Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

I would just like to take a brief moment to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those people who have supported and encouraged me throughout the writing of this fic. To those that have e mailed me with their comments, I also thank you. To Velena for beta-ing this monster from start to finish, you're the best girl! *hugs* To tk_maxwell777, Mikkeneko, Sailor Seraphim, Iniquity and Hell's Demise, I am deeply indebted to you all for your continuous support, helpful suggestions and comments. I am grateful to you all for sticking with me from the start to the end of this epic. Arigato! Love and Gundam Pilots to you all !!

Please... Enjoy....

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong


The sounds of laughter traveled across the sands to greet Trowa's ears and he welcomed the music. He propped himself up on his elbows to see what was causing the mirth and smiled. Toby, Benny and Quatre were all in the edge of the surf enjoying what appeared to be some form of wrestling match. It was hard to tell just who was wrestling who as the waves crashed over them, continuously upsetting balance and tossing bodies around.

Trowa continued to gaze at the scene for a while, enjoying the sense of peace and tranquility it offered him. It was good to see his love finally relaxing and letting go of the stress that had accompanied him as head of WEI. While the pressure would always be there it was nice to know there were outlet for it as well. Sighing softly Trowa lowered himself again to lie prone on his towel and soak up some more of the sun's warmth.

Quatre, Benny and Toby were having the time of their lives playing in the surf. The two boys had never seen a beach or ocean before and Quatre took great delight in being able to give them this treat. Their little faces had shone with disbelief and then happiness when they saw the ocean for the first time.

"Cor, that's one big bathtub." said Toby, his eyes wide.

"Must need a huge plug ta keep all that water in there." said Benny as his head turned to take in the sight of the sparkling water.

Quatre laughed at their innocence. It was a beautiful sight to see, the sun glistening off the wet sands, gulls wheeling and screeching overhead, the soft azure's of the ocean as it ebbed and flowed and the two little ones as they timidly explored the new playground.

Once the pair grew accustomed to the sensations of sand and surf there was no holding them. Quatre was a little worried at first, neither boy knew how to swim and Quatre made a note to have them taught as soon as possible, but they were sensible and realized their own limitations and were careful not to go in too deep. With Trowa and Quatre there to keep an eye on them so their fears turned to joy as they explored all the beach had to offer.

Trowa was brought out of his doze as cool droplets of sea water met with his sun warmed skin. He gave a startled yelp and jumped slightly, his eyes flew open to clash with those of his grinning lover.

Quatre left the boys to make sand castles while he snuck up on his dozing partner. Keeping as quiet as possible he slunk forward until he hovered over the lanky form, then he shook his head quickly, scattering drops of cold water over his lovers body and laughed as Trowa jumped and yelped.

"Why you sneaky devil."

Quatre just laughed louder and turned to run. In a flash Trowa was on his feet and chasing the slim blonde. Quatre flew, the sand kicking up from his feet as he did so. He knew Trowa would catch him, and pretty quickly at that, so he used a series of banks and turns to try to gain more ground. He managed to get a little ahead and then veered to the left and into the canopy of vegetation the secluded island offered, Trowa hot on his heels.

Toby and Benny looked up from their sand castle to see Quatre take off at a run. They watched as Trowa headed in pursuit and smiled at each other. Toby grinned at his 'brother'. "Good ta see em relaxing aint it?"

"Yeah." Benny's gray/blue eyes followed the chase along the beach until Quatre disappeared into the greenery. "They works too hard sometimes."

"Mustn't be easy fer em either."

"Whadd'ya mean Tob?"

Toby thought for a moment. "Well they got's ta worry 'bout jobs and keepin the peace and stuff like that... and then lookin afta us as well."

Benny pondered Toby's words. "I guess so, but then they wouldn't be doin it if they didn't wants ta."

"Suppose so."

"Yer thinks too much Toby."

"Does not!"

"Does too!"

Within seconds the pair were engaged in a friendly fight on the beach. Benny pounced on Toby and wrestled him to the sands where he began to tickle him. Toby fought back valiantly but was no match for the slightly older boy. They thrashed around for a bit before returning to the building of their castle.

"Lets build a really big one where we can all lives an be safe." said Toby with a smile.

"Yeah. We can surprise Quatre and Trowa wiv it." replied Benny.

The pair set to work constructing their fairy tale castle where the four of them could live together in peace without threat from anything.

Trowa chased after his teasing partner, ducking under branches as leaves whipped back to allow his passage. He gained rapidly, the teasing blonde only a few meters ahead. They broke into a clearing and with a dive Trowa caught the imp around the waist and sent them both sprawling to the grassy floor. Panting, Quatre looked deep into the emerald depths of his lover and soul mate.

"Now that you have me what do you intend to do with me?" he asked coyly.

"Ohh I'm sure I can think of a suitable punishment." Trowa reached for those pouting lips and caressed them with his own.

Quatre moaned feeling the fabric of his swim suit shrinking.

Without breaking the kiss Trowa allowed his hands to wander along the Arabians sides, stroking the warm skin and pulling more moans from that sweet throat.

Quatre pushed his hips against Trowa as the teasing touches set his body on fire with the flames of passion. His arms wrapped around the lean torso and pulled it closer to him as his hips sought even more friction.

Trowa growled softly and snaked a hand down between their bodies. He paused for a moment at the tie of Quatre's speedos before tugging at it. Tie loosened, Trowa slipped his fingers beneath the fabric and grazed lightly over the head of Quatre's arousal.

Quatre's hips bucked as the touch sent liquid fire through his system, a sense of urgency overtook him and he began to plead. "Please Trowa. Take me... take me now I don't want to wait."

Trowa chuckled at the blonde's impatience. The thrill of being out in the open where anyone could stumble across them only added to Trowa's excitement. Joining with the blonde's urgency Trowa quickly removed the small red swim suit and exposed the hardened flesh to the cool air.

Quatre moaned as the breeze touched his heated skin. He writhed as he watched Trowa divest himself of his own trunks and lie naked next to him. He instinctively reached for his lovers lips and kissed him deep as he felt Trowa's hand return to his aching cock.

Trowa worked the long shaft expertly, knowing just the right amount of pressure and speed to pleasure his mate. Quatre's hips bucked beneath him as the Arabian fought the rising tide of pleasure that Trowa was giving. Turning slightly Trowa lowered his other hand to cup the silky sac and roll Quatre's testicles in his palm, sending even more pleasure to his loves overloaded brain.

Quatre could feel his climax approaching fast. He was lost in the haze as he reached for his goal. With a moan of Trowa's name he plummeted over the edge.

Trowa felt Quatre's body tense and then begin to shudder as he reached his orgasm. The creamy fluid spilled from the small slit to pulse warmly over Trowa's hand. Trowa slowed his strokes on the now extremely sensitive organ as he watched his lovers face enjoying the pleasure he had given. He smiled.

Quatre opened his dazed eyes and reached for Trowa's lips. They kissed long and deep, each reluctant to leave the warmth of the others mouth. Quatre spread his legs as he felt Trowa's fingers stroking his cleft.

Trowa reached between the creamy buttocks to locate the tiny entrance. His fingers coated with Quatre's slickness, he gently probed forward seeking entry to the blonde's body. The legs parted and Trowa's finger sank home. He gently teased and stretched the muscle, adding a second and then a third finger. Feeling around he located that small bundle of nerves and stroked it lovingly.

Quatre bucked as Trowa found his prostate, his cock responding almost immediately. He began to push back hard against those invading digits, seeking more of the fireworks inside his head. "Ohh Allah... Please Trowa... no more teasing. I need you inside me. Take me, pound me, nail me to the floor.... Fuck me Trowa... NOW!"

Trowa snickered. No one who knew Quatre would ever think that this writhing, begging, cursing creature beneath him could be one and the same. But he knew different. Only he had been privy to this raw animal side of Quatre. It turned him on to think he could reduce the usually quiet, charming sweet man to a quivering mass of need and lust. He withdrew his fingers and pushed Quatre's knees up and out, exposing his target fully. He dragged his fingers through the mess that remained of Quatre's previous release pooled on his belly, and spread it, along with his own, that leaked freely from the head of his cock to coat his thick shaft. Grasping the base of his cock Trowa positioned himself and proceeded to plunge forth into heaven.

Quatre's breath hitched and then turned into a groan as Trowa's delicious length penetrated him. He felt so full, so wanton, so happy.

Trowa paused for a second before withdrawing only to plunge back in again. The warmth and tightness of Quatre's passage caressed him as he built a rhythm. Trowa slid his hands under Quatre's back and pulled the blonde closer to him. Thrusting in deep he gave a grunt as he used his strength to lift his lover onto his lap. Satisfied with the new position he began his dance of advance and retreat.

The shift in position gave Quatre a deeper feeling of being penetrated. Trowa's cock sliding against his inner walls, striking his prostate from time to time heightening his desire. He tossed his head back and moaned loudly as white light seared behind closed eyes.

Trowa began to thrust in earnest, he could feel his passion building and was desperate to reach the pinnacle. He located Quatre's re awakened stiffness and began to stroke in time with his plunges.

Quatre shivered as his flesh was once again pumped, sensations driving through him as the fire consumed his very soul. The head of Trowa's cock struck his sweet spot once more and sent him spiraling into another shattering orgasm. He screamed as he found completion, spurting more of his seed to mix with that still congealed on his belly from before.

As Quatre found his release so Trowa's shaft was assaulted. Muscles tightened and rippled, stroking his shaft and coaxing his precious fluid to come forth, to satisfy the blonde's body's thirst. With a final thrust Trowa added his own moans to Quatre's, the velvet passage drinking his life essence from him.

They slumped against each other, panting heavily as they rode the last of the waves. Breathing began to take on a normal level and Quatre smiled at his lover. Placing a kiss upon Trowa's nose he gently eased himself from the shaft that still speared him. "Sticky." he murmured.

"Happy." came the reply.


"I'd rather skinny dip."

"Trowa!" The smaller man slapped his errant lover who just snickered. "I guess we better get back to the beach, Toby and Benny could be washed out to sea by now."

"Somehow I doubt that." replied Trowa as he pulled his suit back on.

Hand in hand the two walked back to the beach to find their 'sons' happily building a castle. Pausing for a moment they watched in silence. Trowa hugged Quatre close to him as they observed the pair steadily adding bits to the structure, completely unaware they were being watched. Quatre sighed. Trowa hugged him tighter. "Perfect. Just perfect." he whispered.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Paul placed his hands over his ears as the voices rose yet another octave. They had been going like this for the past two hours and frankly it was driving him nuts!

"I refuse to dress like a penguin onna!"

"Well you're certainly not going to wear that!"

"What's wrong with that?!"

"It's not chic."

"Chic? Who gives a damn about chic!"

Paul put his head warily around the door to the kitchen. Wufei and Sally were sitting at the table, magazines open and strewn about, all depicting various wedding suits for men. Sally held a cup of coffee in her uninjured hand while Wufei glowered over the top of his mug of tea. "So I take it yer haven't agreed on the guy's attire yet?" he ventured.

Wufei growled. Sally sighed. "He's being a stubborn bastard as usual."

"I will not let you dress me up as some fancy, flouncy, fairy."

"But there is nothing wrong with this outfit. I think it would look rather fetching on you."

"Fetching?! Fetching! The only thing that would be fetching is the men in the white coats." Wufei gruffed.

Paul couldn't help the snigger as he studied the picture in the magazine. Ruffled shirt, bow tie, top hat and tails. His mind supplied him of an image of Wufei dressed in that outfit and he couldn't stop the laughter escaping. "I thinks I would hafta agree wiv Wufei on that one Sally. It looks like somefin from our history books."

Sally looked at the picture again then joined in with the laughter. "Yeah I guess you're both right. It is a little outdated."

Wufei rolled his eyes. "Finally the onna agrees with me."

"But I still think you would look cute in it."

Wufei groaned

"Okay... okay... No frills." Sally snickered as she watched her betrothed slump further into his seat.

Paul decided it might be better for his own health if he went out for a bit and left the pair to it. He wasn't sure just how much more his ears could take before permanent damage set in. Judging by Wufei's current state it wouldn't be too much longer before the volume rose to an intolerable level and the Chinese man lost control of his escalating blood pressure. That was a sight Paul preferred not to see. "Ummm... I thinks I will go out fer a bit, go see Shane and Fayah."

Sally looked up. "Okay. Don't make a nuisance of yourself and be back for dinner."

"I will." Paul grabbed his jacket and gave Wufei a sympathetic smile as he headed for the door and hopefully some peace for his sore ears. As he stepped outside so he could hear the sounds of arguing resume once more.

"No way! I am not wearing that either."

"But it would suit you perfectly Wufei."

"Trust me onna... Pink is NOT my color!"

Paul chuckled as he set off to his friends house. Yep it would be one interesting wedding... if they ever got past the planning stage that is.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Fayah sat in what was now officially 'her' room. She gazed around in wonder and hugged herself. She had to continuously pinch herself to remind herself that it wasn't just some dream. True to their word Heero and Duo had cleaned out the spare room and decorated it for her. She had been allowed to select the color paint she wanted and Duo had done a good job painting the room a soft lemon. Heero had helped him at first but when Duo began to find Heero's body a much better canvas than the walls Heero had called it quits. He just wasn't suited to being a 'blonde'. Fayah giggled as the memory of Heero rapidly exiting the room to the sounds of Duo's chuckles came back. Heero had been sporting lemon streaks throughout his coffee locks along with several interesting brush strokes to his skin and clothing. It had taken him ages to remove the paint and didn't risk going back into the room again until *Picasso* had well and truly finished and all paint tins were secured in the garage.

They had taken her shopping next. Selecting matching curtains, bed spread and throw rugs. The room took on a positively warm feeling. Clothes shopping came after that and to Fayah's amusement she found herself delegated with Duo for that task. Both Shane and Heero refusing point blank to have anything to do with clothes shopping. Shane, because he was just plain embarrassed to be going into girls sections, and Heero because he had suffered more than once at the hands of his sadistic koi when looking for apparel.

Fayah and Duo had a wonderful time. Duo loved to shop and had a natural sense of fashion, whether it be for male or female and for that Fayah was grateful. They spent an entire day at the local mall and returned late in the evening to find both Heero and Shane agitated at the length of time they had been away. Loaded down with packages, bags and parcels, Fayah once again was amazed at the generosity of her new guardians.

A knock at the door drew her from her mental dreams and she stood to open the door, smoothing the wrinkles from her skirt as she did so. Her eyes softened as Shane's face greeted her.

"Paul's here Fayah, seems he beat a hasty retreat from Sally and Wufei who can't agree on anythin at all about the weddin. Wanna go down town and grab a couple of sodas?"

Fayah smiled. "Yeah, why not." She stepped outside and took Shane's hand.

Shane had discarded the sling, his shoulder healing up nicely at last. He led Fayah through to the kitchen where Paul sat chatting to Heero and Duo, relating the tales of wedding outfits to the pair.

"Yer should'da seen the frills and things on this one outfit. I think if Wufei wore that yer would lose 'im in the finery."

Duo sniggered. "I can just picture Wuffles in ruffles."

Heero laughed. "I think they just like arguing to be honest. Don't worry Paul, Sally won't make Wufei dress in something silly, just as Wufei will concede and wear something appropriate."

Duo dissolved into fits of laughter.

"What is it that you are finding so amusing koi?" asked Heero.

Duo stopped his laughter for a moment. "I just had this picture of Wuffy dressed in a pink tutu for some weird reason." Duo doubled over as his giggles took him again.

The rest of the group stared for a moment and then one by one they joined in with Duo's maniacal laughter. "Ohh that is definitely NOT a picture I needed ta see." laughed Paul as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I wouldn't put it past Sally to suggest it though." snickered Duo.

"And if she doesn't then I'm sure you will." said Heero dryly

"But of course koi." Duo winked.

"You realize that the rest of the wedding party would also have to wear complimenting tutu's" said Heero as he raised an eyebrow.

Duo cocked his head for a moment. Considering how Trowa, Quatre, Heero and himself were all part of the said party hadn't registered at that point. "Actually, I think you would look kinda cute in a blue tutu." Duo stared at his lover, "And Quatre in lemon, Trowa in green... oh yes definitely green for Trowa... mind you I wouldn't be surprised if Trowa and Quatre didn't already have their own tutu's, I mean Trowa having been a part of the circus an all and Quatre havin taken ballet lessons....."

"I didn't know Quatre took ballet lessons." said Heero deep in thought.

Silence greeted this comment.

What?" said Heero as he looked around at the stunned faces.

"There's a lot yer don't know about blondie." sniggered Duo. "Why the things I could tell ya..."

"Duo I think that is quite enough information for now. The younger ones do not need to know about the others private lives."

"I agree Heero. We're all gonna go down town to the arcade and hang out fer a while. You two can continue with yer fascination for tutu's while we're gone." said Shane with a laugh.

"Okay. Be home for dinner." said Heero.

Paul, Shane and Fayah left leaving the two older men to discuss tutu's to their hearts content.

"Yanno I still think that body of yours would look great in one of them fancy things." said Duo as he slid up behind Heero and laced his arms around the slim waist.

"Hn. Not as good as you would koi."

"Mebbe if I wore the tutu and you wore the form fitting tights..." Duo placed a tender kiss to Heero's neck.

"Nnnn.... I don't like those tights. They're too clingy and show off too much."

"I wouldn't complain." Duo's hand snaked down the front of Heero to cup at the slight bulge in the jeans. "I'd say ya definitely have a package worth showing off."

Taking a firm hold of Duo's wandering appendage Heero brought it away from his crotch. "I still have to punish you koi."

"Hmmmm.... I think I would like that Heero. What you got in mind lover?"

"The kids won't be back for a few hours so I think that gives me enough time to administer the punishment I have planned." Heero kissed the palm of Duo's hand.

"Ohh... punish me Heero... I've been a bad boy." Duo's eyes began to cloud with lust.

Heero broke their embrace and led his koi to their bedroom. He turned and locked the door before scooping Duo into his arms and kissing him thoroughly. "Strip and get on the bed." he ordered.

Duo trembled at the authoritative tone and proceeded to remove his clothing. Once naked he climbed upon the mattress and knelt, head slightly bowed and legs a little spread. His cock becoming hard as he thought of what was to come.

Heero moaned at the submissive posture of his partner. Quickly he removed his own clothing and proceeded to the bed where he tilted Duo's chin and stole a kiss. "On your hands and knees." he commanded.

Duo obeyed, eager to please his lover. He spread his legs wider in invitation. Heero climbed behind him and placed feather kisses along his back, following the line of spinal bumps until he reached Duo's tailbone. He ran his tongue in small circles at the base of Duo's spine, pleased to note the small trembles that passed through his lovers body with each swipe of his tongue. Continuing with his oral assault he parted Duo's cheeks and ran his tongue along the crevice, pausing to bestow a tender kiss on that quivering opening.

Duo moaned. If this was his punishment then he needed to be a bad boy more often. So intent on the pleasure he was being gifted he didn't at first register the presence of Heero's hand as it sought to stroke his now rock hard shaft. Duo whimpered as he rocked into the hand that stroked him and then pushed back against the tongue that teased his entrance. If Heero was trying to drive him mad with lust he was certainly going about it the right way. His back arched and he threw his head backwards as Heero's tongue penetrated his opening.

Heero continued to pleasure with his tongue, enjoying the mewling sounds he drew from his lover, the sounds exciting him more. He reached around and took Duo's heated length in his hand and began to stroke lightly. As Duo responded to his touch so he plunged his tongue deeper into Duo's warm channel, savoring and tasting as much as he could of Duo's eager body. Noting Duo's hips pushing in a more demanding rhythm he paused his hand for a moment and quickly reached into the drawer of the bed side cabinet. He retrieved what he had hidden there earlier without Duo knowing. He returned to his pleasuring of his lovers shaft, drawing him closer to the edge. When he felt Duo was close enough he stopped with his tongue and hand, quickly sliding the object he held along Duo's shaft to nestle snugly at the base of that throbbing hardness.

Duo cried out with the loss of his pleasure but it quickly turned to a cry of surprise as he felt something pushed over the head of his cock and secured at the base. "Nani?"

Heero rolled him onto his back. "It's a cock ring koi. Now you will not be able to come until I say you can." Heero smirked. Duo looked frustrated to say the least. "Punishment koi. Your release, if I choose to grant it, is mine. I will say when and if you can come."

Duo looked at his sadistic lover. "Heero..." he whined.

"No koi. I said I would punish you and you agreed to whatever I deemed fitting. Now I intend to punish you through pleasure."

Duo groaned. Now he was in for it. Heero knew just how to drive him wild and was going to torment him while the cock ring would prevent him from obtaining what he most craved... his release. What Heero did next though caused him to shudder.

Heero reached once more into the drawer and retrieved another *toy*. Heero eyed the length of the dildo with a smirk. He glanced at Duo's face, pleased to see the look of shock there. "Hmmm. I think this will do nicely ne?"

"Ummm... Heero? Since when did you get this streak of kink in you? Not that I'm complaining mind you but .... Ohh... ahhhh...."

Duo was effectively silenced as Heero lubed up the toy and slipped it inside Duo's willing body. He gently worked it past the muscle and then paused for his lover to relax and adjust to the foreign objects intrusion. Then he began to slide it in and out of the tight passage, watching Duo's face for any sign of pain. There was only pleasure registered in those expressive violet depths and the lines etched into the sweet face. Encouraged, Heero continued to thrust the toy until he located Duo's prostate and sent his lover screaming for more.

Duo could only feel, the toy brushing against his channel, teasing his prostate, the ring on his cock preventing his release all adding up to mind blowing pleasure. He began to push back on the toy, demanding more of it inside him.

Heero pushed the toy inside only to pull it out again, Duo's body responding the way Heero had hoped. He smirked to himself, he still had one card to play. He thrust the object deep inside that velvet passage until he found Duo's sweet spot. Positioning the toy so that it continuously brushed that tiny bundle of nerves he twisted the base.

Duo shot into the air with a scream, his body jerked as the pleasure flooded through him, his cock grew impossibly harder and strained desperately for release. The soft vibrations of the toy sent shock waves of electricity coursing through lust heated blood to fuel the desire to greater heights. He was panting now, hips thrusting wildly as he sought friction for his throbbing cock and release from the tormenting ring that held him at bay. "Ohh gods Heero... please... let me come... I need to come..."

"No. Not until I say so." Heero replied with an evil smirk.

"Yer one sadistic bastard Heero Yuy."

"I believe you have told me that before koi." Heero straddled Duo's shoulders and pinned his hands above his head. Glancing down he was pleased to note the flushed features as Duo fought with his overloaded body. "I think you need to pleasure me a little lover."

Duo looked up and came face to face with Heero's groin. He licked his lips as that gorgeous cock hovered centimeters from his mouth.

"Suck me koi. If you suck me good enough then I will grant your release."

Eagerly Duo parted his lips to allow Heero to slide his cock into his mouth. He engulfed the length, sucking lightly as he drew it deep into his throat. Duo began to work the thick shaft, his talented tongue swirled around the head, dipped into the small slit and flicked lightly across the join of foreskin before sucking deep once more.

Heero rocked his hips as Duo's mouth pleasured his aching shaft. His eyes slid shut as he allowed himself to experience all the various sensations Duo's tongue was gifting him. He could feel his orgasm rising deep within and reluctantly he pulled away from Duo's mouth, eliciting a cry of disappointment from his tortured lover. "Shhh koi." Heero stroked Duo's cheek. "You have pleasured me well but I want to be buried deep inside your pretty ass when I come."

Duo moaned. "Hurry up Heero.... Please, fuck me, take me now. I can't wait any longer. I need to feel your thick shaft inside, splitting me, claiming me, screwing me to the mattress."

Heero groaned. Duo knew how much talking dirty turned him on. With a savage snarl he reached between Duo's spread legs and removed the toy. He tossed it to the side where it sat neglected, still vibrating softly. Grabbing the tube Heero hastily spread the gel over his length, he couldn't wait any longer to sink into Duo's body. Prepared, he stared down at the vision before him. Legs spread wide in invitation, lustful amethyst begging him silently to take what was his and his alone. Heero's breath hitched and then without further preamble he snapped his hips forward and plunged into what was surely the garden of Eden.

Duo gave a cry as his lover took him. His passage parted to allow Heero to come home, his cock dripped a constant stream of pre-come and his balls ached with the need to release.

Heero pulled Duo's legs up around his waist and began to pound him into the mattress. His hips rocked in a primal dance of lust as he took and claimed what was his. Sweat trickled down his back with the effort to stave the inevitable. Knowing he was fighting a losing battle he swiftly removed the cock ring from Duo's shaft and began to pump. "Come with me koi." he whispered.

Duo was sobbing with the overload of pleasure and length of time he had been in this lust crazed state. He gave a keening cry as he found the apex and plunged over.

As Duo's channel grabbed him hard so Heero surrendered to the passion, giving himself completely to the sensations. He strained for the edge and then spread his wings to soar into the abyss of climax. As Duo's fluid pulsed over his hand so his own seed shot forth to be buried inside paradise.

They collapsed against each other, sated and sweaty but utterly content. Breathing returned to normal and Duo brushed the sweat soaked strands from his lovers face before partaking of those ruby lips in a gentle kiss of love. "That was mind blowing baby."

"Hn. Intense."

"Yeah." Duo thought for a moment before looking his koi in the eye. "So Yuy, ya gonna tell me just how long you've had this fascination for toys?"

Heero chuckled. "Lets say I have been investigating different ways to spice up our love life."

Duo wrapped his arms tighter around Heero's form. "I like experimenting."

"Hn. Good."

"Ohh does that mean what I think it does?"

"Hai. I have a lot of other little things I wouldn't mind trying out on you." Heero watched his lover through sleepy eyes. "But not right now koi."

Duo snickered. "Worn out are we?"


"Hafta work on that stamina wont we?" Duo teased.

"Duo... you're insatiable."

"Yeah I know, but yer loves me for it." Duo placed a kiss atop of those unruly locks.

"Snuggle now?" said Heero hopefully.

"Yeah baby... snuggle sounds good."

Duo pulled Heero closer to him and rested the Japanese man's head upon his chest. He rubbed the small of Heero's back soothingly as his lover drifted off to sleep, purring contentedly. He thought about the past few weeks and the things they had endured together. The ups and downs along with the danger had brought them even closer together and now they had a new member with which to share their lives.

Duo stared at the contented face of Heero and smiled. He was sure there was a whole lot more for them to go through yet before fate was finished with them. Part of him welcomed the challenges, reveled in them and felt satisfied with the achievements at the end of it. He also knew that with his family he could face anything... anything life cared to put in his path.

Idly his mind wandered. There was Wufei's and Sally's up coming wedding to look forward to... that's if they ever agreed on anything. Maybe they should just elope and save everyone the trauma of listening to them bicker. Duo snickered to himself about that.

Heero shifted slightly in his sleep.

Duo stared again at his sleeping lover, partner, soul mate, and felt his heart tug.

Snuggling tightly against Heero's warmth he sighed contentedly. Maybe eloping wasn't such a bad idea after all. Drifting off he made a mental note to talk to Heero about that when they woke up.