Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 36

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 36

Une eyed everyone as they took their places and tried to relax as much as possible. Inwardly she was pleased and more than proud of her teams efforts in preventing what could have become a major disaster. Seeing their expectant faces she thought it best to get down to business and reached for her folder. She opened it up and glanced down the notes there before clearing her throat and addressing the assembled group.

"Firstly I would like to say that you have all done a good job. Minimal injuries and maximum results. I'm sure that you are all curious as to know what the purpose and reason for this attempt on the VIP's was all about." She stared at the assembled group.

"Yeah I for one would like ta know just what we were all putting our asses on the line for." quipped Duo.

Une gave him a glare, Duo grinned back.

"The agents we have currently investigating the results of your work combined with the information we have gained from Carter and Taylor have given us quite a lot of remarkable insight into a group that was hell bent on destroying the peace and trade between the earth and colonies."

"Well we kinda had an idea that was the plan." said Duo as he fiddled with his braid. He hated these types of meetings, he couldn't see the point in all this talk. He just wished Une would hurry up and get to the point, he had much more interesting ways he could be occupying his time.

"As I was saying..." Une shot Duo a look that clearly said *no more interruptions* "....The group called themselves Deliverance. They were a group that formed a short while after the demise of OZ and White Fang. Their intentions were to continue with the work of those factions and as they put it force the earth to bow to the colonies. They have been active for quite some time.."

"Then why has it taken the Preventers until now to uncover them?" Trowa asked with curiosity.

"They went underground and were exceptionally good at covering their tracks. They had their headquarters on a small satellite that can be found in the L2 cluster. It was originally a small communications base that was abandoned at some stage during the first wars. Both OZ and Romefeller had no use for it and so it was cleaned out and left presumably to drift out of its orbit and into deep space. All records of its use and existence were wiped a long time ago so it more or less became forgotten."

Une took a sip from her water glass before continuing. "It seems one of the Deliverance group remembered the satellite and suggested it to the group leaders who after further investigation took over the satellite and set up base. They had their agents dispersed throughout the various colonies as well as the earth and proceeded to gather information for their ultimate attack. They intended to remove the ones they considered to be responsible for the situation between earth and the colonies."

Quatre let go a small whistle. "They sure did do their homework then."

"Oh yes Quatre. They knew the conference and trade talks would be coming up, after all they are held bi-annually. All they did was watch, wait and plan out their best attack."

"Hn. So you are saying this attack has been on the drawing board for months?" asked Heero.

"Longer. A couple of years to be precise. This group could see where White Fang and Oz failed. Those attempts were made by using fear and force of military weaponry. No, Deliverance was much more cunning than that. They held a stronger attack and form of persuasion."

"Biological." muttered Sally.

"Yes." Une sighed. "They had everything planned out to the finest detail. They spent a lot of time refining the process by which they intended to destroy. They made one minor mistake though."

"Oh? What was that?" asked Wufei.

"When they chose the rats of L2 for testing." growled Duo.

"Precisely. They assumed no one would notice a few more street kids turning up dead. What they didn't count on was Preventer having multi skilled as well as nosey agents."

Duo looked up sharply and noticed the twinkle in Une's eye. "I'm not nosey!" he said indignantly.

"Hai, you are Duo." smirked Heero.

"I can second that motion." Wufei said smugly.

Duo glared at his partner and friend. "Last time I ever help you two out." he huffed.

"Is that a promise?" asked Wufei with hope in his voice.

"Hee-chan. Tell him to stop teasing me." whined Duo.

"Hn. Wufei stop teasing him."

Duo stared at his partner in disbelief. "Thanks a lot buddy."

The friendly teasing helped to lighten the somber mood a little and everyone found themselves smiling as Duo did his best to look offended. It couldn't last though and Duo found himself joining in with the laughter. Une however brought them all back with the next piece of information.

"The group intended to eliminate all the major players and replace them with their own. They already had their people in place, most of them holding various positions within the colonies ruling bodies. Once the elimination had taken place it was just a case of getting their people elected to the vacant positions of power and joining forces. The earth sphere wouldn't have stood a chance."

The silence in the room was deafening as the implications of what that meant hit home. The colonies were the main source of the earths vital mineral elements, the earths natural resources having been long ago depleted. The colonies mined and made the elements from the various compounds found in space and natural satellites. The products had to be processed through the sterility of the void in order to be a viable product. If the plan had succeeded then earth and it's reliant companies would be crippled.

"The L2 senator, Evans, was as Quatre confirmed an impostor. His real name is Ryan Tate. The Doctor known as 'P' who was responsible for cultivating the virus performed some minor plastic surgery to ensure a mirror image. They didn't count on Quatre though." Une smiled at the blonde businessman.

Quatre went a rather fetching shade of red. "It was nothing." he murmured.

"The body of the real senator Evans has since been recovered and the charge of murder added to the long list of offences already in place against Mr. Tate."

Quatre looked a little sad at this. While he hadn't known the senator all that well it was well enough for him to have developed a healthy respect for the man who's first priority had been to helping his colony citizens enjoy a much better life.

"Our agents are currently arresting and charging the various members of the group that have infiltrated the many ruling bodies of the colonies as they manage to track them down."

Une stared pointedly at Heero and Duo. "This process would have been much quicker had the leader of the group not met with a premature death."

"Hn. He deserved everything he got." muttered Heero.

Duo went silent, the horror of what had happened to him at the hands of that sadist flooding back. Quickly he pushed them away.

"That may well be Heero but there wasn't the need for such a violent death."

"Yes there was Une." growled Duo. "Saxby was the bastard that raped and nearly killed me." he added in a quiet tone.

Quatre went pale, Trowa stared, Wufei and Sally both added their own growls to Duo's. Une sat in shocked silence.

Heero wrapped his arm around his lover and stroked his back soothingly. "I made a promise that if I ever found the prick that hurt Duo I would make them pay... pay with their life. I was only honoring that promise."

Wufei leaned across and in a rare gesture gave Heero a squeeze on the shoulder. Heero looked deep into his friends onyx depths. "I would call that justice." he said softly.

Heero nodded in response.

Une decided to skip ahead. "Taylor is recovering and once he is fit enough to travel he will be brought to earth for trial and sentencing. His office, along with Saxby's, have yielded a rather large volume of information of which we have intelligence studying."

"Good." said Trowa.

"So now what?" asked Quatre.

"The conference and talks have been suspended until the group is completely rounded up. Once we are sure we have all members under lock and key the talks will recommence. From what my superiors have told me that should be in about two or three months."

Quatre sighed and leant back against Trowa. "Well that gives us a little more breathing space to get over this fiasco."

Une smiled. "Thank you all, the efforts of all of you have managed to stop yet another catastrophe from occurring." She looked with pride from one to the other. "As of this moment you are all given four weeks off to recover and rest up. Well those of you that work for the Preventers." she added as she saw Trowa's eyebrow quirk.

"Thanks Une baby. I dunno about the rest of ya but I sure could use a holiday." Duo grinned at Heero. "Sun, sand, surf, sex..."

"Duo!" Heero turned the color of a tomato.

"I suggest that you at least let us know where you plan to take this vacation." said Wufei with a smirk.

"Oh?" said Duo cocking his head. "And since when do I hafta tell you where I'm planning on absconding to?"

"If you don't then I won't know where to send your invitation."

"Invitation? Yer having a party Wuffy?" Duo began to bounce. "I never thought I'd see the day that Wuffles would throw a party."

Heero gave Wufei a curious look. He didn't get anything from the man's closed face. He glanced at Quatre and Trowa but neither one would give anything away either. He stared at Sally who shrugged her shoulders.

"No party Maxwell." growled Wufei.

"Huh? If ya ain't throwing a party then why the hell would you send me an invitation?" said Duo as he scratched his head.

"It's a wedding invitation Maxwell. I have asked Sally to marry me and she has agreed." Wufei smirked as he watched the scene unfold before him.

Duo froze. "Wedding?" The color drained from his face.

Wufei nodded.

"Yer joking?"

Wufei shook his head no.

Duo fainted.


"I'd say he took that rather well." snickered Wufei.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Heero lunged forward as he watched his koi's descent to the hard floor. Unfortunately he wasn't quite quick enough.

Quatre and Sally were at Duo's side in a flash, as was Heero. Wufei was too occupied savoring his small victory and Trowa just stared in silent mirth. Quatre and Heero lifted the unconscious form and laid it on the couch. Sally tucked cushions under Duo's feet and raised them in an attempt to get the blood flow back to the man's head. Heero sat beside his lover and held his hand. Sally began to pat his cheeks to try to get him conscious again, not having her trusty medical bag and its contents with her.

Slowly the color returned to the cheeks and with a groan those violet eyes flickered open.

"Welcome back koi." said Heero as he squeezed Duo's hand.

Sally lifted his eyelids and flashed her ever present doctors light across them. She noted with satisfaction that the pupils dilated and contracted normally.

"Geeze Sal... Get that dammed light outta my face." Duo reached up and tried to push the offending illumination away.

"Feel okay Duo?" asked Heero.

"Yeah." Duo replied as he rubbed his head where it had connected with the floor. He stared around the group before cocking his head. "I had this really weird dream... Wuffy said he was gettin hitched." Duo began to laugh and then stopped as he realized no one else was joining in. He gazed around at the assembled group.

"Uhh... Heero?"

"Hai Duo?"

"Tell me it was a dream."

"Iie. It wasn't a dream."


Quatre burst into laughter, Trowa joined in as Wufei snickered. Sally looked amused as did Une while Heero actually smiled.

"Yer really gettin married Wu-man."


Duo sank back against the couch and passed his hand over his eyes. "It must be the foretold Armageddon....."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shane stared at Paul as he revealed the forthcoming marriage.

"We don't wanna hear about that sorta lovey dovey stuff." whined Toby.

"Maybe Shane and Fayah do." replied Paul.

"Nah they don't. Plenny'a time later fer that. Come on Fayah we gots a lot of nifty things ta show

yer." said Benny as he grabbed Fayah's hand and began to tug the girl towards the bedroom he shared with Toby.

Shane laughed as he watched her helpless form being dragged away.

With Fayah having been *claimed* by Toby and Benny who were busy showing her all their various toys, Paul and Shane took the opportunity to catch up on the more serious side of things.

"How did yer get shot Shane?"

Shane recounted his trip to meet Fayah and the kidnapping of him in more detail that he had gone into with Toby and Benny there. When he reached the part where Taylor had him bound and ready to rape his breath hitched as his body trembled. "It was horrible Paul. This guy was all ready ta fuck me raw when Duo got free and Heero arrived. It happened so fast but I know one thing fer sure."

Paul stared at his friend. His heart broke for the pain and suffering he had obviously gone through. "What's that?"

"I ain't never seen Duo so angry. It was unreal, as if a whole new person was there and not Duo at all." Shane shuddered as his mind supplied him with the vision of Duo in full Shinigami mode. "The look in his eyes... It was like looking inta the pits of hell."

Paul whistled softly.

"When I came round I was on my way ta the hospital with Duo, Fayah and Heero."

"Did it hurt?"

Shane looked at his mate and laughed. "Of course it bloody well hurt! It smarted like a bitch!"

Paul joined in with the laughter. "So what's the deal with Fayah?"

Shane's eyes softened at the mention of the girl. "Like I said before, she helped us out."

"She sure is a sweet one."

"Yeah, she is. Paul?"

"Yeah Shane?"

"I think she's gonna be the one."

Paul smiled. "It looked ta me like yer had fallen hard fer her."

"She's.... she's... well she's so sweet, caring, soft, gentle." Shane sighed. "I just wanna keep her safe and happy."

"Yup. Yer sure have it bad mate." teased Paul, then in a more serious tone he added, " Hang on ta her Shane. Yer mightn't see it yet but she's just as head over heels fer you as you are fer her."

"Thanks mate." Shane smiled. "So what's this about Wufei and Sally gettin hitched?"

The other three returned to the room and Fayah took up residence next to Shane on the couch. Her hand sought his and entwined. Shane gave her a smile and she returned it with a dazzling one of her own.

"Who's Wufei and Sally?" asked Fayah.

"Well I was gonna tell yer before but we kinda got distracted by a pair of terrors." Paul tried to glare at Toby and Benny who poked their tongues out by way of reply. "Wufei and Sally are my guardians. Sally's a doctor and Wufei works fer the Preventers same as Duo and Heero. Wufei's kinda old fashioned and he's been taken with Sally fer god knows how long. Fer someone who can crack codes and infiltrate he sure can be dense when it comes ta everyday livin." Paul rolled his eyes for emphasis.

"Anyways he finally decided ta ask Sally ta marry him and she accepted."

"That's great news." said Shane. "I wonder how Duo and Heero took it?" he mused.

"I thinks we is about ta find out." replied Paul as his ears detected the scrape of the card in the doors lock.

The door opened and admitted the rest of the group from the surveillance room.

Having given everyone the current information and status of the mission Une had declared their meeting over and the team officially on holidays. Trowa had suggested they all return to his and Quatre's suit to share in a toast to the success of the mission as well as the wedding announcement. Needless to say everyone had agreed.

They reached the door to the suite and Quatre opened it. As they entered so the five youngsters sat staring at them from their various perches around the room.

Quatre and Trowa entered followed by Wufei and Sally. Une came next with Heero and Duo bringing up the rear. Duo shut the door behind them and stopped dead in his tracks. Une's gaze passed over the group of youths and stopped when they alighted on the form of Fayah. She cocked an eyebrow in question.

Wufei, Sally, Trowa and Quatre similarly stared at the extra addition to the room.

"Ummm Une... we can explain." mumbled Duo. "Can't you Heero?" Duo turned to his koi with a sheepish grin.

Heero sighed. There was no escape. He quickly gathered his thoughts. "Errr.. This is Fayah everyone."

Fayah nodded and smiled at the group of adults. "Pleased ta meet yer all. I have heard lots about yer."

"Really? Without being presumptuous may I ask where you are from Fayah and how did you come to be here?" Une moved across the room to the couch.

"Sure." replied Fayah. " I'm from L2. Heero and Duo kinda brought me back with them."

"Did they?" Une looked questioningly at Heero.

Duo, feeling guilty about leaving Heero to take Une's wrath, stepped in. "Shit Une, this girl helped us out with the tracking of Taylor. If it hadn't been fer her we may not have found the bastard. She also saved Shane's and my lives. I can't help it if I'm a sucker for love but Shane and Fayah... well they sorta just... I dunno, hit it off together. If ya coulda seen em at the space port..."

"Duo. It's okay."

"....sayin their goodbyes. It was tearing them apart. I couldn't live with..."

"It's okay Duo."

"..myselff knowing I was breaking up a love that was meant ta be. Hell it seemed..."

"Duo, Fayah is more than welcome here on earth."

"...cruel to stop something that... Huh?" Duo stared in disbelief.

"I think the Preventers owe Fayah a debt of thanks for her assistance."

Duo grinned and punched the air. "Yes!"

"I take it you don't have any objection to Fayah becoming a part of our family then Une?" said Heero.

"No Heero, I don't. Provided of course that you go through the proper channels like you did with the boys."

Heero shot the woman a look of gratitude. "Hai we will."

Fayah smiled broadly, Shane grinned from ear to ear and Duo continued to bounce around in delight.

"I suggest you do the right thing and introduce us all properly Heero."

Heero complied and introduced the girl to the remaining adults.

"At least he only brought one back this time." muttered Wufei to Sally.

"He has a habit of collecting strays doesn't he?" chuckled Sally.

Wufei grunted but had to admit that the girl was a charmer with her long strawberry locks and big innocent trusting eyes. Secretly he admired Heero for his strength in giving some of these kids a better chance at a descent life. His eyes fell on Paul and he smiled to himself. Life was looking pretty good.

Quatre opened the door to admit the bell hop who had brought up the drinks he had ordered while all the introductions were going on. He took the bottles and returned to the room where he placed them on the table and fetched the bottle opener. Filling the glasses with the sparkling liquid he passed them to Trowa who handed them around. He then filled another five with soda for the youngsters.

With glass in hand Quatre turned to the assembled group and smiled. "I would like to propose a toast." he said quietly.

Everyone looked at him expectantly.

"To another successful mission and continuing peace amongst the colonies and earth." said Quatre.

"To Wufei and Sally. May they have a wonderful, long and happy life together." added Trowa.

"And to the future. May it hold everything we dream of and more." said Heero in a quiet voice.

The group all looked from one to the other and smiled. "Hear, hear" came the reply and they all took a sip from their glasses.

"Shit Quatre! What the hell is this wine?" spluttered Duo.

Quatre looked over the rim of his glass at the American. "Why it's just a house sparkling white." he replied innocently.

Duo grabbed the bottle. "Just as I thought Q-man. Non alcoholic."

The rest of the group went into hysterics.....

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Duo climbed into the large bed and snuggled up to Heero. He placed an arm around his koi's waist and threw a leg over Heero's. Tucking his head under Heero's chin he sighed.

Heero wrapped his arms around his lover and pulled him close. Hearing the sigh he asked, "What's up Duo?"

"Nothing. I just feel good to be home."

"Hai. It's nice to be back in our own house and in our own bed."

"Hmmmm... that it is koi... that it is."

They lay in silence for a while, minds traveling back over the evening. The rest had stayed at the hotel, opting to leave first thing in the morning. Fayah had come home with them and was safely sleeping in Shane's room. Shane had been moved temporarily to the couch in the study until they could organise a room for Fayah.

"I think we need a bigger house koi." stated Duo as he nibbled at Heero's throat.


"Talkative tonight aren't we?" teased Duo.

"Tired." came the reply.

Duo reached up and placed a tender kiss to Heero's nose. "I love you Heero Yuy. Always have

and always will."

Heero looked into the swirling amethyst pools and felt his heart skip a beat. He hugged Duo closer to him and proceeded to place kisses along his jaw, cheeks and lips. "Ai-shiteru Duo. The day I found you to love was the day I found life itself."

Their lips met in a tender kiss of passion, love and adoration.

Duo felt his eyes well with unshed tears. "Forever and always my Heero."

"Hai.... Forever and always my Duo."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

To be concluded