon them she began to cry silently.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~